#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
-//#include <Security/AuthorizationTags.h>
-//#include <Security/AuthSession.h>
#include <security_utilities/debugging.h>
#include <security_keychain/SecCFTypes.h>
-//#include <Security/SecurityAgentClient.h>
#include <securityd_client/ssclient.h>
#include <Security/AuthorizationTags.h>
#include <Security/AuthorizationTagsPriv.h>
#include "TrustSettingsSchema.h"
#include <security_cdsa_client/wrapkey.h>
#include <securityd_client/ssblob.h>
+#include <SecBasePriv.h>
+#include "TokenLogin.h"
//%%% add this to AuthorizationTagsPriv.h later
SessionAttributeBits sessionAttrs;
if (gServerMode) {
- secdebug("servermode", "StorageManager initialized in server mode");
+ secnotice("servermode", "StorageManager initialized in server mode");
sessionAttrs = sessionIsRoot;
} else {
MacOSError::check(SessionGetInfo(callerSecuritySession, NULL, &sessionAttrs));
// that has graphics access. Ignore that to help testing.)
if ((sessionAttrs & sessionIsRoot)
IFDEBUG( && !(sessionAttrs & sessionHasGraphicAccess))) {
- secdebug("storagemgr", "using system preferences");
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "using system preferences");
return kSecPreferencesDomainSystem;
if (!dLDbIdentifier)
return Keychain();
- KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychains.find(dLDbIdentifier);
- if (it != mKeychains.end())
+ DLDbIdentifier dldbi = mungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier, false);
+ KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychainMap.find(dldbi);
+ if (it != mKeychainMap.end())
return it->second;
+ // If we have a keychain object for the un/demunged keychain, return that.
+ // We might be in the middle of an upgrade...
+ DLDbIdentifier demunge_dldbi = demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier);
+ it = mKeychainMap.find(demunge_dldbi);
+ if (it != mKeychainMap.end()) {
+ secnotice("integrity", "returning unmunged keychain ref");
+ return it->second;
+ }
if (gServerMode) {
- secdebug("servermode", "keychain reference in server mode");
+ secnotice("servermode", "keychain reference in server mode");
return Keychain();
// The keychain is not in our cache. Create it.
- Db db(makeDb(dLDbIdentifier));
+ Db db(makeDb(dldbi));
Keychain keychain(db);
// Add the keychain to the cache.
- mKeychains.insert(KeychainMap::value_type(dLDbIdentifier, &*keychain));
- keychain->inCache(true);
+ registerKeychain(keychain);
return keychain;
+// Note: this must be a munged DLDbidentifier.
StorageManager::makeDb(DLDbIdentifier dLDbIdentifier) {
Module module(dLDbIdentifier.ssuid().guid());
return db;
+// StorageManager is responsible for silently switching to newer-style keychains.
+// If the keychain requested is in ~/Library/Keychains/, and there is a
+// newer keychain available (with extension ".keychain-db"), open that one
+// instead of the one requested.
+// Because of backwards compatibility reasons, we can't update the plist
+// files on disk to point to the upgraded keychains. We will be asked to
+// load "/Users/account/Library/Keychains/login.keychain", hence this
+// modification to 'login.keychain-db'.
+StorageManager::mungeDLDbIdentifier(const DLDbIdentifier& dLDbIdentifier, bool isReset) {
+ if(!dLDbIdentifier.dbName()) {
+ // If this DLDbIdentifier doesn't have a filename, don't munge it
+ return dLDbIdentifier;
+ }
+ string path = dLDbIdentifier.dbName();
+ bool shouldCreateProtected = globals().integrityProtection();
+ // If we don't have a DLDbIdentifier, we can't return one
+ if(dLDbIdentifier.mImpl == NULL) {
+ return DLDbIdentifier();
+ }
+ // Ensure we're in ~/Library/Keychains
+ if(pathInHomeLibraryKeychains(path)) {
+ string pathdb = makeKeychainDbFilename(path);
+ struct stat st;
+ int stat_result;
+ stat_result = ::stat(path.c_str(), &st);
+ bool path_exists = (stat_result == 0);
+ stat_result = ::stat(pathdb.c_str(), &st);
+ bool pathdb_exists = (stat_result == 0);
+ // If protections are off, don't change the requested filename.
+ // If protictions are on and the -db file exists, always use it.
+ //
+ // If we're resetting, and we're creating a new-style keychain, use the -db path.
+ // If we're resetting, and we're creating an old-style keychain, use the original path.
