]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/syslog.git/blob - syslogd.tproj/asl.conf.5
[apple/syslog.git] / syslogd.tproj / asl.conf.5
1 .\"Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
2 .\"
4 .\"
5 .\"This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
6 .\"as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
7 .\"Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
8 .\"compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
9 .\"http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
10 .\"file.
11 .\"
12 .\"The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 .\"distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 .\"Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
18 .\"limitations under the License.
19 .\"
21 .\"
22 .Dd Sept 19, 2008
23 .Dt asl.conf 5
24 .Os "Mac OS X"
25 .Sh NAME
26 .Nm asl.conf
27 .Nd configuration file for
28 .Xr syslogd 8
29 and
30 .Xr aslmanager 8
32 The
33 .Xr syslogd 8
34 server reads the /etc/asl.conf file at startup, and re-reads the file when it receives a HUP signal.
35 The
36 .Xr aslmanager 8
37 daemon reads the file when it starts.
38 See the ASLMANAGER PARAMETER SETTINGS section for details on aslmanager-specific parameters.
39 .Pp
40 If the /etc/asl directory exists, then
41 .Nm syslogd
42 and
43 .Nm aslmanager
44 will read each file it contains.
45 These files must have the same format as
46 .Nm asl.conf .
47 Each file configures an independent module, identified by the file name.
48 Modules may be enabled or disabled independently.
49 Each module may specify its own set of rules for acting on received messages.
50 See the ASL MODULES section for details.
51 .Pp
52 The files contain several types of lines, described below.
53 Each type is identified by the first non-whitespace character in the line.
54 .Pp
55 .Bl -tag -width "=" -compact
56 .It =
57 Parameter settings
58 .It ?
59 Query-action rules
60 .It >
61 Output file or directory configuration options
62 .It #
64 .El
65 .Pp
66 Parameter setting lines in the configuration file are generally of the form:
67 .Pp
68 .Dl = parameter_name value ...
69 .Pp
70 Most parameter settings require a single value, although some may take several values.
71 See the PARAMETER SETTINGS section for details.
72 .Pp
73 Query-action rules in the file generally have the form:
74 .Pp
75 .Dl ? query action ...
76 .Pp
77 This directs
78 .Nm syslogd
79 to perform the specified action when a received message matches the given query.
80 Actions may be followed by optional arguments.
81 See the QUERY-ACTION RULES section for details.
82 .Pp
83 Most query-action rules specify output files or ASL-format data stores where matching messages should be saved.
84 The optional parameters for those rules can specify a number of options for these outputs.
85 As a convenience, these configuration options may be specified on a separate line.
86 Output configuration settings in the file begin with a greater-than sign
87 .Dq >
88 followed by a file or ASL directory name and the configuration options for that file or directory.
89 These lines generally have the form:
90 .Pp
91 .Dl > filename option ...
92 .Pp
93 See the OUTPUT CONFIGURATION SETTINGS section for details.
94 .Pp
95 Comment lines are ignored.
97 The following parameter-settings are recognized by
98 .Nm syslogd .
99 .Pp
100 .Bl -tag -width "bsd_max_dup_time" -compact -offset indent
101 .It debug
102 Enables or disables internal debugging output.
103 This is probably of little interest to most users.
104 The debug parameter requires a value of
105 .Dq 1
106 to enable debug output, or a value of
107 .Dq 0
108 to disable it.
109 Debugging messages are written to /var/log/syslogd.log.
110 .Pp
111 .It mark_time
112 Sets the time interval for the mark facility.
113 The default is 0 seconds, which indicates that mark messages are not generated.
114 .Pp
115 .It dup_delay
116 Sets the maximum time before writing a
117 .Dq "last message repeated <N> times"
118 message in a log file when duplicate messages have been detected.
119 The default is 30 seconds.
120 .Pp
121 .It utmp_ttl
122 Sets the time-to-live for messages used by the utmp, wtmp, and lastlog subsystems.
123 The default is 31622400 seconds (approximately 1 year).
124 .Pp
125 .It mps_limit
126 Sets the kernel message per second quota.
127 The default is value is 500.
128 A value of 0 disables the quota mechanism.
129 Note that this setting only limits the number of kernel messages that will be saved by
130 .Nm syslogd .
131 User processes are limited to 36000 messages per hour.
132 The limit for a user process is not enforced if a remote-control ASL filter is in
133 place for the process.
134 See the
135 .Xr syslog 1
136 manual for enabling a remote-control filter using the
137 .Fl c
138 option with the
139 .Nm syslog
140 command.
