{ }
-#define GKBIS_XPC_SERVICE_NAME "com.apple.gkbisd"
-#define GKBIS_REQUEST_KEY_PATH "path"
-#define GKBIS_REQUEST_KEY_DEFER "defer"
-#define GKBIS_REQUEST_KEY_QUARANTINED "quarantined"
-static void
-gkbis_invoke_collector(const char *path)
- dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("gkbis_invoke_collector", NULL);
- dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
- /* Set up a connection to gkbisd. */
- xpc_connection_t connection = xpc_connection_create_mach_service(GKBIS_XPC_SERVICE_NAME,
- xpc_connection_set_event_handler(connection, ^(xpc_object_t event) {
- });
- xpc_connection_resume(connection);
- /* Construct and send the request. */
- xpc_object_t message = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0);
- xpc_dictionary_set_string(message, GKBIS_REQUEST_KEY_PATH, path);
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(message, GKBIS_REQUEST_KEY_QUARANTINED, true);
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(message, GKBIS_REQUEST_KEY_DEFER, true);
- xpc_connection_send_message(connection, message);
- xpc_release(message);
- /* Cancel the connection after the request has been sent. */
- dispatch_group_enter(group);
- xpc_connection_send_barrier(connection, ^{
- xpc_connection_cancel(connection);
- xpc_release(connection);
- dispatch_group_leave(group);
- });
- /* Wait until the connection is canceled. */
- dispatch_group_wait(group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
- dispatch_release(queue);
- dispatch_release(group);
// Top-level evaluation driver
switch (type) {
case kAuthorityExecute:
- gkbis_invoke_collector(cfString(path).c_str());
evaluateCode(path, kAuthorityExecute, flags, context, result, true);
case kAuthorityInstall:
CFRef<SecRequirementRef> requirement;
MacOSError::check(SecRequirementCreateWithString(CFTempString(reqString), kSecCSDefaultFlags, &requirement.aref()));
- switch (OSStatus rc = SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, requirement)) {
+ switch (OSStatus rc = SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSBasicValidateOnly, requirement)) {
case errSecSuccess:
break; // rule match; process below
case errSecCSReqFailed:
continue; // rule does not apply
+ case errSecCSVetoed:
+ return; // nested code has failed to pass
MacOSError::throwMe(rc); // general error; pass to caller
cfadd(result, "{%O=%B}", kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict, false);
addAuthority(flags, result, latentLabel.c_str(), latentID);
+void PolicyEngine::adjustValidation(SecStaticCodeRef code)
+ CFRef<CFDictionaryRef> conditions = mOpaqueWhitelist.validationConditionsFor(code);
+ SecStaticCodeSetValidationConditions(code, conditions);
bool PolicyEngine::temporarySigning(SecStaticCodeRef code, AuthorityType type, CFURLRef path, SecAssessmentFlags matchFlags)
// Executable code.
-// Read from disk, evaluate properly, cache as indicated. The whole thing, so far.
+// Read from disk, evaluate properly, cache as indicated.
void PolicyEngine::evaluateCode(CFURLRef path, AuthorityType type, SecAssessmentFlags flags, CFDictionaryRef context, CFMutableDictionaryRef result, bool handleUnsigned)
+ // not really a Gatekeeper function... but reject all "hard quarantined" files because they were made from sandboxed sources without download privilege
FileQuarantine qtn(cfString(path).c_str());
if (qtn.flag(QTN_FLAG_HARD))
CFCopyRef<SecStaticCodeRef> code;
MacOSError::check(SecStaticCodeCreateWithPath(path, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &code.aref()));
- SecCSFlags validationFlags = kSecCSEnforceRevocationChecks;
+ SecCSFlags validationFlags = kSecCSEnforceRevocationChecks | kSecCSCheckAllArchitectures;
+ if (!(flags & kSecAssessmentFlagAllowWeak))
+ validationFlags |= kSecCSStrictValidate;
+ adjustValidation(code);
// first, perform a shallow check
OSStatus rc = SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(code, validationFlags, NULL);
- MacOSError::check(SecStaticCodeSetCallback(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, ^CFTypeRef (SecStaticCodeRef item, CFStringRef stage, CFDictionaryRef info) {
- SecStaticCodeSetCallback(item, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, NULL); // clear callback to avoid unwanted recursion
- evaluateCodeItem(item, path, type, flags, item != code, result);
- if (CFTypeRef verdict = CFDictionaryGetValue(result, kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict))
