for (Map::const_iterator it = mAcls.begin(); it != mAcls.end(); ) {
if (it->second->authorizesSpecifically(right)) {
it = mAcls.erase(it);
- secdebugfunc("SecAccess", "%p removed an acl, %d left", this, mAcls.size());
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "%p removed an acl, %lu left", this, mAcls.size());
} else {
// add owner acl
mAcls[ownerHandle] = new ACL(AclOwnerPrototype::overlay(owner));
- secdebugfunc("SecAccess", "form of owner is: %d", mAcls[ownerHandle]->form());
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "form of owner is: %d", mAcls[ownerHandle]->form());
// add acl entries
const AclEntryInfo *acl = AclEntryInfo::overlay(acls);
for (uint32 n = 0; n < aclCount; n++) {
- secdebug("SecAccess", "%p compiling entry %ld", this, acl[n].handle());
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "%p compiling entry %ld", this, acl[n].handle());
mAcls[acl[n].handle()] = new ACL(acl[n]);
- secdebug("SecAccess", "form is: %d", mAcls[acl[n].handle()]->form());
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "form is: %d", mAcls[acl[n].handle()]->form());
- secdebug("SecAccess", "%p %ld entries compiled", this, mAcls.size());
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "%p %ld entries compiled", this, mAcls.size());
mInput = AclEntryPrototype(TypedList(allocator, CSSM_ACL_SUBJECT_TYPE_PASSWORD,
new(allocator) ListElement(mKey.get())));
- secdebugfunc("SecAccess", "made a CSSM_ACL_SUBJECT_TYPE_PASSWORD ACL entry for %p", this);
- secdebugfunc("SecAccess", "mInput: %p, typedList %p", &mInput, mInput.Prototype.TypedSubject);
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "made a CSSM_ACL_SUBJECT_TYPE_PASSWORD ACL entry for %p", this);
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "mInput: %p, typedList %p", &mInput, &(mInput.Prototype.TypedSubject));
// create credential sample for access
mCreds += TypedList(allocator, CSSM_SAMPLE_TYPE_PASSWORD, new(allocator) ListElement(mKey.get()));
// just make it an CSSM_ACL_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANY list
mInput = AclEntryPrototype(TypedList(allocator, CSSM_ACL_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANY));
- secdebugfunc("SecAccess", "made a CSSM_ACL_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANY ACL entry for %p", this);
+ secinfo("SecAccess", "made a CSSM_ACL_SUBJECT_TYPE_ANY ACL entry for %p", this);