141 .Pp
142 .It max_file_size
143 Sets the maximum file size for individual files in the ASL database.
144 The default is 25600000 bytes.
145 .El
147 Query-action rules are used to cause
148 .Nm syslogd
149 to perform specific actions when received messages match a specified query pattern.
150 For example, to save certain messages in a file.
151 The rules are processed in the order in which they appear in the file.
152 This matters because some actions can affect further processing.
153 For example, an
154 .Dq ignore
155 action causes
156 .Nm syslogd
157 to stop processing the rules in a file for messages that match a given query pattern.
158 .Pp
159 Query-action rules contain three components: a query, an action, and optional parameters specific to that action.
160 For example, the following rule matches log messages sent by the
161 .Dq example
162 process which have log priority levels in the range emergency to error.
163 If a received message matches,
164 .Nm syslogd
165 posts a BSD notification for the key
166 .Dq com.example.log_message .
167 .Pp
168 .Dl ? [= Sender example] [<= Level error] notify com.example.log_message
169 .Ss Query Format
170 Queries comprise one or more message matching components, each of which has the form:
171 .Pp
172 .Dl [OP KEY VAL]
173 .Pp
174 OP is a comparison operator.
175 It can have the following values:
176 .Pp
177 .Bl -tag -width "<= " -compact -offset indent
178 .It T
179 true (always matches)
180 .It =
181 equal
182 .It !
183 not equal
184 .It >
185 greater than
186 .It >=
187 greater than or equal to
188 .It <
189 less than
190 .It <=
191 less than or equal to
192 .El
193 .Pp
194 It can also be preceded by one or more modifiers:
195 .Bl -tag -width "C " -compact -offset indent
196 .Pp
197 .It C
198 casefold
199 .It N
200 numeric comparison
201 .It S
202 substring
203 .It A
204 prefix
205 .It Z
206 suffix
207 .El
208 .Pp
209 KEY and VAL are message keys and values.
210 For example
211 .Pp
212 .Dl [= Sender example]
213 .Pp
214 matches any message with value
215 .Dq example
216 for the
217 .Dq Sender
218 key.
219 The query
220 .Pp
221 .Dl [CA= Color gr]
222 .Pp
223 matches any message with a value beginning with the letters GR, Gr, gr, or gR
224 (
225 .Dq C
226 meaning casefold,
227 .Dq A
228 meaning prefix) for the
229 .Dq Color
230 key.
231 The example query above,
232 .Pp
233 .Dl [= Sender example] [N< Level 3]
234 .Pp
235 matches any message from
236 .Dq example
237 with a level numerically less than 3
238 (string values are converted to integers, and the comparison is done on the integer values).
239 Note that the string values may be used equivalently for the Level key,
240 so the example above may also be written as:
241 .Pp
242 .Dl [= Sender example] [< Level Error]
243 .Pp
244 String values for levels may be any of the set
245 .Dq emergency ,
246 .Dq alert ,
247 .Dq critical ,
248 .Dq error ,
249 .Dq warning ,
250 .Dq notice ,
251 .Dq info ,
252 or
253 .Dq debug .
254 These strings may be upper, lower, or mixed case.
255 .Pp
256 The
257 .Dq T
258 operator is useful to test for the presence of a particular key.
259 .Pp
260 .Dl [T Flavor]
261 .Pp
262 Will match any message that has a
263 .Dq Flavor
264 key, regardless of its value.
265 .Pp
266 Note that space characters and closing square bracket characters (']') are specially processed.
267 The first space character following the beginning of a key delimits the key.
268 The first closing square bracket following the beginning of a value delimits the value.
269 So '[= foo bar\ ]'
270 will match messages which have a key 'foo' with the value 'bar ', including a trailing space character.
271 .Pp
272 As a special case, the query
273 .Pp
274 .Dl *
275 .Pp
276 matches all messages.
277 .Ss Actions
278 The following actions are available.
279 .Pp
280 .Bl -tag -width "directory" -compact -offset indent
281 .It store
282 Causes
283 .Nm syslogd
284 to save matching messages in the ASL database.
285 Note that if /etc/asl.conf contains no
286 .Dq store
287 action rules, then
288 .Nm syslogd
289 will save all messages it receives in the ASL database.
