cc -I/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/Versions/B/PrivateHeaders -arch x86_64 -arch i386 -O -o trace trace.c
+ * NOTE: There exists another copy of this file in the kernel_tools. Changes
+ * made here may also need to be made there.
+ */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <err.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <spawn.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sysexits.h>
#include <libutil.h>
+#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
+#endif /*KERNEL_PRIVATE*/
+#include <sys/param.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
int nbufs = 0;
int enable_flag=0;
int execute_flag=0;
int remove_flag=0;
int bufset_flag=0;
int bufget_flag=0;
-int class_flag=0;
-int subclass_flag=0;
+int filter_flag=0;
+int filter_file_flag=0;
+int filter_alloced=0;
int trace_flag=0;
int nowrap_flag=0;
int freerun_flag=0;
int verbose_flag=0;
+int usage_flag=0;
int pid_flag=0;
int pid_exflag=0;
int ppt_flag=0;
-unsigned int class=0;
-unsigned int class2=0;
-unsigned int subclass=0;
+int done_with_args=0;
+int no_default_codes_flag=0;
unsigned int value1=0;
unsigned int value2=0;
unsigned int value3=0;
unsigned int value4=0;
pid_t pid=0;
int reenable=0;
extern char **environ;
+uint8_t* type_filter_bitmap;
+#define SIZE_4KB (4 * (1 << 10))
#define DBG_FUNC_MASK 0xfffffffc
#define CSC_MASK 0xffff0000
-#define VFS_LOOKUP 0x03010090
#define BSC_exit 0x040c0004
#define BSC_thread_terminate 0x040c05a4
-#define TRACE_DATA_NEWTHREAD 0x07000004
-#define TRACE_STRING_NEWTHREAD 0x07010004
-#define TRACE_STRING_EXEC 0x07010008
-#define TRACE_LOST_EVENTS 0x07020008
#define MACH_SCHEDULED 0x01400000
#define MACH_MAKERUNNABLE 0x01400018
#define MACH_STKHANDOFF 0x01400008
int nthreads = 0;
kd_threadmap *mapptr = 0;
- If NUMPARMS changes from the kernel,
+kd_cpumap_header* cpumap_header = NULL;
+kd_cpumap* cpumap = NULL;
+ If NUMPARMS changes from the kernel,
then PATHLENGTH will also reflect the change
This is for the vfslookup entries that
return pathnames
#define US_TO_SLEEP 50000
#define BASE_EVENTS 500000
+mach_timebase_info_data_t mach_timebase;
double divisor;
typedef struct {
char *debug_string;
} code_type_t;
-code_type_t * codesc = 0;
+code_type_t* codesc = 0;
+size_t codesc_idx = 0; // Index into first empty codesc entry
typedef struct event *event_t;
struct event {
event_t ev_next;
- uintptr_t ev_thread;
+ uint64_t ev_thread;
uint32_t ev_debugid;
uint64_t ev_timestamp;
struct lookup {
lookup_t lk_next;
- uintptr_t lk_thread;
- uintptr_t lk_dvp;
- long *lk_pathptr;
- long lk_pathname[NUMPARMS + 1];
+ uint64_t lk_thread;
+ uint64_t lk_dvp;
+ int64_t *lk_pathptr;
+ int64_t lk_pathname[NUMPARMS + 1];
typedef struct threadmap *threadmap_t;
struct threadmap {
threadmap_t tm_next;
- uintptr_t tm_thread;
- uintptr_t tm_pthread;
+ uint64_t tm_thread;
+ uint64_t tm_pthread;
boolean_t tm_deleteme;
char tm_command[MAXCOMLEN + 1];
#define HASH_SIZE 1024
#define HASH_MASK 1023
int codenum = 0;
int codeindx_cache = 0;
-char codefile[] = "codes";
-char *cfile = (char *)0;
static void quit(char *);
static int match_debugid(unsigned int, char *, int *);
static void usage(int short_help);
static int argtoi(int flag, char *req, char *str, int base);
-static int parse_codefile(char *filename);
-static int read_command_map(int, int);
+static int parse_codefile(const char *filename);
+static void codesc_find_dupes(void);
+static int read_command_map(int, uint32_t);
+static void read_cpu_map(int);
static void find_thread_command(kd_buf *, char **);
-static void create_map_entry(uintptr_t, char *);
+static void create_map_entry(uint64_t, char *);
static void getdivisor();
static unsigned long argtoul();
static void set_numbufs(int);
static void set_freerun();
static void get_bufinfo(kbufinfo_t *);
+static int get_ktrace_state(void);
static void set_init();
-static void set_class();
static void set_kval_list();
-static void set_subclass();
static void readtrace(char *);
static void log_trace();
static void Log_trace();
static void read_trace();
static void signal_handler(int);
static void signal_handler_RAW(int);
-static void delete_thread_entry(uintptr_t);
-static void find_and_insert_tmp_map_entry(uintptr_t, char *);
-static void create_tmp_map_entry(uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
-static void find_thread_name(uintptr_t, char **, boolean_t);
+static void delete_thread_entry(uint64_t);
+static void find_and_insert_tmp_map_entry(uint64_t, char *);
+static void create_tmp_map_entry(uint64_t, uint64_t);
+static void find_thread_name(uint64_t, char **, boolean_t);
+static void execute_process(char * const argv[]);
static int writetrace(int);
static int write_command_map(int);
-static int debugid_compar(code_type_t *, code_type_t *);
+static int debugid_compar(const void *, const void *);
-static threadmap_t find_thread_entry(uintptr_t);
+static threadmap_t find_thread_entry(uint64_t);
+static void saw_filter_class(uint8_t class);
+static void saw_filter_end_range(uint8_t end_class);
+static void saw_filter_subclass(uint8_t subclass);
+static void filter_done_parsing(void);
+static void set_filter(void);
+static void set_filter_class(uint8_t class);
+static void set_filter_range(uint8_t class, uint8_t end);
+static void set_filter_subclass(uint8_t class, uint8_t subclass);
+static void parse_filter_file(char *filename);
+static void quit_args(const char *fmt, ...) __printflike(1, 2);
#define RAW_VERSION1 0x55aa0101
+#define ARRAYSIZE(x) ((int)(sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x)))
+#define EXTRACT_CLASS_LOW(debugid) ( (uint8_t) ( ((debugid) & 0xFF00 ) >> 8 ) )
+#define EXTRACT_SUBCLASS_LOW(debugid) ( (uint8_t) ( ((debugid) & 0xFF ) ) )
+#define ENCODE_CSC_LOW(class, subclass) \
+ ( (uint16_t) ( ((class) & 0xff) << 8 ) | ((subclass) & 0xff) )
RAW_header raw_header;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
- if (sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDENABLE\n");
+ if (sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINVAL) {
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDENABLE: trace buffer is uninitialized\n");
+ }
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDENABLE: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
-void set_remove()
+void set_remove(void)
extern int errno;
errno = 0;
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
if (errno == EBUSY)
quit("the trace facility is currently in use...\n fs_usage, sc_usage, trace, and latency use this feature.\n\n");
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDREMOVE\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDREMOVE: %s\n", strerror(errno));
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETBUF\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETBUF: %s\n", strerror(errno));
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
mib[2] = KERN_KDSETUP;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETUP\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETUP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-void set_nowrap()
+void set_nowrap(void)
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0; /* no flags */
if (sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KDBG_NOWRAP\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KDBG_NOWRAP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
void set_pidcheck(int pid, int on_off_flag)
kd_regtype kr;
kr.type = KDBG_TYPENONE;
kr.value1 = pid;
kr.value2 = on_off_flag;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, &kr, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- if (on_off_flag == 1)
