- * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSCloudCircleInternal.h>
#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSInternal.h>
#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSPeerInfoCollections.h>
+#include <Security/SecBase.h>
#include <Security/SecBasePriv.h>
#include <Security/SecCertificatePriv.h>
#include <Security/SecEntitlements.h>
#include <Security/SecInternal.h>
+#include <Security/SecItem.h>
#include <Security/SecItemPriv.h> /* For SecItemDeleteAll */
+#include <Security/SecPolicy.h>
#include <Security/SecPolicyInternal.h>
#include <Security/SecTask.h>
#include <Security/SecTrustInternal.h>
#include <utilities/SecXPCError.h>
#include <utilities/debugging.h>
#include <utilities/SecInternalReleasePriv.h>
+#include <utilities/der_plist_internal.h>
#include <utilities/der_plist.h>
#include <securityd/personalization.h>
+#include <securityd/SecPinningDb.h>
+#include <keychain/ckks/CKKS.h>
#include <AssertMacros.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFXPCBridge.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
// <rdar://problem/22425706> 13B104+Roots:Device never moved past spinner after using approval to ENABLE icdp
-#if __has_include(<MobileKeyBag/MobileKeyBag.h>) && TARGET_HAS_KEYSTORE
-#include <MobileKeyBag/MobileKeyBag.h>
#include <Security/SecTaskPriv.h>
#include <login/SessionAgentStatusCom.h>
#include <xpc/private.h>
#include <xpc/xpc.h>
-static int inMultiUser = 0;
-static CFStringRef SecTaskCopyStringForEntitlement(SecTaskRef task,
- CFStringRef entitlement)
- CFStringRef value = (CFStringRef)SecTaskCopyValueForEntitlement(task,
- entitlement, NULL);
- if (value && CFGetTypeID(value) != CFStringGetTypeID()) {
- CFRelease(value);
- value = NULL;
- }
- return value;
+#include <ipc/server_security_helpers.h>
+#include <ipc/server_entitlement_helpers.h>
-static CFArrayRef SecTaskCopyArrayOfStringsForEntitlement(SecTaskRef task,
- CFStringRef entitlement)
- CFArrayRef value = (CFArrayRef)SecTaskCopyValueForEntitlement(task,
- entitlement, NULL);
- if (value) {
- if (CFGetTypeID(value) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
- CFIndex ix, count = CFArrayGetCount(value);
- for (ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix) {
- CFStringRef string = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(value, ix);
- if (CFGetTypeID(string) != CFStringGetTypeID()) {
- CFRelease(value);
- value = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- CFRelease(value);
- value = NULL;
- }
- }
+#include <sandbox.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <err.h>
- return value;
+static bool accessGroupPermitted(SecurityClient* client, CFArrayRef accessGroups, CFStringRef accessGroup) {
+ /* NULL accessGroups is wildcard. */
+ if (!accessGroups)
+ return true;
+ /* Make sure we have a string. */
+ if (!isString(accessGroup))
+ return false;
-static CFStringRef SecTaskCopyApplicationIdentifier(SecTaskRef task) {
- return SecTaskCopyStringForEntitlement(task,
- kSecEntitlementApplicationIdentifier);
+ /* Having the special accessGroup "*" allows access to all accessGroups. */
+ CFRange range = { 0, CFArrayGetCount(accessGroups) };
+ if (range.length &&
+ (CFArrayContainsValue(accessGroups, range, accessGroup) ||
+ CFArrayContainsValue(accessGroups, range, CFSTR("*"))))
+ return true;
-static CFArrayRef SecTaskCopySharedWebCredentialDomains(SecTaskRef task) {
- return SecTaskCopyArrayOfStringsForEntitlement(task,
- kSecEntitlementAssociatedDomains);
+ return false;
-static CFArrayRef SecTaskCopyAccessGroups(SecTaskRef task) {
- CFMutableArrayRef groups = NULL;
- CFArrayRef keychainAccessGroups = SecTaskCopyArrayOfStringsForEntitlement(task,
- kSecEntitlementKeychainAccessGroups);
- CFArrayRef appleSecurityApplicationGroups = SecTaskCopyArrayOfStringsForEntitlement(task,
- kSecEntitlementAppleSecurityApplicationGroups);
- CFStringRef appID = SecTaskCopyApplicationIdentifier(task);
- CFIndex kagLen = keychainAccessGroups ? CFArrayGetCount(keychainAccessGroups) : 0;
- CFIndex asagLen = appleSecurityApplicationGroups ? CFArrayGetCount(appleSecurityApplicationGroups) : 0;
- bool entitlementsValidated = true;
- bool hasEntitlements = (kagLen + asagLen + (appID ? 1 : 0)) > 0;
- entitlementsValidated = SecTaskEntitlementsValidated(task);
- if ((appID || asagLen) && !entitlementsValidated) {
- CFReleaseNull(appID);
- asagLen = 0;
- }
- CFIndex len = kagLen + asagLen + (appID ? 1 : 0);
- // Always allow access to com.apple.token access group, unless entitlement validation explicitly failed.
