.\" Copyright (c) 2000, Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
-.Dd March 28, 2000
+.Dd November 7, 2002
.Os "Mac OS X"
.Nm fs_usage
-.Nd reports system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity
-in real-time.
+.Nd report system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity in
-.Nm fs_usage [-e] [-w] [ pid|cmd [pid|cmd] ...]
+.Nm fs_usage [-e] [-w] [-f mode [-f mode] ...] [ pid|cmd [pid|cmd] ...]
.Nm fs_usage
-presents an ongoing display of system call usage
-information pertaining to filesystem activity. By default
-this includes all system processes except the running
-fs_usage process,
-Terminal, telnetd, sshd, rlogind, tcsh, csh and sh.
-These defaluts can be overridden such that output is limited to
-include or exclude a list of processes specified by the user.
+utility presents an ongoing display of system call usage information
+pertaining to filesystem activity.
+It requires root privileges due to the kernel tracing facility it uses to
+By default the activity monitored includes all system processes except the
+.Nm fs_usage
+process, Terminal, telnetd, sshd, rlogind, tcsh, csh and sh.
+These defaults can be overridden such that output is limited to include or
+exclude a list of processes specified by the user.
The output presented by
.Nm fs_usage
is formatted according to the size of your window.
A narrow window will display fewer columns of data.
-Use a wide window for maximum data display. You may
-override the window formatting restrictions by
-forcing a wide display with the
+Use a wide window for maximum data display.
+You may override the window formatting restrictions by forcing a wide display
+with the
.Fl w
-option. In this case, the data displayed will wrap
-when the window is not wide enough.
+In this case, the data displayed will wrap when the window is not wide enough.
The options are as follows:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
Specifying the
.Fl e
option generates output that excludes sampling
-of the running fs_usage tool. If a list of
-process ids or commands is also given, then
-those processes are also excluded from the sampled
+of the running fs_usage tool.
+If a list of process ids or commands is also given, then those processes are
+also excluded from the sampled output.
.It Fl w
Specifying the
.Fl w
-option forces a wider, more detailed output,
-regardless of the window size.
+option forces a wider, more detailed output, regardless of the window size.
+.It Fl f
+Specifying the
+.Fl f
+option turns on output filtering based on the
+.Pa mode
+Multiple filtering options can be specified.
+By default no output filtering occurs.
+The supported modes are:
+.Pa network
+Only network related output is displayed.
+.Pa filesys
+Only file system related output is displayed.
+.Pa cachehit
+In addition, display CACHE_HIT output.
.It pid | cmd
-The sampled data can be limited to a list of process
-ids or commands. When a command name is given, all
-processes with that name will be sampled. Using the
+The sampled data can be limited to a list of process ids or commands.
+When a command name is given, all processes with that name will be sampled.
+Using the
.Fl e
-option has the opposite effect, excluding sampled data
-relating to the given list of process ids or commands.
+option has the opposite effect, excluding sampled data relating to the given
+list of process ids or commands.
-If "/tmp/FileTracing" is present when a Carbon Application
-is launched, then the high level Carbon FileManager
-calls will be displayed bracketing the system calls that they
-are built on.
+If you set the DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX environment variable to
+.Dq Li _debug ,
+then an application will use the debug version of all libraries including the
+Carbon FileManager.
+.Xr dyld 1 .
+.Nm fs_usage
+is run against a Carbon Application launched in this environment, then the
+high level Carbon FileManager calls will be displayed bracketing the system
+calls that they are built on.
The data columns displayed are as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width TIME_INTERVALWWWW -compact
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
-TOD when call occurred. Wide mode will
-have millesecond granularity.
+TOD when call occurred.
+Wide mode will have millisecond granularity.
-the name of the filesystem call or page-in.
+The name of the network or filesystem related call, page-in, page-out or physical disk access.
-Of the form F=x, x is a file descriptor. Depending
-on the type of system call, this will be either
-an input value or a return value.
+Of the form F=x, x is a file descriptor.
+Depending on the type of system call, this will be either an input value or a
+return value.
Of the form B=x, x is the number of bytes requested by the call.
Pathname of the file accessed (up to the last 28 bytes).
-Of the form A=0xnnnnnnnn, where 0xnnnnnnnn is the
-address being faulted.
+Of the form A=0xnnnnnnnn, where 0xnnnnnnnn is the address being faulted.
+Of the form D=0xnnnnnnnn, where 0xnnnnnnnn is the block number of the physical
+disk block being read or written.
+Of the form O=0xnnnnnnnn, where 0xnnnnnnnn is a file offset.
+Of the form S=x, x is the number of ready descriptors returned by the select()
+system call.
+If S=0, the time limit expired.
The elapsed time spent in the system call.
-A 'W' after the elapsed time indicates
-the process was scheduled out during
-this file activity. In this case, the elapsed
-time includes the wait time.
+.Sq Li W
+after the elapsed time indicates the process was scheduled out during this file
+In this case, the elapsed time includes the wait time.
The process that made the system call.
-fs_usage -w telnetd
+fs_usage -w -f filesys Mail
.Nm fs_usage
-will report file system usage data for all
-instances of processes named telnetd. Maximum
-data output will be displayed in the window.
+will display file system related data for all instances of processes named Mail.
+Maximum data output will be displayed in the window.
-.Xr top 1
-.Xr sc_usage 1
-.Xr latency 1
+.Xr top 1 ,
+.Xr sc_usage 1 ,
+.Xr latency 1 ,
+.Xr dyld 1