+ if (errno == EACCES)
+ {
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, setting pid filter: %s\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ }
+ else if (on_off_flag == 1 && errno == ESRCH)
- printf("trace facility failure, KERN_KDPIDTR,\n\tpid %d does not exist\n", pid);
- exit(2);
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, setting pid filter: "
+ "pid %d does not exist\n", pid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDPIDTR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
void set_pidexclude(int pid, int on_off_flag)
kd_regtype kr;
kr.type = KDBG_TYPENONE;
kr.value1 = pid;
kr.value2 = on_off_flag;
-void set_freerun()
+void set_freerun(void)
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KDBG_FREERUN\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KDBG_FREERUN: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+static int get_ktrace_state(void)
+ int state;
+ size_t state_size = sizeof(state);
+ int err = sysctlbyname("ktrace.state", &state, &state_size, NULL, 0);
+ if (err) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: could not query ktrace.state sysctl (%d: %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return state;
void get_bufinfo(kbufinfo_t *val)
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, val, &needed, 0, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDGETBUF\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDGETBUF: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-void set_init()
+void set_init(void)
kd_regtype kr;
kr.value1 = 0;
kr.value2 = -1;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, &kr, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETREG (rangetype)\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETREG (rangetype): %s\n", strerror(errno));
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
mib[2] = KERN_KDSETUP;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETUP\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETUP: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-void set_class()
+static void
- kd_regtype kr;
- kr.type = KDBG_CLASSTYPE;
- kr.value1 = class;
- kr.value2 = class2;
- needed = sizeof(kd_regtype);
- mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
- mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
- mib[2] = KERN_KDSETREG;
- mib[3] = 0;
- mib[4] = 0;
- mib[5] = 0;
- if (sysctl(mib, 3, &kr, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETREG (classtype)\n");
+ errno = 0;
+ if(sysctl(mib, ARRAYSIZE(mib), type_filter_bitmap, &needed, NULL, 0)) {
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSET_TYPEFILTER: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
-void set_kval_list()
+void set_kval_list(void)
kd_regtype kr;
kr.type = KDBG_VALCHECK;
kr.value1 = value1;
kr.value2 = value2;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, &kr, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETREG (valcheck)\n");
-void set_subclass()
- kd_regtype kr;
- kr.type = KDBG_SUBCLSTYPE;
- kr.value1 = class;
- kr.value2 = subclass;
- needed = sizeof(kd_regtype);
- mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
- mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
- mib[2] = KERN_KDSETREG;
- mib[3] = 0;
- mib[4] = 0;
- mib[5] = 0;
- if (sysctl(mib, 3, &kr, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETREG (subclstype)\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETREG (valcheck): %s\n", strerror(errno));
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
- mib[2] = KERN_KDREADTR;
+ mib[2] = KERN_KDREADTR;
mib[3] = 0;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, buffer, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDREADTR\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDREADTR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
- if (sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- return 1;
+ if (sysctl(mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0) {
+ if (errno == ENODATA) {
+ if (verbose_flag) {
+ printf("Cannot write thread map -- this is not fatal\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
return 0;
-lookup_t handle_lookup_event(uintptr_t thread, int debugid, kd_buf *kdp)
+lookup_t handle_lookup_event(uint64_t thread, int debugid, kd_buf *kdp)
lookup_t lkp;
int hashid;
-void delete_lookup_event(uintptr_t thread, lookup_t lkp_to_delete)
+void delete_lookup_event(uint64_t thread, lookup_t lkp_to_delete)
lookup_t lkp;
lookup_t lkp_prev;
-void insert_start_event(uintptr_t thread, int debugid, uint64_t now)
+void insert_start_event(uint64_t thread, int debugid, uint64_t now)
event_t evp;
int hashid;
-uint64_t consume_start_event(uintptr_t thread, int debugid, uint64_t now)
+uint64_t consume_start_event(uint64_t thread, int debugid, uint64_t now)
event_t evp;
event_t evp_prev;
evp_prev = evp;
for (evp = evp->ev_next; evp; evp = evp->ev_next) {
if (evp->ev_thread == thread && evp->ev_debugid == debugid) {
evp_prev->ev_next = evp->ev_next;
if (evp) {
elapsed = now - evp->ev_timestamp;
evp->ev_next = event_freelist;
event_freelist = evp;
return (elapsed);
- char *buffer;
- uint32_t buffer_size;
- int fd;
- int size;
- int pad_size;
- char pad_buf[4096];
+ int fd = -1;
+ int ret = 0;
+ char *buffer;
+ uint32_t buffer_size = 1000000 * sizeof(kd_buf);
+ if (logfile[0] == '-' && logfile[1] == '\0') {
+ } else {
+ fd = open(logfile, O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0777);
+ }
- if ((fd = open(logfile, O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777)) == -1) {
+ if (fd == -1) {
perror("Can't open logfile");
printf("Buffer has not wrapped\n");
- buffer_size = 1000000 * sizeof(kd_buf);
- buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
- if (buffer == (char *) 0)
- quit("can't allocate memory for tracing info\n");
- read_command_map(0, 0);
- raw_header.version_no = RAW_VERSION1;
- raw_header.thread_count = total_threads;
- raw_header.TOD_secs = time((long *)0);
- raw_header.TOD_usecs = 0;
- write(fd, &raw_header, sizeof(RAW_header));
- size = total_threads * sizeof(kd_threadmap);
- write(fd, (char *)mapptr, size);
+ ret = write_command_map(fd);
+ if (ret) {
+ close(fd);
+ perror("failed to write logfile");
+ exit(1);
+ }
- pad_size = 4096 - ((sizeof(RAW_header) + size) & 4095);
- memset(pad_buf, 0, pad_size);
- write(fd, pad_buf, pad_size);
+ buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ quit("can't allocate memory for events\n");
+ }
for (;;) {
needed = buffer_size;
- if (needed == 0)
+ if (needed == 0) {
+ }
write(fd, buffer, needed * sizeof(kd_buf));
+ free(buffer);
+ * Why does this function exist?
+ * trace -L needs millisecond level wait times.
+ * When this code is running remotely, the mach_timebase_info_t data may
+ * be from a device with a different timebase. This code avoids using
+ * mach_absolute_time(), so that time calculations come out correct both
+ * locally and remotely.
+ */
+static uint64_t current_millis() {
+ struct timeval time;
+ gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
+ return (time.tv_sec * 1000) + (time.tv_usec / 1000);
- int size;
- kd_buf kd_tmp;
size_t len;
- int num_cpus;
- int try_writetrace = 1;
+ int num_cpus = 0;
int fd;
- char *buffer;
- kd_buf *kd;
- uint64_t sample_window_abs;
- uint64_t next_window_begins;
- uint64_t current_abs;
- uint64_t ending_abstime;
+ uint64_t current_ms;
+ uint64_t ending_ms = 0;
uint64_t last_time_written;
- uint32_t us_to_sleep;
- uint32_t us_to_adjust;
uint32_t ms_to_run;
