#include "CSPDLPlugin.h"
#include "SSKey.h"
+#include <Security/aclclient.h>
+#include <Security/Access.h>
+#include <Security/TrustedApplication.h>
+// ClientSessionKey - Lightweight wrapper for a KeyHandle that is also an CssmClient::AclBearer
+class ClientSessionKey: public CssmClient::AclBearer
+ ClientSessionKey(SecurityServer::ClientSession &clientSession, SecurityServer::KeyHandle keyHandle);
+ ~ClientSessionKey();
+ // Acl manipulation
+ virtual void getAcl(AutoAclEntryInfoList &aclInfos,
+ const char *selectionTag = NULL) const;
+ virtual void changeAcl(const CSSM_ACL_EDIT &aclEdit,
+ // Acl owner manipulation
+ virtual void getOwner(AutoAclOwnerPrototype &owner) const;
+ virtual void changeOwner(const CSSM_ACL_OWNER_PROTOTYPE &newOwner,
+ SecurityServer::ClientSession &mClientSession;
+ SecurityServer::KeyHandle mKeyHandle;
using namespace SecurityServer;
// SSCSPDLSession -- Security Server CSP session
-// @@@ FIXME allocators needs to change.
-: mClientSession(CssmAllocator::standard(), CssmAllocator::standard())
SSKey &
SSCSPDLSession::lookupKey(const CssmKey &inKey)
- if (inKey.blobType() == CSSM_KEYBLOB_REFERENCE)
- return find<SSKey>(inKey);
- else if (inKey.blobType() == CSSM_KEYBLOB_RAW)
+ /* for now we only allow ref keys */
+ if(inKey.blobType() != CSSM_KEYBLOB_REFERENCE) {
+ CssmError::throwMe(CSSMERR_CSP_INVALID_KEY);
+ }
+ /* fetch key (this is just mapping the value in inKey.KeyData to an SSKey) */
+ SSKey &theKey = find<SSKey>(inKey);
+ #ifdef someday
+ /*
+ * Make sure caller hasn't changed any crucial header fields.
+ * Some fields were changed by makeReferenceKey, so make a local copy....
+ */
+ CSSM_KEYHEADER localHdr = cssmKey.KeyHeader;
+ get binKey-like thing from SSKey, maybe SSKey should keep a copy of
+ hdr...but that's' not supersecure....;
+ localHdr.BlobType = binKey->mKeyHeader.BlobType;
+ localHdr.Format = binKey->mKeyHeader.Format;
+ if(memcmp(&localHdr, &binKey->mKeyHeader, sizeof(CSSM_KEYHEADER))) {
+ }
+ #endif
+ return theKey;
+// Notification we receive when the acl on a key has changed. We should write it back to disk if it's persistant.
+SSCSPDLSession::didChangeKeyAcl(SecurityServer::ClientSession &clientSession,
+ KeyHandle keyHandle, CSSM_ACL_AUTHORIZATION_TAG tag)
+ {
+ // The user checked to don't ask again checkbox in the rogue app alert. Let's edit the ACL for this key and add the calling application (ourself) to it.
+ secdebug("keyacl", "SSCSPDLSession::didChangeKeyAcl(keyHandle: %lu tag: %lu)", keyHandle, tag);
+ ClientSessionKey csKey(clientSession, keyHandle); // the underlying key
+ KeychainCore::SecPointer<KeychainCore::Access> access = new KeychainCore::Access(csKey); // extract access rights
+ KeychainCore::SecPointer<KeychainCore::TrustedApplication> thisApp = new KeychainCore::TrustedApplication;
+ access->addApplicationToRight(tag, thisApp.get()); // add this app
+ access->setAccess(csKey, true); // commit
+ }
+ SSKey *theKey = NULL;
- // @@@ How can we deal with this?
+ // Lookup the SSKey for the KeyHandle
+ StLock<Mutex> _(mKeyMapLock);
+ KeyMap::const_iterator it;
+ KeyMap::const_iterator end = mKeyMap.end();
+ for (it = mKeyMap.begin(); it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ SSKey *aKey = dynamic_cast<SSKey *>(it->second);
+ if (aKey->optionalKeyHandle() == keyHandle)
+ {
+ // Write the key to disk if it's persistant.
+ theKey = aKey;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- CssmError::throwMe(CSSMERR_CSP_INVALID_KEY);
+ if (theKey)
+ {
+ theKey->didChangeAcl();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // @@@ Should we really throw here or just continue without updating the ACL? In reality this should never happen, so let's at least log it and throw.
+ secdebug("keyacl", "SSCSPDLSession::didChangeKeyAcl() keyHandle: %lu not found in map", keyHandle);
+ }
+SSCSPDLSession::didChangeKeyAclCallback(void *context, SecurityServer::ClientSession &clientSession,
+ SecurityServer::KeyHandle key, CSSM_ACL_AUTHORIZATION_TAG tag)
+ reinterpret_cast<SSCSPDLSession *>(context)->didChangeKeyAcl(clientSession, key, tag);
+// ClientSessionKey - Lightweight wrapper for a KeyHandle that is also an CssmClient::AclBearer
+ClientSessionKey::ClientSessionKey(ClientSession &clientSession, SecurityServer::KeyHandle keyHandle) :
+ mClientSession(clientSession),
+ mKeyHandle(keyHandle)
+ClientSessionKey::getAcl(AutoAclEntryInfoList &aclInfos,
+ const char *selectionTag) const
+ secdebug("keyacl", "ClientSessionKey::getAcl() keyHandle: %lu", mKeyHandle);
+ aclInfos.allocator(mClientSession.returnAllocator);
+ mClientSession.getKeyAcl(mKeyHandle, selectionTag,
+ *static_cast<uint32 *>(aclInfos),
+ *reinterpret_cast<AclEntryInfo **>(static_cast<CSSM_ACL_ENTRY_INFO_PTR *>(aclInfos)));
+ClientSessionKey::changeAcl(const CSSM_ACL_EDIT &aclEdit,
+ secdebug("keyacl", "ClientSessionKey::changeAcl() keyHandle: %lu", mKeyHandle);
+ mClientSession.changeKeyAcl(mKeyHandle, AccessCredentials::overlay(*cred), AclEdit::overlay(aclEdit));
+ClientSessionKey::getOwner(AutoAclOwnerPrototype &owner) const
+ secdebug("keyacl", "ClientSessionKey::getOwner() keyHandle: %lu", mKeyHandle);
+ owner.allocator(mClientSession.returnAllocator);
+ mClientSession.getKeyOwner(mKeyHandle,
+ *reinterpret_cast<AclOwnerPrototype *>(static_cast<CSSM_ACL_OWNER_PROTOTYPE *>(owner)));
+ClientSessionKey::changeOwner(const CSSM_ACL_OWNER_PROTOTYPE &newOwner,
+ secdebug("keyacl", "ClientSessionKey::changeOwner() keyHandle: %lu", mKeyHandle);
+ mClientSession.changeKeyOwner(mKeyHandle, AccessCredentials::overlay(*cred), AclOwnerPrototype::overlay(newOwner));