-#warning resolve before enabling SECTRUST_OSX: <rdar://21328880>
- OSStatus result = errSecSuccess;
- const char *func = "SecCodeCheckValidity";
- CFErrorRef localErrors = NULL;
- if (!errors) { errors = &localErrors; }
- try {
- checkFlags(flags,
- kSecCSConsiderExpiration
- | kSecCSEnforceRevocationChecks);
- SecPointer<SecCode> code = SecCode::required(codeRef);
- code->checkValidity(flags);
- if (const SecRequirement *req = SecRequirement::optional(requirementRef))
- code->staticCode()->validateRequirement(req->requirement(), errSecCSReqFailed);
- }
- catch (...) {
- // the actual error being thrown is not being caught by any of the
- // type-specific blocks contained in the END_CSAPI_ERRORS macro,
- // so we only have the catch-all block here for now.
- result = errSecCSInternalError;
- }
- if (errors && *errors) {
- CFShow(errors);
- CFRelease(errors);
- *errors = NULL;
- }
- if (result == errSecCSInternalError) {
- #if !NDEBUG
- Security::Syslog::error("WARNING: %s ignored error %d", func, (int)result);
- #endif
- result = errSecSuccess;
- }
- return result;