-# @(#)southamerica 7.40
-# $FreeBSD: src/share/zoneinfo/southamerica,v 1.16 2001/04/06 16:46:52 wollman Exp $
+# @(#)southamerica 7.54
# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# Thomas G. Shanks, The International Atlas (5th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1999).
-# Gwillim Law <Gwil_Law@bridge-point.com> writes that a good source
+# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
Rule Arg 1963 only - Dec 15 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Arg 1964 1966 - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
Rule Arg 1964 1966 - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1967 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
+Rule Arg 1967 only - Apr 2 0:00 0 -
Rule Arg 1967 1968 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Arg 1968 1969 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
Rule Arg 1974 only - Jan 23 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Arg 1974 only - May 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1974 1976 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1975 1977 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1985 only - Nov 2 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1986 only - Mar 14 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1986 1987 - Oct 25 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1987 only - Feb 13 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1988 only - Feb 7 0:00 0 -
Rule Arg 1988 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S
# From Hernan G. Otero <hernan@isoft.com.ar> (1995-06-26):
# de la Rua on March 2, 2000, because it would make people spend more energy
# in the winter time, rather than less. The change took effect on March 3.
+# From Mariano Absatz (2001-06-06):
+# one of the major newspapers here in Argentina said that the 1999
+# Timezone Law (which never was effectively applied) will (would?) be
+# in effect.... The article is at
+# http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-06/e-01701.htm
+# ... The Law itself is "Ley No 25155", sanctioned on 1999-08-25, enacted
+# 1999-09-17, and published 1999-09-21. The official publication is at:
+# http://www.boletin.jus.gov.ar/BON/Primera/1999/09-Septiembre/21/PDF/BO21-09-99LEG.PDF
+# Regretfully, you have to subscribe (and pay) for the on-line version....
+# (2001-06-12):
+# the timezone for Argentina will not change next Sunday.
+# Apparently it will do so on Sunday 24th....
+# http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-12/s-03501.htm
+# (2001-06-25):
+# Last Friday (yes, the last working day before the date of the change), the
+# Senate annulled the 1999 law that introduced the changes later postponed.
+# http://www.clarin.com.ar/diario/2001-06-22/s-03601.htm
+# It remains the vote of the Deputies..., but it will be the same....
+# This kind of things had always been done this way in Argentina.
+# We are still -03:00 all year round in all of the country.
+# From Mariano Absatz (2004-05-21):
+# Today it was officially published that the Province of Mendoza is changing
+# its timezone this winter... starting tomorrow night....
+# http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040521-27158-normas.pdf
+# From Paul Eggert (2004-05-24):
+# It's Law No. 7,210. This change is due to a public power emergency, so for
+# now we'll assume it's for this year only.
+# From Paul Eggert (2002-01-22):
+# <a href="http://www.spicasc.net/horvera.html">
+# Hora de verano para la Republica Argentina (2000-10-01)
+# </a> says that standard time in Argentina from 1894-10-31
+# to 1920-05-01 was -4:16:48.25. Go with this more-precise value
+# over Shanks.
+# From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-05):
+# These media articles from a major newspaper mostly cover the current state:
+# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/27/de_604825.asp
+# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/28/de_605203.asp
+# The following eight (8) provinces pulled clocks back to UTC-04:00 at
+# midnight Monday May 31st. (that is, the night between 05/31 and 06/01).
+# Apparently, all nine provinces would go back to UTC-03:00 at the same
+# time in October 17th.
+# Catamarca, Chubut, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz,
+# Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman.
+# From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-14):
+# ... this weekend, the Province of Tucuman decided it'd go back to UTC-03:00
+# yesterday midnight (that is, at 24:00 Saturday 12th), since the people's
+# annoyance with the change is much higher than the power savings obtained....
+# From Gwillim Law (2004-06-14):
+# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/06/10/de_609078.asp ...