290 .Pp
291 .It file
292 Causes matching messages to be stored in a log file.
293 The file's path name must follow as the first parameter.
294 If the path already exists, it must be a plain file.
295 If the file does not exist, it will be created when the first message is written.
296 If the pathname specified is not an absolute path,
297 .Nm syslogd
298 will treat the given path as relative to /var/log (for /etc/asl.conf),
299 or for other output modules relative to /var/log/module/NAME where NAME is the module name.
300 .Pp
301 By default, the file's owner will be root, and the file will be readable by the admin group.
302 Various options may follow the file name to specify ownership and access controls,
303 printed log message format, and controls for file rotation, compression, time-to-live,
304 and other aspects of output file life-cycle management.
305 See the OUTPUT CONFIGURATION SETTINGS section for more details.
306 .Pp
307 .It directory
308 Causes matching messages to be stored in an ASL-format log message data store.
309 A directory path name must follow as the first parameter.
310 If the path exists, it must be a directory.
311 .Pp
312 Messages saved to an ASL directory are saved in files that are named
313 .Dq yyyy.mm.dd.asl ,
314 where
315 .Dq yyyy ,
316 .Dq mm ,
317 and
318 .Dq dd
319 are the year, month (01 to 12) and day of the month (01 to 31) associated with
320 matching messages.
321 This has the effect of saving messages in a separate file for each day.
322 .Pp
323 By default, files in the directory will be owned by root, and readable by the admin group.
324 Various options may follow the directory name to control ownership, access controls,
325 and the management of the store and its contents.
326 See the OUTPUT CONFIGURATION SETTINGS section for a list of options that may be set for store directories.
327 .Pp
328 .It notify
329 Causes
330 .Nm syslogd
331 to post a notification with
332 .Fn notify_post .
333 The notification key must appear as a single parameter following the
334 .Dq notify
335 action.
336 .Pp
337 .It skip
338 Causes a matching message to be ignored in all subsequent matching rules in the file.
339 Its scope is local to a single module configuration file.
340 .Pp
341 .It claim
342 Messages that match the query associated with a
343 .Dq claim
344 action are not processed by the main ASL configuration file /etc/asl.conf.
345 While claimed messages are not processed by /etc/asl.conf,
346 they are not completely private.
347 Other modules may also claim messages,
348 and in some cases two or more modules may have claim actions
349 that match the same messages.
350 This action only blocks processing by /etc/asl.conf.
351 .Pp
352 The
353 .Dq claim
354 action may be followed by the keyword
355 .Dq only .
356 In this case, only those messages that match the
357 .Dq claim only
358 query will be processed by subsequent rules in the module.
359 .Pp
360 .It access
361 Sets read access controls for messages that match the associated query pattern.
362 .Nm syslogd
363 will restrict read access to matching messages to a specific user and group.
364 The user ID number and group ID number must follow the
365 .Dq access
366 keyword as parameters.
367 .Pp
368 .It broadcast
369 Causes syslogd to write the text of matching messages to all terminal windows.
370 If optional text follows the
371 .Dq broadcast
372 keyword, then that text is written rather that the matching message text.
373 Note that this action is restricted to the main ASL configuration file /etc/asl.conf.
374 .Pp
375 .It ignore
376 Causes a matching message to be ignored in all subsequent matching rules in the file.
377 This action is equivalent to the
378 .Dq skip
379 action in all module configuration files except the main ASL configuration file /etc/asl.conf.
380 When used in the main configuration file, the scope of the action is global,
381 and matching messages will be ignored by all ASL modules.
382 .El
384 Various options may follow the path name in a
385 .Dq file
386 or
387 .Dq directory
388 query-action rule.
389 For example, the following rule specifies that all messages from the
390 .Dq example
391 facility will be saved in the file
392 .Dq example.log ,
393 and that messages are printed in a
394 .Dq raw
395 format that shows all the keys and values in the message:
396 .Pp
397 .Dl ? [= Facility example] file example.log format=raw
398 .Pp
399 Multiple options may be specified separated by whitespace characters.
400 For example:
401 .Pp
402 .Dl ? [= Facility example] file example.log format=raw rotate=local compress ttl=3 mode=0640 uid=0 gid=5 gid=20
403 .Pp
404 As a convenience, a file or directory name and any associated options can be specified on a separate
405 output configuration line following a
406 .Dq >
407 character:
408 .Pp
409 .Dl > example.log format=raw rotate=local compress ttl=3 mode=0640 uid=0 gid=5 gid=20
410 .Pp
411 Options for a file or directory are taken from the first query-action rule
412 or output configuration line for the given path.
413 A good usage pattern for multiple rules that specify the same output file or directory is:
414 .Pp
415 .Dl > example.log options ...