- CFIndex tokenLen = (!hasEntitlements || entitlementsValidated) ? 1 : 0;
- if (len + tokenLen)
- {
- groups = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, len + tokenLen, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- if (kagLen)
- CFArrayAppendArray(groups, keychainAccessGroups, CFRangeMake(0, kagLen));
- if (appID)
- CFArrayAppendValue(groups, appID);
- if (asagLen)
- CFArrayAppendArray(groups, appleSecurityApplicationGroups, CFRangeMake(0, asagLen));
- if (tokenLen)
- CFArrayAppendValue(groups, kSecAttrAccessGroupToken);
+static bool extractAccessGroup(SecurityClient *client, CFStringRef requestedAgrp, CFStringRef *resolvedAgrp, CFErrorRef *error) {
+ bool ok = true;
+ /* Access group sanity checking.
+ Similar to accessGroupsAllows, but ignores accessGroupIsNetworkExtensionAndClientIsEntitled */
+ CFArrayRef accessGroups = client->accessGroups;
+ CFStringRef agrp = requestedAgrp;
+ /* Having the special accessGroup "*" allows access to all accessGroups. */
+ if (CFArrayContainsValue(accessGroups, CFRangeMake(0,CFArrayGetCount(accessGroups)), CFSTR("*")))
+ accessGroups = NULL;
+ if (requestedAgrp) {
+ /* The user specified an explicit access group, validate it. */
+ if (!accessGroupPermitted(client, accessGroups, requestedAgrp))
+ ok = SecError(errSecMissingEntitlement, error, CFSTR("explicit accessGroup %@ not in client access %@"), requestedAgrp, accessGroups);
} else {
- secwarning("No keychain access group specified while running in simulator, falling back to default set");
- groups = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFRetainSafe(SecAccessGroupsGetCurrent());
- }
- CFReleaseSafe(appID);
- CFReleaseSafe(keychainAccessGroups);
- CFReleaseSafe(appleSecurityApplicationGroups);
- return groups;
-static pthread_key_t taskThreadKey;
-static void secTaskDiagnoseEntitlements(CFArrayRef accessGroups) {
- SecTaskRef taskRef = pthread_getspecific(taskThreadKey);
- if (taskRef == NULL)
- return;
- CFErrorRef error = NULL;
- CFArrayRef entitlementNames = CFArrayCreateForCFTypes(NULL,
- kSecEntitlementApplicationIdentifier,
- kSecEntitlementKeychainAccessGroups,
- kSecEntitlementAppleSecurityApplicationGroups,
- NULL);
- CFDictionaryRef rawEntitlements = SecTaskCopyValuesForEntitlements(taskRef, entitlementNames, &error);
- CFReleaseNull(entitlementNames);
- // exclude some error types because they're accounted-for and not the reason we're here
- if (rawEntitlements == NULL && error) {
- CFErrorDomain domain = CFErrorGetDomain(error);
- if (domain && CFEqual(domain, kCFErrorDomainPOSIX)) {
- CFIndex c = CFErrorGetCode(error);
- int err = (int) c;
- switch (err) {
- case ESRCH: // no such process (bad pid or process died)
- return;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
+ // We are using an implicit access group
+ // Add it as if the user specified it as an attribute.
+ agrp = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(client->accessGroups, 0);
- uint32_t cs_flags = SecTaskGetCodeSignStatus(taskRef);
- CFStringRef identifier = SecTaskCopySigningIdentifier(taskRef, NULL);
- CFStringRef message = NULL;
- if (rawEntitlements == NULL) { // NULL indicates failure-to-fetch (SecTask entitlements not initialized)
- message = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("failed to fetch keychain client entitlements. task=%@ procid=%@ cs_flags=0x%08.8x error=%@"),
- taskRef, identifier, cs_flags, error);
- secerror("MISSING keychain entitlements: retrieve-entitlements error %@", error);
- } else {
- // non-NULL entitlement return => SecTaskCopyEntitlements succeeeded, no error
- // but note that kernel EINVAL => no entitlements, no error to deal with unsigned code
- message = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("found no keychain client entitlements. task=%@ procid=%@ cs_flags=0x%08.8x"),
- taskRef, identifier, cs_flags);
- secerror("MISSING keychain entitlements: raw entitlement values: %@", rawEntitlements);
- secerror("MISSING keychain entitlements: original ag: %@", accessGroups);
- CFArrayRef newAccessGroups = SecTaskCopyAccessGroups(taskRef);
- secerror("MISSING keychain entitlements: newly parsed ag: %@", newAccessGroups);
- CFReleaseNull(newAccessGroups);
- }
- char buffer[1000] = "?";
- CFStringGetCString(message, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s", buffer);
- __security_simulatecrash(message, __sec_exception_code_MissingEntitlements);
- CFReleaseNull(rawEntitlements);
- CFReleaseNull(message);
- CFReleaseNull(identifier);
- CFReleaseNull(error);
-static bool SecTaskGetBooleanValueForEntitlement(SecTaskRef task,
- CFStringRef entitlement) {
- CFStringRef canModify = (CFStringRef)SecTaskCopyValueForEntitlement(task,
- entitlement, NULL);
- if (!canModify)
- return false;
- CFTypeID canModifyType = CFGetTypeID(canModify);
- bool ok = (CFBooleanGetTypeID() == canModifyType) && CFBooleanGetValue((CFBooleanRef)canModify);
- CFRelease(canModify);
+ if (agrp && resolvedAgrp)
+ *resolvedAgrp = agrp;