+ //
+ // Protection pathdb_exists path_exists resetting Result
+ // DISABLED X X X original
+ // ENABLED 1 X X -db
+ // ENABLED 0 0 X -db
+ // ENABLED 0 1 0 original
+ // ENABLED 0 1 1 -db
+ //
+ bool switchPaths = shouldCreateProtected && (pathdb_exists || (!pathdb_exists && !path_exists) || isReset);
+ if(switchPaths) {
+ secnotice("integrity", "switching to keychain-db: %s from %s (%d %d %d %d)", pathdb.c_str(), path.c_str(), isReset, shouldCreateProtected, path_exists, pathdb_exists);
+ path = pathdb;
+ } else {
+ secnotice("integrity", "not switching: %s from %s (%d %d %d %d)", pathdb.c_str(), path.c_str(), isReset, shouldCreateProtected, path_exists, pathdb_exists);
+ }
+ } else {
+ secnotice("integrity", "not switching as we're not in ~/Library/Keychains/: %s (%d)", path.c_str(), isReset);
+ }
+ DLDbIdentifier id(dLDbIdentifier.ssuid(), path.c_str(), dLDbIdentifier.dbLocation());
+ return id;
+StorageManager::demungeDLDbIdentifier(const DLDbIdentifier& dLDbIdentifier) {
+ if(dLDbIdentifier.dbName() == NULL) {
+ return dLDbIdentifier;
+ }
+ string path = dLDbIdentifier.dbName();
+ string dbSuffix = "-db";
+ bool endsWithKeychainDb = (path.size() > dbSuffix.size() && (0 == path.compare(path.size() - dbSuffix.size(), dbSuffix.size(), dbSuffix)));
+ // Ensure we're in ~/Library/Keychains, and that the path ends in "-db"
+ if(pathInHomeLibraryKeychains(path) && endsWithKeychainDb) {
+ // remove "-db" from the end.
+ path.erase(path.end() - 3, path.end());
+ }
+ DLDbIdentifier id(dLDbIdentifier.ssuid(), path.c_str(), dLDbIdentifier.dbLocation());
+ return id;
+StorageManager::makeKeychainDbFilename(const string& filename) {
+ string keychainDbSuffix = "-db";
+ bool endsWithKeychainDb = (filename.size() > keychainDbSuffix.size() && (0 == filename.compare(filename.size() - keychainDbSuffix.size(), keychainDbSuffix.size(), keychainDbSuffix)));
+ if(endsWithKeychainDb) {
+ return filename;
+ } else {
+ return filename + keychainDbSuffix;
+ }
+StorageManager::pathInHomeLibraryKeychains(const string& path) {
+ return SecurityServer::CommonBlob::pathInHomeLibraryKeychains(path);
StorageManager::reloadKeychain(Keychain keychain) {
DLDbIdentifier dLDbIdentifier = keychain->database()->dlDbIdentifier();
- // Since we're going to reload this database and switch over the keychain's
- // mDb, grab its mDb mutex
- {
- StLock<Mutex>__(keychain->mDbMutex);
- CssmClient::Db db(makeDb(dLDbIdentifier));
- keychain->mDb = db;
- }
+ keychain->changeDatabase(makeDb(mungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier, false)));
- // Since this new database is based on the exact same dLDbIdentifier, we
- // don't need to update the mKeychains map.
+ // This keychain might have a different dldbidentifier now, depending on what
+ // other processes have been doing to the keychain files. Let's re-register it, just
+ // to be sure.
+ registerKeychain(keychain);
StorageManager::removeKeychain(const DLDbIdentifier &dLDbIdentifier,
KeychainImpl *keychainImpl)
- // Lock the recursive mutex
- StLock<Mutex>_(mKeychainMapMutex);
- KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychains.find(dLDbIdentifier);
- if (it != mKeychains.end() && (KeychainImpl*) it->second == keychainImpl)
- mKeychains.erase(it);
+ StLock<Mutex>_(mKeychainMapMutex);
- keychainImpl->inCache(false);
+ // Don't trust this dldbidentifier. Just look for the keychain and delete it.
+ forceRemoveFromCache(keychainImpl);
- KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychains.find(dLDbIdentifier);
- if (it != mKeychains.end())
+ KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychainMap.find(dLDbIdentifier);
+ if (it != mKeychainMap.end())
- mKeychains.erase(it);
+ it->second->inCache(false);
+ mKeychainMap.erase(it);
+// If the client does not keep references to keychains, they are destroyed on
+// every API exit, and recreated on every API entrance.
+// To improve performance, we'll cache keychains for some short period of time.
+// We'll do this by CFRetaining the keychain object, and setting a timer to
+// CFRelease it when time's up. This way, the client can still recover all its
+// memory if it doesn't want the keychains around, but repeated API calls will
+// be significantly faster.
+StorageManager::tickleKeychain(KeychainImpl *keychainImpl) {
+ static dispatch_once_t onceToken = 0;
+ static dispatch_queue_t release_queue = NULL;
+ dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
+ release_queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.apple.security.keychain-cache-queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
+ });
+ __block KeychainImpl* kcImpl = keychainImpl;
+ if(!kcImpl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We really only want to cache CSPDL file-based keychains
+ if(kcImpl->dlDbIdentifier().ssuid().guid() != gGuidAppleCSPDL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Make a one-shot timer to release the keychain
+ uint32_t seconds = 1;
+ const string path = kcImpl->name();
+ bool isSystemKeychain = (0 == path.compare("/Library/Keychains/System.keychain"));
+ if(pathInHomeLibraryKeychains(path) || isSystemKeychain) {
+ // These keychains are important and likely aren't on removable media.
