#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSRingUtils.h>
#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSPeerInfoSecurityProperties.h>
#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSPeerInfoV2.h>
+#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSAccountTransaction.h>
#include <Security/SecItemInternal.h>
#include <SOSCircle/CKBridge/SOSCloudKeychainClient.h>
#include <SOSCircle/Regressions/SOSRegressionUtilities.h>
+#include <utilities/SecCFWrappers.h>
const CFStringRef SOSTransportMessageTypeIDS = CFSTR("IDS");
+const CFStringRef SOSTransportMessageTypeIDSV2 = CFSTR("IDS2.0");
const CFStringRef SOSTransportMessageTypeKVS = CFSTR("KVS");
const CFStringRef kSOSDSIDKey = CFSTR("AccountDSID");
const CFStringRef kSOSEscrowRecord = CFSTR("EscrowRecord");
const CFStringRef kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey = CFSTR("unsynced");
+const CFStringRef kSOSPendingEnableViewsToBeSetKey = CFSTR("pendingEnableViews");
+const CFStringRef kSOSPendingDisableViewsToBeSetKey = CFSTR("pendingDisableViews");
#define DATE_LENGTH 25
const CFStringRef kSOSAccountDebugScope = CFSTR("Scope");
bool SOSAccountEnsureFactoryCircles(SOSAccountRef a)
bool result = false;
a->queue = dispatch_queue_create("Account Queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
- a->notification_cleanups = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
a->gestalt = CFRetainSafe(gestalt);
a->trusted_circle = NULL;
- a->trusted_rings = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(allocator);
a->backups = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(allocator);
a->my_identity = NULL;
a->retirees = CFSetCreateMutableForSOSPeerInfosByID(allocator);
a->factory = factory; // We adopt the factory. kthanksbai.
+ a->isListeningForSync = false;
a->_user_private = NULL;
a->_password_tmp = NULL;
a->user_private_timer = NULL;
+ a->lock_notification_token = NOTIFY_TOKEN_INVALID;
a->change_blocks = CFArrayCreateMutableForCFTypes(allocator);
- a->waitForInitialSync_blocks = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(allocator);
+ a->waitForInitialSync_blocks = NULL;
a->departure_code = kSOSNeverAppliedToCircle;
a->key_transport = (SOSTransportKeyParameterRef)SOSTransportKeyParameterKVSCreate(a, NULL);
a->kvs_message_transport = NULL;
a->ids_message_transport = NULL;
a->expansion = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(allocator);
+ SOSAccountAddRingDictionary(a);
+ a->saveBlock = NULL;
+ a->circle_rings_retirements_need_attention = false;
+ a->engine_peer_state_needs_repair = false;
+ a->key_interests_need_updating = false;
+ a->deviceID = NULL;
return a;
+// MARK: Transactional
+void SOSAccountWithTransaction_Locked(SOSAccountRef account, void (^action)(SOSAccountRef account, SOSAccountTransactionRef txn)) {
+ SOSAccountTransactionRef at = SOSAccountTransactionCreate(account);
+ action(account, at);
+ SOSAccountTransactionFinish(at);
+ CFReleaseNull(at);
+void SOSAccountWithTransaction(SOSAccountRef account, bool sync, void (^action)(SOSAccountRef account, SOSAccountTransactionRef txn)) {
+ dispatch_block_t with_transaction = ^{
+ SOSAccountWithTransaction_Locked(account, action);
+ };
+ if (sync) {
+ dispatch_sync(SOSAccountGetQueue(account), with_transaction);
+ } else {
+ dispatch_async(SOSAccountGetQueue(account), with_transaction);
+ }
+void SOSAccountWithTransactionSync(SOSAccountRef account, void (^action)(SOSAccountRef account, SOSAccountTransactionRef txn)) {
+ SOSAccountWithTransaction(account, true, action);
+void SOSAccountWithTransactionAsync(SOSAccountRef account, bool sync, void (^action)(SOSAccountRef account, SOSAccountTransactionRef txn)) {
+ SOSAccountWithTransaction(account, false, action);
+// MARK: Save Block
+void SOSAccountSetSaveBlock(SOSAccountRef account, SOSAccountSaveBlock saveBlock) {
+ CFAssignRetained(account->saveBlock, Block_copy(saveBlock));
+void SOSAccountFlattenToSaveBlock(SOSAccountRef account) {
+ if (account->saveBlock) {
+ CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
+ CFDataRef saveData = SOSAccountCopyEncodedData(account, kCFAllocatorDefault, &localError);
+ (account->saveBlock)(saveData, localError);
+ CFReleaseNull(saveData);
+ CFReleaseNull(localError);
+ }
+// MARK: Security Properties
SOSSecurityPropertyResultCode SOSAccountUpdateSecurityProperty(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef property, SOSSecurityPropertyActionCode actionCode, CFErrorRef *error) {
SOSSecurityPropertyResultCode retval = kSOSCCGeneralSecurityPropertyError;
bool updateCircle = false;
if (account->trusted_circle && account->my_identity
&& SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateGestalt(account->my_identity, new_gestalt, NULL)) {
SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, NULL, ^(SOSCircleRef circle_to_change) {
- secnotice("circleChange", "dCalling SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo for gestalt change");
+ secnotice("circleChange", "Calling SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo for gestalt change");
return SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo(circle_to_change, SOSAccountGetMyPeerInfo(account));
return true;
-bool SOSAccountUpdateDSID(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef dsid){
+static bool SOSAccountUpdateDSID(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef dsid){
SOSAccountSetValue(account, kSOSDSIDKey, dsid, NULL);
//send new DSID over account changed
SOSTransportCircleSendOfficialDSID(account->circle_transport, dsid, NULL);
return true;
+void SOSAccountAssertDSID(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef dsid) {
+ CFStringRef accountDSID = SOSAccountGetValue(account, kSOSDSIDKey, NULL);
+ if(accountDSID == NULL) {
+ secdebug("updates", "Setting dsid, current dsid is empty for this account: %@", dsid);
+ SOSAccountUpdateDSID(account, dsid);
+ } else if(CFStringCompare(dsid, accountDSID, 0) != kCFCompareEqualTo) {
+ secnotice("updates", "Changing DSID from: %@ to %@", accountDSID, dsid);
+ //DSID has changed, blast the account!
+ SOSAccountSetToNew(account);
+ //update DSID to the new DSID
+ SOSAccountUpdateDSID(account, dsid);
+ } else {
+ secnotice("updates", "Not Changing DSID: %@ to %@", accountDSID, dsid);
+ }
bool SOSAccountUpdateFullPeerInfo(SOSAccountRef account, CFSetRef minimumViews, CFSetRef excludedViews) {
if (account->trusted_circle && account->my_identity) {
if(SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateToCurrent(account->my_identity, minimumViews, excludedViews)) {
return true;
+static bool SOSAccountValueSetContainsValue(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef value) {
+ CFSetRef foundSet = asSet(SOSAccountGetValue(account, key, NULL), NULL);
+ return foundSet && CFSetContainsValue(foundSet, value);
+static void SOSAccountValueUnionWith(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef key, CFSetRef valuesToUnion) {
+ CFMutableSetRef unionedSet = CFSetCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, valuesToUnion);
+ CFSetRef foundSet = asSet(SOSAccountGetValue(account, key, NULL), NULL);
+ if (foundSet) {
+ CFSetUnion(unionedSet, foundSet);
+ }
+ SOSAccountSetValue(account, key, unionedSet, NULL);
+ CFReleaseNull(unionedSet);
+static void SOSAccountValueSubtractFrom(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef key, CFSetRef valuesToSubtract) {
+ CFSetRef foundSet = asSet(SOSAccountGetValue(account, key, NULL), NULL);
+ if (foundSet) {
+ CFMutableSetRef subtractedSet = CFSetCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, foundSet);
+ CFSetSubtract(subtractedSet, valuesToSubtract);
+ SOSAccountSetValue(account, key, subtractedSet, NULL);
+ CFReleaseNull(subtractedSet);
+ }
+void SOSAccountPendEnableViewSet(SOSAccountRef account, CFSetRef enabledViews)
+ if(CFSetGetValue(enabledViews, kSOSViewKeychainV0) != NULL) secnotice("viewChange", "Warning, attempting to Add KeychainV0");
+ SOSAccountValueUnionWith(account, kSOSPendingEnableViewsToBeSetKey, enabledViews);
+ SOSAccountValueSubtractFrom(account, kSOSPendingDisableViewsToBeSetKey, enabledViews);
+void SOSAccountPendDisableViewSet(SOSAccountRef account, CFSetRef disabledViews)
+ SOSAccountValueUnionWith(account, kSOSPendingDisableViewsToBeSetKey, disabledViews);
+ SOSAccountValueSubtractFrom(account, kSOSPendingEnableViewsToBeSetKey, disabledViews);
+static SOSViewResultCode SOSAccountVirtualV0Behavior(SOSAccountRef account, SOSViewActionCode actionCode) {
+ SOSViewResultCode retval = kSOSCCGeneralViewError;
+ // The V0 view switches on and off all on it's own, we allow people the delusion
+ // of control and status if it's what we're stuck at., otherwise error.
+ if (SOSAccountSyncingV0(account)) {
+ require_action_quiet(actionCode == kSOSCCViewDisable, errOut, CFSTR("Can't disable V0 view and it's on right now"));
+ retval = kSOSCCViewMember;
+ } else {
+ require_action_quiet(actionCode == kSOSCCViewEnable, errOut, CFSTR("Can't enable V0 and it's off right now"));
+ retval = kSOSCCViewNotMember;
+ }
+ return retval;
SOSViewResultCode SOSAccountUpdateView(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef viewname, SOSViewActionCode actionCode, CFErrorRef *error) {
SOSViewResultCode retval = kSOSCCGeneralViewError;
SOSViewResultCode currentStatus = kSOSCCGeneralViewError;
+ bool alreadyInSync = SOSAccountHasCompletedInitialSync(account);
bool updateCircle = false;
require_action_quiet(account->trusted_circle, errOut, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorNoCircle, CFSTR("No Trusted Circle"), NULL, error));
require_action_quiet(account->my_identity, errOut, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorPeerNotFound, CFSTR("No Peer for Account"), NULL, error));
require_action_quiet((currentStatus == kSOSCCViewNotMember) || (currentStatus == kSOSCCViewMember), errOut, CFSTR("View Membership Not Actionable"));
if (CFEqualSafe(viewname, kSOSViewKeychainV0)) {
- // The V0 view switches on and off all on it's own, we allow people the delusion
- // of control and status if it's what we're stuck at., otherwise error.