- memset(&kd_tmp, 0, sizeof(kd_tmp));
if ((fd = open(logfile, O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777)) == -1) {
perror("Can't open logfile");
- if (class_flag)
- set_class();
- if (subclass_flag)
- set_subclass();
+ if (filter_flag)
+ set_filter();
if (kval_flag)
- /* Get kernel buffer information */
- get_bufinfo(&bufinfo);
- buffer = malloc(bufinfo.nkdbufs * sizeof(kd_buf));
- if (buffer == (char *) 0)
- quit("can't allocate memory for tracing info\n");
- memset(buffer, 0, bufinfo.nkdbufs * sizeof(kd_buf));
if (use_current_buf == 0)
if (write_command_map(fd)) {
- int pad_size;
- char pad_buf[4096];
- read_command_map(0, 0);
- raw_header.version_no = RAW_VERSION1;
- raw_header.thread_count = total_threads;
- raw_header.TOD_secs = time((long *)0);
- raw_header.TOD_usecs = 0;
- write(fd, &raw_header, sizeof(RAW_header));
- size = total_threads * sizeof(kd_threadmap);
- write(fd, (char *)mapptr, size);
- pad_size = 4096 - ((sizeof(RAW_header) + size) & 4095);
- memset(pad_buf, 0, pad_size);
- write(fd, pad_buf, pad_size);
+ quit("can't write tracefile header\n");
- sample_window_abs = (uint64_t)((double)US_TO_SLEEP * divisor);
- next_window_begins = mach_absolute_time() + sample_window_abs;
+ last_time_written = current_millis();
if (secs_to_run) {
- ending_abstime = mach_absolute_time() + (uint64_t)((double)secs_to_run * (double)1000000 * divisor);
ms_to_run = secs_to_run * 1000;
+ ending_ms = last_time_written + ms_to_run;
} else
ms_to_run = 0;
- last_time_written = mach_absolute_time();
while (LogRAW_flag) {
- current_abs = mach_absolute_time();
+ needed = ms_to_run;
- if (try_writetrace) {
- needed = ms_to_run;
- if (writetrace(fd))
- try_writetrace = 0;
- else {
- if (needed) {
- current_abs = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (writetrace(fd)) {
+ perror("KDWRITETR returned error");
- printf("wrote %d events - elapsed time = %.1f secs\n",
- (int)needed, ((double)(current_abs - last_time_written) / divisor) / 1000000);
- last_time_written = current_abs;
- }
- }
+ /* Clean up and exit in case of write fail */
+ break;
- if (try_writetrace == 0) {
- if (next_window_begins > current_abs)
- us_to_adjust = US_TO_SLEEP - (uint32_t)((double)(next_window_begins - current_abs) / divisor);
- else
- us_to_adjust = US_TO_SLEEP;
- next_window_begins = current_abs + sample_window_abs;
+ if (needed) {
+ current_ms = current_millis();
- us_to_sleep = US_TO_SLEEP - us_to_adjust;
+ printf("wrote %d events - elapsed time = %.1f secs\n",
+ (int)needed, (double)(current_ms - last_time_written) / 1000.0);
- next_window_begins = current_abs + (uint64_t)((double)(us_to_sleep + US_TO_SLEEP) * divisor);
- if (us_to_sleep)
- usleep(us_to_sleep);
- get_bufinfo(&bufinfo);
- if (bufinfo.flags & KDBG_WRAPPED)
- printf("lost events\n");
- needed = bufinfo.nkdbufs * sizeof(kd_buf);
- readtrace(buffer);
- if (bufinfo.flags & KDBG_WRAPPED) {
- kd = (kd_buf *) buffer;
- kd_tmp.timestamp = kd[0].timestamp;
- kd_tmp.debugid = TRACE_LOST_EVENTS;
- write(fd, &kd_tmp, sizeof(kd_tmp));
- }
- write(fd, buffer, needed * sizeof(kd_buf));
- if (verbose_flag && needed > nbufs)
- printf("needed = %ld\n", needed);
+ last_time_written = current_ms;
if (secs_to_run) {
- current_abs = mach_absolute_time();
+ current_ms = current_millis();
- if (current_abs > ending_abstime)
+ if (current_ms > ending_ms)
- ms_to_run = (ending_abstime - current_abs) / (1000 * 1000);
+ ms_to_run = (uint32_t)(ending_ms - current_ms);
if (ms_to_run == 0)
-void read_trace()
+void read_trace(void)
char *buffer;
uint32_t buffer_size;
kd_buf *kd;
int fd;
- int firsttime = 1;
+ int firsttime = 1;
int lines = 0;
int io_lines = 0;
uint64_t bias = 0;
perror("read failed");
+ } else if (raw_header.version_no == RAW_VERSION1) {
+#if defined(__ILP32__)
+ /*
+ * If the raw trace file was written by armv7k, the 64-bit alignment
+ * of TOD_secs causes RAW_header to be 24 bytes. If we only read 20
+ * bytes, the next 4 bytes might be a legitimate thread_id, but it might
+ * also be 0 or a leaked kernel pointer from an armv7k trace file. For
+ * both those cases, consume the 4 bytes and look for the thread map
+ * after it.
+ */
+ if (sizeof(raw_header) == 20) {
+ uint32_t alignment_garbage;
+ if (read(fd, &alignment_garbage, sizeof(alignment_garbage)) != sizeof(alignment_garbage)) {
+ perror("read failed");
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ if ((alignment_garbage == 0) || (alignment_garbage >= 0x80000000)) {
+ if (verbose_flag) {
+ printf("Skipping 4 bytes to find valid thread map\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* oops, go back to where we were */
+ lseek(fd, -(off_t)sizeof(alignment_garbage), SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ }
count_of_names = raw_header.thread_count;
- trace_time = raw_header.TOD_secs;
+ trace_time = (time_t) (raw_header.TOD_secs);
printf("%s\n", ctime(&trace_time));
if (buffer == (char *) 0)
quit("can't allocate memory for tracing info\n");
- kd = (kd_buf *)buffer;
+ kd = (kd_buf *)(uintptr_t)buffer;
read_command_map(fd, count_of_names);
+ read_cpu_map(fd);
for (;;) {
uint32_t count;
uint64_t now = 0;
uint64_t prev;
- uint64_t prevdelta;
- uint32_t cpunum;
- uintptr_t thread;
+ uint64_t prevdelta = 0;
+ uint32_t cpunum = 0;
+ uint64_t thread;
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
- double event_elapsed_time;
+ double event_elapsed_time = 0;
kd_buf *kdp;
lookup_t lkp;
boolean_t ending_event;
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
- mib[2] = KERN_KDREADTR;
+ mib[2] = KERN_KDREADTR;
mib[3] = 0;
mib[4] = 0;
mib[5] = 0;
if (sysctl(mib, 3, buffer, &needed, NULL, 0) < 0)
- quit("trace facility failure, KERN_KDREADTR\n");
+ quit_args("trace facility failure, KERN_KDREADTR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
if (needed == 0)
- count = needed;
+ count = (uint32_t)needed;
} else {
uint32_t bytes_read;
- bytes_read = read(fd, buffer, buffer_size);
+ bytes_read = (uint32_t)read(fd, buffer, buffer_size);
if (bytes_read == -1) {
perror("read failed");
debugid = kdp->debugid;
debugid_base = debugid & DBG_FUNC_MASK;
now = kdp->timestamp & KDBG_TIMESTAMP_MASK;
+ cpunum = kdbg_get_cpu(kdp);
+ /*
+ * Is this event from an IOP? If so, there will be no
+ * thread command, label it with the symbolic IOP name
+ */
+ if (cpumap && (cpunum < cpumap_header->cpu_count) && (cpumap[cpunum].flags & KDBG_CPUMAP_IS_IOP)) {
+ command = cpumap[cpunum].name;
+ } else {
+ find_thread_command(kdp, &command);
+ }
+ /*
+ * The internal use TRACE points clutter the output.
+ * Print them only if in verbose mode.
+ */
+ if (!verbose_flag)
+ {
+ /* Is this entry of Class DBG_TRACE */
+ if ((debugid >> 24) == DBG_TRACE) {
+ if (((debugid >> 16) & 0xff) != DBG_TRACE_INFO)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
if (firsttime)
bias = now;
now -= bias;
- cpunum = kdbg_get_cpu(kdp);
thread = kdp->arg5;
if (lines == 64 || firsttime)
fprintf(output_file, "\n\nNumber of microsecs since in last page %8.1f\n", x);
prevdelta = now;
- /*
+ /*
* Output description row to output file (make sure to format correctly for 32-bit and 64-bit)
" AbsTime(Us) Delta debugid arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 thread cpu# command\n\n"
lines = 0;
if (io_lines > 15000) {
fcntl(output_fd, F_FLUSH_DATA, 0);
if ( !lkp || !(debugid & DBG_FUNC_END))
x = (double)now;
x /= divisor;
last_event_time = x;
ending_event = FALSE;
- find_thread_command(kdp, &command);
- /*
- * The internal use TRACE points clutter the output.
- * Print them only if in verbose mode.
