// ssclient - SecurityServer client interface library
#include "ssblob.h"
+#include <utilities/SecCFRelease.h>
namespace Security {
namespace SecurityServer {
uint32 CommonBlob::getCurrentVersion() {
- uint32 ret = version_MacOS_10_0;
- // If the integrity protections are turned on, use version_partition.
- // else, use version_MacOS_10_0.
- CFTypeRef integrity = (CFNumberRef)CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFSTR("KeychainIntegrity"), CFSTR("com.apple.security"), kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesCurrentHost);
- if (integrity && CFGetTypeID(integrity) == CFBooleanGetTypeID()) {
- bool integrityProtections = CFBooleanGetValue((CFBooleanRef)integrity);
- if(integrityProtections) {
- secdebugfunc("integrity", "creating a partition keychain; global is on");
- ret = version_partition;
+ uint32 ret = version_MacOS_10_0;
+ // If the integrity protections are turned on, use version_partition.
+ // else, use version_MacOS_10_0.
+ CFTypeRef integrity = (CFNumberRef)CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFSTR("KeychainIntegrity"), CFSTR("com.apple.security"), kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesCurrentHost);
+ if (integrity && CFGetTypeID(integrity) == CFBooleanGetTypeID()) {
+ bool integrityProtections = CFBooleanGetValue((CFBooleanRef)integrity);
+ if(integrityProtections) {
+ secnotice("integrity", "creating a partition keychain; global is on");
+ ret = version_partition;
+ } else {
+ secnotice("integrity", "creating a old-style keychain; global is off");
+ ret = version_MacOS_10_0;
+ }
} else {
- secdebugfunc("integrity", "creating a old-style keychain; global is off");
- ret = version_MacOS_10_0;
+ secnotice("integrity", "global integrity not set, defaulting to on");
+ ret = version_partition;
- CFRelease(integrity);
- }
+ CFReleaseSafe(integrity);
- return ret;
+ return ret;
+uint32 CommonBlob::getCurrentVersionForDb(const char* dbName) {
+ // Currently, the scheme is as follows:
+ // in ~/Library/Keychains:
+ // version_partition
+ // Elsewhere:
+ // version_MacOS_10_0`
+ if(pathInHomeLibraryKeychains(dbName)) {
+ return CommonBlob::getCurrentVersion();
+ }
+ secnotice("integrity", "outside ~/Library/Keychains/; creating a old-style keychain");
+ return version_MacOS_10_0;
+bool CommonBlob::pathInHomeLibraryKeychains(const string& path) {
+ // We need to check if this path is in Some User's ~/Library/Keychains directory.
+ // At this level, there's no great way of discovering what's actually a
+ // user's home directory, so instead let's look for anything under
+ // ./Library/Keychains/ that isn't /Library/Keychains or /System/Library/Keychains.
+ string libraryKeychains = "/Library/Keychains";
+ string systemLibraryKeychains = "/System/Library/Keychains";
+ bool inALibraryKeychains = (string::npos != path.find(libraryKeychains));
+ bool inRootLibraryKeychains = (0 == path.find(libraryKeychains));
+ bool inSystemLibraryKeychains = (0 == path.find(systemLibraryKeychains));
+ return (inALibraryKeychains && !inRootLibraryKeychains && !inSystemLibraryKeychains);
void CommonBlob::initialize()
magic = magicNumber;
- secdebugfunc("integrity", "creating a partition keychain with version %d", version);
+ secinfo("integrity", "creating a keychain with version %d", version);
this->blobVersion = version;
memmove(blobSignature, clearPubKeySig, sizeof(blobSignature));
+// Implementation of a "system keychain unlock key store"
+SystemKeychainKey::SystemKeychainKey(const char *path)
+: mPath(path), mValid(false)
+ // explicitly set up a key header for a raw 3DES key
+ CssmKey::Header &hdr = mKey.header();
+ hdr.blobType(CSSM_KEYBLOB_RAW);
+ hdr.algorithm(CSSM_ALGID_3DES_3KEY_EDE);
+ hdr.KeyAttr = 0;
+ hdr.KeyUsage = CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY;
+ mKey = CssmData::wrap(mBlob.masterKey);
+bool SystemKeychainKey::matches(const DbBlob::Signature &signature)
+ return update() && signature == mBlob.signature;
+CssmKey& SystemKeychainKey::key()
+ if(!mValid) {
+ update();
+ }
+ return mKey;
+bool SystemKeychainKey::update()
+ // if we checked recently, just assume it's okay
+ if (mValid && mUpdateThreshold > Time::now())
+ return mValid;
+ // check the file
+ struct stat st;
+ if (::stat(mPath.c_str(), &st)) {
+ // something wrong with the file; can't use it
+ mUpdateThreshold = Time::now() + Time::Interval(checkDelay);
+ return mValid = false;
+ }
+ if (mValid && Time::Absolute(st.st_mtimespec) == mCachedDate)
+ return true;
+ mUpdateThreshold = Time::now() + Time::Interval(checkDelay);
+ try {
+ secnotice("syskc", "reading system unlock record from %s", mPath.c_str());
+ UnixPlusPlus::AutoFileDesc fd(mPath, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd.read(mBlob) != sizeof(mBlob))
+ return false;
+ if (mBlob.isValid()) {
+ mCachedDate = st.st_mtimespec;
+ return mValid = true;
+ } else
+ return mValid = false;
+ } catch (...) {
+ secnotice("syskc", "system unlock record not available");
+ return false;
+ }
+bool SystemKeychainKey::valid()
+ update();
+ return mValid;
} // end namespace SecurityServer