+ // Cache them longer.
+ seconds = 5;
+ }
+ __block CFTypeRef kcHandle = kcImpl->handle(); // calls retain; this keychain object will stay around until our dispatch block fires.
+ dispatch_async(release_queue, ^() {
+ if(kcImpl->mCacheTimer) {
+ // Update the cache timer to be seconds from now
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(kcImpl->mCacheTimer, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, seconds * NSEC_PER_SEC), DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, NSEC_PER_SEC/2);
+ // We've added an extra retain to this keychain right before invoking this block. Release it.
+ CFRelease(kcHandle);
+ } else {
+ // No cache timer; make one.
+ kcImpl->mCacheTimer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, release_queue);
+ dispatch_source_set_timer(kcImpl->mCacheTimer, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, seconds * NSEC_PER_SEC), DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, NSEC_PER_SEC/2);
+ dispatch_source_set_event_handler(kcImpl->mCacheTimer, ^{
+ dispatch_source_cancel(kcImpl->mCacheTimer);
+ dispatch_release(kcImpl->mCacheTimer);
+ kcImpl->mCacheTimer = NULL;
+ CFRelease(kcHandle);
+ });
+ dispatch_resume(kcImpl->mCacheTimer);
+ }
+ });
// Create keychain if it doesn't exist, and optionally add it to the search list.
-StorageManager::makeKeychain(const DLDbIdentifier &dLDbIdentifier, bool add)
+StorageManager::makeKeychain(const DLDbIdentifier &dLDbIdentifier, bool add, bool isReset)
- Keychain theKeychain = keychain(dLDbIdentifier);
+ Keychain theKeychain = keychain(mungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier, isReset));
bool post = false;
bool updateList = (add && shouldAddToSearchList(dLDbIdentifier));
DLDbList searchList = mSavedList.searchList();
- if (find(searchList.begin(), searchList.end(), dLDbIdentifier) != searchList.end())
+ if (find(searchList.begin(), searchList.end(), demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier)) != searchList.end())
return theKeychain; // theKeychain is already in the searchList.
searchList = mCommonList.searchList();
- if (find(searchList.begin(), searchList.end(), dLDbIdentifier) != searchList.end())
+ if (find(searchList.begin(), searchList.end(), demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier)) != searchList.end())
return theKeychain; // theKeychain is already in the commonList don't add it to the searchList.
// If theKeychain doesn't exist don't bother adding it to the search list yet.
// theKeychain exists and is not in our search list, so add it to the
// search list.
- mSavedList.add(dLDbIdentifier);
+ mSavedList.add(demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier));
post = true;
// keychain the default.
if (!mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier())
- mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier);
+ mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier));
defaultChanged = true;
// Add the keychain to the search list prefs.
- mSavedList.add(dLDbIdentifier);
+ mSavedList.add(demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier));
// Make sure we are not holding mLock when we post these events.
oldDefaultId = mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier();
- mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(newDefaultId);
+ mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(demungeDLDbIdentifier(newDefaultId));
- mSavedList.loginDLDbIdentifier(keychain->dlDbIdentifier());
+ mSavedList.loginDLDbIdentifier(demungeDLDbIdentifier(keychain->dlDbIdentifier()));
// Find the keychain object for the given ref
DLDbIdentifier dLDbIdentifier = keychain->dlDbIdentifier();
- // Actually rename the database on disk.
- keychain->database()->rename(newName);
+ if(!keychain->database()->isLocked()) {
+ // Bring our unlock state with us
+ DLDbIdentifier dldbi(dLDbIdentifier.ssuid(), newName, dLDbIdentifier.dbLocation());
+ keychain->database()->transferTo(dldbi);
+ } else {
+ keychain->database()->rename(newName);
+ }
- if (dLDbIdentifier == defaultId)
+ if (demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier) == defaultId)
newDLDbIdentifier = keychain->dlDbIdentifier();
// Rename the keychain in the search list.
- mSavedList.rename(dLDbIdentifier, newDLDbIdentifier);
+ mSavedList.rename(demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier), demungeDLDbIdentifier(newDLDbIdentifier));
// If this was the default keychain change it accordingly
if (changedDefault)
- mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(newDLDbIdentifier);
+ mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(demungeDLDbIdentifier(newDLDbIdentifier));
- // we aren't worried about a weak reference here, because we have to
- // hold a lock on an item in order to do the rename
- // Now update the Keychain cache
- if (keychain->inCache())
- {
- KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychains.find(dLDbIdentifier);
- if (it != mKeychains.end() && (KeychainImpl*) it->second == keychain.get())
- {
- // Remove the keychain from the cache under its old
- // dLDbIdentifier
- mKeychains.erase(it);
- }
- }
- // If we renamed this keychain on top of an existing one we should
- // drop the old one from the cache.
- KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychains.find(newDLDbIdentifier);
- if (it != mKeychains.end())
- {
- Keychain oldKeychain(it->second);
- oldKeychain->inCache(false);
- // @@@ Ideally we should invalidate or fault this keychain object.
- }
- if (keychain->inCache())
- {
- // If the keychain wasn't in the cache to being with let's not put
- // it there now. There was probably a good reason it wasn't in it.
- // If the keychain was in the cache, update it to use
- // newDLDbIdentifier.
- mKeychains.insert(KeychainMap::value_type(newDLDbIdentifier,
- keychain));
- }
- }
+ // If the keychain wasn't in the cache, don't touch the cache.
+ // Otherwise, update the cache to use its current identifier.
+ if(keychain->inCache()) {
+ registerKeychain(keychain);
+ }
+ }
- // Make sure we are not holding mLock when we post these events.
if (changedDefault)
-void StorageManager::renameUnique(Keychain keychain, CFStringRef newName)
+void StorageManager::registerKeychain(Keychain& kc) {
+ registerKeychainImpl(kc.get());
+void StorageManager::registerKeychainImpl(KeychainImpl* kcimpl) {
+ if(!kcimpl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ StLock<Mutex> _(mKeychainMapMutex);
+ // First, iterate through the cache to see if this keychain is there. If so, remove it.
+ forceRemoveFromCache(kcimpl);
+ // If we renamed this keychain on top of an existing one, let's drop the old one from the cache.
+ KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychainMap.find(kcimpl->dlDbIdentifier());
+ if (it != mKeychainMap.end())
+ {
+ Keychain oldKeychain(it->second);
+ oldKeychain->inCache(false);
+ // @@@ Ideally we should invalidate or fault this keychain object.
+ }
+ mKeychainMap.insert(KeychainMap::value_type(kcimpl->dlDbIdentifier(), kcimpl));
+ kcimpl->inCache(true);
+ } // drop mKeychainMapMutex
+void StorageManager::forceRemoveFromCache(KeychainImpl* inKeychainImpl) {
+ try {
+ // Wrap all this in a try-block and ignore all errors - we're trying to clean up these maps
+ {
+ StLock<Mutex> _(mKeychainMapMutex);
+ for(KeychainMap::iterator it = mKeychainMap.begin(); it != mKeychainMap.end(); ) {
+ if(it->second == inKeychainImpl) {
+ // Increment the iterator, but use its pre-increment value for the erase
+ it->second->inCache(false);
+ mKeychainMap.erase(it++);
+ } else {
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // drop mKeychainMapMutex
+ } catch(UnixError ue) {
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "caught UnixError: %d %s", ue.unixError(), ue.what());
+ } catch (CssmError cssme) {
+ const char* errStr = cssmErrorString(cssme.error);
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "caught CssmError: %d %s", (int) cssme.error, errStr);
+ } catch (MacOSError mose) {
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "MacOSError: %d", (int)mose.osStatus());
+ } catch(...) {
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "Unknown error");
+ }
+void StorageManager::renameUnique(Keychain keychain, CFStringRef newName, bool appendDbSuffix)
if ( newNameCFStr )
CFStringAppendFormat(newNameCFStr, NULL, CFSTR("%s%d"), newNameCString, index);
- CFStringAppend(newNameCFStr, CFSTR(kKeychainSuffix)); // add .keychain
+ if(appendDbSuffix) {
+ CFStringAppend(newNameCFStr, CFSTR(kKeychainDbSuffix));
+ } else {
+ CFStringAppend(newNameCFStr, CFSTR(kKeychainSuffix)); // add .keychain
+ }
char toUseBuff2[MAXPATHLEN];
if ( CFStringGetCString(newNameCFStr, toUseBuff2, MAXPATHLEN, kCFStringEncodingUTF8) ) // make sure it fits in MAXPATHLEN, etc.
DLDbIdentifier dLDbIdentifier = theKeychain->dlDbIdentifier();
// Remove it from the saved list
- mSavedList.remove(dLDbIdentifier);
- if (dLDbIdentifier == defaultId)
+ mSavedList.remove(demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier));
+ if (demungeDLDbIdentifier(dLDbIdentifier) == defaultId) {
+ }
if (deleteDb)
if (unsetDefault)
- mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(DLDbIdentifier());
+ mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(DLDbIdentifier());
- DLDbList commonList = mCommonList.searchList();
- // Strip out the common list part from the end of the search list.
- KeychainList::const_iterator it_end = keychainList.end();
- DLDbList::const_reverse_iterator end_common = commonList.rend();
- for (DLDbList::const_reverse_iterator it_common = commonList.rbegin(); it_common != end_common; ++it_common)
+ DLDbList searchList, oldSearchList(mSavedList.searchList());
+ for (KeychainList::const_iterator it = keychainList.begin(); it != keychainList.end(); ++it)
- // Eliminate common entries from the end of the passed in keychainList.