- */
- if (!verbose_flag)
- {
- /* Is this entry of Class DBG_TRACE */
- if ((debugid >> 24) == DBG_TRACE) {
- if (((debugid >> 16) & 0xff) != DBG_TRACE_INFO)
- continue;
- }
- }
if ( !lkp) {
int t_debugid;
- int t_thread;
+ uint64_t t_thread;
if ((debugid & DBG_FUNC_START) || debugid == MACH_MAKERUNNABLE) {
} else if ((debugid & DBG_FUNC_END) || debugid == MACH_STKHANDOFF || debugid == MACH_SCHEDULED) {
if (debugid == MACH_STKHANDOFF || debugid == MACH_SCHEDULED) {
t_thread = kdp->arg2;
* print the tail end of the pathname
- len = strlen(strptr);
+ len = (int)strlen(strptr);
if (len > 51)
len -= 51;
len = 0;
-#ifdef __LP64__
+#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(__arm64__)
- fprintf(output_file, "%-16lx %-51s %-16lx %-2d %s\n", lkp->lk_dvp, &strptr[len], thread, cpunum, command);
+ fprintf(output_file, "%-16llx %-51s %-16" PRIx64 " %-2d %s\n", (uint64_t)lkp->lk_dvp, &strptr[len], thread, cpunum, command);
- fprintf(output_file, "%-8x %-51s %-8lx %-2d %s\n", (unsigned int)lkp->lk_dvp, &strptr[len], thread, cpunum, command);
+ fprintf(output_file, "%-8x %-51s %-8" PRIx64 " %-2d %s\n", (unsigned int)lkp->lk_dvp, &strptr[len], thread, cpunum, command);
delete_lookup_event(thread, lkp);
+ } else if (debugid == TRACE_INFO_STRING) {
+#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ fprintf(output_file, "%-32s%-36s %-16" PRIx64 " %-2d %s\n", (char *) &kdp->arg1, "", thread, cpunum, command);
+ fprintf(output_file, "%-16s%-46s %-8" PRIx64 " %-2d %s\n", (char *) &kdp->arg1, "", thread, cpunum, command);
} else {
-#ifdef __LP64__
- fprintf(output_file, "%-16lx %-16lx %-16lx %-16lx %-16lx %-2d %s\n", kdp->arg1, kdp->arg2, kdp->arg3, kdp->arg4, thread, cpunum, command);
+#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(__arm64__)
+ fprintf(output_file, "%-16" PRIx64 " %-16" PRIx64 " %-16" PRIx64 " %-16" PRIx64 " %-16" PRIx64 " %-2d %s\n",
+ (uint64_t)kdp->arg1, (uint64_t)kdp->arg2, (uint64_t)kdp->arg3, (uint64_t)kdp->arg4, thread, cpunum, command);
- fprintf(output_file, "%-8lx %-8lx %-8lx %-8lx %-8lx %-2d %s\n", kdp->arg1, kdp->arg2, kdp->arg3, kdp->arg4, thread, cpunum, command);
+ fprintf(output_file, "%-8" PRIx64 " %-8" PRIx64 " %-8" PRIx64 " %-8" PRIx64 " %-8" PRIx64 " %-2d %s\n",
+ (uint64_t)kdp->arg1, (uint64_t)kdp->arg2, (uint64_t)kdp->arg3, (uint64_t)kdp->arg4, thread, cpunum, command);
-void signal_handler(int sig)
+void signal_handler(int sig)
ptrace(PT_KILL, pid, (caddr_t)0, 0);
-int main(argc, argv, env)
-int argc;
-char **argv;
-char **env;
+int main (int argc, char* argv[], char *envp[])
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
- int status;
int ch;
int i;
char *output_filename = NULL;
+ unsigned int parsed_arg;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (strcmp("-X", argv[i]) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not re-execute: %d\n", errno);
- } else {
+ }
+#if !defined(__arm64__)
+ else {
if (0 != reexec_to_match_kernel()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not re-execute: %d\n", errno);
printf("setiopolicy failed\n");
output_file = stdout;
output_fd = 1;
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hedEk:irb:gc:p:s:tR:L:l:S:F:a:x:Xnfvo:P")) != EOF)
+ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hedEk:irb:gc:p:s:tR:L:l:S:F:a:x:Xnfvo:PT:N")) != EOF)
case 'h': /* help */
- usage(LONG_HELP);
+ usage_flag=1;
case 'S':
secs_to_run = argtoi('S', "decimal number", optarg, 10);
case 'k':
if (kval_flag == 0)
- value1 = argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
+ value1 = (unsigned int) argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
else if (kval_flag == 1)
- value2 = argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
+ value2 = (unsigned int) argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
else if (kval_flag == 2)
- value3 = argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
+ value3 = (unsigned int) argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
else if (kval_flag == 3)
- value4 = argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
+ value4 = (unsigned int) argtoul('k', "hex number", optarg, 16);
fprintf(stderr, "A maximum of four values can be specified with -k\n");
nbufs = argtoi('b', "decimal number", optarg, 10);
case 'c':
- class_flag = 1;
- class = argtoi('c', "decimal number", optarg, 10);
- class2 = class+1;
+ filter_flag = 1;
+ parsed_arg = argtoi('c', "decimal, hex, or octal number", optarg, 0);
+ if (parsed_arg > 0xFF)
+ quit_args("argument '-c %s' parsed as %u, "
+ "class value must be 0-255\n", optarg, parsed_arg);
+ saw_filter_class(parsed_arg);
case 's':
- subclass_flag = 1;
- subclass = argtoi('s', "decimal number", optarg, 10);
+ filter_flag = 1;
+ parsed_arg = argtoi('s', "decimal, hex, or octal number", optarg, 0);
+ if (parsed_arg > 0xFF)
+ quit_args("argument '-s %s' parsed as %u, "
+ "subclass value must be 0-255\n", optarg, parsed_arg);
+ saw_filter_subclass(parsed_arg);
case 'p':
- if (class_flag != 1)
- { fprintf(stderr, "-p must follow -c\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- class2 = argtoi('p', "decimal number", optarg, 10);
+ filter_flag = 1;
+ parsed_arg = argtoi('p', "decimal, hex, or octal number", optarg, 0);
+ if (parsed_arg > 0xFF)
+ quit_args("argument '-p %s' parsed as %u, "
+ "end range value must be 0-255\n", optarg, parsed_arg);
+ saw_filter_end_range(parsed_arg);
case 'P':
ppt_flag = 1;
case 'X':
+ case 'N':
+ no_default_codes_flag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ filter_flag = 1;
+ // Flush out any unclosed -c argument
+ filter_done_parsing();
+ parse_filter_file(optarg);
+ break;
argc -= optind;
+ if (!no_default_codes_flag)
+ {
+ if (verbose_flag)
+ printf("Adding default code file /usr/share/misc/ Use '-N' to skip this.\n");
+ parse_codefile("/usr/share/misc/");
+ }
if (argc)
if (!execute_flag)
- cfile = argv[optind];
- if (verbose_flag)
- printf("Code file is %s \n", cfile);
- if (parse_codefile(cfile) == -1)
- cfile = (char *)0;
+ while (argc--)
+ {
+ const char *cfile = argv[optind++];
+ if (verbose_flag) printf("Adding code file %s \n", cfile);
+ parse_codefile(cfile);
+ }
if (execute_flag)
- {
- printf("-E flag needs an executable to launch\n");
- exit(1);
- }
+ quit_args("-E flag needs an executable to launch\n");
+ if (usage_flag)
+ usage(LONG_HELP);
if (pid_flag && pid_exflag)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't use both -a and -x flag together\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (subclass_flag && !class_flag) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Must define a class ('c') with the subclass ('s') option\n");
- usage(SHORT_HELP);
- }
+ quit_args("Can't use both -a and -x flag together\n");
- if (kval_flag && (subclass_flag || class_flag))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Don't use class or subclass with the 'k' code options.\n");
- usage(SHORT_HELP);
- }
+ if (kval_flag && filter_flag)
+ quit_args("Cannot use -k flag with -c, -s, or -p\n");
if (output_filename && !trace_flag && !readRAW_flag)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "When using 'o' option, must use the 't' or 'R' option too\n");
- usage(SHORT_HELP);
- }
+ quit_args("When using 'o' option, must use the 't' or 'R' option too\n");
+ filter_done_parsing();
+ done_with_args = 1;
if (LogRAW_flag) {
+ int ktrace_state = get_ktrace_state();
- if (bufinfo.nolog == 0)
+ /*
+ * Only use the current kdebug configuration when foreground
+ * tracing is enabled. Both checks are necessary because the
+ * background tool might have enabled tracing, but as soon as we
+ * try to write a header, that configuration is removed for us.
