#include <Security/SecKey.h>
#include <Security/SecKeyPriv.h>
+#include <utilities/SecBuffer.h>
#include <utilities/SecCFWrappers.h>
#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSCirclePriv.h>
return result;
-static bool SOSCircleHash(const struct ccdigest_info *di, SOSCircleRef circle, void *hash_result, CFErrorRef *error) {
+static bool SOSCircleHashGenAndPeers(const struct ccdigest_info *di, SOSGenCountRef gen, CFMutableSetRef peers, void*hash_result, CFErrorRef *error) {
ccdigest_di_decl(di, circle_digest);
ccdigest_init(di, circle_digest);
- int64_t gen = SOSCircleGetGenerationSint(circle);
- ccdigest_update(di, circle_digest, sizeof(gen), &gen);
- SOSCircleDigestSet(di, circle->peers, hash_result, error);
+ int64_t generation = SOSGetGenerationSint(gen);
+ ccdigest_update(di, circle_digest, sizeof(generation), &generation);
+ SOSCircleDigestSet(di, peers, hash_result, error);
ccdigest_update(di, circle_digest, di->output_size, hash_result);
ccdigest_final(di, circle_digest, hash_result);
return true;
-static bool SOSCircleSetSignature(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef pubkey, CFDataRef signature, CFErrorRef *error) {
+static bool SOSCircleHash(const struct ccdigest_info *di, SOSCircleRef circle, void *hash_result, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ return SOSCircleHashGenAndPeers(di, SOSCircleGetGeneration(circle), circle->peers, hash_result, error);
+static bool SOSCircleHashNextGenWithAdditionalPeer(const struct ccdigest_info *di, SOSCircleRef circle, SOSPeerInfoRef additionalPeer, void *hash_result, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ CFMutableSetRef peers = CFSetCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, circle->peers);
+ CFSetAddValue(peers, additionalPeer);
+ SOSGenCountRef nextGen = SOSGenerationIncrementAndCreate(circle->generation);
+ return SOSCircleHashGenAndPeers(di, nextGen, peers, hash_result, error);
+bool SOSCircleSetSignature(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef pubkey, CFDataRef signature, CFErrorRef *error) {
bool result = false;
CFStringRef pubKeyID = SOSCopyIDOfKey(pubkey, error);
return true;
-static CFDataRef SOSCircleGetSignature(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef pubkey, CFErrorRef *error) {
+CFDataRef SOSCircleGetSignature(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef pubkey, CFErrorRef *error) {
CFStringRef pubKeyID = SOSCopyIDOfKey(pubkey, error);
CFDataRef result = NULL;
require_quiet(pubKeyID, fail);
return result;
+#define circle_signature_di() ccsha256_di()
+static CFDataRef SecKeyCopyRawHashSignature(const struct ccdigest_info *di, const uint8_t* hashToSign, SecKeyRef privKey, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ CFDataRef result = NULL;
+ CFMutableDataRef signature = CFDataCreateMutableWithScratch(kCFAllocatorDefault, SecKeyGetSize(privKey, kSecKeySignatureSize));
+ size_t signatureSpace = CFDataGetLength(signature);
+ OSStatus status = SecKeyRawSign(privKey, kSecPaddingNone, hashToSign, di->output_size, CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(signature), &signatureSpace);
+ require_quiet(SecError(status, error, CFSTR("Signing failed: %d"), status), fail);
+ if (signatureSpace < (size_t)CFDataGetLength(signature)) {
+ CFDataSetLength(signature, signatureSpace);
+ }
+ CFTransferRetained(result, signature);
+ CFReleaseNull(signature);
+ return result;
bool SOSCircleSign(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef privKey, CFErrorRef *error) {
- if (!privKey) return false; // Really assertion but not always true for now.
- CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(circle);
- uint8_t tmp[4096];
- size_t tmplen = 4096;
- const struct ccdigest_info *di = ccsha256_di();
- uint8_t hash_result[di->output_size];
- SOSCircleHash(di, circle, hash_result, error);
- OSStatus stat = SecKeyRawSign(privKey, kSecPaddingNone, hash_result, di->output_size, tmp, &tmplen);
- if(stat) {
- // TODO - Create a CFErrorRef;
- secerror("Bad Circle SecKeyRawSign, stat: %ld", (long)stat);
- SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadFormat, CFSTR("Bad Circle SecKeyRawSign"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error);
- return false;
- };
- CFDataRef signature = CFDataCreate(allocator, tmp, tmplen);
- SecKeyRef publicKey = SecKeyCreatePublicFromPrivate(privKey);
- SOSCircleSetSignature(circle, publicKey, signature, error);
- CFReleaseNull(publicKey);
- CFRelease(signature);
- return true;
+ const struct ccdigest_info *di = circle_signature_di();
+ __block CFDataRef signature = NULL;
+ bool didSign = false;
+ require_quiet(privKey, fail);
+ PerformWithBuffer(di->output_size, ^(size_t size, uint8_t *hash_result) {
+ if (SOSCircleHash(di, circle, hash_result, error)) {
+ signature = SecKeyCopyRawHashSignature(di, hash_result, privKey, error);
+ }
+ });
+ require_quiet(signature, fail);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleSetSignature(circle, privKey, signature, error), fail);
+ didSign = true;
+ CFReleaseNull(signature);
+ return didSign;
+CFDataRef SOSCircleCopyNextGenSignatureWithPeerAdded(SOSCircleRef circle, SOSPeerInfoRef peer, SecKeyRef privKey, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ const struct ccdigest_info *di = circle_signature_di();
+ __block CFDataRef signature = NULL;
+ require_quiet(privKey, fail);
+ PerformWithBuffer(di->output_size, ^(size_t size, uint8_t *hash_result) {
+ if (SOSCircleHashNextGenWithAdditionalPeer(di, circle, peer, hash_result, error)) {
+ signature = SecKeyCopyRawHashSignature(di, hash_result, privKey, error);
+ }
+ });
+ return signature;
static bool SOSCircleConcordanceRingSign(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef privKey, CFErrorRef *error) {
secnotice("Development", "SOSCircleEnsureRingConsistency requires ring signing op", NULL);
return true;
CFDataRef signature = SOSCircleGetSignature(circle, pubKey, error);
if(!signature) return false;
- return SecKeyRawVerify(pubKey, kSecPaddingNone, hash_result, di->output_size,
- CFDataGetBytePtr(signature), CFDataGetLength(signature)) == errSecSuccess;
+ return SecError(SecKeyRawVerify(pubKey, kSecPaddingNone, hash_result, di->output_size,
+ CFDataGetBytePtr(signature), CFDataGetLength(signature)), error, CFSTR("Signature verification failed."));;
bool SOSCircleVerifyPeerSigned(SOSCircleRef circle, SOSPeerInfoRef peer, CFErrorRef *error) {
- SecKeyRef pub_key = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer);
- bool result = SOSCircleVerify(circle, pub_key, error);
+ bool result = false;
+ SecKeyRef pub_key = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer, error);
+ require_quiet(pub_key, fail);
+ result = SOSCircleVerify(circle, pub_key, error);
return result;
return false;
-bool SOSCircleGenerationSign(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef user_approver, SOSFullPeerInfoRef peerinfo, CFErrorRef *error) {
- SecKeyRef publicKey = NULL;
+bool SOSCirclePreGenerationSign(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef userPubKey, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool retval = false;
SOSCircleRemoveRetired(circle, error); // Prune off retirees since we're signing this one
CFSetRemoveAllValues(circle->rejected_applicants); // Dump rejects so we clean them up sometime.
- publicKey = SecKeyCreatePublicFromPrivate(user_approver);
- SOSCircleRejectNonValidApplicants(circle, publicKey);
- SOSCircleGenerationIncrement(circle);
- require_quiet(SOSCircleEnsureRingConsistency(circle, error), fail);
- require_quiet(SOSCircleRemoveSignatures(circle, error), fail);
+ SOSCircleRejectNonValidApplicants(circle, userPubKey);
- if (SOSCircleCountPeers(circle) != 0) {
- SecKeyRef ourKey = SOSFullPeerInfoCopyDeviceKey(peerinfo, error);
- require_quiet(ourKey, fail);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleRemoveSignatures(circle, error), errOut);
+ retval = true;
- // Check if we're using an invalid peerinfo for this op. There are cases where we might not be "upgraded".