- if (it_end == keychainList.begin())
- break;
+ DLDbIdentifier dldbi = demungeDLDbIdentifier((*it)->dlDbIdentifier());
+ // If this keychain is not in the common or dynamic lists, add it to the new search list
+ DLDbList commonList = mCommonList.searchList();
+ bool found = false;
+ for(DLDbList::const_iterator jt = commonList.begin(); jt != commonList.end(); ++jt) {
+ if((*jt) == dldbi) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
- --it_end;
- if (!((*it_end)->dlDbIdentifier() == *it_common))
- {
- ++it_end;
- break;
- }
- }
+ DLDbList dynamicList = mDynamicList.searchList();
+ for(DLDbList::const_iterator jt = dynamicList.begin(); jt != dynamicList.end(); ++jt) {
+ if((*jt) == dldbi) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
- /* it_end now points one past the last element in keychainList which is not in commonList. */
- DLDbList searchList, oldSearchList(mSavedList.searchList());
- for (KeychainList::const_iterator it = keychainList.begin(); it != it_end; ++it)
- {
- searchList.push_back((*it)->dlDbIdentifier());
+ if(found) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ searchList.push_back(dldbi);
switch (domain)
case kSecPreferencesDomainSystem:
- secdebug("storagemgr", "switching to system domain"); break;
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "switching to system domain"); break;
case kSecPreferencesDomainUser:
- secdebug("storagemgr", "switching to user domain (uid %d)", getuid()); break;
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "switching to user domain (uid %d)", getuid()); break;
- secdebug("storagemgr", "switching to weird prefs domain %d", domain); break;
+ secnotice("storagemgr", "switching to weird prefs domain %d", domain); break;
for (KeychainList::const_iterator ix = kcs.begin(); ix != kcs.end(); ++ix)
- result.push_back((*ix)->dlDbIdentifier());
+ result.push_back(demungeDLDbIdentifier((*ix)->dlDbIdentifier()));
#pragma mark ____ Login Functions ____
-void StorageManager::login(AuthorizationRef authRef, UInt32 nameLength, const char* name)
+void StorageManager::login(AuthorizationRef authRef, UInt32 nameLength, const char* name, bool isReset)
// creates the login keychain with the specified password
- login(nameLength, name, (UInt32)currItem->valueLength, currItem->value);
+ login(nameLength, name, (UInt32)currItem->valueLength, currItem->value, isReset);
created = true;
if ( name == NULL || password == NULL )
- login(name[0], name + 1, password[0], password + 1);
+ login(name[0], name + 1, password[0], password + 1, false);
void StorageManager::login(UInt32 nameLength, const void *name,
- UInt32 passwordLength, const void *password)
+ UInt32 passwordLength, const void *password, bool isReset)
if (passwordLength != 0 && password == NULL)
- secdebug("KCLogin", "StorageManager::login: invalid argument (NULL password)");
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "StorageManager::login: invalid argument (NULL password)");
loginDLDbIdentifier = mSavedList.loginDLDbIdentifier();
- secdebug("KCLogin", "StorageManager::login: loginDLDbIdentifier is %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "StorageManager::login: loginDLDbIdentifier is %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
if (!loginDLDbIdentifier)
int uid = geteuid();
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(uid);
if (pw == NULL) {
- secdebug("KCLogin", "StorageManager::login: invalid argument (NULL uid)");
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "StorageManager::login: invalid argument (NULL uid)");
char *userName = pw->pw_name;
std::string shortnameDotKeychain = shortnameKeychain + ".keychain";
std::string loginDotKeychain = keychainPath + "login.keychain";
std::string loginRenamed1Keychain = keychainPath + "login_renamed1.keychain";
+ std::string loginKeychainDb = keychainPath + "login.keychain-db";
// check for existence of keychain files
bool shortnameKeychainExists = false;
bool shortnameDotKeychainExists = false;
bool loginKeychainExists = false;
bool loginRenamed1KeychainExists = false;
+ bool loginKeychainDbExists = false;
struct stat st;
int stat_result;
loginKeychainExists = (stat_result == 0);
stat_result = ::stat(loginRenamed1Keychain.c_str(), &st);
loginRenamed1KeychainExists = (stat_result == 0);
+ stat_result = ::stat(loginKeychainDb.c_str(), &st);
+ loginKeychainDbExists = (stat_result == 0);
+ // login.keychain-db is considered to be the same as login.keychain.
+ // Our transparent keychain promotion on open will handle opening the right version of this file.