- if (SOSAccountSyncingV0(account)) {
- require_action_quiet(actionCode = kSOSCCViewDisable, errOut, CFSTR("Can't disable V0 view and it's on right now"));
- retval = kSOSCCViewMember;
- } else {
- require_action_quiet(actionCode = kSOSCCViewEnable, errOut, CFSTR("Can't enable V0 and it's off right now"));
- retval = kSOSCCViewNotMember;
- }
+ retval = SOSAccountVirtualV0Behavior(account, actionCode);
} else if (SOSAccountSyncingV0(account) && SOSViewsIsV0Subview(viewname)) {
// Subviews of V0 syncing can't be turned off if V0 is on.
require_action_quiet(actionCode = kSOSCCViewDisable, errOut, CFSTR("Have V0 peer can't disable"));
retval = kSOSCCViewMember;
} else {
+ CFMutableSetRef pendingSet = CFSetCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ CFSetAddValue(pendingSet, viewname);
if(actionCode == kSOSCCViewEnable && currentStatus == kSOSCCViewNotMember) {
- retval = SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateViews(account->my_identity, actionCode, viewname, error);
- if(retval == kSOSCCViewMember) updateCircle = true;
+ if(alreadyInSync) {
+ retval = SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateViews(account->my_identity, actionCode, viewname, error);
+ if(retval == kSOSCCViewMember) updateCircle = true;
+ } else {
+ SOSAccountPendEnableViewSet(account, pendingSet);
+ retval = kSOSCCViewMember;
+ updateCircle = false;
+ }
} else if(actionCode == kSOSCCViewDisable && currentStatus == kSOSCCViewMember) {
- retval = SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateViews(account->my_identity, actionCode, viewname, error);
- if(retval == kSOSCCViewNotMember) updateCircle = true;
+ if(alreadyInSync) {
+ retval = SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateViews(account->my_identity, actionCode, viewname, error);
+ if(retval == kSOSCCViewNotMember) updateCircle = true;
+ } else {
+ SOSAccountPendDisableViewSet(account, pendingSet);
+ retval = kSOSCCViewNotMember;
+ updateCircle = false;
+ }
} else {
retval = currentStatus;
+ CFReleaseNull(pendingSet);
if (updateCircle) {
SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, NULL, ^(SOSCircleRef circle_to_change) {
require_action_quiet(account->trusted_circle, errOut, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorNoCircle, CFSTR("No Trusted Circle"), NULL, error));
require_action_quiet(account->my_identity, errOut, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorPeerNotFound, CFSTR("No Peer for Account"), NULL, error));
- retval = SOSFullPeerInfoViewStatus(account->my_identity, viewname, error);
+ if (SOSAccountValueSetContainsValue(account, kSOSPendingEnableViewsToBeSetKey, viewname)) {
+ retval = kSOSCCViewMember;
+ } else if (SOSAccountValueSetContainsValue(account, kSOSPendingDisableViewsToBeSetKey, viewname)) {
+ retval = kSOSCCViewNotMember;
+ } else {
+ retval = SOSFullPeerInfoViewStatus(account->my_identity, viewname, error);
+ }
// If that doesn't say we're a member and this view is a V0 subview, and we're syncing V0 views we are a member
if (retval != kSOSCCViewMember) {
static void dumpViewSet(CFStringRef label, CFSetRef views) {
if(views) {
- secnotice("circleChange", "%@ list: %@", label, views);
+ CFStringSetPerformWithDescription(views, ^(CFStringRef description) {
+ secnotice("circleChange", "%@ list: %@", label, description);
+ });
} else {
secnotice("circleChange", "No %@ list provided.", label);
-bool SOSAccountUpdateViewSets(SOSAccountRef account, CFSetRef enabledViews, CFSetRef disabledViews) {
+static bool SOSAccountScreenViewListForValidV0(SOSAccountRef account, CFMutableSetRef viewSet, SOSViewActionCode actionCode) {
+ bool retval = true;
+ if(viewSet && CFSetContainsValue(viewSet, kSOSViewKeychainV0)) {
+ retval = SOSAccountVirtualV0Behavior(account, actionCode) != kSOSCCGeneralViewError;
+ CFSetRemoveValue(viewSet, kSOSViewKeychainV0);
+ }
+ return retval;
+bool SOSAccountUpdateViewSets(SOSAccountRef account, CFSetRef origEnabledViews, CFSetRef origDisabledViews) {
+ bool retval = false;
bool updateCircle = false;
+ SOSPeerInfoRef pi = NULL;
+ CFMutableSetRef enabledViews = NULL;
+ CFMutableSetRef disabledViews = NULL;
+ if(origEnabledViews) enabledViews = CFSetCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, origEnabledViews);
+ if(origDisabledViews) disabledViews = CFSetCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, origDisabledViews);
dumpViewSet(CFSTR("Enabled"), enabledViews);
dumpViewSet(CFSTR("Disabled"), disabledViews);
require_action_quiet(account->trusted_circle, errOut, secnotice("views", "Attempt to set viewsets with no trusted circle"));
- require_action_quiet(account->my_identity, errOut, secnotice("views", "Attempt to set viewsets with no fullPeerInfo"));
- require_action_quiet(enabledViews || disabledViews, errOut, secnotice("views", "No work to do"));
- // Copy my views
+ // Make sure we have a peerInfo capable of supporting views.
SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi = SOSAccountGetMyFullPeerInfo(account);
- SOSPeerInfoRef pi = SOSPeerInfoCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(fpi), NULL);
+ require_action_quiet(fpi, errOut, secnotice("views", "Attempt to set viewsets with no fullPeerInfo"));
+ require_action_quiet(enabledViews || disabledViews, errOut, secnotice("views", "No work to do"));
+ pi = SOSPeerInfoCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(fpi), NULL);
require_action_quiet(pi, errOut, secnotice("views", "Couldn't copy PeerInfoRef"));
if(!SOSPeerInfoVersionIsCurrent(pi)) {
- if(!SOSPeerInfoUpdateToV2(pi, NULL)) {
- secnotice("views", "Unable to update peer to V2- can't update views");
- return false;
- }
+ CFErrorRef updateFailure = NULL;
+ require_action_quiet(SOSPeerInfoUpdateToV2(pi, &updateFailure), errOut,
+ (secnotice("views", "Unable to update peer to V2- can't update views: %@", updateFailure), (void) CFReleaseNull(updateFailure)));
+ secnotice("V2update", "Updating PeerInfo to V2 within SOSAccountUpdateViewSets");
+ updateCircle = true;
- if(enabledViews) updateCircle = SOSViewSetEnable(pi, enabledViews);
- if(disabledViews) updateCircle |= SOSViewSetDisable(pi, disabledViews);
+ CFStringSetPerformWithDescription(enabledViews, ^(CFStringRef description) {
+ secnotice("viewChange", "Enabling %@", description);
+ });
+ CFStringSetPerformWithDescription(disabledViews, ^(CFStringRef description) {
+ secnotice("viewChange", "Disabling %@", description);
+ });
- if (updateCircle && SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateToThisPeer(fpi, pi, NULL)) {
- SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, NULL, ^(SOSCircleRef circle_to_change) {
- secnotice("circleChange", "Calling SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo for views change");
- return SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo(circle_to_change, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity));
- });
+ require_action_quiet(SOSAccountScreenViewListForValidV0(account, enabledViews, kSOSCCViewEnable), errOut, secnotice("viewChange", "Bad view change (enable) with kSOSViewKeychainV0"));
+ require_action_quiet(SOSAccountScreenViewListForValidV0(account, disabledViews, kSOSCCViewDisable), errOut, secnotice("viewChange", "Bad view change (disable) with kSOSViewKeychainV0"));
+ if(SOSAccountHasCompletedInitialSync(account)) {
+ if(enabledViews) updateCircle |= SOSViewSetEnable(pi, enabledViews);
+ if(disabledViews) updateCircle |= SOSViewSetDisable(pi, disabledViews);
+ retval = true;
+ } else {
+ //hold on to the views and enable them later
+ if(enabledViews) SOSAccountPendEnableViewSet(account, enabledViews);
+ if(disabledViews) SOSAccountPendDisableViewSet(account, disabledViews);
+ retval = true;
+ if(updateCircle) {
+ require_quiet(SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateToThisPeer(fpi, pi, NULL), errOut);
+ require_quiet(SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, NULL, ^(SOSCircleRef circle_to_change) {
+ secnotice("circleChange", "Calling SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo for views or peerInfo change");
+ return SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo(circle_to_change, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity));
+ }), errOut);
+ // Make sure we update the engine
+ account->circle_rings_retirements_need_attention = true;
+ }
- return updateCircle;
+ CFReleaseNull(enabledViews);
+ CFReleaseNull(disabledViews);
+ CFReleaseNull(pi);
+ return retval;
- SOSUpdateKeyInterest(a);
+ a->key_interests_need_updating = true;
return a;
// Don't free it.