+ */
+ if ((ktrace_state == 1) && (bufinfo.nolog == 0)) {
use_current_buf = 1;
+ }
if (disable_flag)
if (pid_flag)
set_pidcheck(pid, 0); /* disable pid check for given pid */
- exit(1);
+ exit(0);
else if (pid_exflag)
set_pidexclude(pid, 0); /* disable pid exclusion for given pid */
- exit(1);
+ exit(0);
- exit(1);
+ exit(0);
if (remove_flag)
- exit(1);
+ exit(0);
if (bufset_flag )
if (!init_flag && !LogRAW_flag)
if (nowrap_flag)
if (freerun_flag)
if (bufget_flag)
+ printf("The kernel tracing settings are:\n");
+ /* determine the state of ktrace */
+ int state = get_ktrace_state();
+ /* get the name of the last process to configure ktrace */
+ char execname[20] = { 0 };
+ size_t execname_size = sizeof(execname);
+ int err = sysctlbyname("ktrace.configured_by", &execname, &execname_size, NULL, 0);
+ if (err) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: could not query ktrace.configured_by sysctl (%d: %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ printf("\tTracing is ");
+ switch (state) {
+ case 0:
+ printf("off");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ printf("active (foreground)");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ printf("active (background)");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("in an invalid state");
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("\tLast configured by \"%s\"\n", execname[0] == '\0' ? "<unknown>" : execname);
+ /* get kdebug info */
printf("The kernel buffer settings are:\n");
if (bufinfo.flags & KDBG_VALCHECK)
printf("\tCollecting specific code values is enabled\n");
- else
+ else
printf("\tCollecting specific code values is disabled\n");
+ if (bufinfo.flags & KDBG_TYPEFILTER_CHECK)
+ printf("\tCollection based on a filter is enabled\n");
+ else
+ printf("\tCollection based on a filter is disabled\n");
if (bufinfo.flags & KDBG_PIDCHECK)
printf("\tCollection based on pid is enabled\n");
printf("\tKernel buffer is not controlled by any process.\n");
printf("\tKernel buffer is controlled by proc id [%d]\n", bufinfo.bufid);
+ if (bufinfo.flags & KDBG_TYPEFILTER_CHECK) {
+ if (verbose_flag) {
+ bool (^should_print)(uint8_t*) = ^bool(uint8_t* ptr) {
+ for (uint32_t i=0; i<32; ++i) {
+ if (ptr[i] > 0) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ uint8_t* typefilter = (uint8_t*)kdebug_typefilter();
+ if (typefilter) {
+ bool header = false;
+ // Reduce noise, only print lines that are allowing events.
+ for (uint32_t tclass = 0; tclass < 0x100; ++tclass) {
+ uint8_t* base = &typefilter[tclass * 32];
+ if (should_print(base)) {
+ if (!header) {
+ header = true;
+ printf("\tTypefilter:\n");
+ printf("%18s ","");
+ for (uint32_t tsubclass=0; tsubclass<32; ++tsubclass) {
+ printf("%02x ", tsubclass * 8);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%18s ","");
+ for (uint32_t tsubclass=0; tsubclass<32; ++tsubclass) {
+ printf("---");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("%16s%02x: ", "", tclass);
+ for (uint32_t tsubclass=0; tsubclass<32; ++tsubclass) {
+ printf("%02X ", typefilter[(tclass * 32) + tsubclass]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (init_flag)
- if (class_flag)
- set_class();
- if (subclass_flag)
- set_subclass();
+ if (filter_flag)
+ set_filter();
if (kval_flag)
- switch ((pid = vfork()))
- {
- case -1:
- perror("vfork: ");
- exit(1);
- case 0: /* child */
- setsid();
- ptrace(PT_TRACE_ME, 0, (caddr_t)0, 0);
- execve(argv[optind], &argv[optind], environ);
- perror("execve:");
- exit(1);
- }
- sleep(1);
+ execute_process(&(argv[optind]));
- signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
- set_pidcheck(pid, 1);
- set_enable(1);
- ptrace(PT_CONTINUE, pid, (caddr_t)1, 0);
- waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
- /* child is gone; no need to disable the pid */
else if (enable_flag)
setbuffer(output_file, &sbuffer[0], SBUFFER_SIZE);
if (fcntl(output_fd, F_NOCACHE, 1) < 0)
/* Not fatal */
} /* end main */
+static void
+execute_process(char * const argv[])
+ int status = 0;
+ int rc = 0;
+ posix_spawnattr_t spawn_attrs;
+ assert(argv);
+ /* ensure that the process being spawned starts suspended */
+ rc = posix_spawnattr_init(&spawn_attrs);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ quit_args("Failed to initialize spawn attrs: %s\n", strerror(rc));
+ }
+ rc = posix_spawnattr_setflags(&spawn_attrs,
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ quit_args("Unable to start process suspended: %s\n", strerror(rc));
+ }
+ /* spawn the process with the rest of the arguments */
+ rc = posix_spawnp(&pid, argv[0], NULL, &spawn_attrs, argv, environ);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ quit_args("Unabled to start process: %s\n", strerror(rc));
+ }
+ signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
+ set_pidcheck(pid, 1);
+ set_enable(1);
+ /* start the child process */
+ rc = kill(pid, SIGCONT);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ perror("Failed to continue child process:");
+ exit(EX_OSERR);
+ }
+ rc = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ perror("Failed to wait for process: ");
+ }
+static void
+quit_args(const char *fmt, ...)
+ char buffer[1024];
+ if (reenable == 1)
+ {
+ reenable = 0;
+ set_enable(1); /* re-enable kernel logging */
+ }
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, fmt);
+ vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
+ fprintf(stderr, "trace error: %s", buffer);
+ va_end(args);
+ if (!done_with_args)
+ usage(SHORT_HELP);
+ exit(1);
quit(char *s)
printf("trace: ");
if (s)
- printf("%s ", s);
+ printf("%s", s);
if (short_help)
- (void)fprintf(stderr, " usage: trace -h\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, " usage: trace -h [-v]\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, " usage: trace -i [-b numbufs]\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, " usage: trace -g\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, " usage: trace -d [-a pid | -x pid ]\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, " usage: trace -n\n");
- " usage: trace -e [ -c class [-p class] [-s subclass] ] [-a pid | -x pid] |\n");
+ " usage: trace -e [ -c class [[-s subclass]... | -p class ]]... | \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] [-P] [-T tracefilter] \n");
- " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] [-P] \n\n");
+ " [-a pid | -x pid] \n\n");
- " usage: trace -E [ -c class [-p class] [-s subclass] ] |\n");
+ " usage: trace -E [ -c class [[-s subclass]... | -p class ]]... | \n");
- " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] [-P]\n");
+ " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] [-P] [-T tracefilter] \n");
" executable_path [optional args to executable] \n\n");
" usage: trace -l RawFilename\n");
- " usage: trace -R RawFilename [-X] [-F frequency] [-o OutputFilename] [CodeFilename]\n");
+ " usage: trace -R RawFilename [-X] [-F frequency] [-o OutputFilename] [-N] [ExtraCodeFilename1 ExtraCodeFilename2 ...]\n");
- " usage: trace -t [-o OutputFilename] [CodeFilename]\n");
+ " usage: trace -t [-o OutputFilename] [-N] [ExtraCodeFilename1 ExtraCodeFilename2 ...]\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ " Trace will import /usr/share/misc/ as a default codefile unless -N is specified. Extra codefiles specified are used in addition to the default codefile.\n");
- /* Only get here of printing long usage list */
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: trace -h\n");
+ /* Only get here if printing long usage info */
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: trace -h [-v]\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tPrint this long command help.\n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -v Print extra information about tracefilter and code files.\n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: trace -i [-b numbufs]\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tInitialize the kernel trace buffer.\n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tDisables kernel buffer wrap around.\n\n");
- "usage: trace -e [ -c class [-p class] [-s subclass] ] [-a pid | -x pid] |\n");
+ "usage: trace -e [ -c class [[-s subclass]... | -p class ]]... |\n");
- " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] \n\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\tEnable/start collection of kernel trace elements.\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\tEnter values in decimal notation unless otherwise noted..\n\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -c class Restrict trace collection to given class.\n\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -p class Restrict trace collection to given class range.\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Must provide class with -c first.\n\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -s subclass Restrict trace collection to given subclass.\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Must provide class with -c.\n\n");
+ " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] [-P] [-T tracefilter]\n");
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ " [-a pid | -x pid]\n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Enable/start collection of kernel trace elements. \n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t By default, trace collects all tracepoints. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t The following arguments may be used to restrict collection \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t to a limited set of tracepoints. \n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Multiple classes can be specified by repeating -c. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Multiple subclasses can be specified by repeating -s after -c. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Classes, subclasses, and class ranges can be entered \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t in hex (0xXX), decimal (XX), or octal (0XX). \n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -c class Restrict trace collection to given class. \n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -p class Restrict trace collection to given class range. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Must provide class with -c first. \n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -s subclass Restrict trace collection to given subclass. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Must provide class with -c first. \n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -a pid Restrict trace collection to the given process.\n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -x pid Exclude the given process from trace collection.\n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -k code Restrict trace collection up to four specific codes.\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Enter codes in hex values.\n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Enter codes in hex (0xXXXXXXXX). \n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -P Enable restricted PPT trace points only.\n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -T tracefilter Read class and subclass restrictions from a \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t tracefilter description file. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Run trace -h -v for more info on this file. \n\n");
- "usage: trace -E [ -c class [-p class] [-s subclass] ] |\n");
+ "usage: trace -E [ -c class [[-s subclass]... | -p class ]]... |\n");
- " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] \n");
+ " [-k code | -k code | -k code | -k code] [-P] [-T tracefilter]\n");
" executable_path [optional args to executable] \n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tLaunch the given executable and enable/start\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tcollection of kernel trace elements for that process.\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tSee -e(enable) flag for option descriptions.\n\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr,
- "usage: trace -t [-o OutputFilename] [CodeFilename] \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: trace -t [-o OutputFilename] [-N] [ExtraCodeFilename1 ExtraCodeFilename2 ...] \n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tCollect the kernel buffer trace data and print it.\n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -N Do not import /usr/share/misc/ (for raw hex tracing or supplying an alternate set of codefiles)\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -o OutputFilename Print trace output to OutputFilename. Default is stdout.\n\n");
- "usage: trace -R RawFilename [-X] [-F frequency] [-o OutputFilename] [CodeFilename] \n");
+ "usage: trace -R RawFilename [-X] [-F frequency] [-o OutputFilename] [-N] [ExtraCodeFilename1 ExtraCodeFilename2 ...] \n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tRead raw trace file and print it.\n\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -X Force trace to interpret trace data as 32 bit. Default is to match the current systems bit width.\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -F frequency Specify the frequency of the clock used to timestamp entries in RawFilename\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -X Force trace to interpret trace data as 32 bit. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t Default is to match the bit width of the current system. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -N Do not import /usr/share/misc/ (for raw hex tracing or supplying an alternate set of codefiles)\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -F frequency Specify the frequency of the clock used to timestamp entries in RawFilename.\n\t Use command \"sysctl hw.tbfrequency\" on the target device, to get target frequency.\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -o OutputFilename Print trace output to OutputFilename. Default is stdout.\n\n");
"usage: trace -L RawFilename [-S SecsToRun]\n");
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "\tContinuously collect the kernel buffer trace data in the raw format and write it to RawFilename.\n\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\tContinuously collect the kernel buffer trace data in the raw format \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\tand write it to RawFilename. \n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\t-L implies -r -i if tracing isn't currently enabled.\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr, "\tOptions passed to -e(enable) are also accepted by -L. (except -a -x -P)\n\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\t -S SecsToRun Specify the number of seconds to collect trace data.\n\n");
"usage: trace -l RawFilename\n");
(void)fprintf(stderr, "\tCollect the existing kernel buffer trace data in the raw format.\n\n");
+ if (verbose_flag) {
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "Code file: \n"
+ "\t A code file consists of a list of tracepoints, one per line, \n"
+ "\t with one tracepoint code in hex, followed by a tab, \n"
+ "\t followed by the tracepoint's name. \n\n"
+ "\t Example tracepoint: \n"
+ "\t 0x010c007c\tMSC_mach_msg_trap \n"
+ "\t This describes the tracepoint with the following info: \n"
+ "\t Name: MSC_mach_msg_trap \n"
+ "\t Class: 0x01 (Mach events) \n"
+ "\t Subclass: 0x0c (Mach system calls) \n"
+ "\t Code: 0x007c (Mach syscall number 31) \n\n"
+ "\t See /usr/include/sys/kdebug.h for the currently defined \n"
+ "\t class and subclass values. \n"
+ "\t See /usr/share/misc/ for the currently allocated \n"
+ "\t system tracepoints in trace code file format. \n"
+ "\t This codefile is useful with the -R argument to trace. \n"
+ "\n");
+ (void)fprintf(stderr,
+ "Tracefilter description file: \n"
+ "\t A tracefilter description file consists of a list of \n"
+ "\t class and subclass filters in hex, one per line, \n"
+ "\t which are applied as if they were passed with -c and -s. \n"
+ "\t Pass -v to see what classes and subclasses are being set. \n\n"
+ "\t File syntax: \n"
+ "\t Class filter: \n"
+ "\t C 0xXX \n"
+ "\t Subclass filter (includes class): \n"
+ "\t S 0xXXXX \n"
+ "\t Comment: \n"
+ "\t # This is a comment \n\n"
+ "\t For example, to trace Mach events (class 1):\n"
+ "\t C 0x01 \n"
+ "\t or to trace Mach system calls (class 1 subclass 13): \n"
+ "\t S 0x010C \n"
+ "\n");
+ }
static int
-argtoi(flag, req, str, base)
-int flag;
-char *req, *str;
-int base;
+argtoi(int flag, char *req, char *str, int base)
char *cp;
int ret;
return (ret);
static unsigned long
-argtoul(flag, req, str, base)
-int flag;
-char *req, *str;
-int base;
+argtoul(int flag, char *req, char *str, int base)
char *cp;
unsigned long ret;
return (ret);
* comparison function for qsort
* sort by debugid
-int debugid_compar(p1, p2)
- code_type_t *p1;
- code_type_t *p2;
+debugid_compar(const void *p1, const void *p2)
- if (p1->debugid > p2->debugid)
- return(1);
- else if (p1->debugid == p2->debugid)
- return(0);
+ const code_type_t *q1 = (const code_type_t *)p1;
+ const code_type_t *q2 = (const code_type_t *)p2;
+ if (q1->debugid > q2->debugid)
+ return (1);
+ else if (q1->debugid == q2->debugid)
+ return (0);
- return(-1);
+ return (-1);
+ * Filter args parsing state machine:
+ *
+ * Allowed args:
+ * -c -p
+ * -c -s (-s)*
+ * -c (-c)*
+ * every -c goes back to start
+ *
+ * Valid transitions:
+ * start -> class (first -c)
+ * class -> range (-c -p)
+ * class -> sub (-c -s)
+ * class -> class (-c -c)
+ * range -> class (-c -p -c)
+ * sub -> class (-c -s -c)
+ * * -> start (on filter_done_parsing)
+ *
+ * Need to call filter_done_parsing after
+ * calling saw_filter_*
+ * to flush out any class flag waiting to see if
+ * there is a -s flag coming up
+ */
+// What type of flag did I last see?