+ loginKeychainExists |= loginKeychainDbExists;
bool loginUnlocked = false;
// make the keychain identifiers
// "shortname.keychain" if it is not.
if (loginRenamed1KeychainExists && (!loginKeychainExists ||
- (mSavedList.searchList().size() == 1 && mSavedList.member(loginDLDbIdentifier)) )) {
+ (mSavedList.searchList().size() == 1 && mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(loginDLDbIdentifier))) )) {
Keychain loginRenamed1KC(keychain(loginRenamed1DLDbIdentifier));
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Attempting to unlock %s with %d-character password",
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Attempting to unlock %s with %d-character password",
(loginRenamed1KC) ? loginRenamed1KC->name() : "<NULL>", (unsigned int)passwordLength);
loginRenamed1KC->unlock(CssmData(const_cast<void *>(password), passwordLength));
// if we get here, we unlocked it
// if login.keychain does not exist at this point, create it
- if (!loginKeychainExists) {
- Keychain theKeychain(keychain(loginDLDbIdentifier));
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Creating login keychain %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
+ if (!loginKeychainExists || (isReset && !loginKeychainDbExists)) {
+ // but don't add it to the search list yet; we'll do that later
+ Keychain theKeychain = makeKeychain(loginDLDbIdentifier, false, true);
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Creating login keychain %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
theKeychain->create(passwordLength, password);
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Login keychain created successfully");
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Login keychain created successfully");
loginKeychainExists = true;
// Set the prefs for this new login keychain.
// if the shortname keychain exists in the search list, either rename or remove the entry
- if (mSavedList.member(shortnameDLDbIdentifier)) {
- if (shortnameDotKeychainExists && !mSavedList.member(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier)) {
+ if (mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDLDbIdentifier))) {
+ if (shortnameDotKeychainExists && !mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier))) {
// change shortname to shortname.keychain (login.keychain will be added later if not present)
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Renaming %s to %s in keychain search list",
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Renaming %s to %s in keychain search list",
(shortnameDLDbIdentifier) ? shortnameDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>",
(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier) ? shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
- mSavedList.rename(shortnameDLDbIdentifier, shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier);
- } else if (!mSavedList.member(loginDLDbIdentifier)) {
+ mSavedList.rename(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDLDbIdentifier),
+ demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier));
+ } else if (!mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(loginDLDbIdentifier))) {
// change shortname to login.keychain
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Renaming %s to %s in keychain search list",
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Renaming %s to %s in keychain search list",
(shortnameDLDbIdentifier) ? shortnameDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>",
(loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
- mSavedList.rename(shortnameDLDbIdentifier, loginDLDbIdentifier);
+ mSavedList.rename(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDLDbIdentifier),
+ demungeDLDbIdentifier(loginDLDbIdentifier));
} else {
// already have login.keychain in list, and renaming to shortname.keychain isn't an option,
// so just remove the entry
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Removing %s from keychain search list", (shortnameDLDbIdentifier) ? shortnameDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
- mSavedList.remove(shortnameDLDbIdentifier);
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Removing %s from keychain search list", (shortnameDLDbIdentifier) ? shortnameDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
+ mSavedList.remove(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDLDbIdentifier));
// note: save() will cause the plist to be unlinked if the only remaining entry is for login.keychain
// make sure that login.keychain is in the search list
- if (!mSavedList.member(loginDLDbIdentifier)) {
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Adding %s to keychain search list", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
- mSavedList.add(loginDLDbIdentifier);
+ if (!mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(loginDLDbIdentifier))) {
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Adding %s to keychain search list", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
+ mSavedList.add(demungeDLDbIdentifier(loginDLDbIdentifier));
// if we have a shortname.keychain, always include it in the plist (after login.keychain)
- if (shortnameDotKeychainExists && !mSavedList.member(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier)) {
- mSavedList.add(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier);
+ if (shortnameDotKeychainExists && !mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier))) {
+ mSavedList.add(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier));
// make sure that the default keychain is in the search list; if not, reset the default to login.keychain
if (!mSavedList.member(mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier())) {
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Changing default keychain to %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
- mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(loginDLDbIdentifier);
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Changing default keychain to %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
+ mSavedList.defaultDLDbIdentifier(demungeDLDbIdentifier(loginDLDbIdentifier));
Keychain theKeychain(keychain(loginDLDbIdentifier));
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Attempting to unlock login keychain \"%s\" with %d-character password",
- (theKeychain) ? theKeychain->name() : "<NULL>", (unsigned int)passwordLength);
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Attempting to unlock login keychain \"%s\"",
+ (theKeychain) ? theKeychain->name() : "<NULL>");
theKeychain->unlock(CssmData(const_cast<void *>(password), passwordLength));
loginUnlocked = true;
- if (!loginUnlocked) {
- try {
- loginResult = errSecSuccess;
- Keychain theKeychain(keychain(loginDLDbIdentifier));
+ // is it token login?
