5 // Created by James McIlree on 11/7/12.
6 // Copyright (c) 2014 Apple. All rights reserved.
10 // NOTE! activity match behavior explanation...
12 // CPUActivity entries are contiguous, there are no holes in the timeline.
14 // Note the operator< definitions above, std::lower_bounds is not using the
15 // default AbsInterval <. The comparsions are against the interval(s) max() - 1.
17 // std::lower_bound returns a match doing <=, std::upper_bound returns a match doing <
21 // Okay, based on a better understanding of the behavior of xxx_bounds, this
22 // should be switchable to std::upper_bounds using a comparator without the
23 // subtraction, and so slightly more efficient.
26 template <typename SIZE>
27 const CPUActivity<SIZE>* MachineCPU<SIZE>::activity_for_timestamp(AbsTime timestamp) const {
28 auto it = std::upper_bound(_timeline.begin(), _timeline.end(), timestamp, AbsIntervalMaxVsAbsTimeComparator());
30 // The upper bound will report that 0 is lower than [ 10, 20 ), need to check contains!
31 if (it != _timeline.end() && it->contains(timestamp)) {