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* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
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+ *
of trust evaluation. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate
function but not stored as part of the user trust settings.
-typedef uint32_t SecTrustResultType;
-enum {
- kSecTrustResultInvalid = 0,
- kSecTrustResultProceed = 1,
- kSecTrustResultConfirm SEC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE = 2,
- kSecTrustResultDeny = 3,
- kSecTrustResultUnspecified = 4,
- kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure = 5,
- kSecTrustResultFatalTrustFailure = 6,
- kSecTrustResultOtherError = 7
+typedef CF_ENUM(uint32_t, SecTrustResultType) {
+ kSecTrustResultInvalid CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_3, 2_0) = 0,
+ kSecTrustResultProceed CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_3, 2_0) = 1,
+ kSecTrustResultConfirm CF_ENUM_DEPRECATED(10_3, 10_9, 2_0, 7_0) = 2,
+ kSecTrustResultDeny CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_3, 2_0) = 3,
+ kSecTrustResultUnspecified CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_3, 2_0) = 4,
+ kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_3, 2_0) = 5,
+ kSecTrustResultFatalTrustFailure CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_3, 2_0) = 6,
+ kSecTrustResultOtherError CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_3, 2_0) = 7
@constant kSecTrustCertificateTransparency
This key will be present and have a value of kCFBooleanTrue
if this chain is CT qualified.
+ @constant kSecTrustCertificateTransparencyWhiteList
+ This key will be present and have a value of kCFBooleanTrue
+ if this chain is EV, not CT qualified, but included of the CT WhiteList.
extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustEvaluationDate
extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustRevocationValidUntilDate
extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustCertificateTransparency
+extern const CFStringRef kSecTrustCertificateTransparencyWhiteList
#ifdef __BLOCKS__
@abstract Set a trust cookie to be used for evaluating this certificate chain.
@param trust A reference to a trust object.
@param exceptions An exceptions cookie as returned by a call to
- SecTrustCopyExceptions() in the past.
- @result Upon calling SecTrustEvaluate(), any failures that where present at the
+ SecTrustCopyExceptions() in the past. You may pass NULL to clear any
+ exceptions which have been previously set on this trust reference.
+ @result Upon calling SecTrustEvaluate(), any failures that were present at the
time the exceptions object was created are ignored, and instead of returning
kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure, kSecTrustResultProceed will be returned
(if the certificate for which exceptions was created matches the current leaf
of the wireless network for which this cert is needed, the account for which
this cert should be considered valid, and so on.
-bool SecTrustSetExceptions(SecTrustRef trust, CFDataRef exceptions)
+bool SecTrustSetExceptions(SecTrustRef trust, CFDataRef __nullable exceptions)
@constant kSecTrustOptionImplicitAnchors Properly self-signed certs are
treated as anchors implicitly.
-typedef uint32_t SecTrustOptionFlags;
-enum {
+typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, SecTrustOptionFlags) {
kSecTrustOptionAllowExpired = 0x00000001,
kSecTrustOptionLeafIsCA = 0x00000002,
kSecTrustOptionFetchIssuerFromNet = 0x00000004,
for the evaluation, use SecTrustGetTrustResult.
OSStatus SecTrustGetResult(SecTrustRef trustRef, SecTrustResultType * __nullable result,
- CFArrayRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED certChain, CSSM_TP_APPLE_EVIDENCE_INFO * __nullable * __nonnull statusChain)
+ CFArrayRef * __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED certChain, CSSM_TP_APPLE_EVIDENCE_INFO * __nullable * __nullable statusChain)