return ok;
static void with_label_and_password(xpc_object_t message, void (^action)(CFStringRef label, CFDataRef password)) {
const char *label_utf8 = xpc_dictionary_get_string(message, kSecXPCKeyUserLabel);
action(user_label, number);
-#endif /* !TRUSTD_SERVER */
-static bool SecXPCDictionarySetChainOptional(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, SecCertificatePathRef path, CFErrorRef *error) {
- if (!path)
- return true;
- xpc_object_t xpc_chain = SecCertificatePathCopyXPCArray(path, error);
- if (!xpc_chain)
- return false;
- xpc_dictionary_set_value(message, key, xpc_chain);
- xpc_release(xpc_chain);
- return true;
-static SecCertificateRef SecXPCDictionaryCopyCertificate(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFErrorRef *error) {
- size_t length = 0;
- const void *bytes = xpc_dictionary_get_data(message, key, &length);
- if (bytes) {
- SecCertificateRef certificate = SecCertificateCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, bytes, length);
- if (certificate)
- return certificate;
- SecError(errSecDecode, error, CFSTR("object for key %s failed to create certificate from data"), key);
- } else {
- SecError(errSecParam, error, CFSTR("object for key %s missing"), key);
- }
- return NULL;
-static bool SecXPCDictionaryCopyCertificates(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFArrayRef *certificates, CFErrorRef *error) {
- xpc_object_t xpc_certificates = xpc_dictionary_get_value(message, key);
- if (!xpc_certificates)
- return SecError(errSecAllocate, error, CFSTR("no certs for key %s"), key);
- *certificates = SecCertificateXPCArrayCopyArray(xpc_certificates, error);
- return *certificates;
-static bool SecXPCDictionaryCopyCertificatesOptional(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFArrayRef *certificates, CFErrorRef *error) {
- xpc_object_t xpc_certificates = xpc_dictionary_get_value(message, key);
- if (!xpc_certificates) {
- *certificates = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- *certificates = SecCertificateXPCArrayCopyArray(xpc_certificates, error);
- return *certificates;
-static bool SecXPCDictionaryCopyPoliciesOptional(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFArrayRef *policies, CFErrorRef *error) {
- xpc_object_t xpc_policies = xpc_dictionary_get_value(message, key);
- if (!xpc_policies) {
- if (policies)
- *policies = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- *policies = SecPolicyXPCArrayCopyArray(xpc_policies, error);
- return *policies != NULL;
-static SecTrustStoreRef SecXPCDictionaryGetTrustStore(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFErrorRef *error) {
- SecTrustStoreRef ts = NULL;
- CFStringRef domain = SecXPCDictionaryCopyString(message, key, error);
- if (domain) {
- ts = SecTrustStoreForDomainName(domain, error);
- CFRelease(domain);
- }
- return ts;
-static bool SecXPCDictionaryGetDouble(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, double *pvalue, CFErrorRef *error) {
- *pvalue = xpc_dictionary_get_double(message, key);
- if (*pvalue == NAN) {
- return SecError(errSecParam, error, CFSTR("object for key %s bad double"), key);
- }
- return true;
static CFArrayRef SecXPCDictionaryCopyPeerInfoArray(xpc_object_t dictionary, const char *key, CFErrorRef *error) {
return CreateArrayOfPeerInfoWithXPCObject(xpc_dictionary_get_value(dictionary, key), error);
-static CFDataRef CFDataCreateWithXPCArrayAtIndex(xpc_object_t xpc_data_array, size_t index, CFErrorRef *error) {
- CFDataRef data = NULL;
- size_t length = 0;
- const uint8_t *bytes = xpc_array_get_data(xpc_data_array, index, &length);
- if (bytes) {
- data = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bytes, length);
- }
- if (!data)
- SecError(errSecParam, error, CFSTR("data_array[%zu] failed to decode"), index);
- return data;
-static CFArrayRef CFDataXPCArrayCopyArray(xpc_object_t xpc_data_array, CFErrorRef *error) {
- CFMutableArrayRef data_array = NULL;
- require_action_quiet(xpc_get_type(xpc_data_array) == XPC_TYPE_ARRAY, exit,
- SecError(errSecParam, error, CFSTR("data_array xpc value is not an array")));
- size_t count = xpc_array_get_count(xpc_data_array);
- require_action_quiet(data_array = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks), exit,
- SecError(errSecAllocate, error, CFSTR("failed to create CFArray of capacity %zu"), count));
- size_t ix;
- for (ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix) {
- CFDataRef data = CFDataCreateWithXPCArrayAtIndex(xpc_data_array, ix, error);
- if (!data) {
- CFRelease(data_array);
- return NULL;
- }
- CFArraySetValueAtIndex(data_array, ix, data);
- CFRelease(data);
- }
- return data_array;
static CFDataRef SecXPCDictionaryCopyCFDataRef(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFErrorRef *error) {
CFDataRef retval = NULL;
const uint8_t *bytes = NULL;
return retval;
-static bool SecXPCDictionaryCopyCFDataArrayOptional(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFArrayRef *data_array, CFErrorRef *error) {