+# "The time change in Tierra del Fuego was a conflicted decision from
+# the start. The government had decreed that the measure would take
+# effect on June 1, but a normative error forced the new time to begin
+# three days earlier, from a Saturday to a Sunday....
+# Our understanding was that the change was originally scheduled to take place
+# on June 1 at 00:00 in Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego (and some other
+# provinces). Sunday was May 30, only two days earlier. So the article
+# contains a contradiction. I would give more credence to the Saturday/Sunday
+# date than the "three days earlier" phrase, and conclude that Tierra del
+# Fuego set its clocks back at 2004-05-30 00:00.
+# From Steffen Thorsen (2004-10-05):
+# The previous law 7210 which changed the province of Mendoza's time zone
+# back in May have been modified slightly in a new law 7277, which set the
+# new end date to 2004-09-26 (original date was 2004-10-17).
+# http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040924-27244-normas.pdf
+# From Mariano Absatz (2004-10-05):
+# San Juan changed from UTC-03:00 to UTC-04:00 at midnight between
+# Sunday, May 30th and Monday, May 31st. It changed back to UTC-03:00
+# at midnight between Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, July 25th....
+# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000329.html
+# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000426.html
+# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000441.html
+# Unless otherwise specified, data are from Shanks through 1992, from
+# the IATA otherwise. As noted below, Shanks says that
+# America/Cordoba split into 6 subregions during 1991/1992, but we
+# haven't verified this yet so for now we'll keep it a single region.
-# Buenos Aires (BA), Capital Federal (CF), Santa Cruz (SC),
-# Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur (TF)
-Zone America/Buenos_Aires -3:53:48 - LMT 1894 Nov
- -4:16:44 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
+# Buenos Aires (BA), Capital Federal (CF),
+Zone America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -3:53:48 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
-4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
-4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 0:00
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 0:00
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
-3:00 - ART
# Santa Fe (SF), Entre Rios (ER), Corrientes (CN), Misiones (MN), Chaco (CC),
-# Formosa (FM), La Pampa (LP), Chubut (CH)
-Zone America/Rosario -4:02:40 - LMT 1894 Nov
- -4:16:44 - CMT 1920 May
+# Formosa (FM), Salta (SA), Santiago del Estero (SE), Cordoba (CB),
+# San Luis (SL), La Pampa (LP), Neuquen (NQ), Rio Negro (RN)
+# Shanks also makes the following claims, which we haven't verified:
+# - Formosa switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-07.
+# - Misiones switched to -3:00 on 1990-12-29.
+# - Chaco switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-04.
+# - San Luis switched to -4:00 on 1990-03-14, then to -3:00 on 1990-10-15,
+# then to -4:00 on 1991-03-01, then to -3:00 on 1991-06-01.
+# - Santiago del Estero switched to -4:00 on 1991-04-01,
+# then to -3:00 on 1991-04-26.
