#import <Security/SecKeyPriv.h>
#import <Security/SecAccessControlPriv.h>
#import <libaks_acl_cf_keys.h>
#import "MobileGestalt.h"
-#import <RemoteServiceDiscovery/RemoteServiceDiscovery.h>
#import "shared_regressions.h"
-static id generateKey(id keyType, CFStringRef protection, BOOL noACL) {
+static id generateKey(id keyType, CFStringRef protection, BOOL withACL) {
id accessControl;
- if (noACL) {
+ if (!withACL) {
accessControl = CFBridgingRelease(SecAccessControlCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL));
SecAccessControlSetProtection((__bridge SecAccessControlRef)accessControl, protection, NULL);
} else {
} else {
keyTypes = @[(id)kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom, (id)kSecAttrKeyTypeSecureEnclaveAttestation];
+ BOOL withACL = NO;
for (id keyType in keyTypes) {
- id privateKey = generateKey((id)keyType, kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, (noACL = !noACL));
+ id privateKey = generateKey((id)keyType, kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, (withACL = !withACL));
ok(privateKey, "failed to create key '%@'", keyType);
id publicKey = (__bridge_transfer id)SecKeyCopyPublicKey((SecKeyRef)privateKey);
-static void attestationTest(CFStringRef protection, BOOL noACL) {
+static void attestationTest(CFStringRef protection, BOOL withACL) {
NSError *error;
- id privKey = generateKey((id)kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom, protection, noACL);
- id uik = generateKey((id)kSecAttrKeyTypeSecureEnclaveAttestation, protection, noACL);
+ id privKey = generateKey((id)kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom, protection, withACL);
+ id uik = generateKey((id)kSecAttrKeyTypeSecureEnclaveAttestation, protection, withACL);
id sik = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyAttestationKey(kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeSIK, (void *)&error));
ok(sik != nil, "get SIK key: %@", error);
- id pubSIK = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sik));
- ok(pubSIK != nil, "get SIK pubkey");
error = nil;
NSData *attSIKPlain = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sik, (__bridge SecKeyRef)uik, (void *)&error));
ok(attSIKPlain != nil, "SIK attesting UIK, no nonce: %@", error);
ok(SecKeySetParameter((__bridge SecKeyRef)uik, kSecKeyParameterSETokenAttestationNonce, (__bridge CFPropertyListRef)nonce, (void *)&error), "Set nonce to UIK: %@", error);
NSData *attUIKNonce = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)uik, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
ok(attUIKNonce != nil, "SIK attesting UIK, with nonce: %@", error);
+static void sysKeyAttestationTest(CFStringRef protection, BOOL withACL, const char *name, SecKeyAttestationKeyType committed, SecKeyAttestationKeyType proposed, BOOL canAttest) {
+ NSError *error;
+ id privKey = generateKey((id)kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom, protection, withACL);
+ id sik = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyAttestationKey(kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeSIK, (void *)&error));
+ ok(sik != nil, "get SIK key: %@", error);
+ id pubSIK = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sik));
+ ok(pubSIK != nil, "get SIK pubkey");
+ id sysKeyC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyAttestationKey(committed, (void *)&error));
+ if (sysKeyC == nil) {
+ diag("skipping attestation test, platform does not support key %s-committed", name);
+ return;
+ }
error = nil;
- id sysUikC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyAttestationKey(kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeUIKCommitted, (void *)&error));
- if (sysUikC == nil) {
- // Platform does not support system UIK, so just fake test rounds to avoid testplan counting failures.
