items for each of the built in dataSources to.
@param backupName Name of this backup set.
@param error Returned if there is a failure.
- @param result bool standard CFError contract.
+ @result bool standard CFError contract.
@discussion CloudServices is expected to call this SPI to stream out changes already spooled into a backup file by securityd. */
bool SecItemBackupWithChanges(CFStringRef backupName, CFErrorRef *error, void (^event)(SecBackupEventType et, CFTypeRef key, CFTypeRef item));
@param backupName Name of this backup set.
@param keybagDigest The SHA1 hash of the last received keybag.
@param manifest Manifest of the backup.
- @param result bool standard CFError contract.
+ @result bool standard CFError contract.
@discussion cloudsvc is expected to call this SPI to whenever it thinks securityd might not be in sync with backupd of whenever it reads a backup from or writes a backup to kvs. */
bool SecItemBackupSetConfirmedManifest(CFStringRef backupName, CFDataRef keybagDigest, CFDataRef manifest, CFErrorRef *error);
@param secret Credential to unlock keybag
@param keybag keybag for this backup
@param backup backup to be restored
- @result Return true iff successful, return false and sets error to a suitable error if not.
@discussion CloudServices iterates over all the backups, calling this for each backup with peer infos matching the chosen device. */
void SecItemBackupRestore(CFStringRef backupName, CFStringRef peerID, CFDataRef keybag, CFDataRef secret, CFTypeRef backup, void (^completion)(CFErrorRef error));
optional attributes for controlling the search. See the "Keychain
Search Attributes" section of SecItemCopyMatching for a description of
currently defined search attributes.
- @param result CFTypeRef reference to the found item(s). The
+ @result CFTypeRef reference to the found item(s). The
exact type of the result is based on the search attributes supplied
in the query. Returns NULL and sets *error if there is a failure.
@discussion This allows clients to "restore" a backup and fetch an item from