- require_quiet(SOSCircleUpgradePeerInfo(circle, user_approver, peerinfo), fail);
+ return retval;
- require_quiet(SOSCircleSign(circle, user_approver, error), fail);
- require_quiet(SOSCircleSign(circle, ourKey, error), fail);
+static bool SOSCircleGenerationSign_Internal(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef userKey, SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ // require_quiet(SOSCircleEnsureRingConsistency(circle, error), fail); Placeholder - this was never implemented
+ bool retval = false;
+ if (SOSCircleCountPeers(circle) != 0) {
+ SecKeyRef ourKey = SOSFullPeerInfoCopyDeviceKey(fpi, error);
+ require_quiet(ourKey, errOut);
+ // Check if we're using an invalid peerinfo for this op. There are cases where we might not be "upgraded".
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleUpgradePeerInfo(circle, userKey, fpi), errOut);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleSign(circle, userKey, error), errOut);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleSign(circle, ourKey, error), errOut);
- CFReleaseNull(publicKey);
- return true;
+ retval = true;
- CFReleaseNull(publicKey);
- return false;
+ return retval;
-bool SOSCircleGenerationUpdate(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef user_approver, SOSFullPeerInfoRef peerinfo, CFErrorRef *error) {
- return SOSCircleGenerationSign(circle, user_approver, peerinfo, error);
-#if 0
- bool success = false;
- SecKeyRef ourKey = SOSFullPeerInfoCopyDeviceKey(peerinfo, error);
- require_quiet(ourKey, fail);
+bool SOSCircleGenerationSign(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef userKey, SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool retval = false;
+ SecKeyRef publicKey = NULL;
+ publicKey = SecKeyCreatePublicFromPrivate(userKey);
- require_quiet(SOSCircleSign(circle, user_approver, error), fail);
- require_quiet(SOSCircleSign(circle, ourKey, error), fail);
+ require_quiet(SOSCirclePreGenerationSign(circle, publicKey, error), errOut);
+ SOSCircleGenerationIncrement(circle);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleGenerationSign_Internal(circle, userKey, fpi, error), errOut);
+ retval = true;
+ CFReleaseNull(publicKey);
+ return retval;
- success = true;
- CFReleaseNull(ourKey);
- return success;
+static bool SOSCircleGenerationSignWithGenCount(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef userKey, SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi, SOSGenCountRef gencount, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool retval = false;
+ SOSGenCountRef currentGen = SOSCircleGetGeneration(circle);
+ require_action_quiet(SOSGenerationIsOlder(currentGen, gencount), errOut, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorReplay, CFSTR("Generation Count for new circle is too old"), NULL, error));
+ require_quiet(SOSCirclePreGenerationSign(circle, userKey, error), errOut);
+ SOSCircleSetGeneration(circle, gencount);
+ require_quiet(SOSCircleGenerationSign_Internal(circle, userKey, fpi, error), errOut);
+ retval = true;
+ return retval;
bool SOSCircleConcordanceSign(SOSCircleRef circle, SOSFullPeerInfoRef peerinfo, CFErrorRef *error) {
bool success = false;
SecKeyRef ourKey = SOSFullPeerInfoCopyDeviceKey(peerinfo, error);
static inline SOSConcordanceStatus CheckPeerStatus(SOSCircleRef circle, SOSPeerInfoRef peer, SecKeyRef user_public_key, CFErrorRef *error) {
SOSConcordanceStatus result = kSOSConcordanceNoPeer;
- SecKeyRef pubKey = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer);
+ SecKeyRef pubKey = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer, error);
+ require_quiet(pubKey, exit);
require_action_quiet(SOSCircleHasActiveValidPeer(circle, peer, user_public_key, error), exit, result = kSOSConcordanceNoPeer);
require_action_quiet(SOSCircleVerifySignatureExists(circle, pubKey, error), exit, result = kSOSConcordanceNoPeerSig);
static inline bool SOSCircleHasDegenerateGeneration(SOSCircleRef deGenCircle){
- int testPtr;
+ CFIndex testPtr;
CFNumberRef genCountTest = SOSCircleGetGeneration(deGenCircle);
CFNumberGetValue(genCountTest, kCFNumberCFIndexType, &testPtr);
return (testPtr== 0);
return status;
-// Is proposed older than current?