// a->factory
- SOSAccountCleanupNotificationForAllPeers(a);
+ SOSAccountCancelSyncChecking(a);
SOSEngineRef engine = SOSDataSourceFactoryGetEngineForDataSourceName(a->factory, SOSCircleGetName(a->trusted_circle), NULL);
- CFReleaseNull(a->trusted_rings);
- CFReleaseNull(a->notification_cleanups);
+ CFReleaseNull(a->saveBlock);
+ CFReleaseNull(a->deviceID);
return result;
+void static SOSAccountResetKeyInterests(SOSAccountRef a) {
+ CFDictionaryRef emptyDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL);
+ SOSCloudKeychainUpdateKeys(emptyDictionary, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(CFDictionaryRef returnedValues, CFErrorRef error) {
+ if (error) {
+ secerror("Error updating keys: %@", error);
+ }
+ });
+ CFReleaseNull(emptyDictionary);
void SOSAccountSetToNew(SOSAccountRef a) {
secnotice("accountChange", "Setting Account to New");
int result = 0;
- CFReleaseNull(a->trusted_rings);
+ CFReleaseNull(a->deviceID);
/* remove all syncable items */
- result = do_keychain_delete_aks_bags();
+ result = do_keychain_delete_aks_bags(); (void) result;
secdebug("set to new", "result for deleting aks bags: %d", result);
- result = do_keychain_delete_identities();
+ result = do_keychain_delete_identities(); (void) result;
secdebug("set to new", "result for deleting identities: %d", result);
- result = do_keychain_delete_lakitu();
+ result = do_keychain_delete_lakitu(); (void) result;
secdebug("set to new", "result for deleting lakitu: %d", result);
- result = do_keychain_delete_sbd();
+ result = do_keychain_delete_sbd(); (void) result;
secdebug("set to new", "result for deleting sbd: %d", result);
a->user_public_trusted = false;
a->departure_code = kSOSNeverAppliedToCircle;
- a->user_private_timer = 0;
- a->lock_notification_token = 0;
+ if (a->user_private_timer) {
+ dispatch_source_cancel(a->user_private_timer);
+ dispatch_release(a->user_private_timer);
+ a->user_private_timer = NULL;
+ xpc_transaction_end();
+ }
+ if (a->lock_notification_token != NOTIFY_TOKEN_INVALID) {
+ notify_cancel(a->lock_notification_token);
+ a->lock_notification_token = NOTIFY_TOKEN_INVALID;
+ }
// keeping gestalt;
// keeping factory;
a->kvs_message_transport = NULL;
a->ids_message_transport = NULL;
- a->trusted_rings = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
a->backups = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
a->retirees = CFSetCreateMutableForSOSPeerInfosByID(kCFAllocatorDefault);
a->expansion = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ SOSAccountAddRingDictionary(a);
SOSAccountEnsureFactoryCircles(a); // Does rings too
- SOSUpdateKeyInterest(a);
+ // Reset our key interests since we are new, we need to hear about everything:
+ SOSAccountResetKeyInterests(a);
+ a->key_interests_need_updating = true;
+bool SOSAccountIsNew(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error){
+ bool result = false;
+ require_quiet(account->user_public_trusted == false, exit);
+ require_quiet(account->departure_code == kSOSNeverAppliedToCircle, exit);
+ require_quiet(account->user_private_timer == NULL, exit);
+ require_quiet(account->lock_notification_token == NOTIFY_TOKEN_INVALID, exit);
+ require_quiet (CFDictionaryGetCount(account->backups) == 0, exit);
+ require_quiet(CFSetGetCount(account->retirees) == 0, exit);
+ result = true;
+ return result;
static CFStringRef SOSAccountCopyFormatDescription(CFTypeRef aObj, CFDictionaryRef formatOptions) {
SOSAccountRef a = (SOSAccountRef) aObj;
CFStringRef gestaltDescription = CFDictionaryCopyCompactDescription(a->gestalt);
- CFStringRef result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("<SOSAccount@%p: Gestalt: %@ Circle: %@ Me: %@>"), a, gestaltDescription, a->trusted_circle, a->my_identity);
+ CFStringRef result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("<SOSAccount@%p: %c%c%c%c%c G: %@ Me: %@ C: %@ >"), a,
+ a->user_public ? 'P' : 'p',
+ a->user_public_trusted ? 'T' : 't',
+ a->isListeningForSync ? 'L' : 'l',
+ SOSAccountHasCompletedInitialSync(a) ? 'C' : 'c',
+ SOSAccountHasCompletedRequiredBackupSync(a) ? 'B' : 'b',
+ gestaltDescription, a->my_identity, a->trusted_circle);
return CFEqualSafe(laccount->gestalt, raccount->gestalt)
&& CFEqualSafe(laccount->trusted_circle, raccount->trusted_circle)
- && CFEqualSafe(laccount->trusted_rings, raccount->trusted_rings)
+ && CFEqualSafe(laccount->expansion, raccount->expansion)
&& CFEqualSafe(laccount->my_identity, raccount->my_identity);
static bool SOSAccountThisDeviceCanSyncWithCircle(SOSAccountRef account) {
bool ok = false;
__block CFErrorRef error = NULL;
if (!SOSAccountHasPublicKey(account, &error)) {
return false;
require_action_quiet(account->my_identity, xit,
SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadFormat, CFSTR("Account identity not set"), NULL, &error));
- SOSTransportMessageIDSGetIDSDeviceID(account);
+ SOSTransportMessageIDSGetIDSDeviceID(account);
require_action_quiet(account->trusted_circle, xit,
SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadFormat, CFSTR("Account trusted circle not set"), NULL, &error));
return myPeerID && CFEqualSafe(myPeerID, peerID);
-bool SOSAccountSyncWithAllPeers(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error)
+bool SOSAccountSendIKSPSyncList(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error){
bool result = true;
- __block bool SyncingCompletedOverIDS = true;
- __block bool SyncingCompletedOverKVS = true;
__block CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
- SOSCircleRef circle = SOSAccountGetCircle(account, error);
- CFMutableDictionaryRef circleToPeerIDs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
- CFMutableArrayRef peerIds = CFArrayCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ __block CFMutableArrayRef ids = NULL;
+ SOSCircleRef circle = NULL;
+ require_action_quiet(SOSAccountIsInCircle(account, NULL), xit,
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorNoCircle, CFSTR("This device is not in circle"),
+ NULL, &localError));
+ circle = SOSAccountGetCircle(account, error);
+ ids = CFArrayCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
require_action_quiet(SOSAccountThisDeviceCanSyncWithCircle(account), xit,
SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorNoCircle, CFSTR("This device cannot sync with circle"),
NULL, &localError));
SOSCircleForEachValidPeer(circle, account->user_public, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
if (!SOSAccountIsThisPeerIDMe(account, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer))) {
- if (SOSPeerInfoShouldUseIDSTransport(SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity), peer)) {
- secdebug("IDS Transport", "Syncing with IDS capable peers using IDS!");
- CFMutableDictionaryRef circleToIdsId = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
- CFMutableArrayRef ids = CFArrayCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
- CFArrayAppendValue(ids, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer));
- CFDictionaryAddValue(circleToIdsId, SOSCircleGetName(circle), ids);
- SyncingCompletedOverIDS = SOSTransportMessageSyncWithPeers(account->ids_message_transport, circleToIdsId, &localError);
- if(!SyncingCompletedOverIDS){
- secerror("Failed to sync over IDS, falling back to KVS");
- SyncingCompletedOverIDS = SOSTransportMessageSyncWithPeers(account->kvs_message_transport, circleToIdsId, &localError);
+ if(SOSPeerInfoShouldUseIDSTransport(SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity), peer) &&
+ SOSPeerInfoShouldUseIDSMessageFragmentation(SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity), peer)){
+ SOSTransportMessageIDSSetFragmentationPreference(account->ids_message_transport, kCFBooleanTrue);
+ CFStringRef deviceID = SOSPeerInfoCopyDeviceID(peer);
+ if(deviceID != NULL){
+ CFArrayAppendValue(ids, deviceID);
- CFReleaseNull(circleToIdsId);
- } else {
- CFArrayAppendValue(peerIds, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer));
+ CFReleaseNull(deviceID);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ require_quiet(CFArrayGetCount(ids) != 0, xit);
+ secnotice("IDS Transport", "List of IDS Peers to ping: %@", ids);
+ SOSCloudKeychainGetIDSDeviceAvailability(ids, SOSAccountGetMyPeerID(account), dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(CFDictionaryRef returnedValues, CFErrorRef sync_error) {
+ bool success = (sync_error == NULL);
+ if(!success)
+ secerror("Failed to send list of IDS peers to IDSKSP: %@", sync_error);
+ });
+ if(error && *error != NULL)
+ secerror("SOSAccountSendIKSPSyncList had an error: %@", *error);
+ if(localError)
+ secerror("SOSAccountSendIKSPSyncList had an error: %@", localError);
+ CFReleaseNull(ids);
+ CFReleaseNull(localError);
+ return result;
+bool SOSAccountSyncWithAllKVSPeers(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error)
+ __block bool result = true;
+ if(SOSAccountIsInCircle(account, NULL)) {
+ SOSCircleForEachValidPeer(account->trusted_circle, account->user_public, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ if (!SOSAccountIsThisPeerIDMe(account, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer))) {
+ CFStringRef deviceID = SOSPeerInfoCopyDeviceID(peer);