+Zone America/Argentina/Cordoba -4:16:48 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
-4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
-4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Jul
- -3:00 - ART 1999 Oct 3 0:00
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 0:00
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
+ -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART
+# Tucuman (TM)
+Zone America/Argentina/Tucuman -4:20:52 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
+ -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
+ -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 13
+ -3:00 - ART
+# La Rioja (LR)
+Zone America/Argentina/La_Rioja -4:27:24 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
+ -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 1
+ -4:00 - WART 1991 May 7
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
-3:00 - ART
-# Cordoba (CB), Santiago del Estero (SE), Salta (SA), Tucuman (TM), La Rioja (LR), San Juan (SJ), San Luis (SL),
-# Neuquen (NQ), Rio Negro (RN)
-Zone America/Cordoba -4:16:44 - LMT 1894 Nov
- -4:16:44 - CMT 1920 May
+# San Juan (SJ)
+Zone America/Argentina/San_Juan -4:34:04 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
-4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
-4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Jul
- -3:00 - ART 1999 Oct 3 0:00
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 0:00
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 1
+ -4:00 - WART 1991 May 7
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 May 31
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jul 25
-3:00 - ART
# Jujuy (JY)
-Zone America/Jujuy -4:21:12 - LMT 1894 Nov
- -4:16:44 - CMT 1920 May
+Zone America/Argentina/Jujuy -4:21:12 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
-4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
-4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Mar 4
+ -4:00 - WART 1990 Oct 28
+ -4:00 1:00 WARST 1991 Mar 17
-4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 6
- -4:00 1:00 WARST 1992 Mar 15
- -4:00 - WART 1992 Oct 18
- -3:00 - ART 1999 Oct 3 0:00
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 0:00
+ -3:00 1:00 ARST 1992
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
-3:00 - ART
# Catamarca (CT)
-Zone America/Catamarca -4:23:08 - LMT 1894 Nov
- -4:16:44 - CMT 1920 May
+Zone America/Argentina/Catamarca -4:23:08 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
-4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
-4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Jul
- -3:00 - ART 1991 Jul
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1992 Jul
- -3:00 - ART 1999 Oct 3 0:00
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 0:00
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
+ -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
-3:00 - ART
# Mendoza (MZ)
-Zone America/Mendoza -4:35:16 - LMT 1894 Nov
- -4:16:44 - CMT 1920 May
+Zone America/Argentina/Mendoza -4:35:16 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
-4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
-4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Mar 4
+ -4:00 - WART 1990 Oct 15
+ -4:00 1:00 WARST 1991 Mar 1
-4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 15
-4:00 1:00 WARST 1992 Mar 1
-4:00 - WART 1992 Oct 18
- -3:00 - ART 1999 Oct 3 0:00
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 0:00
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 May 23
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Sep 26
+ -3:00 - ART
+# Chubut (CH)
+# The name "Comodoro Rivadavia" exceeds the 14-byte POSIX limit.
+Zone America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia -4:30:00 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
+ -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
+ -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
+ -3:00 - ART
+# Santa Cruz (SC)
+Zone America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos -4:36:52 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
+ -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
+ -3:00 - ART
+# Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur (TF)
+Zone America/Argentina/Ushuaia -4:33:12 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
+ -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
+ -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
+ -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
+ -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
+ -3:00 - ART 2004 May 30
+ -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
-3:00 - ART
# Aruba
# Bolivia
Zone America/La_Paz -4:32:36 - LMT 1890
- -4:32:36 - LPMT 1931 Oct 15 # La Paz Mean Time
+ -4:32:36 - CMT 1931 Oct 15 # Calamarca MT
-4:32:36 1:00 BOST 1932 Mar 21 # Bolivia ST
-4:00 - BOT # Bolivia Time
# http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbr.htm
# http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbrhv.htm
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# The official decrees referenced below are taken from
+# From Celso Doria via David Madeo (2002-10-09):
+# The reason for the delay this year has to do with elections in Brazil.
+# Unlike in the United States, elections in Brazil are 100% computerized and
+# the results are known almost immediately. Yesterday, it was the first
+# round of the elections when 115 million Brazilians voted for President,
+# Governor, Senators, Federal Deputies, and State Deputies. Nobody is
+# counting (or re-counting) votes anymore and we know there will be a second
+# round for the Presidency and also for some Governors. The 2nd round will
+# take place on October 27th.
+# The reason why the DST will only begin November 3rd is that the thousands
+# of electoral machines used cannot have their time changed, and since the
+# Constitution says the elections must begin at 8:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM,
+# the Government decided to postpone DST, instead of changing the Constitution
+# (maybe, for the next elections, it will be possible to change the clock)...
+# From Rodrigo Severo (2004-10-04):
+# It's just the biannual change made necessary by the much hyped, supposedly
+# modern Brazilian eletronic voting machines which, apparently, can't deal
+# with a time change between the first and the second rounds of the elections.
+# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-10):
+# The official decrees referenced below are mostly taken from
# <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV.html">
# Decretos sobre o Horario de Verao no Brasil
-# </a> (1999-10-04, in Portuguese).
