// notifications - handling of securityd-gated notification messages
#include <notify.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include "notifications.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "connection.h"
+#include "dictionary.h"
+#include "SharedMemoryClient.h"
#include <securityd_client/ucspNotify.h>
#include <security_utilities/casts.h>
+#include <Security/SecKeychain.h>
+#include <Security/SecItemInternal.h>
Listener::ListenerMap& Listener::listeners = *(new Listener::ListenerMap);
Mutex Listener::setLock(Mutex::recursive);
void Listener::notify(NotificationDomain domain,
- NotificationEvent event, uint32 sequence, const CssmData &data)
+ NotificationEvent event, uint32 sequence, const CssmData &data, audit_token_t auditToken)
Connection ¤t = Server::active().connection();
RefPointer<Notification> message = new Notification(domain, event, sequence, data);
if (current.inSequence(message)) {
StLock<Mutex> _(setLock);
+ // This is a total layer violation, but no better place to put it
+ uid_t uid = audit_token_to_euid(auditToken);
+ gid_t gid = audit_token_to_egid(auditToken);
+ SharedMemoryListener::createDefaultSharedMemoryListener(uid, gid);
while (RefPointer<Notification> next = current.popNotification())
void Listener::sendNotification(Notification *message)
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","Listener::sendNotification for uid/euid: %d/%d", getuid(), geteuid());
for (ListenerMap::const_iterator it = listeners.begin();
it != listeners.end(); it++) {
Listener *listener = it->second;
- if (listener->domain == kNotificationDomainAll || (message->domain == listener->domain && listener->wants(message->event)))
+ if (listener->domain == kNotificationDomainAll ||
+ (message->domain == listener->domain && listener->wants(message->event)))
this, domain, event, sequence);
+std::string Listener::Notification::description() const {
+ return SharedMemoryCommon::notificationDescription(domain, event) +
+ ", Seq: " + std::to_string(sequence) + ", Data: " + std::to_string(this->size());
// Jitter buffering
+bool Listener::testPredicate(const std::function<bool(const Listener& listener)> test) {
+ StLock<Mutex> _(setLock);
+ for (ListenerMap::const_iterator it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); it++) {
+ if (test(*(it->second)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
* Shared memory listener
-SharedMemoryListener::SharedMemoryListener(const char* segmentName, SegmentOffsetType segmentSize) :
+SharedMemoryListener::SharedMemoryListener(const char* segmentName, SegmentOffsetType segmentSize, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) :
Listener (kNotificationDomainAll, kNotificationAllEvents),
- SharedMemoryServer (segmentName, segmentSize),
+ SharedMemoryServer (segmentName, segmentSize, uid, gid),
mActive (false)
- if (segmentName == NULL)
- {
- secerror("Attempted to start securityd with a NULL segmentName");
- abort();
- }
SharedMemoryListener::~SharedMemoryListener ()
+// Look for a listener for a given user ID
+bool SharedMemoryListener::findUID(uid_t uid) {
+ return Listener::testPredicate([uid](const Listener& listener) -> bool {
+ try {
+ // There may be elements in the map that are not SharedMemoryListeners
+ const SharedMemoryListener& smlListener = dynamic_cast<const SharedMemoryListener&>(listener);
+ if (smlListener.mUID == uid)
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ return false;
+void SharedMemoryListener::createDefaultSharedMemoryListener(uid_t uid, gid_t gid) {
+ uid_t fuid = SharedMemoryCommon::fixUID(uid);
+ if (fuid != 0) { // already created when securityd started up
+ if (!SharedMemoryListener::findUID(fuid)) {
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","creating SharedMemoryListener for uid/gid: %d/%d", fuid, gid);
+ // A side effect of creation of a SharedMemoryListener is addition to the ListenerMap
+#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
+ /* __unused auto sml = */ new SharedMemoryListener(SharedMemoryCommon::kDefaultSecurityMessagesName, kSharedMemoryPoolSize, uid, gid);
+#endif // __clang_analyzer__
+ }
+ }
+// Simpler local version of PrimaryKeyImpl::getUInt32
+uint32 SharedMemoryListener::getRecordType(const CssmData& val) const {
+ if (val.Length < sizeof(uint32))
+ return 0; // Not really but good enough for here
+ const uint8 *pv = val.Data;
+ // @@@ Assumes data written in big endian.