+ CFRef<CFDictionaryRef> tokenLoginContext;
+ OSStatus status = TokenLoginGetContext(password, passwordLength, tokenLoginContext.take());
+ if (!loginUnlocked || status == errSecSuccess) {
+ Keychain theKeychain(keychain(loginDLDbIdentifier));
+ bool tokenLoginDataUpdated = false;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ loginResult = errSecSuccess;
+ CFRef<CFDictionaryRef> tokenLoginData;
+ if (tokenLoginContext) {
+ status = TokenLoginGetLoginData(tokenLoginContext, tokenLoginData.take());
+ if (status != errSecSuccess) {
+ if (tokenLoginDataUpdated) {
+ loginResult = status;
+ break;
+ }
+ // updating unlock key fails if it is not token login
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Error %d, reconstructing unlock data", (int)status);
+ status = TokenLoginUpdateUnlockData(tokenLoginContext);
+ if (status == errSecSuccess) {
+ loginResult = TokenLoginGetLoginData(tokenLoginContext, tokenLoginData.take());
+ if (loginResult != errSecSuccess) {
+ break;
+ }
+ tokenLoginDataUpdated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // build a fake key
- CssmKey key;
- key.header().BlobType = CSSM_KEYBLOB_RAW;
- key.header().AlgorithmId = CSSM_ALGID_3DES_3KEY;
- key.header().KeyClass = CSSM_KEYCLASS_SESSION_KEY;
- key.header().KeyAttr = 0;
- key.KeyData = CssmData(const_cast<void *>(password), passwordLength);
- // unwrap it into the CSP (but keep it raw)
- UnwrapKey unwrap(theKeychain->csp(), CSSM_ALGID_NONE);
- CssmKey masterKey;
- CssmData descriptiveData;
- unwrap(key,
- masterKey, &descriptiveData, NULL);
- CssmClient::Db db = theKeychain->database();
- // create the keychain, using appropriate credentials
- Allocator &alloc = db->allocator();
- AutoCredentials cred(alloc); // will leak, but we're quitting soon :-)
- // use this passphrase
- cred += TypedList(alloc, CSSM_SAMPLE_TYPE_KEYCHAIN_LOCK,
- new(alloc) ListElement(CSSM_SAMPLE_TYPE_SYMMETRIC_KEY),
- new(alloc) ListElement(CssmData::wrap(theKeychain->csp()->handle())),
- new(alloc) ListElement(CssmData::wrap(masterKey)),
- new(alloc) ListElement(CssmData()));
- db->authenticate(CSSM_DB_ACCESS_READ, &cred);
- db->unlock();
- loginUnlocked = true;
- } catch (const CssmError &e) {
- loginResult = e.osStatus();
+ try {
+ // first try to unlock login keychain because if this fails, token keychain unlock fails as well
+ if (tokenLoginData) {
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Going to unlock keybag using scBlob");
+ status = TokenLoginUnlockKeybag(tokenLoginContext, tokenLoginData);
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Keybag unlock result %d", (int)status);
+ if (status)
+ CssmError::throwMe(status); // to trigger login data regeneration
+ }
+ // build a fake key
+ CssmKey key;
+ key.header().BlobType = CSSM_KEYBLOB_RAW;
+ key.header().AlgorithmId = CSSM_ALGID_3DES_3KEY;
+ key.header().KeyClass = CSSM_KEYCLASS_SESSION_KEY;
+ key.header().KeyAttr = 0;
+ CFRef<CFDataRef> tokenLoginUnlockKey;
+ if (tokenLoginData) {
+ status = TokenLoginGetUnlockKey(tokenLoginContext, tokenLoginUnlockKey.take());
+ if (status)
+ CssmError::throwMe(status); // to trigger login data regeneration
+ key.KeyData = CssmData(tokenLoginUnlockKey.get());
+ } else {
+ key.KeyData = CssmData(const_cast<void *>(password), passwordLength);
+ }
+ // unwrap it into the CSP (but keep it raw)
+ UnwrapKey unwrap(theKeychain->csp(), CSSM_ALGID_NONE);
+ CssmKey masterKey;
+ CssmData descriptiveData;
+ unwrap(key,
+ masterKey, &descriptiveData, NULL);
+ CssmClient::Db db = theKeychain->database();
+ // create the keychain, using appropriate credentials
+ Allocator &alloc = db->allocator();
+ AutoCredentials cred(alloc); // will leak, but we're quitting soon :-)
+ // use this passphrase
+ cred += TypedList(alloc, CSSM_SAMPLE_TYPE_KEYCHAIN_LOCK,
+ new(alloc) ListElement(CSSM_SAMPLE_TYPE_SYMMETRIC_KEY),
+ new(alloc) ListElement(CssmData::wrap(theKeychain->csp()->handle())),
+ new(alloc) ListElement(CssmData::wrap(masterKey)),
+ new(alloc) ListElement(CssmData()));
+ db->authenticate(CSSM_DB_ACCESS_READ, &cred);
+ db->unlock();
+ loginUnlocked = true;
+ } catch (const CssmError &e) {
+ if (tokenLoginData && !tokenLoginDataUpdated) {
+ // token login unlock key was invalid
+ loginResult = TokenLoginUpdateUnlockData(tokenLoginContext);
+ if (loginResult == errSecSuccess) {
+ tokenLoginDataUpdated = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ loginResult = e.osStatus();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
// if "shortname.keychain" exists and is in the search list, attempt to auto-unlock it with the same password
- if (shortnameDotKeychainExists && mSavedList.member(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier)) {