- xpc_object_t xpc_data_array = xpc_dictionary_get_value(message, key);
- if (!xpc_data_array) {
- if (data_array)
- *data_array = NULL;
- return true;
+static CFSetRef CreateCFSetRefFromXPCObject(xpc_object_t xpcSetDER, CFErrorRef* error) {
+ CFSetRef retval = NULL;
+ require_action_quiet(xpcSetDER, errOut, SecCFCreateErrorWithFormat(kSecXPCErrorUnexpectedNull, sSecXPCErrorDomain, NULL, error, NULL, CFSTR("Unexpected Null Set to decode")));
+ require_action_quiet(xpc_get_type(xpcSetDER) == XPC_TYPE_DATA, errOut, SecCFCreateErrorWithFormat(kSecXPCErrorUnexpectedType, sSecXPCErrorDomain, NULL, error, NULL, CFSTR("xpcSetDER not data, got %@"), xpcSetDER));
+ const uint8_t* der = xpc_data_get_bytes_ptr(xpcSetDER);
+ const uint8_t* der_end = der + xpc_data_get_length(xpcSetDER);
+ der = der_decode_set(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, &retval, error, der, der_end);
+ if (der != der_end) {
+ SecError(errSecDecode, error, CFSTR("trailing garbage at end of SecAccessControl data"));
+ goto errOut;
- *data_array = CFDataXPCArrayCopyArray(xpc_data_array, error);
- return *data_array != NULL;
+ return retval;
+ CFReleaseNull(retval);
+ return NULL;
static SOSPeerInfoRef SecXPCDictionaryCopyPeerInfo(xpc_object_t message, const char *key, CFErrorRef *error) {
size_t length = 0;
const uint8_t *der = xpc_dictionary_get_data(message, key, &length);
- SecRequirementError(der != NULL, error, CFSTR("No data for key %s"), key);
- return der ? SOSPeerInfoCreateFromDER(kCFAllocatorDefault, error, &der, der + length) : NULL;
+ return SecRequirementError(der != NULL, error, CFSTR("No data for key %s"), key) ? SOSPeerInfoCreateFromDER(kCFAllocatorDefault, error, &der, der + length) : NULL;
static CFSetRef SecXPCSetCreateFromXPCDictionaryElement(xpc_object_t event, const char *key) {
.allowSystemKeychain = false,
.allowSyncBubbleKeychain = false,
.isNetworkExtension = false,
- .inMultiUser = inMultiUser,
+ .canAccessNetworkExtensionAccessGroups = false,
secdebug("serverxpc", "entering");
// TODO: Find out what we're dispatching.
replyMessage = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event);
- if (inMultiUser) {
- client.activeUser = MKBForegroundUserSessionID(&error);
- if (client.activeUser == -1 || client.activeUser == 0) {
- assert(0);
- client.activeUser = 0;
- }
- /*
- * If we are a edu mode user, and its not the active user,
- * then the request is coming from inside the syncbubble.
- *
- * otherwise we are going to execute the request as the
- * active user.
- */
- if (client.uid > 501 && (uid_t)client.activeUser != client.uid) {
- secinfo("serverxpc", "securityd client: sync bubble user");
- client.musr = SecMUSRCreateSyncBubbleUserUUID(client.uid);
- client.keybag = KEYBAG_DEVICE;
- } else {
- secinfo("serverxpc", "securityd client: active user");
- client.musr = SecMUSRCreateActiveUserUUID(client.activeUser);
- client.uid = (uid_t)client.activeUser;
- client.keybag = KEYBAG_DEVICE;
- }
- }
uint64_t operation = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(event, kSecXPCKeyOperation);
audit_token_t auditToken = {};
xpc_connection_get_audit_token(connection, &auditToken);
- client.task = SecTaskCreateWithAuditToken(kCFAllocatorDefault, auditToken);
clientAuditToken = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*)&auditToken, sizeof(auditToken));
- pthread_setspecific(taskThreadKey, client.task);
- client.accessGroups = SecTaskCopyAccessGroups(client.task);
+ fill_security_client(&client, xpc_connection_get_euid(connection), auditToken);
if (operation == sec_add_shared_web_credential_id || operation == sec_copy_shared_web_credential_id) {
domains = SecTaskCopySharedWebCredentialDomains(client.task);
- client.allowSystemKeychain = SecTaskGetBooleanValueForEntitlement(client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateSystemKeychain);
- client.isNetworkExtension = SecTaskGetBooleanValueForEntitlement(client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateNetworkExtension);
- if (client.inMultiUser) {
- client.allowSyncBubbleKeychain = SecTaskGetBooleanValueForEntitlement(client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateKeychainSyncBubble);
- }
secinfo("serverxpc", "XPC [%@] operation: %@ (%" PRIu64 ")", client.task, SOSCCGetOperationDescription((enum SecXPCOperation)operation), operation);
switch (operation)
case sec_item_add_id:
if (EntitlementAbsentOrFalse(sec_item_add_id, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainDeny, &error)) {
CFDictionaryRef query = SecXPCDictionaryCopyDictionary(event, kSecXPCKeyQuery, &error);
if (query) {
+ // Check for any entitlement-required attributes
+ bool entitlementsCorrect = true;
+ if(CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecAttrDeriveSyncIDFromItemAttributes) ||
+ CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecAttrPCSPlaintextServiceIdentifier) ||
+ CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecAttrPCSPlaintextPublicKey) ||
+ CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecAttrPCSPlaintextPublicIdentity)) {
+ entitlementsCorrect = EntitlementPresentAndTrue(sec_item_add_id, client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateCKKSPlaintextFields, &error);
+ }
+ if (entitlementsCorrect && CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecAttrSysBound)) {
+ entitlementsCorrect = EntitlementPresentAndTrue(sec_item_add_id, client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateSysBound, &error);
+ }
CFTypeRef result = NULL;
- if (_SecItemAdd(query, &client, &result, &error) && result) {
- SecXPCDictionarySetPList(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, result, &error);
- CFReleaseNull(result);
+ if(entitlementsCorrect) {
+ if (_SecItemAdd(query, &client, &result, &error) && result) {
+ SecXPCDictionarySetPList(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, result, &error);
+ CFReleaseNull(result);
+ }
case sec_item_update_id:
- if (EntitlementAbsentOrFalse(sec_item_add_id, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainDeny, &error)) {
+ if (EntitlementAbsentOrFalse(sec_item_update_id, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainDeny, &error)) {
CFDictionaryRef query = SecXPCDictionaryCopyDictionary(event, kSecXPCKeyQuery, &error);
if (query) {
CFDictionaryRef attributesToUpdate = SecXPCDictionaryCopyDictionary(event, kSecXPCKeyAttributesToUpdate, &error);
if (attributesToUpdate) {
- bool result = _SecItemUpdate(query, attributesToUpdate, &client, &error);
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, result);
+ // Check for any entitlement-required attributes
+ bool entitlementsCorrect = true;
+ if(CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecAttrDeriveSyncIDFromItemAttributes) ||
+ CFDictionaryGetValue(attributesToUpdate, kSecAttrPCSPlaintextServiceIdentifier) ||
+ CFDictionaryGetValue(attributesToUpdate, kSecAttrPCSPlaintextPublicKey) ||
+ CFDictionaryGetValue(attributesToUpdate, kSecAttrPCSPlaintextPublicIdentity)) {
+ entitlementsCorrect = EntitlementPresentAndTrue(sec_item_update_id, client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateCKKSPlaintextFields, &error);
+ }
+ if (entitlementsCorrect && CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecAttrSysBound)) {
+ entitlementsCorrect = EntitlementPresentAndTrue(sec_item_update_id, client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateSysBound, &error);
+ }
+ if(entitlementsCorrect) {
+ bool result = _SecItemUpdate(query, attributesToUpdate, &client, &error);
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, result);
+ }
- case sec_trust_store_contains_id:
- {
- SecTrustStoreRef ts = SecXPCDictionaryGetTrustStore(event, kSecXPCKeyDomain, &error);
- if (ts) {
- CFDataRef digest = SecXPCDictionaryCopyData(event, kSecXPCKeyDigest, &error);
- if (digest) {
- bool contains;
- if (SecTrustStoreContainsCertificateWithDigest(ts, digest, &contains, &error))
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, contains);
- CFReleaseNull(digest);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case sec_trust_store_set_trust_settings_id:
- {
- if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementModifyAnchorCertificates, &error)) {
- SecTrustStoreRef ts = SecXPCDictionaryGetTrustStore(event, kSecXPCKeyDomain, &error);
- if (ts) {
- SecCertificateRef certificate = SecXPCDictionaryCopyCertificate(event, kSecXPCKeyCertificate, &error);
- if (certificate) {
- CFTypeRef trustSettingsDictOrArray = NULL;
- if (SecXPCDictionaryCopyPListOptional(event, kSecXPCKeySettings, &trustSettingsDictOrArray, &error)) {
- bool result = _SecTrustStoreSetTrustSettings(ts, certificate, trustSettingsDictOrArray, &error);
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, result);
- CFReleaseSafe(trustSettingsDictOrArray);
- }
- CFReleaseNull(certificate);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case sec_trust_store_remove_certificate_id:
- {
- if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementModifyAnchorCertificates, &error)) {
- SecTrustStoreRef ts = SecXPCDictionaryGetTrustStore(event, kSecXPCKeyDomain, &error);
- if (ts) {
- CFDataRef digest = SecXPCDictionaryCopyData(event, kSecXPCKeyDigest, &error);
- if (digest) {
- bool result = SecTrustStoreRemoveCertificateWithDigest(ts, digest, &error);
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, result);
- CFReleaseNull(digest);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case sec_trust_store_copy_all_id:
- {
- if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementModifyAnchorCertificates, &error)) {
- SecTrustStoreRef ts = SecXPCDictionaryGetTrustStore(event, kSecXPCKeyDomain, &error);
- if (ts) {
- CFArrayRef trustStoreContents = NULL;
- if(_SecTrustStoreCopyAll(ts, &trustStoreContents, &error) && trustStoreContents) {
- SecXPCDictionarySetPList(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, trustStoreContents, &error);
