@param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
@param self Upon successful return, contains a SecCodeRef representing the caller.
- @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
+ @result Upon success, errSecSuccess. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
OSStatus SecCodeCopySelf(SecCSFlags flags, SecCodeRef *self);
@param code A valid SecCode object reference representing code running
on the system.
@param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
+ @constant kSecCSUseAllArchitectures
+ If code refers to a single architecture of a universal binary, return a SecStaticCodeRef
+ that refers to the entire universal code with all its architectures. By default, the
+ returned static reference identifies only the actual architecture of the running program.
@param staticCode On successful return, a SecStaticCode object reference representing
the file system origin of the given SecCode. On error, unchanged.
- @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
+ @result Upon success, errSecSuccess. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
+enum {
+ kSecCSUseAllArchitectures = 1 << 0,
OSStatus SecCodeCopyStaticCode(SecCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags, SecStaticCodeRef *staticCode);
@param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
@param host On successful return, a SecCode object reference identifying
the code's host.
- @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
+ @result Upon success, errSecSuccess. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
OSStatus SecCodeCopyHost(SecCodeRef guest, SecCSFlags flags, SecCodeRef *host);
@param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
@param guest On successful return, a SecCode object reference identifying
the particular guest of the host that owns the attribute value(s) specified.
- This argument will not be changed if the call fails (does not return noErr).
- @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
+ This argument will not be changed if the call fails (does not return errSecSuccess).
+ @result Upon success, errSecSuccess. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers. In particular:
@error errSecCSUnsupportedGuestAttributes The host does not support the attribute
type given by attributeType.
extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeHash;
extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeMachPort;
extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributePid;
+extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeDynamicCode;
+extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeDynamicCodeInfoPlist;
extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeArchitecture;
extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeSubarchitecture;
the code object must satisfy to be considered valid. If NULL, no additional
requirements are imposed.
@param errors An optional pointer to a CFErrorRef variable. If the call fails
- (and something other than noErr is returned), and this argument is non-NULL,
+ (and something other than errSecSuccess is returned), and this argument is non-NULL,
a CFErrorRef is stored there further describing the nature and circumstances
of the failure. The caller must CFRelease() this error object when done with it.
- @result If validation passes, noErr. If validation fails, an OSStatus value
+ @result If validation passes, errSecSuccess. If validation fails, an OSStatus value
documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
OSStatus SecCodeCheckValidity(SecCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags,
@param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
@param path On successful return, contains a CFURL identifying the location
on disk of the staticCode object.
- @result On success, noErr. On error, an OSStatus value
+ @result On success, errSecSuccess. On error, an OSStatus value
documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
OSStatus SecCodeCopyPath(SecStaticCodeRef staticCode, SecCSFlags flags,
@param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
@param requirement On successful return, contains a copy of a SecRequirement
object representing the code's Designated Requirement. On error, unchanged.
- @result On success, noErr. On error, an OSStatus value
+ @result On success, errSecSuccess. On error, an OSStatus value
documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
OSStatus SecCodeCopyDesignatedRequirement(SecStaticCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags,
used by the code signing infrastructure. Making changes to these objects
is unsupported and may cause subsequent code signing operations on the
affected code to behave in undefined ways.
- @result On success, noErr. On error, an OSStatus value
+ @result On success, errSecSuccess. On error, an OSStatus value
documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
of the code if it has entitlements and they are in standard dictionary form.
Absent if the code has no entitlements, or they are in a different format (in which
case, see kSecCodeInfoEntitlements).
+ @constant kSecCodeInfoFlags A CFNumber with the static (on-disk) state of the object.
+ Contants are defined by the type SecCodeSignatureFlags.
@constant kSecCodeInfoFormat A CFString characterizing the type and format of
the code. Suitable for display to a (knowledeable) user.
@constant kSecCodeInfoDigestAlgorithm A CFNumber indicating the kind of cryptographic
This is currently the SHA-1 hash of the code's CodeDirectory. However, future
versions of the system may use a different algorithm for newly signed code.
Already-signed code not change the reported value in this case.
- @constant kSecCodeSignerFlags A CFNumber with the dynamic state of the object.
- Contants are defined by the type SecCodeSignatureFlags.
enum {
kSecCSInternalInformation = 1 << 0,
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoDesignatedRequirement; /* Requirement */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoEntitlements; /* Requirement */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoEntitlementsDict; /* Requirement */
+extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoFlags; /* generic */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoFormat; /* generic */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoDigestAlgorithm; /* generic */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoIdentifier; /* generic */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoRequirementData; /* Requirement */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoSource; /* generic */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoStatus; /* Dynamic */
+extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoTeamIdentifier; /* Signing */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoTime; /* Signing */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoTimestamp; /* Signing */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoTrust; /* Signing */
extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoUnique; /* generic */
-extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeSignerFlags; /* dynamic */
OSStatus SecCodeCopySigningInformation(SecStaticCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags,
CFDictionaryRef *information);