416 .Dl ? query1 file example.log
417 .Dl ? query2 file example.log
418 .Dl ? query3 file example.log
419 .Pp
420 Most of the options listed below may be used with either file or directory outputs.
421 Exceptions are noted.
422 .Pp
423 .Bl -tag -width "coalesce=VAL" -compact -offset indent
424 .It format=FMT
425 Controls the format of log messages saved in a file.
426 Note that this option is specific to file outputs.
427 It is ignored for ASL directories.
428 .Pp
429 The format is specified by the value given for FMT.
430 Several pre-defined formats are available:
431 .Bl -tag -width "abcd"
432 .It bsd
433 Format used by the
434 .Nm syslogd
435 daemon for system log files, e.g. /var/log/system.log.
436 .It std
437 Standard (default) format.
438 Similar to
439 .Dq bsd ,
440 but includes the message priority level.
441 .It raw
442 Prints the complete message structure.
443 Each key/value pair is enclosed in square brackets.
444 Embedded closing brackets and white space are escaped.
445 Time stamps are printed as seconds since the epoch.
446 .It xml
447 The list of messages is printed as an XML property list.
448 Each message is represented as a dictionary in a array.
449 Dictionary keys represent message keys.
450 Dictionary values are strings.
451 .It asl
452 The output file is written as an ASL-format data store file.
453 Files in this format may be read and searched using the
454 .Nm syslog
455 command line utility with the use of the
456 .Fl f Ar path
457 option.
458 .El
459 .Pp
460 Custom format strings may also be specified.
461 Since custom formats often contain white-space characters,
462 the entire string may be enclosed in single or double quote characters,
463 or each white-space character may be preceded by a backslash escape character.
464 Escaped characters are not interpreted.
465 Custom format strings are described in detail in the READING MESSAGES section of the
466 .Xr syslog 1
467 manual.
468 .Pp
469 .It mode=MMM
470 Sets the mode of the file or files within an ASL directory.
471 The value MMM may be specified as a decimal value,
472 a hexadecimal value (if preceded by ``0x''),
473 or octal value (if preceded by ``0'').
474 .Pp
475 .It uid=UUU
476 Specifies the file's owner.
477 If more than one
478 .Dq uid=UUU
479 option is given, the first will be used to set ownership,
480 and subsequent user IDs will be given read access to in the files POSIX.1e ACLs.
481 Note that UIDs should be defined in the local Open Directory database, since
482 .Nm syslogd
483 starts and may create the log file before network directory services are available.
484 Unknown UIDs and GIDs will be ignored when setting access controls.
485 .Pp
486 .It gid=GGG
487 Specifies the file's group.
488 If more than one
489 .Dq gid=GGG
490 option is given, the first will be used to set the file's group,
491 and subsequent group IDs will be given read access to in the files POSIX.1e ACLs.
492 As with UID=UUU options, groups should be defined in the local Open Directory database.
493 .Pp
494 .It coalesce=VAL
495 By default, files printed using the
496 .Dq bsd
497 and
498 .Dq std
499 formats will coalesce duplicates.
500 If two or more messages are logged within 30 seconds, and which differ only in time,
501 then the second and subsequent messages will not be printed.
502 When a different message is logged, or 30 seconds have elapsed since the initial
503 message was logged, a line with the text
504 .Dl --- last message repeated N times ---
505 will be added to the file.
506 The default is
507 .Dq coalesce=1 .
508 The default may be overridden by specifying
509 .Dq coalesce=0 .
510 The values
511 .Dq off
512 and
513 .Dq false
514 may be used in place of
515 .Dq 0 .
516 .El
517 .Pp
518 The following options all deal with file rotation and life-cycle management.
519 The FILE ROTATION section describes this in detail.
520 .Pp
521 .Bl -tag -width "rotate=NAME_STYLE" -compact -offset indent
522 .Pp
523 .It rotate=NAME_STYLE
524 Enables log file rotation and specifies the file naming scheme for rotated files.
525 This option does not apply to ASL directories.
526 NAME_STYLE may either be a simple time-stamp style:
527 .Dq sec ,
528 .Dq utc ,
529 .Dq utc-basic ,
530 .Dq local ,
531 .Dq local-basic ,
532 or
533 .Dq seq ;
534 or the value may contain the file's base name, a file name extension, and one of the time-stame styles.
535 For example
536 .Dq example.seq.log
537 or
538 .Dq example.log.utc-basic.