- CFReleaseNull(trustStoreContents);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case sec_trust_store_copy_usage_constraints_id:
- {
- if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementModifyAnchorCertificates, &error)) {
- SecTrustStoreRef ts = SecXPCDictionaryGetTrustStore(event, kSecXPCKeyDomain, &error);
- if (ts) {
- CFDataRef digest = SecXPCDictionaryCopyData(event, kSecXPCKeyDigest, &error);
- if (digest) {
- CFArrayRef usageConstraints = NULL;
- if(_SecTrustStoreCopyUsageConstraints(ts, digest, &usageConstraints, &error) && usageConstraints) {
- SecXPCDictionarySetPList(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, usageConstraints, &error);
- CFReleaseNull(usageConstraints);
- }
- CFReleaseNull(digest);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
case sec_delete_all_id:
xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, _SecItemDeleteAll(&error));
-#endif /* !TRUSTD_SERVER */
- case sec_trust_evaluate_id:
- {
- CFArrayRef certificates = NULL, anchors = NULL, policies = NULL, responses = NULL, scts = NULL, trustedLogs = NULL;
- bool anchorsOnly = xpc_dictionary_get_bool(event, kSecTrustAnchorsOnlyKey);
- bool keychainsAllowed = xpc_dictionary_get_bool(event, kSecTrustKeychainsAllowedKey);
- double verifyTime;
- if (SecXPCDictionaryCopyCertificates(event, kSecTrustCertificatesKey, &certificates, &error) &&
- SecXPCDictionaryCopyCertificatesOptional(event, kSecTrustAnchorsKey, &anchors, &error) &&
- SecXPCDictionaryCopyPoliciesOptional(event, kSecTrustPoliciesKey, &policies, &error) &&
- SecXPCDictionaryCopyCFDataArrayOptional(event, kSecTrustResponsesKey, &responses, &error) &&
- SecXPCDictionaryCopyCFDataArrayOptional(event, kSecTrustSCTsKey, &scts, &error) &&
- SecXPCDictionaryCopyArrayOptional(event, kSecTrustTrustedLogsKey, &trustedLogs, &error) &&
- SecXPCDictionaryGetDouble(event, kSecTrustVerifyDateKey, &verifyTime, &error)) {
- // If we have no error yet, capture connection and reply in block and properly retain them.
- xpc_retain(connection);
- CFRetainSafe(client.task);
- CFRetainSafe(clientAuditToken);
- // Clear replyMessage so we don't send a synchronous reply.
- xpc_object_t asyncReply = replyMessage;
- replyMessage = NULL;
- SecTrustServerEvaluateBlock(clientAuditToken,
- certificates, anchors, anchorsOnly, keychainsAllowed, policies, responses, scts, trustedLogs, verifyTime, client.accessGroups,
- ^(SecTrustResultType tr, CFArrayRef details, CFDictionaryRef info, SecCertificatePathRef chain, CFErrorRef replyError) {
- // Send back reply now
- if (replyError) {
- CFRetain(replyError);
- } else {
- xpc_dictionary_set_int64(asyncReply, kSecTrustResultKey, tr);
- SecXPCDictionarySetPListOptional(asyncReply, kSecTrustDetailsKey, details, &replyError) &&
- SecXPCDictionarySetPListOptional(asyncReply, kSecTrustInfoKey, info, &replyError) &&
- SecXPCDictionarySetChainOptional(asyncReply, kSecTrustChainKey, chain, &replyError);
- }
- if (replyError) {
- secdebug("ipc", "%@ %@ %@", client.task, SOSCCGetOperationDescription((enum SecXPCOperation)operation), replyError);
- xpc_object_t xpcReplyError = SecCreateXPCObjectWithCFError(replyError);
- if (xpcReplyError) {
- xpc_dictionary_set_value(asyncReply, kSecXPCKeyError, xpcReplyError);
- xpc_release(xpcReplyError);
- }
- CFReleaseNull(replyError);
- } else {
- secdebug("ipc", "%@ %@ responding %@", client.task, SOSCCGetOperationDescription((enum SecXPCOperation)operation), asyncReply);
- }
- xpc_connection_send_message(connection, asyncReply);
- xpc_release(asyncReply);
- xpc_release(connection);
- CFReleaseSafe(client.task);
- CFReleaseSafe(clientAuditToken);
- });
- }
- CFReleaseSafe(policies);
- CFReleaseSafe(anchors);
- CFReleaseSafe(certificates);
- CFReleaseSafe(responses);
- CFReleaseSafe(scts);
- CFReleaseSafe(trustedLogs);
- break;
- }
- case sec_device_is_internal_id:
- {
- bool retval = SecIsDeviceInternal(NULL);
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, retval);
- break;
- }
case sec_keychain_backup_id:
if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementRestoreKeychain, &error)) {
- case sec_ota_pki_asset_version_id:
- {
- xpc_dictionary_set_int64(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult,
- SecOTAPKIGetCurrentAssetVersion(&error));
- break;
- }
case sec_add_shared_web_credential_id:
CFDictionaryRef query = SecXPCDictionaryCopyDictionary(event, kSecXPCKeyQuery, &error);
if (query) {
CFTypeRef result = NULL;
case sec_copy_shared_web_credential_id:
CFDictionaryRef query = SecXPCDictionaryCopyDictionary(event, kSecXPCKeyQuery, &error);
if (query) {
CFTypeRef result = NULL;
- case kSecXPCOpOTAGetEscrowCertificates:
- {
- uint32_t escrowRootType = (uint32_t)xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(event, "escrowType");
- CFArrayRef array = SecOTAPKICopyCurrentEscrowCertificates(escrowRootType, &error);
- if (array) {
- xpc_object_t xpc_array = _CFXPCCreateXPCObjectFromCFObject(array);
- xpc_dictionary_set_value(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, xpc_array);