-static inline bool isOlderGeneration(SOSCircleRef current, SOSCircleRef proposed) {
- return CFNumberCompare(current->generation, proposed->generation, NULL) == kCFCompareGreaterThan;
+// Is current older than proposed?
+bool SOSCircleIsOlderGeneration(SOSCircleRef older, SOSCircleRef newer) {
+ return SOSGenerationIsOlder(older->generation, newer->generation);
static inline bool SOSCircleIsValidReset(SOSCircleRef current, SOSCircleRef proposed) {
- return (!isOlderGeneration(current, proposed)) && SOSCircleIsEmpty(proposed); // is current older or equal to proposed and is proposed empty
+ bool retval = false;
+ retval = SOSCircleIsEmpty(proposed);
+ require_quiet(retval, errOut);
+ retval = SOSCircleIsOlderGeneration(current, proposed);
+ return retval;
SecKeyRef known_pubkey, SecKeyRef user_pubkey,
SOSPeerInfoRef me, CFErrorRef *error) {
if(user_pubkey == NULL) {
- SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorPublicKeyAbsent, CFSTR("Concordance with no public key"), NULL, error);
- return kSOSConcordanceNoUserKey; //TODO: - needs to return an error
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorPublicKeyAbsent, CFSTR("Concordance with no user public key"), NULL, error);
+ return kSOSConcordanceNoUserKey;
if(SOSCircleIsDegenerateReset(proposed_circle)) {
if(!SOSCircleVerifySignatureExists(proposed_circle, user_pubkey, error)) {
- SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadSignature, CFSTR("No public signature"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error);
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadSignature, CFSTR("No public signature to match current user key"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error);
return kSOSConcordanceNoUserSig;
if(!SOSCircleVerify(proposed_circle, user_pubkey, error)) {
- SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadSignature, CFSTR("Bad public signature"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error);
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadSignature, CFSTR("Bad user public signature"), (error != NULL) ? *error : NULL, error);
debugDumpCircle(CFSTR("proposed_circle"), proposed_circle);
return kSOSConcordanceBadUserSig;
return GetSignersStatus(proposed_circle, proposed_circle, user_pubkey, NULL, error);
- if(isOlderGeneration(known_circle, proposed_circle)) {
- SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorReplay, CFSTR("Bad generation"), NULL, error);
+ if(SOSCircleIsOlderGeneration(proposed_circle, known_circle)) {
+ SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorReplay, CFSTR("Bad generation - proposed circle gencount is older than known circle gencount"), NULL, error);
debugDumpCircle(CFSTR("isOlderGeneration known_circle"), known_circle);
debugDumpCircle(CFSTR("isOlderGeneration proposed_circle"), proposed_circle);
return kSOSConcordanceGenOld;
if (SOSCircleVerifyPeerSigned(c, peer, NULL)) {
sig = CFSTR("√");
} else {
- SecKeyRef pub_key = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer);
- CFDataRef signature = SOSCircleGetSignature(c, pub_key, NULL);
+ SecKeyRef pub_key = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer, NULL);
+ CFDataRef signature = pub_key ? SOSCircleGetSignature(c, pub_key, NULL) : NULL;
sig = (signature == NULL) ? CFSTR("-") : CFSTR("?");
if (SOSCircleVerifyPeerSigned(c, peer, NULL)) {
sig = CFSTR("√");
} else {
- SecKeyRef pub_key = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer);
- CFDataRef signature = SOSCircleGetSignature(c, pub_key, NULL);
+ SecKeyRef pub_key = SOSPeerInfoCopyPubKey(peer, NULL);
+ CFDataRef signature = pub_key ? SOSCircleGetSignature(c, pub_key, NULL) : NULL;
sig = (signature == NULL) ? CFSTR("-") : CFSTR("?");
return count;
+int SOSCircleCountValidSyncingPeers(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef pubkey) {
+ SOSCircleAssertStable(circle);
+ __block int count = 0;
+ SOSCircleForEachValidSyncingPeer(circle, pubkey, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ ++count;
+ });
+ return count;
int SOSCircleCountRetiredPeers(SOSCircleRef circle) {
__block int count = 0;
SOSGenCountRef oldGen = SOSCircleGetGeneration(circle);
SOSGenCountRef newGen = SOSGenerationCreateWithBaseline(oldGen);
SOSCircleSetGeneration(circle, newGen);
+ CFReleaseSafe(newGen);
+ return true;
+bool SOSCircleResetToEmptyWithSameGeneration(SOSCircleRef circle, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ SOSGenCountRef gen = SOSGenerationCopy(SOSCircleGetGeneration(circle));
+ SOSCircleResetToEmpty(circle, error);
+ SOSCircleSetGeneration(circle, gen);
return true;
require_action_quiet(!isPeer, fail, SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorAlreadyPeer, CFSTR("Cannot request admission when already a peer"), NULL, error));
+ // This adds to applicants and will take off rejected if it's there.