+ if (shortnameDotKeychainExists && mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier))) {
Keychain shortnameDotKC(keychain(shortnameDotDLDbIdentifier));
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Attempting to unlock %s",
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Attempting to unlock %s",
(shortnameDotKC) ? shortnameDotKC->name() : "<NULL>");
shortnameDotKC->unlock(CssmData(const_cast<void *>(password), passwordLength));
loginDLDbIdentifier = mSavedList.loginDLDbIdentifier();
- secdebug("KCLogin", "StorageManager::stash: loginDLDbIdentifier is %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "StorageManager::stash: loginDLDbIdentifier is %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
if (!loginDLDbIdentifier)
CssmData empty;
Keychain theKeychain(keychain(loginDLDbIdentifier));
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Attempting to use stash for login keychain \"%s\"",
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Attempting to use stash for login keychain \"%s\"",
(theKeychain) ? theKeychain->name() : "<NULL>");
loginDLDbIdentifier = mSavedList.loginDLDbIdentifier();
- secdebug("KCLogin", "StorageManager::stash: loginDLDbIdentifier is %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "StorageManager::stash: loginDLDbIdentifier is %s", (loginDLDbIdentifier) ? loginDLDbIdentifier.dbName() : "<NULL>");
if (!loginDLDbIdentifier)
Keychain theKeychain(keychain(loginDLDbIdentifier));
- secdebug("KCLogin", "Attempting to stash login keychain \"%s\"",
+ secnotice("KCLogin", "Attempting to stash login keychain \"%s\"",
(theKeychain) ? theKeychain->name() : "<NULL>");
loginKeychain()->changePassphrase(oldPassword, newPassword);
- secdebug("KClogin", "Changed login keychain password successfully");
+ secnotice("KClogin", "Changed login keychain password successfully");
loginKeychain()->changePassphrase(oldPasswordLength, oldPassword, newPasswordLength, newPassword);
- secdebug("KClogin", "Changed login keychain password successfully");
+ secnotice("KClogin", "Changed login keychain password successfully");
// Clear out the keychain search list and rename the existing login.keychain.
CFStringAppend(newName, currName);
CFStringRef kcSuffix = CFSTR(kKeychainSuffix);
+ CFStringRef kcDbSuffix = CFSTR(kKeychainDbSuffix);
+ bool hasDbSuffix = false;
if ( CFStringHasSuffix(newName, kcSuffix) ) // remove the .keychain extension
CFRange suffixRange = CFStringFind(newName, kcSuffix, 0);
CFStringFindAndReplace(newName, kcSuffix, CFSTR(""), suffixRange, 0);
+ if (CFStringHasSuffix(newName, kcDbSuffix)) {
+ hasDbSuffix = true;
+ CFRange suffixRange = CFStringFind(newName, kcDbSuffix, 0);
+ CFStringFindAndReplace(newName, kcDbSuffix, CFSTR(""), suffixRange, 0);
+ }
CFStringAppend(newName, CFSTR(kKeychainRenamedSuffix)); // add "_renamed_"
- renameUnique(keychain, newName);
+ renameUnique(keychain, newName, hasDbSuffix);
Keychain StorageManager::make(const char *pathName, bool add)
- return makeKeychain(makeDLDbIdentifier(pathName), add);
+ return make(pathName, add, false);
+Keychain StorageManager::make(const char *pathName, bool add, bool isReset) {
+ return makeKeychain(makeDLDbIdentifier(pathName), add, isReset);
DLDbIdentifier StorageManager::makeDLDbIdentifier(const char *pathName) {
return dlDbIdentifier;
-Keychain StorageManager::makeLoginAuthUI(const Item *item)
+Keychain StorageManager::makeLoginAuthUI(const Item *item, bool isReset)
catch (...) // can throw if no existing login.keychain is found
- login(authRef, (UInt32)userName.length(), userName.c_str()); // Create login.keychain
+ login(authRef, (UInt32)userName.length(), userName.c_str(), isReset); // Create login.keychain
keychain = loginKeychain(); // Get newly-created login keychain
defaultKeychain(keychain); // Set it to be the default
if ( globals().getUserInteractionAllowed() )
- returnedKeychain = makeLoginAuthUI(&item); // If no Keychains is present, one will be created.
+ returnedKeychain = makeLoginAuthUI(&item, false); // If no Keychains is present, one will be created.
if ( !returnedKeychain )
MacOSError::throwMe(errSecInvalidKeychain); // Something went wrong...
// manipulate the user's list
- mSavedList.add(id);
+ mSavedList.add(demungeDLDbIdentifier(id));
bool result;
if (domain == mDomain)
- result = mSavedList.member(id);
+ result = mSavedList.member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(id));
- result = DLDbListCFPref(domain).member(id);
+ result = DLDbListCFPref(domain).member(demungeDLDbIdentifier(id));
// do the search
// manipulate the user's list
- mSavedList.remove(id);
+ mSavedList.remove(demungeDLDbIdentifier(id));