+ if(deviceID == NULL || !SOSPeerInfoShouldUseIDSTransport(SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity), peer)){
+ result = SOSAccountSyncWithKVSPeer(account, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer), error);
+ if(result){
+ secnotice("KVS Transport", "synced with peer: %@", SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer));
+ }
+ else{
+ secnotice("KVS Transport", "failed to sync with peer: %@", SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer));
+ }
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(deviceID);
+ });
+ }
+ secnotice("sync", "SOSAccountSyncWithAllKVSPeers returns: %d", result);
+ return true;
+static CFMutableArrayRef SOSAccountCopyPeerIDsForDSID(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef deviceID, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ CFMutableArrayRef peerIDs = CFArrayCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ SOSCircleForEachValidPeer(account->trusted_circle, account->user_public, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ CFStringRef peerDeviceID = SOSPeerInfoCopyDeviceID(peer);
+ if(peerDeviceID != NULL && CFStringCompare(peerDeviceID, deviceID, 0) == 0){
+ CFArrayAppendValue(peerIDs, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer));
+ CFReleaseNull(peerDeviceID);
- if (CFArrayGetCount(peerIds)) {
- secnotice("KVS", "Syncing with KVS capable peers");
- CFDictionarySetValue(circleToPeerIDs, SOSCircleGetName(circle), peerIds);
- SyncingCompletedOverKVS &= SOSTransportMessageSyncWithPeers(account->kvs_message_transport, circleToPeerIDs, &localError);
+ if (peerIDs == NULL || CFArrayGetCount(peerIDs) == 0) {
+ CFReleaseNull(peerIDs);
+ SOSErrorCreate(kSOSErrorPeerNotFound, error, NULL, CFSTR("No peer with DSID: %@"), deviceID);
- SOSEngineRef engine = SOSTransportMessageGetEngine(account->kvs_message_transport);
- result = SOSEngineSyncWithPeers(engine, account->ids_message_transport, account->kvs_message_transport, &localError);
+ return peerIDs;
+static bool SOSAccountSyncWithKVSPeers(SOSAccountRef account, CFArrayRef peerIDs, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ CFDictionaryRef circleToPeerIDs = NULL;
+ CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
+ bool result = false;
+ require_action_quiet(SOSAccountThisDeviceCanSyncWithCircle(account), xit,
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorNoCircle, CFSTR("This device cannot sync with circle"),
+ NULL, &localError));
+ circleToPeerIDs = CFDictionaryCreateForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), peerIDs,
+ NULL);
+ result = SOSTransportMessageSyncWithPeers(account->kvs_message_transport, circleToPeerIDs, &localError);
- result &= ((SyncingCompletedOverIDS) &&
- (SyncingCompletedOverKVS || (CFDictionaryGetCount(circleToPeerIDs) == 0)));
+ SOSEngineRef engine = SOSTransportMessageGetEngine(account->kvs_message_transport);
+ result &= SOSEngineSyncWithPeers(engine, &localError);
if (result)
SetCloudKeychainTraceValueForKey(kCloudKeychainNumberOfTimesSyncedWithPeers, 1);
+ if (!result) {
+ // Tell account to update SOSEngine with current trusted peers
+ if (isSOSErrorCoded(localError, kSOSErrorPeerNotFound)) {
+ secnotice("Account", "Arming account to update SOSEngine with current trusted peers");
+ account->engine_peer_state_needs_repair = true;
+ }
+ CFErrorPropagate(localError, error);
+ localError = NULL;
+ }
+ return result;
+bool SOSAccountSyncWithKVSUsingIDSID(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef deviceID, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool result = false;
+ CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
+ secnotice("KVS Transport","Syncing with KVS capable peer via DSID: %@", deviceID);
+ CFArrayRef peerIDs = SOSAccountCopyPeerIDsForDSID(account, deviceID, &localError);
+ require_quiet(peerIDs, xit);
+ CFStringArrayPerfromWithDescription(peerIDs, ^(CFStringRef peerIDList) {
+ secnotice("KVS Transport", "Syncing with KVS capable peers: %@", peerIDList);
+ });
+ result = SOSAccountSyncWithKVSPeers(account, peerIDs, &localError);
+ secerror("KVS sync %s. (%@)", result ? "succeeded" : "failed", localError);
+ CFReleaseNull(peerIDs);
+ CFErrorPropagate(localError, error);
+ return result;
+bool SOSAccountSyncWithKVSPeer(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef peerID, CFErrorRef *error)
+ bool result = false;
+ CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
+ secnotice("KVS Transport","Syncing with KVS capable peer: %@", peerID);
+ CFArrayRef peerIDs = CFArrayCreateForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault, peerID, NULL);
+ result = SOSAccountSyncWithKVSPeers(account, peerIDs, &localError);
+ secerror("KVS sync %s. (%@)", result ? "succeeded" : "failed", localError);
+ CFReleaseNull(peerIDs);
+ CFErrorPropagate(localError, error);
+ return result;
+bool SOSAccountSyncWithIDSPeer(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef deviceID, CFErrorRef *error)
+ CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef circleToPeerIDs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ CFMutableArrayRef ids = CFArrayCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ static int engineLogCountDown = 0;
+ bool result = true;
+ require_action_quiet(SOSAccountThisDeviceCanSyncWithCircle(account), xit,
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorNoCircle, CFSTR("This device cannot sync with circle"),
+ NULL, &localError));
+ SOSCircleForEachValidPeer(account->trusted_circle, account->user_public, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ CFStringRef peerDeviceID = SOSPeerInfoCopyDeviceID(peer);
+ if(peerDeviceID != NULL && CFStringCompare(peerDeviceID, deviceID, 0) == 0){
+ CFArrayAppendValue(ids, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer));
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(peerDeviceID);
+ });
+ require_action_quiet(CFArrayGetCount(ids), xit, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorNoCircle, CFSTR("Cannot find peer in circle"),
+ NULL, &localError));
+ secnotice("IDS Transport","Syncing with IDS capable peer: %@", ids);
+ CFDictionarySetValue(circleToPeerIDs, SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), ids);
+ result = SOSTransportMessageSyncWithPeers(account->ids_message_transport, circleToPeerIDs, &localError);
+ secnotice("IDS Transport", "IDS Sync result: %d", result);
+ SOSEngineRef engine = SOSTransportMessageGetEngine(account->ids_message_transport);
+ result &= SOSEngineSyncWithPeers(engine, &localError);
+ if (result)
+ SetCloudKeychainTraceValueForKey(kCloudKeychainNumberOfTimesSyncedWithPeers, 1);
+ if(engineLogCountDown <= 0) {
+ SOSEngineLogState(engine);
+ } else {
+ engineLogCountDown--;
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(circleToPeerIDs);
if (!result) {
- secdebug("Account", "Could not sync with all peers: %@", localError);
+ secdebug("Account", "Could not sync with peer %@, error: %@", deviceID, localError);
// Tell account to update SOSEngine with current trusted peers
if (isSOSErrorCoded(localError, kSOSErrorPeerNotFound)) {
secnotice("Account", "Arming account to update SOSEngine with current trusted peers");
- account->circle_rings_retirements_need_attention = true;
+ account->engine_peer_state_needs_repair = true;
CFErrorPropagate(localError, error);
localError = NULL;
- CFReleaseNull(peerIds);
+ CFReleaseNull(ids);
return result;
bool SOSAccountCleanupAfterPeer(SOSAccountRef account, size_t seconds, SOSCircleRef circle,
SOSPeerInfoRef cleanupPeer, CFErrorRef* error)
SOSCircleRef SOSAccountCloneCircleWithRetirement(SOSAccountRef account, SOSCircleRef starting_circle, CFErrorRef *error) {
SOSCircleRef new_circle = SOSCircleCopyCircle(NULL, starting_circle, error);
+ SOSFullPeerInfoRef meFull = SOSAccountGetMyFullPeerInfo(account);
+ SOSPeerInfoRef me = SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(meFull);
+ bool iAmApplicant = me && SOSCircleHasApplicant(new_circle, me, NULL);
if(!new_circle) return NULL;
+ __block bool workDone = false;
if (account->retirees) {
CFSetForEach(account->retirees, ^(const void* value) {
SOSPeerInfoRef pi = (SOSPeerInfoRef) value;
if (isSOSPeerInfo(pi)) {
SOSCircleUpdatePeerInfo(new_circle, pi);
+ workDone = true;
- if(SOSCircleCountPeers(new_circle) == 0) {
- SOSCircleResetToEmpty(new_circle, NULL);
+ if(workDone && SOSCircleCountPeers(new_circle) == 0) {
+ SecKeyRef userPrivKey = SOSAccountGetPrivateCredential(account, error);
+ if(iAmApplicant) {
+ if(userPrivKey) {
+ secnotice("resetToOffering", "Reset to offering with last retirement and me as applicant");
+ if(!SOSCircleResetToOffering(new_circle, userPrivKey, meFull, error) ||
+ !SOSAccountAddiCloudIdentity(account, new_circle, userPrivKey, error)) {
+ CFReleaseNull(new_circle);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing. We can't resetToOffering without a userPrivKey. If we were to resetToEmpty
+ // we won't push the result later in handleUpdateCircle. If we leave the circle as it is
+ // we have a chance to set things right with a SetCreds/Join sequence. This will cause
+ // handleUpdateCircle to return false.
+ CFReleaseNull(new_circle);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // This case is when we aren't an applicant and the circle is retirement-empty.