- for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
- ok(true);
- }
- } else {
- ok(sysUikC != nil, "get UIK-committed key, error: %@", error);
- error = nil;
- id sysUikP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyAttestationKey(kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeUIKProposed, (void *)&error));
- ok(sysUikP != nil, "get UIK-proposed key: %@", error);
+ id sysKeyP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyAttestationKey(proposed, (void *)&error));
+ ok(sysKeyP != nil, "unable to get proposed key, but successfully got committed key");
+ if (canAttest) {
error = nil;
- NSData *attUIKC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikC, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
- ok(attUIKC != nil, "Sys-UIK-committed attesting privKey: %@", error);
+ NSData *attSysKeyC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyC, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSysKeyC != nil, "%s-committed attesting privKey: %@", name, error);
error = nil;
- NSData *attUIKP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikP, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
- ok(attUIKP != nil, "Sys-UIK-proposed attesting privKey: %@", error);
+ NSData *attSysKeyP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyP, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSysKeyP != nil, "%s-proposed attesting privKey: %@", name, error);
+ }
- id pubUIKP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikP));
- ok(pubUIKP != nil, "Sys-UIK-proposed copy public key");
- id pubUIKC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikC));
- ok(pubUIKC != nil, "Sys-UIK-proposed copy public key");
+ id pubSysKeyP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyP));
+ ok(pubSysKeyP != nil, "%s-proposed copy public key", name);
+ id pubSysKeyC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyC));
+ ok(pubSysKeyC != nil, "%s-committed copy public key", name);
- BOOL res = SecKeyControlLifetime((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikC, kSecKeyControlLifetimeTypeBump, (void *)&error);
- ok(res, "bumping sys-uik: %@", error);
+ BOOL res = SecKeyControlLifetime((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyC, kSecKeyControlLifetimeTypeBump, (void *)&error);
+ ok(res, "bumping %s: %@", name, error);
+ if (canAttest) {
error = nil;
- NSData *attUIKCN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikC, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
- ok(attUIKCN != nil, "Sys-UIK-committed attesting privKey: %@", error);
+ NSData *attSysKeyCN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyC, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSysKeyCN != nil, "%s-committed attesting privKey: %@", name, error);
error = nil;
- NSData *attUIKPN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikP, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
- ok(attUIKPN != nil, "Sys-UIK-proposed attesting privKey: %@", error);
+ NSData *attSysKeyPN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyP, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSysKeyPN != nil, "%s-proposed attesting privKey: %@", name, error);
+ }
- id pubUIKPN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikP));
- ok(pubUIKPN != nil, "Sys-UIK-proposed copy public key");
- ok(![pubUIKPN isEqual:pubUIKC], "Sys-UIK proposed and committed differ after bump");
+ id pubSysKeyPN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyP));
+ ok(pubSysKeyPN != nil, "%s-proposed copy public key", name);
+ ok(![pubSysKeyPN isEqual:pubSysKeyC], "%s proposed and committed differ after bump", name);
- res = SecKeyControlLifetime((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikP, kSecKeyControlLifetimeTypeCommit, (void *)&error);
- ok(res, "committing sys-uik: %@", error);
+ res = SecKeyControlLifetime((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyP, kSecKeyControlLifetimeTypeCommit, (void *)&error);
+ ok(res, "committing %s: %@", name, error);
+ if (canAttest) {
error = nil;
- NSData *attUIKCNN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikC, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
- ok(attUIKCNN != nil, "Sys-UIK-committed attesting privKey: %@", error);
+ NSData *attSysKeyCNN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyC, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSysKeyCNN != nil, "%s-committed attesting privKey: %@", name, error);
error = nil;
- NSData *attUIKPNN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikP, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
- ok(attUIKPNN != nil, "Sys-UIK-proposed attesting privKey: %@", error);
+ NSData *attSysKeyPNN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyP, (__bridge SecKeyRef)privKey, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSysKeyPNN != nil, "%s-proposed attesting privKey: %@", name, error);