+enum {
+} filter_mode = FILTER_MODE_START;
+uint8_t filter_current_class = 0;
+uint8_t filter_current_subclass = 0;
+uint8_t filter_current_class_range = 0;
+static void
+saw_filter_class(uint8_t class)
+ switch(filter_mode) {
+ filter_mode = FILTER_MODE_CLASS;
+ filter_current_class = class;
+ filter_current_subclass = 0;
+ filter_current_class_range = 0;
+ // the case of a lone -c is taken care of
+ // by filter_done_parsing
+ break;
+ filter_mode = FILTER_MODE_CLASS;
+ // set old class, remember new one
+ set_filter_class(filter_current_class);
+ filter_current_class = class;
+ filter_current_subclass = 0;
+ filter_current_class_range = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ quit_args("invalid case in saw_filter_class\n");
+ }
+static void
+saw_filter_end_range(uint8_t end_class)
+ switch(filter_mode) {
+ filter_mode = FILTER_MODE_CLASS_RANGE;
+ filter_current_class_range = end_class;
+ set_filter_range(filter_current_class, filter_current_class_range);
+ break;
+ quit_args("must provide '-c class' before '-p 0x%x'\n",
+ end_class);
+ quit_args("extra range end '-p 0x%x'"
+ " for class '-c 0x%x'\n",
+ end_class, filter_current_class);
+ quit_args("cannot provide both range end '-p 0x%x'"
+ " and subclass '-s 0x%x'"
+ " for class '-c 0x%x'\n",
+ end_class, filter_current_subclass,
+ filter_current_class);
+ default:
+ quit_args("invalid case in saw_filter_end_range\n");
+ }
+static void
+saw_filter_subclass(uint8_t subclass)
+ switch(filter_mode) {
+ filter_mode = FILTER_MODE_SUBCLASS;
+ filter_current_subclass = subclass;
+ set_filter_subclass(filter_current_class, filter_current_subclass);
+ break;
+ quit_args("must provide '-c class'"
+ " before subclass '-s 0x%x'\n", subclass);
+ quit_args("cannot provide both range end '-p 0x%x'"
+ " and subclass '-s 0x%x'"
+ " for the same class '-c 0x%x'\n",
+ filter_current_class_range,
+ subclass, filter_current_class);
+ default:
+ quit_args("invalid case in saw_filter_subclass\n");
+ }
+static void
+ switch(filter_mode) {
+ // flush out the current class
+ set_filter_class(filter_current_class);
+ filter_mode = FILTER_MODE_START;
+ filter_current_class = 0;
+ filter_current_subclass = 0;
+ filter_current_class_range = 0;
+ break;
+ filter_mode = FILTER_MODE_START;
+ filter_current_class = 0;
+ filter_current_subclass = 0;
+ filter_current_class_range = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ quit_args("invalid case in filter_done_parsing\n");
+ }
+/* Tell set_filter_subclass not to print every. single. subclass. */
+static boolean_t setting_class = FALSE;
+static boolean_t setting_range = FALSE;
+static void
+set_filter_subclass(uint8_t class, uint8_t subclass)
+ if (!filter_alloced) {
+ type_filter_bitmap = (uint8_t *) calloc(1, KDBG_TYPEFILTER_BITMAP_SIZE);
+ if (type_filter_bitmap == NULL)
+ quit_args("Could not allocate type_filter_bitmap.\n");
+ filter_alloced = 1;
+ }
+ uint16_t csc = ENCODE_CSC_LOW(class, subclass);
+ if (verbose_flag && !setting_class)
+ printf("tracing subclass: 0x%4.4x\n", csc);
+ if (verbose_flag && isset(type_filter_bitmap, csc))
+ printf("class %u (0x%2.2x), subclass %u (0x%2.2x) set twice.\n",
+ class, class, subclass, subclass);
+ setbit(type_filter_bitmap, csc);
+static void
+set_filter_class(uint8_t class)
+ if (verbose_flag && !setting_range)
+ printf("tracing class: 0x%2.2x\n", class);
+ setting_class = TRUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ set_filter_subclass(class, i);
+ setting_class = FALSE;
+static void
+set_filter_range(uint8_t class, uint8_t end)
+ if (verbose_flag)
+ printf("tracing range: 0x%2.2x - 0x%2.2x\n", class, end);
+ setting_range = TRUE;
+ for (int i = class; i <= end; i++)
+ set_filter_class(i);
+ setting_range = FALSE;
+ * Syntax of filter file:
+ * Hexadecimal numbers only
+ * Class:
+ * C 0xXX
+ * Subclass (includes class):
+ * S 0xXXXX
+ * Comment:
+ * # <string>
+ * TBD: Class ranges?
+ * TBD: K for -k flag?
+ */
+static void
+parse_filter_file(char *filename)
+ FILE* file;
+ uint32_t current_line = 0;
+ uint32_t parsed_arg = 0;
+ int rval;
+ char line[256];
+ if ( (file = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL ) {
+ quit_args("Failed to open filter description file %s: %s\n",
+ filename, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ if (verbose_flag)
+ printf("Parsing typefilter file: %s\n", filename);
+ while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), file) != NULL ) {
+ current_line++;
+ switch (line[0]) {
+ case 'C':
+ rval = sscanf(line, "C 0x%x\n", &parsed_arg);
+ if (rval != 1)
+ quit_args("invalid line %d of file %s: %s\n",
+ current_line, filename, line);
+ if (parsed_arg > 0xFF)
+ quit_args("line %d of file %s: %s\n"
+ "parsed as 0x%x, "
+ "class value must be 0x0-0xFF\n",
+ current_line, filename, line, parsed_arg);
+ set_filter_class((uint8_t)parsed_arg);
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ rval = sscanf(line, "S 0x%x\n", &parsed_arg);
+ if (rval != 1)
+ quit_args("invalid line %d of file %s: %s\n",
+ current_line, filename, line);
+ if (parsed_arg > 0xFFFF)
+ quit_args("line %d of file %s: %s\n"
+ "parsed as 0x%x, "
+ "value must be 0x0-0xFFFF\n",
+ current_line, filename, line, parsed_arg);
+ set_filter_subclass(EXTRACT_CLASS_LOW(parsed_arg),
+ EXTRACT_SUBCLASS_LOW(parsed_arg));
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ // comment
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ // empty line
+ break;
+ case '\0':
+ // end of file
+ break;
+ default:
+ quit_args("Invalid filter description file: %s\n"
+ "could not parse line %d: %s\n",
+ filename, current_line, line);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(file);
* Find the debugid code in the list and return its index
-static int binary_search(list, lowbound, highbound, code)
- code_type_t *list;
- int lowbound, highbound;
- unsigned int code;
+static int
+binary_search(code_type_t *list, int lowbound, int highbound, unsigned int code)
int low, high, mid;
int tries = 0;
static int
-parse_codefile(char *filename)
+parse_codefile(const char *filename)
int fd;
- int i, j, count, line;
+ int j, line;
+ size_t count;
struct stat stat_buf;
- unsigned long file_size;
+ size_t file_size;
char *file_addr, *endp;
if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1)
* For some reason mapping files with zero size fails
* so it has to be handled specially.
- file_size = stat_buf.st_size;
+ file_size = (size_t)stat_buf.st_size;
if (stat_buf.st_size != 0)
- if ((file_addr = mmap(0, stat_buf.st_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
- MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FILE, fd, 0)) == (char*) -1)
+ file_addr = mmap(0, file_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+ if (file_addr == MAP_FAILED)
printf("Error: Can't map file: %s\n", filename);
- printf("Error: Zero sized file: %s\n", filename);
+ // Skip empty files
- return(-1);
+ return(0);
- if ((codesc = (code_type_t *)malloc(count * sizeof(code_type_t))) == 0 ) {
- printf("Failed to allocate buffer for code descriptions\n");
- return(-1);
- }
+ /* Grow the size of codesc to store new entries. */
+ size_t total_count = codesc_idx + count;
+ code_type_t *new_codesc = (code_type_t *)realloc(codesc, (total_count) * sizeof(code_type_t));
- bzero((char *)codesc, count * sizeof(code_type_t));
- codenum = 0;
+ if (new_codesc == NULL) {
+ printf("Failed to grow/allocate buffer. Skipping file %s\n", filename);
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ codesc = new_codesc;
+ bzero((char *)(codesc + codesc_idx), count * sizeof(code_type_t));
- for (line = 1, i = 0, j = 0; j < file_size && i < count ; i++)
+ for (line = 1, j = 0; j < file_size && codesc_idx < total_count;
+ codesc_idx++)
/* Skip blank lines */
- while (file_addr[j] == '\n')
+ while (j < file_size && file_addr[j] == '\n')
/* Skip leading whitespace */
while (file_addr[j] == ' ' || file_addr[j] == '\t')
/* Get the debugid code */