+ secnotice("resetToEmpty", "Reset to empty with last retirement");
+ SOSCircleResetToEmpty(new_circle, NULL);
+ }
return new_circle;
return kSOSCCNotInCircle;
+CFStringRef SOSAccountGetSOSCCStatusString(SOSCCStatus status) {
+ switch(status) {
+ case kSOSCCInCircle: return CFSTR("kSOSCCInCircle");
+ case kSOSCCNotInCircle: return CFSTR("kSOSCCNotInCircle");
+ case kSOSCCRequestPending: return CFSTR("kSOSCCRequestPending");
+ case kSOSCCCircleAbsent: return CFSTR("kSOSCCCircleAbsent");
+ case kSOSCCError: return CFSTR("kSOSCCError");
+ }
+ return CFSTR("kSOSCCError");
bool SOSAccountIsInCircle(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error) {
SOSCCStatus result = SOSAccountGetCircleStatus(account, error);
- if (result != kSOSCCInCircle && result != kSOSCCError) {
+ if (result != kSOSCCInCircle) {
SOSErrorCreate(kSOSErrorNoCircle, error, NULL, CFSTR("Not in circle"));
return false;
// MARK: Account Reset Circles
-static bool SOSAccountResetCircleToOffering(SOSAccountRef account, SecKeyRef user_key, CFErrorRef *error) {
- bool result = false;
+// This needs to be called within a SOSAccountModifyCircle() block
- require(SOSAccountHasCircle(account, error), fail);
+bool SOSAccountAddiCloudIdentity(SOSAccountRef account, SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef user_key, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool result = false;
+ SOSFullPeerInfoRef cloud_identity = NULL;
+ SOSPeerInfoRef cloud_peer = GenerateNewCloudIdentityPeerInfo(error);
+ require_quiet(cloud_peer, err_out);
+ cloud_identity = CopyCloudKeychainIdentity(cloud_peer, error);
+ CFReleaseNull(cloud_peer);
+ require_quiet(cloud_identity, err_out);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleRequestAdmission(circle, user_key, cloud_identity, error), err_out);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleAcceptRequest(circle, user_key, account->my_identity, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(cloud_identity), error), err_out);
+ result = true;
+ return result;
+bool SOSAccountRemoveIncompleteiCloudIdentities(SOSAccountRef account, SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef privKey, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool retval = false;
+ CFMutableSetRef iCloud2Remove = CFSetCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ SOSCircleForEachActivePeer(circle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ if(SOSPeerInfoIsCloudIdentity(peer)) {
+ SOSFullPeerInfoRef icfpi = SOSFullPeerInfoCreateCloudIdentity(kCFAllocatorDefault, peer, NULL);
+ if(!icfpi) {
+ CFSetAddValue(iCloud2Remove, peer);
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(icfpi);
+ }
+ });
+ if(CFSetGetCount(iCloud2Remove) > 0) {
+ retval = true;
+ SOSCircleRemovePeers(circle, privKey, account->my_identity, iCloud2Remove, error);
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(iCloud2Remove);
+ return retval;
+static bool SOSAccountResetCircleToOffering(SOSAccountTransactionRef aTxn, SecKeyRef user_key, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ SOSAccountRef account = aTxn->account;
+ bool result = false;
+ require(SOSAccountHasCircle(account, error), fail);
require(SOSAccountEnsureFullPeerAvailable(account, error), fail);
(void) SOSAccountResetAllRings(account, error);
SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^(SOSCircleRef circle) {
bool result = false;
SOSFullPeerInfoRef cloud_identity = NULL;
require_quiet(SOSCircleResetToOffering(circle, user_key, account->my_identity, &localError), err_out);
- {
- SOSPeerInfoRef cloud_peer = GenerateNewCloudIdentityPeerInfo(error);
- require_quiet(cloud_peer, err_out);
- cloud_identity = CopyCloudKeychainIdentity(cloud_peer, error);
- CFReleaseNull(cloud_peer);
- require_quiet(cloud_identity, err_out);
- }
account->departure_code = kSOSNeverLeftCircle;
require_quiet(SOSAccountAddEscrowToPeerInfo(account, SOSAccountGetMyFullPeerInfo(account), error), err_out);
- require_quiet(SOSCircleRequestAdmission(circle, user_key, cloud_identity, &localError), err_out);
- require_quiet(SOSCircleAcceptRequest(circle, user_key, account->my_identity, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(cloud_identity), &localError), err_out);
+ require_quiet(SOSAccountAddiCloudIdentity(account, circle, user_key, error), err_out);
result = true;
SOSAccountPublishCloudParameters(account, NULL);
return result;
+ SOSAccountSetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, kCFBooleanTrue, NULL);
+ SOSAccountUpdateOutOfSyncViews(aTxn, SOSViewsGetAllCurrent());
result = true;
-bool SOSAccountResetToOffering(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef* error) {
+bool SOSAccountResetToOffering(SOSAccountTransactionRef aTxn, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ SOSAccountRef account = aTxn->account;
SecKeyRef user_key = SOSAccountGetPrivateCredential(account, error);
if (!user_key)
return false;
+ secnotice("resetToOffering", "Resetting circle to offering by request from client");
- return user_key && SOSAccountResetCircleToOffering(account, user_key, error);
+ return user_key && SOSAccountResetCircleToOffering(aTxn, user_key, error);
bool SOSAccountResetToEmpty(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef* error) {
account->departure_code = kSOSWithdrewMembership;
+ secnotice("resetToEmpty", "Reset Circle to empty by client request");
result &= SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^(SOSCircleRef circle) {
result = SOSCircleResetToEmpty(circle, error);
return result;
if (!result) {
secerror("error: %@", error ? *error : NULL);
return result;
// MARK: start backups
-bool SOSAccountEnsureBackupStarts(SOSAccountRef account) {
+bool SOSAccountEnsureInBackupRings(SOSAccountRef account) {
__block bool result = false;
__block CFErrorRef error = NULL;
- secnotice("backup", "Starting new backups");
- CFDataRef backupKey = SOSPeerInfoV2DictionaryCopyData(SOSAccountGetMyPeerInfo(account), sBackupKeyKey);
- if (CFEqualSafe(backupKey, account->backup_key)){
- CFReleaseNull(backupKey);
- return true;
- }
- if(account->backup_key != NULL){
- require_quiet(SOSBSKBIsGoodBackupPublic(account->backup_key, &error), exit);
- require_quiet(SOSAccountUpdatePeerInfo(account, CFSTR("Backup public key"), &error,
- ^bool(SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi, CFErrorRef *error) {
- return SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateBackupKey(fpi, account->backup_key, error);
- }), exit);
- CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
- if (!SOSDeleteV0Keybag(&localError)) {
- secerror("Failed to delete v0 keybag: %@", localError);
- }
- CFReleaseNull(localError);
- result = true;
+ secnotice("backup", "Ensuring in rings");
- SOSAccountForEachBackupView(account, ^(const void *value) {
- CFStringRef viewName = (CFStringRef)value;
- result &= SOSAccountStartNewBackup(account, viewName, &error);
- });
- }
- else{
- if(account->backup_key == NULL){
- secerror("account backup key is NULL!");
- }
- }
- if (!result) {
- secnotice("backupkey", "Failed to setup backup public key: %@", error ? (CFTypeRef) error : (CFTypeRef) CFSTR("No error space provided"));
- }
- CFReleaseNull(backupKey);
- return result;
+ CFDataRef backupKey = NULL;
-// MARK: Waiting for in-sync
-static bool SOSAccountHasBeenInSync(SOSAccountRef account) {
- CFTypeRef unsyncedObject = SOSAccountGetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, NULL);
- CFSetRef unsynced = asSet(unsyncedObject, NULL);
+ require_action_quiet(account->backup_key, exit, result = true);
- return !(unsyncedObject == kCFBooleanTrue || (unsynced && (CFSetGetCount(unsynced) > 0)));
+ backupKey = SOSPeerInfoV2DictionaryCopyData(SOSAccountGetMyPeerInfo(account), sBackupKeyKey);
-static bool SOSAccountUpdateOutOfSyncViews(SOSAccountRef account, CFSetRef viewsInSync) {
- bool notifyOfChange = false;
+ require_action_quiet(!CFEqualSafe(backupKey, account->backup_key), exit, result = true); // If we're already set up, we're done.
+ require_quiet(SOSAccountUpdatePeerInfo(account, CFSTR("Backup public key"), &error, ^bool(SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ return SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateBackupKey(fpi, account->backup_key, error);
+ }), exit);
- SOSCCStatus circleStatus = SOSAccountGetCircleStatus(account, NULL);
- bool inOrApplying = (circleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle) || (circleStatus == kSOSCCRequestPending);
+ require_quiet(account->backup_key, exit); // If it went null, we're done now.
- CFTypeRef unsyncedObject = SOSAccountGetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, NULL);
+ require_quiet(SOSBSKBIsGoodBackupPublic(account->backup_key, &error), exit);
- if (!inOrApplying) {
- if (unsyncedObject != NULL) {
- SOSAccountClearValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, NULL);
- secnotice("initial-sync", "in sync, clearing pending");
- notifyOfChange = true;
- }
- } else if (circleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle) {
- __block CFMutableSetRef viewsToSync = CFSetCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
- SOSAccountForEachCirclePeerExceptMe(account, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
- SOSPeerInfoWithEnabledViewSet(peer, ^(CFSetRef enabled) {
- CFSetUnion(viewsToSync, enabled);
- });
- });
- if (viewsInSync) {
- CFSetSubtract(viewsToSync, viewsInSync);
- }
- if (unsyncedObject == kCFBooleanTrue) {
- if (CFSetGetCount(viewsToSync) == 0) {
- secnotice("initial-sync", "No views to wait for");
- SOSAccountClearValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, NULL);
- } else {
- __block CFSetRef newViews = NULL;
- SOSPeerInfoWithEnabledViewSet(SOSAccountGetMyPeerInfo(account), ^(CFSetRef enabled) {
- newViews = CFSetCreateIntersection(kCFAllocatorDefault, enabled, viewsToSync);
- });
- secnotice("initial-sync", "Pending views set from True: %@", newViews);
- SOSAccountSetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, newViews, NULL);
- CFReleaseNull(newViews);
- }
- notifyOfChange = true;
- } else if (isSet(unsyncedObject)) {
- CFSetRef waiting = (CFMutableSetRef) unsyncedObject;
- CFSetRef newViews = CFSetCreateIntersection(kCFAllocatorDefault, waiting, viewsToSync);
- if (!CFEqualSafe(waiting, newViews)) {
- if (CFSetGetCount(newViews) == 0) {
- secnotice("initial-sync", "No views left to wait for.");
- SOSAccountClearValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, NULL);
- } else {
- secnotice("initial-sync", "Pending views updated: %@", newViews);
- SOSAccountSetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, newViews, NULL);
- }
- notifyOfChange = true;
- }
- CFReleaseNull(newViews);
- }
- CFReleaseNull(viewsToSync);
- }
- if (notifyOfChange) {
- if(SOSAccountGetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, NULL) == NULL){
- CFDictionaryRef syncBlocks = account->waitForInitialSync_blocks;
- account->waitForInitialSync_blocks = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
- CFDictionaryForEach(syncBlocks, ^(const void *key, const void *value) {
- secnotice("updates", "calling in sync block [%@]", key);
- ((SOSAccountWaitForInitialSyncBlock)value)(account);
- });
- CFReleaseNull(syncBlocks);
- }
- // Make sure we update the engine
- account->circle_rings_retirements_need_attention = true;
+ // It's a good key, we're going with it. Stop backing up the old way.
+ CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
+ if (!SOSDeleteV0Keybag(&localError)) {
+ secerror("Failed to delete v0 keybag: %@", localError);
+ CFReleaseNull(localError);
- return SOSAccountHasBeenInSync(account);
-static void SOSAccountPeerGotInSync(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef peerID) {
- secnotice("initial-sync", "Heard PeerID is in sync: %@", peerID);
- if (account->trusted_circle) {
- SOSPeerInfoRef peer = SOSCircleCopyPeerWithID(account->trusted_circle, peerID, NULL);
- if (peer) {
- CFSetRef views = SOSPeerInfoCopyEnabledViews(peer);
- SOSAccountUpdateOutOfSyncViews(account, views);
- CFReleaseNull(views);
- }
- CFReleaseNull(peer);
- }
-void SOSAccountCleanupNotificationForAllPeers(SOSAccountRef account) {
- SOSEngineRef engine = SOSDataSourceFactoryGetEngineForDataSourceName(account->factory, SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), NULL);
+ result = true;
- CFDictionaryForEach(account->notification_cleanups, ^(const void *key, const void *value) {
- if (engine) {
- SOSEngineSetSyncCompleteListener(engine, key, NULL);
- }
- dispatch_async(account->queue, value);
+ // Setup backups the new way.