- if (CFEqual(verdict, kCFBooleanFalse))
- return makeCFNumber(OSStatus(errSecCSVetoed)); // (signal nested-code policy failure, picked up below)
+ MacOSError::check(SecStaticCodeSetCallback(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, ^CFTypeRef (SecStaticCodeRef item, CFStringRef cfStage, CFDictionaryRef info) {
+ string stage = cfString(cfStage);
+ if (stage == "prepared") {
+ if (!CFEqual(item, code)) // genuine nested (not top) code
+ adjustValidation(item);
+ } else if (stage == "validated") {
+ SecStaticCodeSetCallback(item, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, NULL); // clear callback to avoid unwanted recursion
+ evaluateCodeItem(item, path, type, flags, item != code, result);
+ if (CFTypeRef verdict = CFDictionaryGetValue(result, kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict))
+ if (CFEqual(verdict, kCFBooleanFalse))
+ return makeCFNumber(OSStatus(errSecCSVetoed)); // (signal nested-code policy failure, picked up below)
+ }
return NULL;
switch (rc = SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(code, validationFlags | kSecCSCheckNestedCode, NULL)) {
case errSecCSVetoed: // nested code rejected by rule book; result was filled out there
+ case errSecCSWeakResourceRules:
+ case errSecCSResourceNotSupported:
+ case errSecCSAmbiguousBundleFormat:
+ case errSecCSSignatureNotVerifiable:
+ case errSecCSRegularFile:
+ case errSecCSBadMainExecutable:
+ case errSecCSBadFrameworkVersion:
+ case errSecCSUnsealedAppRoot:
+ case errSecCSUnsealedFrameworkRoot:
+ {
+ // consult the whitelist
+ bool allow = false;
+ const char *label;
+ // we've bypassed evaluateCodeItem before we failed validation. Explicitly apply it now
+ SecStaticCodeSetCallback(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, NULL);
+ evaluateCodeItem(code, path, type, flags | kSecAssessmentFlagNoCache, false, result);
+ if (CFTypeRef verdict = CFDictionaryGetValue(result, kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict)) {
+ // verdict rendered from a nested component - signature not acceptable to Gatekeeper
+ if (CFEqual(verdict, kCFBooleanFalse)) // nested code rejected by rule book; result was filled out there
+ return;
+ if (CFEqual(verdict, kCFBooleanTrue) && !(flags & kSecAssessmentFlagIgnoreWhitelist)) {
+ bool trace = CFDictionaryContainsKey(context, kSecAssessmentContextQuarantineFlags);
+ if (mOpaqueWhitelist.contains(code, rc, trace))
+ allow = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allow) {
+ label = "allowed cdhash";
+ } else {
+ CFDictionaryReplaceValue(result, kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict, kCFBooleanFalse);
+ label = "obsolete resource envelope";
+ }
+ cfadd(result, "{%O=%d}", kSecAssessmentAssessmentCodeSigningError, rc);
+ addAuthority(flags, result, label, 0, NULL, true);
+ return;
+ }
// Result-creation helpers
-void PolicyEngine::addAuthority(SecAssessmentFlags flags, CFMutableDictionaryRef parent, const char *label, SQLite::int64 row, CFTypeRef cacheInfo)
+void PolicyEngine::addAuthority(SecAssessmentFlags flags, CFMutableDictionaryRef parent, const char *label, SQLite::int64 row, CFTypeRef cacheInfo, bool weak)
CFRef<CFMutableDictionaryRef> auth = makeCFMutableDictionary();
if (label && label[0])
CFDictionaryAddValue(auth, kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthorityOverride, kDisabledOverride);
if (cacheInfo)
CFDictionaryAddValue(auth, kSecAssessmentAssessmentFromCache, cacheInfo);
- CFDictionaryAddValue(parent, kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthority, auth);
+ if (weak) {
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(auth, kSecAssessmentAssessmentWeakSignature, kCFBooleanTrue);
+ CFDictionaryReplaceValue(parent, kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthority, auth);
+ } else {
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(parent, kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthority, auth);
+ }
void PolicyEngine::addToAuthority(CFMutableDictionaryRef parent, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef value)
CFDictionaryAddValue(dict, kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyRemarks, CFTempString(cfString(path)));
+ CFStringRef edit = CFStringRef(context.get(kSecAssessmentContextKeyUpdate));
+ if (type == kAuthorityExecute && CFEqual(edit, kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationAdd)) {
+ // implicitly whitelist the code
+ mOpaqueWhitelist.add(code);
+ }