539 A detailed description of name styles may be found in the FILE ROTATION section below.
540 .Pp
541 If the option
542 .Dq rotate
543 appears without a value, the naming style defaults to
544 .Dq "sec" .
545 .Pp
546 .It ttl=DAYS
547 Specifies the number of days that older versions of rotated files should be allowed to remain in the filesystem.
548 Rotated files older than this limit are deleted.
549 .Pp
550 .It dest=PATH
551 By default, rotated files are left in the same directory as the original file.
552 However, in some cases it may be useful to move the rotated versions to a different
553 directory for archival or other reasons.
554 If this option is specified,
555 .Nm aslmanager
556 will move files to the directory given by PATH.
557 .Pp
558 .It soft
559 Makes
560 .Nm syslogd
561 ignore write errors when saving messages.
562 Normally,
563 .Nm syslogd
564 will stop saving to a file or ASL directory after 5 consecutive write errors.
565 .Pp
566 .It compress
567 Enables gzip file compression for rotated log files.
568 When compressed, the extension
569 .Dq .gz
570 is appended to the file name.
571 When the output is an ASL directory, data files are compressed after midnight local time.
572 This means that messages written in the current day will be readable using
573 .Nm syslog Fl d
574 or using the
575 .Xr asl 3
576 API.
577 Messages in compressed data files will not be available until the files are un-compressed.
578 .Pp
579 .It file_max=SIZE
580 Limits the size of an active log file.
581 SIZE may be an integer number of bytes, or the value may be followed by a single character
582 .Dq k ,
583 .Dq m ,
584 or
585 .Dq g
586 (upper or lower case),
587 to indicate a size limit in multiples of 1024 (kibibyte), 1048576 (mebibyte), or 1073741824 (gibibyte).
588 If a file exceeds this limit, it is immediately checkpointed by
589 .Nm syslogd
590 and a new file is opened.
591 Note that
592 .Dq file_max
593 specifies a size limit before file compression is performed if the
594 .Dq compress
595 option is also present.
596 .Pp
597 .It all_max=SIZE
598 Specifies a size limit for the total of all rotated versions of a file.
599 .Nm aslmanager
600 will delete rotated files, oldest first, to reduce the total below the limit.
601 SIZE may be specified in the same format as the file_max option.
602 .Pp
603 .It basestamp
604 Causes
605 .Nm syslogd
606 to add a timestamp to the file name when it is created.
607 For example,
608 .Pp
609 .Dl
610 > example.log rotate=utc-basic basestamp
611 .Pp
612 will result in syslogd writing to, e.g.
613 .Dq example.log.20120625T070000Z
614 rather than to
615 .Dq example.log .
616 Note that this option does nothing with sequenced (``seq'') files.
617 .Pp
618 .It symlink
619 This option may only be used together with the basestamp option.
620 It causes
621 .Nm syslogd
622 to create a symlink with the unstamped file name to the currently active log file.
623 For example,
624 .Pp
625 .Dl
626 > example.log rotate=sec basestamp symlink
627 .Pp
628 will result in syslogd writing to, e.g.
629 .Dq example.log.T1340607600 ,
630 and creating a sybolic link from
631 .Dq example.log
632 to the active file.
633 .Pp
634 .El
636 .Nm syslogd
637 and
638 .Nm aslmanager
639 work together to provide the features of file rotation.
640 This section describes the file rotation options that may be used in /etc/asl.conf
641 or an ASL Output Module configuration file,
642 together with a description of how the system works to support those features.
643 .Pp
644 File rotation or file rolling is enabled by the
645 .Dq rotate
646 output configuration option.
647 It is typically specificed with a value which specifies the naming sytle for rotated files.
648 Name styles may simply be a timestamp format, which is appended to the filename.
649 .Pp
650 .Bl -tag -width "local-basic" -compact -indent
651 .It sec
652 Rotated file names are of the form
653 .Dq example.log.T1340607600 .
654 The file names include the creation time of the file in seconds since the epoch.
655 .Pp
656 .It utc
657 Rotated file names are in ISO 8601 extended format, for example
658 .Dq example.log.2012-06-24T07:00:00Z .
659 The file names includes its creation time as a UTC date and time.
660 .Pp
661 .It utc-basic
662 Rotated file names are in ISO 8601 basic format, for example
663 .Dq example.log.20120624T070000Z .
664 The file names includes its creation time as a UTC date and time.
665 .Pp
666 .It local
667 Rotated file names are in ISO 8601 extended format, for example
668 .Dq example.log.2012-06-24T07:00:00-7 .