+ SOSAccountForEachBackupView(account, ^(const void *value) {
+ CFStringRef viewName = (CFStringRef)value;
+ result &= SOSAccountNewBKSBForView(account, viewName, &error);
- CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues(account->notification_cleanups);
-static void SOSAccountCleanupNotificationForPeer(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef peerID) {
- dispatch_block_t cleanup = CFDictionaryGetValue(account->notification_cleanups, peerID);
- if (cleanup) {
- SOSEngineRef engine = SOSDataSourceFactoryGetEngineForDataSourceName(account->factory, SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), NULL);
- if (engine) {
- SOSEngineSetSyncCompleteListener(engine, peerID, NULL);
- }
- dispatch_async(account->queue, cleanup);
- }
- CFDictionaryRemoveValue(account->notification_cleanups, peerID);
-static void SOSAccountRegisterCleanupBlock(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef peerID, dispatch_block_t block) {
- dispatch_block_t copy = Block_copy(block);
- CFDictionarySetValue(account->notification_cleanups, peerID, copy);
- CFReleaseNull(copy);
-void SOSAccountEnsureSyncChecking(SOSAccountRef account) {
- if (CFDictionaryGetCount(account->notification_cleanups) == 0) {
- secnotice("initial-sync", "Setting up notifications to monitor in-sync");
- SOSEngineRef engine = SOSDataSourceFactoryGetEngineForDataSourceName(account->factory, SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), NULL);
- SOSEngineSetSyncCompleteListenerQueue(engine, account->queue);
- if (engine) {
- SOSAccountForEachCirclePeerExceptMe(account, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
- CFStringRef peerID = CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer));
- secnotice("initial-sync", "Setting up monitoring for peer: %@", peerID);
- SOSAccountRegisterCleanupBlock(account, peerID, ^{
- CFReleaseSafe(peerID);
- });
- SOSEngineSetSyncCompleteListener(engine, peerID, ^{
- SOSAccountPeerGotInSync(account, peerID);
- SOSAccountCleanupNotificationForPeer(account, peerID);
- SOSAccountFinishTransaction(account);
- });
- });
- } else {
- secerror("Couldn't find engine to setup notifications!!!");
- }
- }
-void SOSAccountCancelSyncChecking(SOSAccountRef account) {
- SOSAccountCleanupNotificationForAllPeers(account);
- SOSAccountUpdateOutOfSyncViews(account, NULL);
-bool SOSAccountCheckHasBeenInSync(SOSAccountRef account) {
- bool hasBeenInSync = false;
- if (!SOSAccountIsInCircle(account, NULL)) {
- SOSAccountCancelSyncChecking(account);
- } else {
- hasBeenInSync = SOSAccountHasBeenInSync(account);
- if (!hasBeenInSync) {
- hasBeenInSync = SOSAccountUpdateOutOfSyncViews(account, NULL);
- if (hasBeenInSync) {
- // Cancel and declare victory
- SOSAccountCancelSyncChecking(account);
- } else {
- // Make sure we're watching in case this is the fist attempt
- SOSAccountEnsureSyncChecking(account);
- }
- }
+ if (!result) {
+ secnotice("backupkey", "Failed to setup backup public key: %@", error ? (CFTypeRef) error : (CFTypeRef) CFSTR("No error space provided"));
- return hasBeenInSync;
+ CFReleaseNull(backupKey);
+ return result;
// MARK: Joining
-static bool SOSAccountJoinCircle(SOSAccountRef account, SecKeyRef user_key,
+static bool SOSAccountJoinCircle(SOSAccountTransactionRef aTxn, SecKeyRef user_key,
bool use_cloud_peer, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ SOSAccountRef account = aTxn->account;
__block bool result = false;
__block SOSFullPeerInfoRef cloud_full_peer = NULL;
SOSFullPeerInfoRef myCirclePeer = account->my_identity;
- if (use_cloud_peer) {
- cloud_full_peer = SOSCircleCopyiCloudFullPeerInfoRef(account->trusted_circle, NULL);
+ if (SOSCircleCountPeers(account->trusted_circle) == 0) {
+ secnotice("resetToOffering", "Resetting circle to offering since there are no peers");
+ // this also clears initial sync data
+ result = SOSAccountResetCircleToOffering(aTxn, user_key, error);
} else {
SOSAccountSetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, kCFBooleanTrue, NULL);
- }
- if (SOSCircleCountPeers(account->trusted_circle) == 0) {
- result = SOSAccountResetCircleToOffering(account, user_key, error);
- } else {
+ if (use_cloud_peer) {
+ cloud_full_peer = SOSCircleCopyiCloudFullPeerInfoRef(account->trusted_circle, NULL);
+ }
SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^(SOSCircleRef circle) {
result = SOSAccountAddEscrowToPeerInfo(account, myCirclePeer, error);
result &= SOSCircleRequestAdmission(circle, user_key, myCirclePeer, error);
require_quiet(cloudid, finish);
require_quiet(SOSCircleHasActivePeerWithID(circle, cloudid, &localError), finish);
require_quiet(SOSCircleAcceptRequest(circle, user_key, cloud_full_peer, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(myCirclePeer), &localError), finish);
if (localError){
secerror("Failed to join with cloud identity: %@", localError);
return result;
+ if (use_cloud_peer) {
+ SOSAccountUpdateOutOfSyncViews(aTxn, SOSViewsGetAllCurrent());
+ }
return result;
-static bool SOSAccountJoinCircles_internal(SOSAccountRef account, bool use_cloud_identity, CFErrorRef* error) {
+static bool SOSAccountJoinCircles_internal(SOSAccountTransactionRef aTxn, bool use_cloud_identity, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ SOSAccountRef account = aTxn->account;
bool success = false;
SecKeyRef user_key = SOSAccountGetPrivateCredential(account, error);
- success = SOSAccountJoinCircle(account, user_key, use_cloud_identity, error);
+ success = SOSAccountJoinCircle(aTxn, user_key, use_cloud_identity, error);
require_quiet(success, done);
return success;
-bool SOSAccountJoinCircles(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef* error) {
- return SOSAccountJoinCircles_internal(account, false, error);
+bool SOSAccountJoinCircles(SOSAccountTransactionRef aTxn, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ return SOSAccountJoinCircles_internal(aTxn, false, error);
CFStringRef SOSAccountCopyDeviceID(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error){
bool SOSAccountSetMyDSID(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef IDS, CFErrorRef* error){
bool result = true;
- if(whichTransportType == kSOSTransportIDS || whichTransportType == kSOSTransportFuture){
- secdebug("IDS Transport", "We are setting our device ID: %@", IDS);
- if(IDS != NULL && (CFStringGetLength(IDS) > 0)){
- require_action_quiet(account->my_identity, fail, SOSErrorCreate(kSOSErrorPeerNotFound, error, NULL, CFSTR("No peer for me")));
+ secdebug("IDS Transport", "We are setting our device ID: %@", IDS);
+ if(IDS != NULL && (CFStringGetLength(IDS) > 0)){
+ require_action_quiet(account->my_identity, fail, SOSErrorCreate(kSOSErrorPeerNotFound, error, NULL, CFSTR("No peer for me")));
+ result = SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^bool(SOSCircleRef circle) {
- result = SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^bool(SOSCircleRef circle) {
- SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateDeviceID(account->my_identity, IDS, error);
- SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateTransportType(account->my_identity, SOSTransportMessageTypeIDS, error);
- SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateTransportPreference(account->my_identity, kCFBooleanTrue, error);
- return SOSCircleHasPeer(circle, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity), NULL);
- });
- }
- else
- result = false;
- }
- else{
- secdebug("IDS Transport", "We are setting our device ID: %@", IDS);
- if(IDS != NULL && (CFStringGetLength(IDS) > 0)){
- require_action_quiet(account->my_identity, fail, SOSErrorCreate(kSOSErrorPeerNotFound, error, NULL, CFSTR("No peer for me")));
+ SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateDeviceID(account->my_identity, IDS, error);
+ SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateTransportType(account->my_identity, SOSTransportMessageTypeIDSV2, error);
+ SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateTransportPreference(account->my_identity, kCFBooleanFalse, error);
+ SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateTransportFragmentationPreference(account->my_identity, kCFBooleanTrue, error);
- result = SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^bool(SOSCircleRef circle) {
- SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateDeviceID(account->my_identity, IDS, error);
- SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateTransportType(account->my_identity, SOSTransportMessageTypeKVS, error);
- SOSFullPeerInfoUpdateTransportPreference(account->my_identity, kCFBooleanTrue, error);
- return SOSCircleHasPeer(circle, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity), NULL);
- });
- }
- else
- result = false;
+ return SOSCircleHasPeer(circle, SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity), NULL);
+ });
+ else
+ result = false;
+ CFReleaseNull(account->deviceID);
+ account->deviceID = CFRetainSafe(IDS);
return result;
bool SOSAccountSendIDSTestMessage(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef message, CFErrorRef *error){
bool result = true;
- if(whichTransportType == kSOSTransportIDS || whichTransportType == kSOSTransportFuture || whichTransportType == kSOSTransportPresent){
- //construct message dictionary, circle -> peerID -> message
- CFMutableDictionaryRef circleToPeerMessages = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
- CFMutableDictionaryRef peerToMessage = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
- char *messageCharStar;
- asprintf(&messageCharStar, "%d", kIDSSendOneMessage);
- CFStringRef messageString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, messageCharStar, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
- CFMutableDictionaryRef mutableDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypesWith(kCFAllocatorDefault, messageString, CFSTR("send IDS test message"), NULL);
- SOSCircleForEachPeer(account->trusted_circle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
- if(!CFEqualSafe(peer, SOSAccountGetMyPeerInfo(account)))
+ //construct message dictionary, circle -> peerID -> message
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef circleToPeerMessages = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef peerToMessage = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ char *messageCharStar;
+ asprintf(&messageCharStar, "%d", kIDSSendOneMessage);
+ CFStringRef messageString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, messageCharStar, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef mutableDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypesWith(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIDSOperationType, messageString, kIDSMessageToSendKey, CFSTR("send IDS test message"), NULL);