- codesc[i].debugid = strtoul(file_addr + j, &endp, 16);
- j = endp - file_addr;
+ codesc[codesc_idx].debugid = (uint32_t)strtoul(file_addr + j, &endp, 16);
+ j = (int)(endp - file_addr);
- if (codesc[i].debugid == 0)
+ if (codesc[codesc_idx].debugid == 0)
/* We didn't find a debugid code - skip this line */
if (verbose_flag)
printf("Error: while parsing line %d, skip\n", line);
- while (file_addr[j] != '\n' && j < file_size)
+ while (j < file_size && file_addr[j] != '\n')
- i--;
+ codesc_idx--;
/* Skip whitespace */
- while (file_addr[j] == ' ' || file_addr[j] == '\t')
+ while (j < file_size && (file_addr[j] == ' ' || file_addr[j] == '\t'))
+ {
+ }
+ if (j >= file_size)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
/* Get around old file that had count at the beginning */
if (file_addr[j] == '\n')
/* missing debugid string - skip */
if (verbose_flag)
- printf("Error: while parsing line %d, (0x%x) skip\n", line, codesc[i].debugid);
+ {
+ printf("Error: while parsing line %d, (0x%x) skip\n", line,
+ codesc[codesc_idx].debugid);
+ }
- i--;
+ codesc_idx--;
+ if (j >= file_size)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
/* Next is the debugid string terminated by a newline */
- codesc[i].debug_string = &file_addr[j];
+ codesc[codesc_idx].debug_string = &file_addr[j];
/* Null out the newline terminator */
- while ((j < file_size) && (file_addr[j] != '\n'))
+ while (j < file_size && file_addr[j] != '\n')
+ {
+ }
+ if (j >= file_size)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
file_addr[j] = '\0'; /* File must be read-write */
/* sort */
- qsort((void *)codesc, codenum, sizeof(code_type_t), debugid_compar);
+ qsort((void *)codesc, codesc_idx, sizeof(code_type_t), debugid_compar);
if (verbose_flag)
- printf("Sorted %d codes in %s\n", codenum, filename);
+ printf("Sorted %zd codes in %s\n", codesc_idx, filename);
printf("lowbound [%6d]: 0x%8x %s\n", 0, codesc[0].debugid, codesc[0].debug_string);
- printf("highbound [%6d]: 0x%8x %s\n\n", codenum-1, codesc[codenum-1].debugid, codesc[codenum-1].debug_string);
+ printf("highbound [%6zd]: 0x%8x %s\n\n", codesc_idx - 1, codesc[codesc_idx - 1].debugid, codesc[codesc_idx - 1].debug_string);
+ codesc_find_dupes();
#if 0
/* Dump the codefile */
- for (i = 0; i < codenum; i++)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < codesc_idx; i++)
printf("[%d] 0x%x %s\n",i+1, codesc[i].debugid, codesc[i].debug_string);
+static void
+ boolean_t found_dupes = FALSE;
+ if (codesc_idx == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t last_debugid = codesc[0].debugid;
+ for(int i = 1; i < codesc_idx; i++)
+ {
+ if(codesc[i].debugid == last_debugid)
+ {
+ found_dupes = TRUE;
+ if (verbose_flag) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: The debugid 0x%"PRIx32" (%s) has already been defined as '%s'.\n", codesc[i].debugid, codesc[i].debug_string, codesc[i - 1].debug_string);
+ }
+ }
+ last_debugid = codesc[i].debugid;
+ }
+ if (found_dupes)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: One or more duplicate entries found in your codefiles, which will lead to unpredictable decoding behavior. Re-run with -v for more info\n");
+ }
-int match_debugid(unsigned int xx, char * debugstr, int * yy)
+match_debugid(unsigned int xx, char * debugstr, int * yy)
int indx;
+read_cpu_map(int fd)
+ if (cpumap_header) {
+ free(cpumap_header);
+ cpumap_header = NULL;
+ cpumap = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * To fit in the padding space of a VERSION1 file, the max possible
+ * cpumap size is one page.
+ */
+ cpumap_header = malloc(PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (readRAW_flag) {
+ /*
+ * cpu maps exist in a RAW_VERSION1+ header only
+ */
+ if (raw_header.version_no == RAW_VERSION1) {
+ off_t cpumap_position = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
+ /* cpumap is part of the last 4KB of padding in the preamble */
+ size_t padding_bytes = SIZE_4KB - (cpumap_position & (SIZE_4KB - 1));
+ if (read(fd, cpumap_header, padding_bytes) == padding_bytes) {
+ if (cpumap_header->version_no == RAW_VERSION1) {
+ cpumap = (kd_cpumap*)&cpumap_header[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ int mib[3];
+ mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+ mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
+ mib[2] = KERN_KDCPUMAP;
+ size_t temp = PAGE_SIZE;
+ if (sysctl(mib, 3, cpumap_header, &temp, NULL, 0) == 0) {
+ if (PAGE_SIZE >= temp) {
+ if (cpumap_header->version_no == RAW_VERSION1) {
+ cpumap = (kd_cpumap*)&cpumap_header[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!cpumap) {
+ printf("Can't read the cpu map -- this is not fatal\n");
+ free(cpumap_header);
+ cpumap_header = NULL;
+ } else if (verbose_flag) {
+ /* Dump the initial cpumap */
+ printf("\nCPU\tName\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < cpumap_header->cpu_count; i++) {
+ printf ("%2d\t%s\n", cpumap[i].cpu_id, cpumap[i].name);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
-read_command_map(int fd, int count)
+read_command_map(int fd, uint32_t count)
int i;
size_t size;
if (readRAW_flag) {
- off_t offset;
if (read(fd, mapptr, size) != size) {
if (verbose_flag)
printf("Can't read the thread map -- this is not fatal\n");
mapptr = 0;
- return(size);
- }
- if (raw_header.version_no != RAW_VERSION0) {
- offset = lseek(fd, (off_t)0, SEEK_CUR);
- offset = (offset + (4095)) & ~4095;
- lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
+ return (int)size;
} else {
/* Now read the threadmap */
- for (i = 0; i < total_threads; i++)
- create_map_entry(mapptr[i].thread, &mapptr[i].command[0]);
+ for (i = 0; i < total_threads; i++) {
+ if (mapptr[i].thread)
+ create_map_entry(mapptr[i].thread, &mapptr[i].command[0]);
+ }
if (verbose_flag) {
/* Dump the initial map */
printf("Size of maptable returned is %ld, thus %ld entries\n", size, (size/sizeof(kd_threadmap)));
printf("Thread Command\n");
- for (i = 0; i < total_threads; i++)
- {
- printf ("0x%lx %s\n",
- mapptr[i].thread,
+ for (i = 0; i < total_threads; i++) {
+ printf ("0x%" PRIx64 " %s\n",
+ (uint64_t)mapptr[i].thread,
- return(size);
+ return (int)size;
-void create_map_entry(uintptr_t thread, char *command)
+create_map_entry(uint64_t thread, char *command)
threadmap_t tme;
int hashid;
threadmap_hash[hashid] = tme;
-void delete_thread_entry(uintptr_t thread)
+delete_thread_entry(uint64_t thread)
threadmap_t tme = 0;
threadmap_t tme_prev;
-void find_and_insert_tmp_map_entry(uintptr_t pthread, char *command)
+find_and_insert_tmp_map_entry(uint64_t pthread, char *command)
threadmap_t tme = 0;
threadmap_t tme_prev;
-void create_tmp_map_entry(uintptr_t thread, uintptr_t pthread)
+create_tmp_map_entry(uint64_t thread, uint64_t pthread)
threadmap_t tme;
-find_thread_entry(uintptr_t thread)
+find_thread_entry(uint64_t thread)
threadmap_t tme;
int hashid;
return (0);
-void find_thread_name(uintptr_t thread, char **command, boolean_t deleteme)
+find_thread_name(uint64_t thread, char **command, boolean_t deleteme)
threadmap_t tme;
*command = EMPTYSTRING;
-void find_thread_command(kd_buf *kbufp, char **command)
+find_thread_command(kd_buf *kbufp, char **command)
- uintptr_t thread;
+ uint64_t thread;
threadmap_t tme;
int debugid_base;
+ *command = EMPTYSTRING;
thread = kbufp->arg5;
debugid_base = kbufp->debugid & DBG_FUNC_MASK;
if (debugid_base == BSC_exit || tme->tm_deleteme == TRUE)
- } else
- *command = EMPTYSTRING;
+ }
else if (debugid_base == TRACE_DATA_NEWTHREAD) {
find_thread_name(thread, command, (debugid_base == BSC_thread_terminate));
-void getdivisor()
+static void
- mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
+ (void) mach_timebase_info (&mach_timebase);
if (frequency == 0) {
- (void) mach_timebase_info (&info);
- divisor = ( (double)info.denom / (double)info.numer) * 1000;
+ divisor = ( (double)mach_timebase.denom / (double)mach_timebase.numer) * 1000;
} else
divisor = (double)frequency / 1000000;