- xpc_release(xpc_array);
- }
- CFReleaseNull(array);
- }
- break;
- case kSecXPCOpOTAPKIGetNewAsset:
- xpc_dictionary_set_int64(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult,
- SecOTAPKISignalNewAsset(&error));
- break;
case kSecXPCOpRollKeys:
bool force = xpc_dictionary_get_bool(event, "force");
_SecServerRollKeys(force, &client, &error));
- case kSecXPCOpSetHSA2AutoAcceptInfo:
- if (EntitlementPresentOrWhine(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainCloudCircle, &error)) {
- CFDataRef cfbytes = NULL;
- const uint8_t *bytes = NULL;
- size_t len = 0;
- bytes = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event,
- kSecXPCKeyHSA2AutoAcceptInfo, &len);
- if (!bytes) {
- SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorBadKey,
- CFSTR("missing autoaccept info"), NULL, &error);
- break;
- }
- cfbytes = CFDataCreate(NULL, bytes, len);
- if (!cfbytes) {
- SOSCreateError(kSOSErrorAllocationFailure,
- CFSTR("could not allocate autoaccept info"),
- NULL, &error);
- break;
- }
- xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage,
- kSecXPCKeyResult,
- SOSCCSetHSA2AutoAcceptInfo_Server(cfbytes, &error));
- CFReleaseNull(cfbytes);
- }
- break;
case kSecXPCOpWaitForInitialSync:
if (EntitlementPresentOrWhine(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainCloudCircle, &error)) {
xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult,
+ case kSecXPCOpCopyInitialSyncBlob:
+ if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementCircleJoin, &error)) {
+ CFDataRef initialblob = SOSCCCopyInitialSyncData_Server(&error);
+ if (initialblob) {
+ xpc_object_t xpc_object = _CFXPCCreateXPCObjectFromCFObject(initialblob);
+ xpc_dictionary_set_value(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, xpc_object);
+ xpc_release(xpc_object);
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(initialblob);
+ }
+ break;
case kSecXPCOpJoinWithCircleJoiningBlob:
if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementCircleJoin, &error)) {
CFDataRef joiningBlob = SecXPCDictionaryCopyCFDataRef(event, kSecXPCData, &error);
- bool retval = SOSCCJoinWithCircleJoiningBlob_Server(joiningBlob, &error);
+ uint64_t version = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(event, kSecXPCVersion);
+ bool retval = SOSCCJoinWithCircleJoiningBlob_Server(joiningBlob, (PiggyBackProtocolVersion) version, &error);
xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, retval);
+ case kSecXPCOpKVSKeyCleanup:
+ if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainCloudCircle, &error)) {
+ bool retval = SOSCCCleanupKVSKeys_Server(&error);
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, retval);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kSecXPCOpPopulateKVS:
+ if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainCloudCircle, &error)) {
+ bool retval = SOSCCTestPopulateKVSWithBadKeys_Server(&error);
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, retval);
+ }
+ break;
case kSecXPCOpMessageFromPeerIsPending:
SOSPeerInfoRef peer = SecXPCDictionaryCopyPeerInfo(event, kSecXPCKeyPeerInfo, &error);
xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, retval);
-#endif /* !TRUSTD_SERVER */
+ case sec_item_copy_parent_certificates_id:
+ {
+ CFArrayRef results = NULL;
+ if(EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateCertificateAllAccess, &error)) {
+ CFDataRef issuer = SecXPCDictionaryCopyData(event, kSecXPCKeyNormalizedIssuer, &error);
+ CFArrayRef accessGroups = SecXPCDictionaryCopyArray(event, kSecXPCKeyAccessGroups, &error);
+ if (issuer && accessGroups) {
+ results = _SecItemCopyParentCertificates(issuer, accessGroups, &error);
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(issuer);
+ CFReleaseNull(accessGroups);
+ }
+ SecXPCDictionarySetPListOptional(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, results, &error);
+ CFReleaseNull(results);
+ }
+ break;
+ case sec_item_certificate_exists_id:
+ {
+ bool result = false;
+ if(EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateCertificateAllAccess, &error)) {
+ CFDataRef issuer = SecXPCDictionaryCopyData(event, kSecXPCKeyNormalizedIssuer, &error);
+ CFDataRef serialNum = SecXPCDictionaryCopyData(event, kSecXPCKeySerialNumber, &error);
+ CFArrayRef accessGroups = SecXPCDictionaryCopyArray(event, kSecXPCKeyAccessGroups, &error);
+ if (issuer && serialNum && accessGroups) {
+ result = _SecItemCertificateExists(issuer, serialNum, accessGroups, &error);
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(issuer);
+ CFReleaseNull(serialNum);
+ CFReleaseNull(accessGroups);
+ }
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, result);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kSecXPCOpCKKSEndpoint: {
+ if(EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementPrivateCKKS, &error)) {
+ xpc_endpoint_t endpoint = SecServerCreateCKKSEndpoint();
+ if (endpoint) {