+ SOSCircleForEachPeer(account->trusted_circle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ if(!CFEqualSafe(peer, SOSAccountGetMyPeerInfo(account)))
CFDictionaryAddValue(peerToMessage, SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer), mutableDictionary);
- });
- CFDictionaryAddValue(circleToPeerMessages, SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), peerToMessage);
- result = SOSTransportMessageSendMessages(account->ids_message_transport, circleToPeerMessages, error);
- CFReleaseNull(mutableDictionary);
- CFReleaseNull(peerToMessage);
- CFReleaseNull(circleToPeerMessages);
- CFReleaseNull(messageString);
- free(messageCharStar);
- }
+ });
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(circleToPeerMessages, SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), peerToMessage);
+ result = SOSTransportMessageSendMessages(account->ids_message_transport, circleToPeerMessages, error);
+ CFReleaseNull(mutableDictionary);
+ CFReleaseNull(peerToMessage);
+ CFReleaseNull(circleToPeerMessages);
+ CFReleaseNull(messageString);
+ free(messageCharStar);
return result;
char *messageCharStar;
asprintf(&messageCharStar, "%d", kIDSStartPingTestMessage);
- CFStringRef messageString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, messageCharStar, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ CFStringRef operationToString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, messageCharStar, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ CFStringRef messageToSend = CFSTR("send IDS test message");
- CFMutableDictionaryRef mutableDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypesWith(kCFAllocatorDefault, messageString, CFSTR("send IDS test message"), NULL);
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef mutableDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypesWith(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIDSOperationType, operationToString, kIDSMessageToSendKey, messageToSend, NULL);
SOSCircleForEachPeer(account->trusted_circle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
if(CFStringCompare(SOSAccountGetMyPeerID(account), SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(peer), 0) != 0)
- CFReleaseNull(messageString);
+ CFReleaseNull(operationToString);
return result;
bool SOSAccountRetrieveDeviceIDFromIDSKeychainSyncingProxy(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error){
bool result = true;
- if(whichTransportType == kSOSTransportIDS || whichTransportType == kSOSTransportFuture || whichTransportType == kSOSTransportPresent){
- __block bool success = true;
- __block CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
- dispatch_semaphore_t wait_for = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
- dispatch_retain(wait_for); // Both this scope and the block own it
- SOSCloudKeychainGetIDSDeviceID(^(CFDictionaryRef returnedValues, CFErrorRef sync_error){
- success = (sync_error == NULL);
- if (!success) {
- CFRetainAssign(localError, sync_error);
- }
- dispatch_semaphore_signal(wait_for);
- dispatch_release(wait_for);
- });
+ __block bool success = true;
+ __block CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
+ dispatch_semaphore_t wait_for = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
+ dispatch_retain(wait_for); // Both this scope and the block own it
+ SOSCloudKeychainGetIDSDeviceID(^(CFDictionaryRef returnedValues, CFErrorRef sync_error){
+ success = (sync_error == NULL);
+ if (!success) {
+ CFRetainAssign(localError, sync_error);
+ }
- dispatch_semaphore_wait(wait_for, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
+ dispatch_semaphore_signal(wait_for);
- if(!success && localError != NULL && error != NULL){
- secerror("Could not ask IDSKeychainSyncingProxy for Device ID: %@", localError);
- *error = localError;
- }
- else{
- secdebug("IDS Transport", "Attempting to retrieve the IDS Device ID");
- }
+ });
+ dispatch_semaphore_wait(wait_for, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
+ dispatch_release(wait_for);
+ if(!success && localError != NULL && error != NULL){
+ secerror("Could not ask IDSKeychainSyncingProxy for Device ID: %@", localError);
+ *error = localError;
+ result = false;
+ }
+ else{
+ secdebug("IDS Transport", "Attempting to retrieve the IDS Device ID");
return result;
-bool SOSAccountJoinCirclesAfterRestore(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef* error) {
- return SOSAccountJoinCircles_internal(account, true, error);
+bool SOSAccountJoinCirclesAfterRestore(SOSAccountTransactionRef aTxn, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ return SOSAccountJoinCircles_internal(aTxn, true, error);
bool result = true;
+ secnotice("leaveCircle", "Leaving circle by client request");
result &= SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^(SOSCircleRef circle) {
return sosAccountLeaveCircle(account, circle, error);
} else success = true;
if (success && leaveCircle) {
+ secnotice("leaveCircle", "Leaving circle by client request");
success = sosAccountLeaveCircle(account, circle, error);
// Add a task to the group
dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^(SOSCircleRef circle) {
+ secnotice("leaveCircle", "Leaving circle by client request");
return sosAccountLeaveCircle(account, circle, error);
require_quiet(account->trusted_circle, done);
require_quiet(account->my_identity, done);
+ require_quiet(account->user_public_trusted, done);
// If we are not in the circle, there is no point in setting up peers
require_quiet(SOSAccountIsMyPeerActive(account, NULL), done);
// This code only uses the SOSFullPeerInfoRef for two things:
// - Finding out if this device is in the trusted circle
// - Using the peerID for this device to see if the current peer is "me"
- // - It is used indirectly by passing account->my_identity to SOSPeerCoderInitializeForPeer
+ // - It is used indirectly by passing account->my_identity to SOSEngineInitializePeerCoder
CFStringRef my_id = SOSPeerInfoGetPeerID(SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity));
- SOSCircleForEachPeer(account->trusted_circle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ SOSCircleForEachValidSyncingPeer(account->trusted_circle, account->user_public, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
if (!SOSPeerInfoPeerIDEqual(peer, my_id)) {
CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
SOSTransportMessageRef messageTransport = NULL;
- if(whichTransportType == kSOSTransportIDS || whichTransportType == kSOSTransportFuture || whichTransportType == kSOSTransportPresent){
- messageTransport = SOSPeerInfoHasDeviceID(peer) ? account->ids_message_transport : account->kvs_message_transport;
- }
- else
- messageTransport = account->kvs_message_transport;
+ messageTransport = SOSPeerInfoHasDeviceID(peer) ? account->ids_message_transport : account->kvs_message_transport;
- SOSPeerCoderInitializeForPeer(messageTransport->engine, account->my_identity, peer, &localError);
+ SOSEngineInitializePeerCoder(messageTransport->engine, account->my_identity, peer, &localError);
if (localError)
secnotice("updates", "can't initialize transport for peer %@ with %@ (%@)", peer, account->my_identity, localError);
return SecAllocationError(account->expansion, error, CFSTR("Can't Alloc Account Expansion dictionary"));
-bool SOSAccountClearValue(SOSAccountRef account, const void *key, CFErrorRef *error) {
+// Value manipulation
+bool SOSAccountClearValue(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef key, CFErrorRef *error) {
bool success = SOSAccountEnsureExpansion(account, error);
require_quiet(success, errOut);
return success;
-bool SOSAccountSetValue(SOSAccountRef account, const void *key, const void *value, CFErrorRef *error) {
+bool SOSAccountSetValue(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef value, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ if (value == NULL) return SOSAccountClearValue(account, key, error);
bool success = SOSAccountEnsureExpansion(account, error);
require_quiet(success, errOut);
return success;
-const void *SOSAccountGetValue(SOSAccountRef account, const void *key, CFErrorRef *error) {
+CFTypeRef SOSAccountGetValue(SOSAccountRef account, CFStringRef key, CFErrorRef *error) {
if (!account->expansion) {
return NULL;
bool SOSAccountCheckPeerAvailability(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef *error)
CFMutableDictionaryRef circleToPeerMessages = NULL;
- CFStringRef messageString = NULL;
+ CFStringRef operationTypeAsString = NULL;
CFMutableDictionaryRef mutableDictionary = NULL;
CFMutableSetRef peers = NULL;
CFMutableDictionaryRef peerList = NULL;
circleToPeerMessages = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypes(kCFAllocatorDefault);
//adding message type kIDSPeerAvailability so IDSKeychainSyncingProxy does not send this message as a keychain item
asprintf(&message, "%d", kIDSPeerAvailability);
- messageString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, message, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ operationTypeAsString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, message, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
- mutableDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypesWith(kCFAllocatorDefault, messageString, CFSTR("checking peers"), NULL);
+ mutableDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutableForCFTypesWith(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIDSOperationType, operationTypeAsString, kIDSMessageToSendKey, CFSTR("checking peers"), NULL);
//make sure there are peers in the circle
peers = SOSCircleCopyPeers(account->trusted_circle, kCFAllocatorDefault);
require_quiet(CFDictionaryGetCount(peerList) > 0 , fail);
CFDictionaryAddValue(circleToPeerMessages, SOSCircleGetName(account->trusted_circle), peerList);
result = SOSTransportMessageSendMessages(account->ids_message_transport, circleToPeerMessages, error);
- CFReleaseNull(messageString);
+ CFReleaseNull(operationTypeAsString);
-static void SOSAccountRecordRetiredPeersInCircle(SOSAccountRef account) {
+void SOSAccountRecordRetiredPeersInCircle(SOSAccountRef account) {
if (!SOSAccountIsInCircle(account, NULL))
-void SOSAccountFinishTransaction(SOSAccountRef account) {
- if(account->circle_rings_retirements_need_attention){
- SOSAccountRecordRetiredPeersInCircle(account);
- CFErrorRef localError = NULL;
- if(!SOSTransportCircleFlushChanges(account->circle_transport, &localError)) {
- secerror("flush circle failed %@", localError);
- }
- CFReleaseSafe(localError);
- SOSAccountNotifyEngines(account); // For now our only rings are backup rings.