+ }
- id pubUIKCN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikC));
- ok(pubUIKCN != nil, "Sys-UIK-committed copy public key");
- ok([pubUIKPN isEqual:pubUIKCN], "Sys-UIK proposed and committed same after commit");
+ id pubSysKeyCN = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey((__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyC));
+ ok(pubSysKeyCN != nil, "%s-committed copy public key", name);
+ ok([pubSysKeyPN isEqual:pubSysKeyCN], "%s proposed and committed same after commit", name);
- // Attest system-UIK with SIK
- NSData *attSIKUIKP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sik, (__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikP, (void *)&error));
- ok(attSIKUIKP != nil, "SIK attesting Sys-UIK-proposed, error: %@", error);
+ // Attest system key with SIK
+ NSData *attSIKSysKeyP = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sik, (__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyP, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSIKSysKeyP != nil, "SIK attesting %s-proposed, error: %@", name, error);
- NSData *attSIKUIKC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sik, (__bridge SecKeyRef)sysUikC, (void *)&error));
- ok(attSIKUIKC != nil, "SIK attesting Sys-UIK-committed, error: %@", error);
- }
+ NSData *attSIKSysKeyC = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateAttestation((__bridge SecKeyRef)sik, (__bridge SecKeyRef)sysKeyC, (void *)&error));
+ ok(attSIKSysKeyC != nil, "SIK attesting %s-committed, error: %@", name, error);
static void keyFromBlobTest(void) {
int si_44_seckey_aks(int argc, char *const *argv) {
@autoreleasepool {
- BOOL testPKA = YES;
- NSNumber *hasPKA = (__bridge_transfer id)MGCopyAnswer(kMGQHasPKA, NULL);
- if(![hasPKA isKindOfClass:NSNumber.class] || ![hasPKA boolValue]) {
- testPKA = NO;
- }
- if (remote_device_copy_unique_of_type(REMOTE_DEVICE_TYPE_EOS) == nil && remote_device_copy_unique_of_type(REMOTE_DEVICE_TYPE_BRIDGE_COPROC) == nil) {
+ NSNumber *hasSEP = CFBridgingRelease(MGCopyAnswer(kMGQHasSEP, NULL));
+ if (!hasSEP.boolValue) {
// macOS without SEP cannot run attestations at all.
return 0;
- testPKA = NO;
- plan_tests(testPKA ? 119 : 104);
+ NSNumber *hasPKA = CFBridgingRelease(MGCopyAnswer(kMGQHasPKA, NULL));
+ plan_tests(hasPKA.boolValue ? 207 : 113);
- secKeySepTest(testPKA);
- attestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, NO);
- attestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleUntilReboot, YES);
+ secKeySepTest(hasPKA.boolValue);
+ attestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, YES);
+ attestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleUntilReboot, NO);
+ sysKeyAttestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, YES, "SysUIK", kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeUIKCommitted, kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeUIKProposed, YES);
+ sysKeyAttestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleUntilReboot, NO, "SysUIK", kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeUIKCommitted, kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeUIKProposed, YES);
+ // OIK is too weird to be usable directly, just skip is testing for now.
+#if 0
+ sysKeyAttestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, YES, "OIK", kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeOIKCommitted, kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeOIKProposed, NO);
+ sysKeyAttestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleUntilReboot, NO, "OIK", kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeOIKCommitted, kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeOIKProposed, NO);
+ sysKeyAttestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly, YES, "DAK", kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeDAKCommitted, kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeDAKProposed, YES);
+ sysKeyAttestationTest(kSecAttrAccessibleUntilReboot, NO, "DAK", kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeDAKCommitted, kSecKeyAttestationKeyTypeDAKProposed, YES);
- // Put SEP keys into test-keybag mode. Available only when running in direct-mode, not with extension.
- SecKeySetParameter(NULL, kSecAttrTokenIDAppleKeyStore, kCFBooleanTrue, NULL);
- rewrapTest();
- SecKeySetParameter(NULL, kSecAttrTokenIDAppleKeyStore, kCFBooleanFalse, NULL);
+ if (hasPKA.boolValue) {
+ // Put SEP keys into test-keybag mode. Available only when running in direct-mode, not with extension.
+ SecKeySetParameter(NULL, kSecAttrTokenIDAppleKeyStore, kCFBooleanTrue, NULL);
+ rewrapTest();
+ SecKeySetParameter(NULL, kSecAttrTokenIDAppleKeyStore, kCFBooleanFalse, NULL);
+ }
return 0;