669 The file names includes its creation time as date and time in the local time zone.
670 The local timezone offset is included as a trailing part of the name.
671 The value
672 .Dq lcl
673 is an alias for
674 .Dq local .
675 .Pp
676 .It local-basic
677 Rotated file names are in ISO 8601 basic format, for example
678 .Dq example.log.20120624T070000-07 .
679 The file names includes its creation time as date and time in the local time zone.
680 The local timezone offset is included as a trailing part of the name.
681 The value
682 .Dq lcl-basic
683 is an alias for
684 .Dq local-basic .
685 .Pp
686 .It seq
687 Rotated file names are of the form
688 .Dq example.log.N
689 where N is an integer sequence number.
690 Files are re-numbered on each rotation so that the
691 .Dq 0
692 file is the most recent.
693 .El
694 .Pp
695 Note that using the local timezone for timestamped files may cause odd behavior on highly mobile systems.
696 .Nm aslmanager
697 will delete files after a specified time-to-live (see below).
698 The age of the file is determined by the file name.
699 If files are created in different timezones but saved with a non-absolute timestamp,
700 the age calculation may result in some files being considered older or newer than they are in reality.
701 .Pp
702 Also note that sequenced files (using the
703 .Dq seq
704 style) will initially be checkpointed using a file name containing a timestamp in seconds.
705 .Nm aslmanager
706 will re-sequence the files when it scans for checkpoint files.
707 .Pp
708 .Pp
709 Alternatively, the name style may be have two or three components.
710 The first component is the
711 .Dq base
712 name of the file, with no filename extension.
713 The base name may be followed by a timestamp format and optionally by a filename extension,
714 or the base name may be followed by an extension (the extension is optional) and a timestamp format.
715 These components must be separated by a dot character.
716 .Pp
717 For example, this output configuration line specifies that the output file
718 .Dq example.log
719 should be rotated to create the files
720 .Dq example.0.log ,
721 .Dq example.1.log ,
722 and so on.
723 .Pp
724 .Dl > example.log rotate=example.seq.log
725 .Pp
726 If a file is marked for rotation,
727 .Nm syslogd
728 will close the file at the start of a new day or when the file exceeds its
729 .Dq file_max
730 size limit.
731 At that point,
732 .Nm syslogd
733 renames the file with the file's creation time included in its name
734 (unless the basestamp option is present, in which case the file's creation time
735 is already included in the filename) and starts a new file to continue logging.
736 This operation is called checkpointing the file.
737 .Pp
738 For example,
739 .Nm syslogd
740 might close
741 .Dq example.log
742 and rename it
743 .Dq example.log.T1340521200 ,
744 1340521200 being the time that the file was created.
745 It would then start a new
746 .Dq example.log
747 file and use it until midnight, when the cycle would be repeated.
748 .Pp
749 Files are normally checkpointed at midnight.
750 If the system is sleeping or powered off, then files are checkpointed when
751 the the first message of a new day (local time) is received.
752 Files are also checkpointed if they exceed a size limit specified by a file_max option,
753 and they may be checkpointed manually through options provided by the
754 .Xr syslog 1
755 and
756 .Xr aslmanager 8
757 utilities.
758 The checkpointed file name always contains the file's creation time.
759 If the options for the file include
760 .Dq rotate=utc
761 then the timestamp will be a UTC date and time string.
762 .Dq rotate=local
763 causes the timestamp to be the date and time in the current local timezone.
764 Otherwise, the timestamp will be in seconds since the epoch.
765 .Pp
766 .Nm syslogd
767 only performs the checkpointing operation.
768 It closes old files, moves them out of the way, and starts writing new files.
769 Most of the work of file rotation is done by the
770 .Xr aslmanager 8
771 utility.
772 That includes moving files to a destination directory, compressing files,
773 re-naming files according to one of the naming style options,
774 deleting old files after they exceed their time-to-live,
775 and checking file space usage.
776 .Pp
777 .Nm aslmanager
778 normally runs once during system start-up, and once a day just after midnight.
779 It may also be triggered occasionally by
780 .Nm syslogd ,
781 and it may be run manually.
782 .Pp
783 .Nm aslmanager
784 scans for any checkpointed files created by
785 .Nm syslogd
786 and will rename the files (if required) to match the naming style specified by the
787 .Dq rotate=NAME_STYLE
788 option.
789 If
790 .Dq rotate=seq
791 is specified for a file, checkpointed files created by
792 .Nm syslogd
793 contain a timestamp in seconds.