+static size_t SOSPiggyBackBlobGetDEREncodedSize(SOSGenCountRef gencount, SecKeyRef pubKey, CFDataRef signature, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ size_t total_payload = 0;
+ CFDataRef publicBytes = NULL;
+ OSStatus result = SecKeyCopyPublicBytes(pubKey, &publicBytes);
+ if (result != errSecSuccess) {
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadKey, CFSTR("Failed to export public bytes"), NULL, error);
+ return 0;
+ require_quiet(accumulate_size(&total_payload, der_sizeof_number(gencount, error)), errOut);
+ require_quiet(accumulate_size(&total_payload, der_sizeof_data_or_null(publicBytes, error)), errOut);
+ require_quiet(accumulate_size(&total_payload, der_sizeof_data_or_null(signature, error)), errOut);
+ return ccder_sizeof(CCDER_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE, total_payload);
- SOSAccountCheckHasBeenInSync(account);
+ SecCFDERCreateError(kSecDERErrorUnknownEncoding, CFSTR("don't know how to encode"), NULL, error);
+ return 0;
- account->circle_rings_retirements_need_attention = false;
+static uint8_t* SOSPiggyBackBlobEncodeToDER(SOSGenCountRef gencount, SecKeyRef pubKey, CFDataRef signature, CFErrorRef* error, const uint8_t* der, uint8_t* der_end) {
+ CFDataRef publicBytes = NULL;
+ OSStatus result = SecKeyCopyPublicBytes(pubKey, &publicBytes);
+ if (result != errSecSuccess) {
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadKey, CFSTR("Failed to export public bytes"), NULL, error);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ der_end = ccder_encode_constructed_tl(CCDER_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE, der_end, der,
+ der_encode_number(gencount, error, der,
+ der_encode_data_or_null(publicBytes, error, der,
+ der_encode_data_or_null(signature, error, der, der_end))));
+ return der_end;
+static CFDataRef SOSPiggyBackBlobCopyEncodedData(SOSGenCountRef gencount, SecKeyRef pubKey, CFDataRef signature, CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFErrorRef *error)
+ return CFDataCreateWithDER(kCFAllocatorDefault, SOSPiggyBackBlobGetDEREncodedSize(gencount, pubKey, signature, error), ^uint8_t*(size_t size, uint8_t *buffer) {
+ return SOSPiggyBackBlobEncodeToDER(gencount, pubKey, signature, error, buffer, (uint8_t *) buffer + size);
+ });
+struct piggyBackBlob {
+ SOSGenCountRef gencount;
+ SecKeyRef pubKey;
+ CFDataRef signature;
+static struct piggyBackBlob *SOSPiggyBackBlobCreateFromDER(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFErrorRef *error,
+ const uint8_t** der_p, const uint8_t *der_end) {
+ const uint8_t *sequence_end;
+ struct piggyBackBlob *retval = NULL;
+ SOSGenCountRef gencount = NULL;
+ CFDataRef signature = NULL;
+ CFDataRef publicBytes = NULL;
+ *der_p = ccder_decode_constructed_tl(CCDER_CONSTRUCTED_SEQUENCE, &sequence_end, *der_p, der_end);
+ require_action_quiet(sequence_end != NULL, errOut,
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadFormat, CFSTR("Bad Blob DER"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error));
+ *der_p = der_decode_number(allocator, 0, &gencount, error, *der_p, sequence_end);
+ *der_p = der_decode_data_or_null(kCFAllocatorDefault, &publicBytes, error, *der_p, der_end);
+ *der_p = der_decode_data_or_null(kCFAllocatorDefault, &signature, error, *der_p, der_end);
+ require_action_quiet(*der_p && *der_p == der_end, errOut,
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadFormat, CFSTR("Didn't consume all bytes for pbblob"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error));
+ retval = malloc(sizeof(struct piggyBackBlob));
+ retval->gencount = gencount;
+ retval->signature = signature;
+ retval->pubKey = SecKeyCreateFromPublicData(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSecECDSAAlgorithmID, publicBytes);
+ if(!retval) {
+ CFReleaseNull(gencount);
+ CFReleaseNull(publicBytes);
+ CFReleaseNull(signature);
+ }
+ return retval;
+static struct piggyBackBlob *SOSPiggyBackBlobCreateFromData(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDataRef blobData, CFErrorRef *error)
+ size_t size = CFDataGetLength(blobData);
+ const uint8_t *der = CFDataGetBytePtr(blobData);
+ struct piggyBackBlob *inflated = SOSPiggyBackBlobCreateFromDER(allocator, error, &der, der + size);
+ return inflated;
+SOSPeerInfoRef SOSAccountCopyApplication(SOSAccountRef account, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ SOSPeerInfoRef applicant = NULL;
+ SecKeyRef userKey = SOSAccountGetPrivateCredential(account, error);
+ if(!userKey) return false;
+ require_quiet(SOSAccountEnsureFullPeerAvailable(account, error), errOut);
+ require(SOSFullPeerInfoPromoteToApplication(account->my_identity, userKey, error), errOut);
+ applicant = SOSPeerInfoCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(account->my_identity)), error);
+ return applicant;
+CFDataRef SOSAccountCopyCircleJoiningBlob(SOSAccountRef account, SOSPeerInfoRef applicant, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ SOSGenCountRef gencount = NULL;
+ CFDataRef signature = NULL;
+ SecKeyRef ourKey = NULL;
+ CFDataRef pbblob = NULL;
+ SecKeyRef userKey = SOSAccountGetTrustedPublicCredential(account, error);
+ require_quiet(userKey, errOut);
+ require_action_quiet(applicant, errOut, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorProcessingFailure, CFSTR("No applicant provided"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error));
+ require_quiet(SOSPeerInfoApplicationVerify(applicant, userKey, error), errOut);
+ {
+ SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi = SOSAccountGetMyFullPeerInfo(account);
+ ourKey = SOSFullPeerInfoCopyDeviceKey(fpi, error);
+ require_quiet(ourKey, errOut);
+ }
+ SOSCircleRef currentCircle = SOSAccountGetCircle(account, error);
+ require_quiet(currentCircle, errOut);
+ SOSCircleRef prunedCircle = SOSCircleCopyCircle(NULL, currentCircle, error);
+ require_quiet(prunedCircle, errOut);
+ require_quiet(SOSCirclePreGenerationSign(prunedCircle, userKey, error), errOut);
+ gencount = SOSGenerationIncrementAndCreate(SOSCircleGetGeneration(prunedCircle));
+ signature = SOSCircleCopyNextGenSignatureWithPeerAdded(prunedCircle, applicant, ourKey, error);
+ require_quiet(signature, errOut);
+ pbblob = SOSPiggyBackBlobCopyEncodedData(gencount, ourKey, signature, kCFAllocatorDefault, error);
+ CFReleaseNull(gencount);
+ CFReleaseNull(signature);
+ CFReleaseNull(ourKey);
+ return pbblob;
+bool SOSAccountJoinWithCircleJoiningBlob(SOSAccountRef account, CFDataRef joiningBlob, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool retval = false;
+ SecKeyRef userKey = NULL;
+ struct piggyBackBlob *pbb = NULL;
+ userKey = SOSAccountGetPrivateCredential(account, error);
+ require_quiet(userKey, errOut);
+ pbb = SOSPiggyBackBlobCreateFromData(kCFAllocatorDefault, joiningBlob, error);
+ require_quiet(pbb, errOut);
+ SOSAccountSetValue(account, kSOSUnsyncedViewsKey, kCFBooleanTrue, NULL);
+ retval = SOSAccountModifyCircle(account, error, ^bool(SOSCircleRef copyOfCurrent) {
+ return SOSCircleAcceptPeerFromHSA2(copyOfCurrent, userKey,
+ pbb->gencount,
+ pbb->pubKey,
+ pbb->signature,
+ account->my_identity, error);;
+ });
+ if(pbb) {
+ CFReleaseNull(pbb->gencount);
+ CFReleaseNull(pbb->pubKey);
+ CFReleaseNull(pbb->signature);
+ free(pbb);
+ }
+ return retval;
+static char boolToChars(bool val, char truechar, char falsechar) {
+ return val? truechar: falsechar;
+#define ACCOUNTLOGSTATE "accountLogState"
+void SOSAccountLogState(SOSAccountRef account) {
+ bool hasPubKey = account->user_public != NULL;
+ bool pubTrusted = account->user_public_trusted;
+ bool hasPriv = account->_user_private != NULL;
+ SOSCCStatus stat = SOSAccountGetCircleStatus(account, NULL);
+ CFStringRef userPubKeyID = (account->user_public) ? SOSCopyIDOfKeyWithLength(account->user_public, 8, NULL):
+ CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("*No Key*"));
+ secnotice(ACCOUNTLOGSTATE, "Start");
+ secnotice(ACCOUNTLOGSTATE, "ACCOUNT: [keyStatus: %c%c%c hpub %@] [SOSCCStatus: %@]",
+ boolToChars(hasPubKey, 'U', 'u'), boolToChars(pubTrusted, 'T', 't'), boolToChars(hasPriv, 'I', 'i'),
+ userPubKeyID,
+ SOSAccountGetSOSCCStatusString(stat)
+ );
+ CFReleaseNull(userPubKeyID);
+ if(account->trusted_circle) SOSCircleLogState(ACCOUNTLOGSTATE, account->trusted_circle, account->user_public, SOSAccountGetMyPeerID(account));
+ else secnotice(ACCOUNTLOGSTATE, "ACCOUNT: No Circle");
+void SOSAccountLogViewState(SOSAccountRef account) {
+ bool isInCircle = SOSAccountIsInCircle(account, NULL);
+ require_quiet(isInCircle, imOut);
+ SOSPeerInfoRef mpi = SOSAccountGetMyPeerInfo(account);
+ bool isInitialComplete = SOSAccountHasCompletedInitialSync(account);
+ bool isBackupComplete = SOSAccountHasCompletedRequiredBackupSync(account);
+ CFSetRef views = mpi ? SOSPeerInfoCopyEnabledViews(mpi) : NULL;
+ CFStringSetPerformWithDescription(views, ^(CFStringRef description) {
+ secnotice(ACCOUNTLOGSTATE, "Sync: %c%c PeerViews: %@",
+ boolToChars(isInitialComplete, 'I', 'i'),
+ boolToChars(isBackupComplete, 'B', 'b'),
+ description);
+ });
+ CFReleaseNull(views);
+ CFSetRef unsyncedViews = SOSAccountCopyOutstandingViews(account);
+ CFStringSetPerformWithDescription(views, ^(CFStringRef description) {
+ secnotice(ACCOUNTLOGSTATE, "outstanding views: %@", description);
+ });
+ CFReleaseNull(unsyncedViews);
+ secnotice(ACCOUNTLOGSTATE, "Finish");
+ return;