+ uint32 value = (pv[0] << 24) + (pv[1] << 16) + (pv[2] << 8) + pv[3];
+ return value;
+bool SharedMemoryListener::isTrustEvent(Notification *notification) {
+ bool trustEvent = false;
+ switch (notification->event) {
+ case kSecDefaultChangedEvent:
+ case kSecKeychainListChangedEvent:
+ case kSecTrustSettingsChangedEvent:
+ trustEvent = true;
+ break;
+ case kSecAddEvent:
+ case kSecDeleteEvent:
+ case kSecUpdateEvent:
+ {
+ NameValueDictionary dictionary (notification->data);
+ const NameValuePair *item = dictionary.FindByName(ITEM_KEY);
+ if (item && (CSSM_DB_RECORDTYPE)getRecordType(item->Value()) == CSSM_DL_DB_RECORD_X509_CERTIFICATE) {
+ trustEvent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (trustEvent) {
+ uint32_t result = notify_post(kSecServerCertificateTrustNotification);
+ if (result != NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) {
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","Certificate trust event notification failed: %d", result);
+ }
+ }
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","[%03d] Event is %s trust event", mUID, trustEvent?"a":"not a");
+ return trustEvent;
+bool SharedMemoryListener::needsPrivacyFilter(Notification *notification) {
+ if (notification->domain == kNotificationDomainPCSC || notification->domain == kNotificationDomainCDSA)
+ return false;
+ // kNotificationDomainDatabase = 1, // something happened to a database (aka keychain)
+ switch (notification->event) {
+ case kSecLockEvent: // kNotificationEventLocked
+ case kSecUnlockEvent: // kNotificationEventUnlocked
+ case kSecPasswordChangedEvent: // kNotificationEventPassphraseChanged
+ case kSecDefaultChangedEvent:
+ case kSecDataAccessEvent:
+ case kSecKeychainListChangedEvent:
+ case kSecTrustSettingsChangedEvent:
+ return false;
+ case kSecAddEvent:
+ case kSecDeleteEvent:
+ case kSecUpdateEvent:
+ break;
+ }
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","[%03d] Evaluating event %s", mUID, notification->description().c_str());
+ NameValueDictionary dictionary (notification->data);
+ const NameValuePair *item = dictionary.FindByName(ITEM_KEY);
+ // If we don't have an item, there is nothing to filter
+ if (!item) {
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","[%03d] Item event did not contain an item", mUID);
+ return false;
+ }
+ pid_t thisPid = 0;
+ const NameValuePair *pidRef = dictionary.FindByName(PID_KEY);
+ if (pidRef != 0) {
+ thisPid = n2h(*reinterpret_cast<pid_t*>(pidRef->Value().data()));
+ }
+ uid_t out_euid = 0;
+ int rx = SharedMemoryListener::get_process_euid(thisPid, out_euid);
+ if (rx != 0) {
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","[%03d] get_process_euid failed (rx=%d), filtering out item", mUID, rx);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (out_euid == mUID) {
+ return false; // Listener owns this item, so no filtering
+ }
+ // Allow processes running as root to pass through certificates
+ if (out_euid == 0) {
+ CSSM_DB_RECORDTYPE recordType = getRecordType(item->Value());
+ if (recordType == CSSM_DL_DB_RECORD_X509_CERTIFICATE) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","[%03d] Filtering event %s", mUID, notification->description().c_str());
+ return true;
const double kServerWait = 0.005; // time in seconds before clients will be notified that data is available
void SharedMemoryListener::notifyMe(Notification* notification)
- const void* data = notification->data.data();
- size_t length = notification->data.length();
+ const void* data = notification->data.data();
+ size_t length = notification->data.length();
/* enforce a maximum size of 16k for notifications */
if (length > 16384) return;
+ isTrustEvent(notification);
+ if (needsPrivacyFilter(notification)) {
+ return; // just drop it
+ }
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","[%03d] WriteMessage event %s", mUID, notification->description().c_str());
WriteMessage (notification->domain, notification->event, data, int_cast<size_t, UInt32>(length));
- if (!mActive)
- {
- Server::active().setTimer (this, Time::Interval(kServerWait));
- mActive = true;
- }
+ if (!mActive)
+ {
+ Server::active().setTimer (this, Time::Interval(kServerWait));
+ mActive = true;
+ }
void SharedMemoryListener::action ()
secinfo("notify", "Posted notification to clients.");
+ secdebug("MDSPRIVACY","[%03d] Posted notification to clients", mUID);
notify_post (mSegmentName.c_str ());
mActive = false;
+int SharedMemoryListener::get_process_euid(pid_t pid, uid_t& out_euid) {
+ struct kinfo_proc proc_info = {};
+ int mib[] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid};
+ size_t len = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
+ int ret = sysctl(mib, (sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int)), &proc_info, &len, NULL, 0);
+ out_euid = -1;
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ out_euid = proc_info.kp_eproc.e_ucred.cr_uid;
+ }
+ return ret;