+# </a> (2001-09-20, in Portuguese).
# The official site for all decrees, including those not related to time, is
# <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/principal_ano.htm">
# Presidencia da Republica, Subchefia para Assuntos Juridicos, Decretos
Rule Brazil 1993 only - Jan 31 0:00 0 -
# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV942.htm">942</a> (1993-09-28)
# adopted by same states, plus AM.
-# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1252.htm">1,252</a> (1994-09-22)
-# adopted by same states, minus AM.
+# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1252.htm">1,252</a> (1994-09-22;
+# web page corrected 2004-01-07) adopted by same states, minus AM.
# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1636.htm">1,636</a> (1995-09-14)
-# adopted by same states, plus TO.
+# adopted by same states, plus MT and TO.
# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1674.htm">1,674</a> (1995-10-13)
# adds AL, SE.
Rule Brazil 1993 1995 - Oct Sun>=11 0:00 1:00 S
# repeals DST in PE and RR, effective 2000-10-15 00:00.
# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/Dec3632.jpg">3,632</a> (2000-10-17)
# repeals DST in SE, AL, PB, RN, CE, PI and MA, effective 2000-10-22 00:00.
+# Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV3916.gif">3,916</a>
+# (2001-09-13) reestablishes DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
+Rule Brazil 2000 2001 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
+Rule Brazil 2001 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
+# Decree 4,399 (2002-10-01) repeals DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
+# <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2002/D4399.htm"></a>
+Rule Brazil 2002 only - Nov 3 0:00 1:00 S
+# Decree 4,844 (2003-09-24; corrected 2003-09-26) repeals DST in BA, MT, TO.
+# <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2003/D4844.htm"></a>
+Rule Brazil 2003 only - Oct 19 0:00 1:00 S
+# Decree 5,223 (2004-10-01) reestablishes DST in MT.
+# <a href="http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2004/Decreto/D5223.htm"></a>
+Rule Brazil 2004 only - Nov 2 0:00 1:00 S
+# The latest ruleset listed above says that the following states observe DST:
+# DF, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP.
-# These give only one year's rules. After that, the rules are guesses
+Rule Brazil 2005 max - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S
+# For dates after mid-2005, the above rules with TO="max" are guesses
# and are quite possibly wrong, but are more likely than no DST at all.
-Rule Brazil 2000 max - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 2001 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
-# Atlantic islands: Fernando de Noronha, Trindade, Martin Vaz,
-# Atol das Rocas, and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo
+# Fernando de Noronha (administratively part of PE)
Zone America/Noronha -2:09:40 - LMT 1914
-2:00 Brazil FN%sT 1990 Sep 17
+ -2:00 - FNT 1999 Sep 30
+ -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 2000 Oct 15
+ -2:00 - FNT 2001 Sep 13
+ -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 2002 Oct 1
-2:00 - FNT
+# Other Atlantic islands have no permanent settlement.
+# These include Trindade and Martin Vaz (administratively part of ES),
+# Atol das Rocas (RN), and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo (PE).
+# Fernando de Noronha was a separate territory from 1942-09-02 to 1989-01-01;
+# it also included the Penedos.
# Amapa (AP), east Para (PA)
# East Para includes Belem, Maraba, Serra Norte, and Sao Felix do Xingu.
+# The division between east and west Para is the river Xingu.
+# In the north a very small part from the river Javary (now Jari I guess,
+# the border with Amapa) to the Amazon, then to the Xingu.