CFSetTransferObject(requestorPeerInfo, circle->rejected_applicants, circle->applicants);
return true;
+void SOSCircleForEachValidSyncingPeer(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef user_public_key, void (^action)(SOSPeerInfoRef peer)) {
+ SOSCircleForEachValidPeer(circle, user_public_key, action);
void SOSCircleForEachApplicant(SOSCircleRef circle, void (^action)(SOSPeerInfoRef peer)) {
CFSetForEach(circle->applicants, ^(const void*value) { action((SOSPeerInfoRef) value); } );
+bool SOSCircleAcceptPeerFromHSA2(SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef userKey, SOSGenCountRef gencount, SecKeyRef pPubKey, CFDataRef signature, SOSFullPeerInfoRef fpi, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ SOSPeerInfoRef peerInfo = SOSFullPeerInfoGetPeerInfo(fpi);
+ CFSetAddValue(circle->peers, peerInfo);
+ // Gen sign first, then add signature from our approver - remember gensign removes all existing sigs.
+ return SOSCircleGenerationSignWithGenCount(circle, userKey, fpi, gencount, error) && SOSCircleSetSignature(circle, pPubKey, signature, error) && SOSCircleVerify(circle, pPubKey, error);
+ ccstatus: Not in Circle (1)
+ Account user public is trusted
+ Generation Count: [2016-05-19 15:53 4]
+ */
+void SOSCircleLogState(char *category, SOSCircleRef circle, SecKeyRef pubKey, CFStringRef myPID) {
+ if(!circle) return;
+ CFStringRef genString = SOSGenerationCountCopyDescription(SOSCircleGetGeneration(circle));
+ char sigchr = 'v';
+ if(pubKey && SOSCircleVerify(circle, pubKey, NULL)) {
+ sigchr = 'V';
+ }
+ secnotice(category, "CIRCLE: [%20@] UserSigned: %c", genString, sigchr);
+ if(CFSetGetCount(circle->peers) == 0 )
+ secnotice(category, "Peers In Circle: None");
+ else{
+ secnotice(category, "Peers In Circle:");
+ SOSCircleForEachPeer(circle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ char sigchr = 'v';
+ if (SOSCircleVerifyPeerSigned(circle, peer, NULL)) {
+ sigchr = 'V';
+ }
+ SOSPeerInfoLogState(category, peer, pubKey, myPID, sigchr);
+ });
+ }
+ //applicants
+ if(CFSetGetCount(circle->applicants) == 0 )
+ secnotice(category, "Applicants To Circle: None");
+ else{
+ secnotice(category, "Applicants To Circle:");
+ SOSCircleForEachApplicant(circle, ^(SOSPeerInfoRef peer) {
+ SOSPeerInfoLogState(category, peer, pubKey, myPID, 'v');
+ });
+ }
+ //rejected
+ if(CFSetGetCount(circle->rejected_applicants) == 0)
+ secnotice(category, "Rejected Applicants To Circle: None");
+ else{
+ secnotice(category, "Rejected Applicants To Circle:");
+ CFSetForEach(circle->rejected_applicants, ^(const void *value) {
+ SOSPeerInfoRef peer = (SOSPeerInfoRef) value;
+ SOSPeerInfoLogState(category, peer, pubKey, myPID, 'v');
+ });
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(genString);