794 These files are renamed so that the file names
795 contain a sequence number.
796 The most recent version has the number
797 .Dq 0 ,
798 and older versions have higher numbers.
799 For example:
800 .Pp
801 .Dl example.log.0
802 .Dl example.log.1
803 .Dl example.log.2
804 .Dl ...
805 .Pp
806 As well as renaming files,
807 .Nm aslmanager
808 may perform other actions.
809 If the file has been given a
810 .Dq dest=PATH
811 option,
812 the rotated versions of the file will be moved to the specified directory.
813 Files will be gzip compressed using the
814 .Xr zlib 3
815 library if the
816 .Dq compress
817 option has been given.
818 If the total size of all the rotated versions of the file exceeds a value given in an
819 .Dq all_max
820 option, older versions of the rotated file will be deleted to keep the total below the specified limit.
821 .Pp
822 Although checkpoint and file rotation operations are normally done automatically,
823 .Nm aslmanager
824 supports an option that will trigger
825 .Nm syslogd
826 to checkpoint files before
827 .Nm aslmanager
828 starts its scan.
829 .Nm syslog
830 also supports an option to force files to be checkpointed without running
831 .Nm aslmanager .
832 See the
833 .Xr aslmanager 8
834 and
835 .Xr syslog 1
836 manuals for details.
837 .Pp
838 Programmatically, an
839 .Xr asl 3
840 message may be sent to syslogd to force it to checkpoint either a single file,
841 or to checkpoint all files for a particular ASL module.
842 To checkpoint all files:
843 .Pp
844 const char *module_name;
845 .Pp
846 //TODO: set module_name
847 asl_object_t ctl = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_MSG);
848 asl_set(ctl, ASL_KEY_OPTION, "control");
849 asl_log(NULL, ctl, ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "@ %s checkpoint", module_name);
850 asl_release(ctl);
851 .Pp
852 To checkpoint just one file:
853 .Pp
854 const char *module_name;
855 const char *file_name;
856 .Pp
857 //TODO: set module_name
858 //TODO: set file_name
859 asl_object_t ctl = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_MSG);
860 asl_set(ctl, ASL_KEY_OPTION, "control");
861 asl_log(NULL, ctl, ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "@ %s checkpoint %s", module_name, file_name);
862 asl_release(ctl);
863 .Pp
865 .Pp
866 An ASL output module is created by a configuration file in the directory /etc/asl.
867 The file name is used as the module's name.
868 The format of the file is generally the same as
869 .Nm asl.conf
870 with a few exceptions.
871 Modules may not have parameter setting lines for the system parameters listed in the
873 nor may they include
874 .Dq broadcast
875 query-action rules.
876 .Pp
877 Module configuration files are read by
878 .Nm syslogd
879 when it starts, and whenever it gets a HUP signal.
880 Messages received by
881 .Nm syslogd
882 are first processed according the the rules found in /etc/asl.conf
883 (also known as the
884 .Dq com.apple.asl
885 module), then the message is processed by the
886 rules from each module found in /etc/asl.
887 .Pp
888 An exception to this is that messages that match the query in a
889 .Dq claim
890 action rule in any module are not processed by the rules in /etc/asl.conf.
891 .Pp
892 ASL output modules are enabled by default, but a module may include a parameter setting:
893 .Pp
894 .Dl = enable 0
895 .Pp
896 The module is still loaded by
897 .Nm syslogd ,
898 but the module will not save messages to files or directories, and will not post BSD notifications.
899 .Pp
900 Several mechanisms allow modules to be enabled or disabled dynamically.
901 One mechanism allows the setting of the
902 .Dq enable
903 parameter to be based on the existence of a path in the filesystem,
904 or on the value associated with a dictionary key in a property list file.
905 On iOS only, the value of a key in an installed configuration profile may be tested.
906 .Pp
907 To enable a module based on the existence of a file, the module may use:
908 .Pp
909 .Dl = enable [File /a/b/c]
910 .Pp
911 where
912 .Dq /a/b/c
913 may be any filesystem path.
914 .Pp
915 To enable a module based on the value of a dictionary key in a property list file,
916 .Pp
917 .Dl = enable [Plist /path/config.plist] [= SomeKey SomeValue]
918 .Pp
919 Any of the test operations described above in the QUERY-ACTION RULES section
920 may also be used in testing key / value pairs.