Zone America/Belem -3:13:56 - LMT 1914
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1988 Sep 12
-3:00 - BRT
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17
-3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 22
+ -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13
+ -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1
-3:00 - BRT
# Pernambuco (PE) (except Atlantic islands)
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17
-3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 15
+ -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13
+ -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1
-3:00 - BRT
# Tocantins (TO)
Zone America/Araguaina -3:12:48 - LMT 1914
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17
-3:00 - BRT 1995 Sep 14
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT
+ -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2003 Sep 24
+ -3:00 - BRT
# Alagoas (AL), Sergipe (SE)
Zone America/Maceio -2:22:52 - LMT 1914
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1996 Sep 4
-3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 22
+ -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13
+ -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1
-3:00 - BRT
-# Bahia (BA), Goias (GO), Distrito Federal (DF), Minas Gerais (MG),
+# Bahia (BA)
+# There are too many Salvadors elsewhere, so use America/Bahia instead
+# of America/Salvador.
+Zone America/Bahia -2:34:04 - LMT 1914
+ -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2003 Sep 24
+ -3:00 - BRT
+# Goias (GO), Distrito Federal (DF), Minas Gerais (MG),
# Espirito Santo (ES), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Sao Paulo (SP), Parana (PR),
# Santa Catarina (SC), Rio Grande do Sul (RS)
Zone America/Sao_Paulo -3:06:28 - LMT 1914
-3:00 1:00 BRST 1964
-3:00 Brazil BR%sT
-# Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul
+# Mato Grosso do Sul (MS)
+Zone America/Campo_Grande -3:38:28 - LMT 1914
+ -4:00 Brazil AM%sT
+# Mato Grosso (MT)
Zone America/Cuiaba -3:44:20 - LMT 1914
+ -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 2003 Sep 24
+ -4:00 - AMT 2004 Oct 4
-4:00 Brazil AM%sT
# west Para (PA), Rondonia (RO)
-4:00 - AMT
# east Amazonas (AM): Boca do Acre, Jutai, Manaus, Floriano Peixoto
+# The great circle line from Tabatinga to Porto Acre divides
+# east from west Amazonas.
Zone America/Manaus -4:00:04 - LMT 1914
-4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12
-4:00 - AMT 1993 Sep 28
# Because of the same drought, the government decided to end DST later,
# on April 3, (one-time change).
-# From Gwillim Law (2001-02-20):
-# I came across a Chilean on-line newspaper, La Tercera. Its
-# <a href="http://www.tercera.cl/diario/1998/03/13/extras.html">
-# 1998-03-13 issue
-# </a>, says (my translation):
-# "At 24:00 (midnight) tomorrow (Saturday) - 22:00 in the insular
-# territory [Easter Island, Juan Fernandez, etc.] - winter time will
-# begin in the entire country."
+# From Gwillim Law (2001-05-04):
+# I came across another article in "La Tercera" about Chilean DST.
+# <http://www.tercera.cl/diario/2000/10/13/t-extras.html>
+# It clearly confirms my earlier suggestion, that DST begins at 22:00
+# on Easter Island.... But it also seems to be saying that the
+# observance of DST in Chile began in 1966, rather than 1969 as
+# ... [Shanks] has it....
+# My translation:
+# "The Chilean Army has announced that summer time will begin tomorrow,
+# Saturday, October 14 in continental Chile, insular Chile, and
+# Antarctica, as provided by Supreme Decree 25 of January 11, 1966.
+# By the preceding, official time in continental Chile and Chilean
+# Antarctic, and official time in Western Insular Chile, which applies
+# to Easter Island and Sala y Gomez Island, will be set forward at
+# midnight and at 22:00, respectively, by 20 minutes."
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-02-21):
+# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-04):
+# Go with this article in preference to Shanks's 1969 date for modern DST.
# Assume this rule has been used since DST was introduced in the islands.
+# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-24):
+# <http://www.shoa.cl/shoa/faqhoraoficial.htm> gives many details that
+# disagree with the following table, but we haven't had time to compare them.
