- * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
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* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
* file.
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+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
@header SecBase
- SecBase contains common declarations for the Security functions.
+ SecBase contains common declarations for the Security functions.
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
+#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
+#if defined(__clang__)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
@struct SecKeychainAttribute
- @abstract Contains keychain attributes.
+ @abstract Contains keychain attributes.
@field tag A 4-byte attribute tag.
@field length The length of the buffer pointed to by data.
@field data A pointer to the attribute data.
-struct SecKeychainAttribute
+struct SecKeychainAttribute
SecKeychainAttrType tag;
UInt32 length;
@field count An unsigned 32-bit integer that represents the number of keychain attributes in the array.
@field attr A pointer to the first keychain attribute in the array.
-struct SecKeychainAttributeList
+struct SecKeychainAttributeList
UInt32 count;
SecKeychainAttribute *attr;
@typedef SecKeychainAttributeInfo
- @abstract Represents an attribute.
- @field count The number of tag-format pairs in the respective arrays.
+ @abstract Represents an attribute.
+ @field count The number of tag-format pairs in the respective arrays.
@field tag A pointer to the first attribute tag in the array.
@field format A pointer to the first CSSM_DB_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT in the array.
- @discussion Each tag and format item form a pair.
+ @discussion Each tag and format item form a pair.
struct SecKeychainAttributeInfo
CFStringRef SecCopyErrorMessageString(OSStatus status, void *reserved);
-@enum Security Error Codes
+@enum Security Error Codes
@abstract Result codes returned from Security framework functions.
@constant errSecSuccess No error.
@constant errSecUnimplemented Function or operation not implemented.
+@constant errSecDskFull Disk Full error.
+@constant errSecIO I/O error.
@constant errSecParam One or more parameters passed to a function were not valid.
+@constant errSecWrPerm Write permissions error.
@constant errSecAllocate Failed to allocate memory.
+@constant errSecUserCanceled User canceled the operation.
+@constant errSecBadReq Bad parameter or invalid state for operation.
+@constant errSecInternalComponent
+@constant errSecCoreFoundationUnknown
@constant errSecNotAvailable No keychain is available.
@constant errSecReadOnly Read only error.
@constant errSecAuthFailed Authorization/Authentication failed.
@constant errSecPassphraseRequired Passphrase is required for import/export.
@constant errSecInvalidPasswordRef The password reference was invalid.
@constant errSecInvalidTrustSettings The Trust Settings Record was corrupted.
-@constant errSecNoTrustSettings No Trust Settings were found.
+@constant errSecNoTrustSettings No Trust Settings were found.
@constant errSecPkcs12VerifyFailure MAC verification failed during PKCS12 Import.
@constant errSecDecode Unable to decode the provided data.
errSecSuccess = 0, /* No error. */
errSecUnimplemented = -4, /* Function or operation not implemented. */
+ errSecDskFull = -34,
+ errSecIO = -36, /*I/O error (bummers)*/
errSecParam = -50, /* One or more parameters passed to a function were not valid. */
+ errSecWrPerm = -61, /* write permissions error*/
errSecAllocate = -108, /* Failed to allocate memory. */
+ errSecUserCanceled = -128, /* User canceled the operation. */
+ errSecBadReq = -909, /* Bad parameter or invalid state for operation. */
+ errSecInternalComponent = -2070,
+ errSecCoreFoundationUnknown = -4960,
errSecNotAvailable = -25291, /* No keychain is available. You may need to restart your computer. */
errSecReadOnly = -25292, /* This keychain cannot be modified. */
errSecDataNotModifiable = -25317, /* The contents of this item cannot be modified. */
errSecCreateChainFailed = -25318, /* One or more certificates required to validate this certificate cannot be found. */
errSecInvalidPrefsDomain = -25319, /* The specified preferences domain is not valid. */
- errSecInDarkWake = -25320, /* In dark wake, no UI possible */
+ errSecInDarkWake = -25320, /* In dark wake, no UI possible */
errSecACLNotSimple = -25240, /* The specified access control list is not in standard (simple) form. */
errSecPolicyNotFound = -25241, /* The specified policy cannot be found. */
errSecInvalidTrustSetting = -25242, /* The specified trust setting is invalid. */
errSecNoTrustSettings = -25263, /* No Trust Settings were found. */
errSecPkcs12VerifyFailure = -25264, /* MAC verification failed during PKCS12 import (wrong password?) */
errSecNotSigner = -26267, /* A certificate was not signed by its proposed parent. */
errSecDecode = -26275, /* Unable to decode the provided data. */
errSecServiceNotAvailable = -67585, /* The required service is not available. */
errSecFileTooBig = -67597, /* The file is too big. */
errSecInvalidDatabaseBlob = -67598, /* The specified database has an invalid blob. */
errSecInvalidKeyBlob = -67599, /* The specified database has an invalid key blob. */
- errSecIncompatibleDatabaseBlob = -67600, /* The specified database has an incompatible blob. */
- errSecIncompatibleKeyBlob = -67601, /* The specified database has an incompatible key blob. */
+ errSecIncompatibleDatabaseBlob = -67600, /* The specified database has an incompatible blob. */
+ errSecIncompatibleKeyBlob = -67601, /* The specified database has an incompatible key blob. */
errSecHostNameMismatch = -67602, /* A host name mismatch has occurred. */
errSecUnknownCriticalExtensionFlag = -67603, /* There is an unknown critical extension flag. */
errSecNoBasicConstraints = -67604, /* No basic constraints were found. */
errSecNotInitialized = -67667, /* A function was called without initializing CSSM. */
errSecInvalidHandleUsage = -67668, /* The CSSM handle does not match with the service type. */
errSecPVCReferentNotFound = -67669, /* A reference to the calling module was not found in the list of authorized callers. */
- errSecFunctionIntegrityFail = -67670, /* A function address was not within the verified module. */
+ errSecFunctionIntegrityFail = -67670, /* A function address was not within the verified module. */
errSecInternalError = -67671, /* An internal error has occurred. */
errSecMemoryError = -67672, /* A memory error has occurred. */
errSecInvalidData = -67673, /* Invalid data was encountered. */