$SOURCEDIR=$ARGV[0]; # directory with inputs
-(${D}) = $SOURCEDIR =~ m@([/:])@; # guess directory delimiter
-sub macintosh() { return ${D} eq ':'; }
-if( macintosh() ){
-$TARGETDIR=$ARGV[2]; # directory for outputs
- else{
-$TABLES="$TARGETDIR${D}errorcodes.gen"; # error name tables
+$TABLES="$TARGETDIR/errorcodes.gen"; # error name tables
$tabs = "\t\t\t"; # argument indentation (noncritical)
$warning = "This file was automatically generated. Do not edit on penalty of futility!";
# Parse CSSM error header and build table of all named codes
-open(ERR, "$SOURCEDIR${D}$ERR_H") or die "Cannot open $ERR_H: $^E";
-open(APPLE_ERR, "$SOURCEDIR${D}$APPLE_ERR_H") or die "Cannot open $APPLE_ERR_H: $^E";
+open(ERR, "$SOURCEDIR/$ERR_H") or die "Cannot open $ERR_H: $^E";
+open(APPLE_ERR, "$SOURCEDIR/$APPLE_ERR_H") or die "Cannot open $APPLE_ERR_H: $^E";
$/=undef; # big gulp mode
$errors = <ERR> . <APPLE_ERR>;
-$errors =~ tr/\012/\015/ if macintosh;
close(ERR); close(APPLE_ERR);
@fullErrors = $errors =~ /^\s+CSSMERR_([A-Z_]+)/gm;