Rule Chile 1918 only - Sep 1 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Chile 1919 only - Jul 2 0:00 0 -
Rule Chile 1927 1931 - Sep 1 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Chile 1928 1932 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Chile 1969 1997 - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S
-Rule Chile 1970 1998 - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 -
+Rule Chile 1966 1997 - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S
+Rule Chile 1967 1998 - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 -
Rule Chile 1998 only - Sep 27 4:00u 1:00 S
Rule Chile 1999 only - Apr 4 3:00u 0 -
Rule Chile 1999 max - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S
-7:00 Chile EAS%sT 1982 Mar 14 # Easter I Time
-6:00 Chile EAS%sT
-# Whitman says Juan Fernandez Is are like America/Santiago.
-# San Ambrosio, San Felix
-# no information; probably like America/Santiago
+# Sala y Gomez Island is like Pacific/Easter.
+# Other Chilean locations, including Juan Fernandez Is, San Ambrosio,
+# San Felix, and Antarctic bases, are like America/Santiago.
# Colombia
# Shanks specifies 24:00 for 1992 transition times; go with IATA,
# From Jesper Norgaard (2001-03-06) [an official URL saying similar things]:
# http://gateway.abc.com.py:8000/pub/pag04.mbr/artic?FHA=2001-03-03-
-Rule Para 1996 max - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
+Rule Para 1996 2001 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
# IATA SSIM (1997-09) says Mar 1; go with Shanks.
Rule Para 1997 only - Feb lastSun 0:00 0 -
# Shanks says 1999-02-28; IATA SSIM (1999-02) says 1999-02-27, but
# (1999-09) reports no date; go with above sources and Gerd Knops (2001-02-27).
-Rule Para 1998 max - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
+Rule Para 1998 2001 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
+# From Rives McDow (2002-02-28):
+# A decree was issued in Paraguay (no. 16350) on 2002-02-26 that changed the
+# dst method to be from the first Sunday in September to the first Sunday in
+# April.
+Rule Para 2002 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
+Rule Para 2002 max - Sep Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
Zone America/Asuncion -3:50:40 - LMT 1890
-4:00 Para PY%sT
# Peru
+# <a href="news:xrGmb.39935$gA1.13896113@news4.srv.hcvlny.cv.net">
+# From Evelyn C. Leeper via Mark Brader (2003-10-26):</a>
+# When we were in Peru in 1985-1986, they apparently switched over
+# sometime between December 29 and January 3 while we were on the Amazon.
+# From Paul Eggert (2003-11-02):
+# Shanks doesn't have this transition. Assume 1986 was like 1987.
Rule Peru 1938 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Peru 1938 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
Rule Peru 1938 1939 - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Peru 1939 1940 - Mar Sun>=24 0:00 0 -
-Rule Peru 1987 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Peru 1987 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
+Rule Peru 1986 1987 - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
+Rule Peru 1986 1987 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
Rule Peru 1990 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Peru 1990 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
# IATA is ambiguous for 1993/1995; go with Shanks.
Rule Peru 1994 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
Zone America/Lima -5:08:12 - LMT 1890
- -5:09 - LMT 1908 Jul 28 # Lima Mean Time
+ -5:08:36 - LMT 1908 Jul 28 # Lima Mean Time?
-5:00 Peru PE%sT # Peru Time
# South Georgia
Rule Uruguay 1990 1991 - Oct Sun>=21 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Uruguay 1992 only - Oct 18 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Uruguay 1993 only - Feb 28 0:00 0 -
+# From Eduardo Cota (2004-09-20):
+# The uruguayan government has decreed a change in the local time....
+# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/decretos/2004091502.htm
+Rule Uruguay 2004 only - Sep Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S
+Rule Uruguay 2005 only - Mar Sun>=8 0:00 0 -
Zone America/Montevideo -3:44:44 - LMT 1898 Jun 28
-3:44:44 - MMT 1920 May 1 # Montevideo MT
# Venezuela
Zone America/Caracas -4:27:44 - LMT 1890
- -4:27:44 - CMT 1912 Feb 12 # Caracas Mean Time
+ -4:27:40 - CMT 1912 Feb 12 # Caracas Mean Time?
-4:30 - VET 1965 # Venezuela Time
-4:00 - VET