921 Multiple operations are also allowed, for example:
922 .Pp
923 .Dl = enable [Plist /path/config.plist] [N>= DebugLevel 7] [S= Othervalue xyz]
924 .Pp
925 If the property list file does not exist, the test will evaluate to zero.
926 The file may be in binary or xml format.
927 It may only contain a single dictionary object at its top level.
928 Only keys and values at the top level of the dictionary may be tested.
929 Values must be strings, integer values, doubles, UUIDs, dates, or booleans.
930 Boolean <true/> and <false/> values are converted to 1 and 0 respectively.
931 Values are converted into strings,
932 and string comparisons are used unless unless an
933 .Dq N
934 modifier is specified with the test operator.
935 .Pp
936 On iOS, a module may test key / value pairs in a configuration profile using the
937 same key / value tests that may be used for property list files.
938 .Pp
939 .Dl = enable [Profile name] [= Verbose 1]
940 .Pp
941 The profile name is the value of its DefaultsDomainName key.
942 The test will evaluate to zero if the profile is not installed.
943 .Pp
944 A module may be also enabled or disabled using
945 .Nm syslog
946 or by sending
947 .Nm syslogd
948 a special
949 .Xr asl 3
950 control message.
951 Only the user
952 .Dq root
953 may enable or disable modules.
954 .Pp
955 A module may be enabled or disabled by sending an
956 .Xr asl 3
957 message as shown in this example:
958 .Pp
959 int enable;
960 const char *module_name;
961 .Pp
962 //TODO: set module_name
963 //TODO: set enable to 0 or 1
964 asl_object_t ctl = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_MSG);
965 asl_set(ctl, ASL_KEY_OPTION, "control");
966 asl_log(NULL, ctl, ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE, "@ %s enable %d", module_name, enable);
967 asl_release(ctl);
968 .Pp
969 A control message may also be sent using
970 .Nm syslog
971 as the following example shows to disable a module named
972 .Dq com.apple.example :
973 .Pp
974 .Dl sudo syslog -module com.apple.example enable 0
975 .Pp
976 A module may also enable or disable itself.
977 Although a module that is not enabled will not write or post notifications,
978 it still will scan messages.
979 The module may contain conditional parameter-setting rules like:
980 .Pp
981 .Dl = [= Color Green] enable 1
982 .Dl = [= Color Red] enable 0
983 .Pp
984 This is similar to a query-action rule.
985 If a message received by syslogd matches the specified query,
986 in this case having a Color key with the value Green or Red,
987 then the enable parameter is set as specified.
988 So in this example, the module would be enabled and disabled
989 whenever syslogd received a message containing the appropriate value for the
990 .Dq Color
991 key.
993 The following parameter-settings are recognized by
994 .Nm aslmanager .
995 .Pp
996 .Bl -tag -width "aslmanager_debug" -compact -offset indent
997 .It aslmanager_debug
998 Enables or disables internal debugging output.
999 This is probably of little interest to most users.
1000 The debug parameter requires a value of
1001 .Dq 1
1002 to enable debug output, or a value of
1003 .Dq 0
1004 to disable it.
1005 Debug messages are saved in an auxiliary file attached to an ASL log message.
1006 The file may be inspected by opening the file attachement from the Console utility.
1007 .Pp
1008 .It store_ttl
1009 Sets the time-to-live in days for messages in the ASL database.
1010 The default is 7 days.
1011 .Pp
1012 .It max_store_size
1013 Sets the maximum size for for the ASL database.
1014 The default is 150000000 bytes.
1015 .Pp
1016 .It archive
1017 Enables or disables archiving of the ASL database.
1018 The archive parameter requires a value of
1019 .Dq 1
1020 to enable archiving, or a value of
1021 .Dq 0
1022 to disable it.
1023 An optional archive directory path may follow the
1024 .Dq 0
1025 or
1026 .Dq 1 .
1027 If enabled, files removed from the ASL database are moved to the archive directory.
1028 The default archive directory path is /var/log/asl.archive.
1029 .Pp
1030 .It store_path
1031 The ASL database path used by
1032 .Nm aslmanager .
1033 The default is /var/log/asl.
1034 Note that this parameter is ignored by
1035 .Nm syslogd .
1036 .Pp
1037 .It archive_mode
1038 Files copied to the ASL database archive will be given the specified access mode.
1039 The default is 0400, so archive files will only be readable by root.
1040 .El
1041 .Pp
1042 .Sh SEE ALSO
1043 .Xr asl 3 ,
1044 .Xr notify 3 ,
1045 .Xr syslog 1 ,
1046 .Xr aslmanager 8 ,
1047 .Xr syslogd 8 .