+ xpc_dictionary_set_value(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyEndpoint, endpoint);
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, true);
+ xpc_release(endpoint);
+ } else {
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, false);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case kSecXPCOpSOSEndpoint: {
+ if(EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementKeychainCloudCircle, &error)) {
+ xpc_endpoint_t endpoint = SOSCCCreateSOSEndpoint_server(&error);
+ if (endpoint) {
+ xpc_dictionary_set_value(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyEndpoint, endpoint);
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, true);
+ xpc_release(endpoint);
+ } else {
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, false);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case kSecXPCOpSecuritydXPCServerEndpoint: {
+ xpc_endpoint_t endpoint = SecCreateSecuritydXPCServerEndpoint(&error);
+ if (endpoint) {
+ xpc_dictionary_set_value(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyEndpoint, endpoint);
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, true);
+ xpc_release(endpoint);
+ } else {
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case kSecXPCOpBackupKeybagAdd: {
+ if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementBackupTableOperations, &error)) {
+ CFDataRef keybag = NULL, passcode = NULL;
+ if (SecXPCDictionaryCopyDataOptional(event, kSecXPCKeyUserPassword, &passcode, &error)) {
+ CFDataRef identifier = NULL;
+ CFDataRef pathinfo = NULL; // really a CFURLRef
+ bool added = _SecServerBackupKeybagAdd(&client, passcode, &identifier, &pathinfo, &error);
+ if (added) {
+ added &= SecXPCDictionarySetDataOptional(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyBackupKeybagIdentifier, identifier, &error);
+ added &= SecXPCDictionarySetDataOptional(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyBackupKeybagPath, pathinfo, &error);
+ SecXPCDictionarySetBool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, added, NULL);
+ } else {
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, false);
+ }
+ }
+ CFReleaseSafe(passcode);
+ CFReleaseSafe(keybag);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case kSecXPCOpBackupKeybagDelete: {
+ // >>>
+ if (EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementBackupTableOperations, &error)) {
+ bool deleted = false;
+ CFDictionaryRef query = SecXPCDictionaryCopyDictionary(event, kSecXPCKeyQuery, &error);
+ if (query) {
+ CFTypeRef matchLimit = CFDictionaryGetValue(query, kSecMatchLimit);
+ bool deleteAll = matchLimit && CFEqualSafe(matchLimit, kSecMatchLimitAll);
+ if (deleteAll && !EntitlementPresentAndTrue(operation, client.task, kSecEntitlementBackupTableOperationsDeleteAll, &error)) {
+ // require special entitlement to delete all backup keybags
+ } else {
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, query);
+ CFStringRef requestedAgrp = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kSecAttrAccessGroup);
+ CFStringRef resolvedAgrp = NULL;
+ if (client.musr) {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(attributes, kSecAttrMultiUser, client.musr);
+ }
+ if (extractAccessGroup(&client, requestedAgrp, &resolvedAgrp, &error)) {
+ if (resolvedAgrp) {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(attributes, kSecAttrAccessGroup, resolvedAgrp);
+ }
+ deleted = _SecServerBackupKeybagDelete(attributes, deleteAll, &error);
+ }
+ CFReleaseNull(resolvedAgrp);
+ CFReleaseNull(attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ xpc_dictionary_set_bool(replyMessage, kSecXPCKeyResult, deleted);
+ CFReleaseNull(query);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ xpc_activity_register("com.apple.securityd.daily", XPC_ACTIVITY_CHECK_IN, ^(xpc_activity_t activity) {
+ xpc_activity_state_t activityState = xpc_activity_get_state(activity);
+ if (activityState == XPC_ACTIVITY_STATE_RUN) {
+ SecCKKS24hrNotification();
+ }
+ });
-#include <trustd/SecTrustOSXEntryPoints.h>
-static void trustd_init_server(void) {
- SecTrustLegacySourcesEventRunloopCreate();
+static char *
+ static char homeDir[PATH_MAX] = {};
+ if (homeDir[0] == '\0') {
+ struct passwd* pwd = getpwuid(getuid());
+ if (pwd == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (realpath(pwd->pw_dir, homeDir) == NULL) {
+ strlcpy(homeDir, pwd->pw_dir, sizeof(homeDir));
+ }
+ }
+ return homeDir;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *wait4debugger = getenv("WAIT4DEBUGGER");
kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
- {
- CFDictionaryRef deviceMode = MKBUserTypeDeviceMode(NULL, NULL);
- CFTypeRef value = NULL;
- if (deviceMode && CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(deviceMode, kMKBDeviceModeKey, &value) && CFEqual(value, kMKBDeviceModeMultiUser)) {
- inMultiUser = 1;
- }
- CFReleaseNull(deviceMode);
- }
/* <rdar://problem/15792007> Users with network home folders are unable to use/save password for Mail/Cal/Contacts/websites
Secd doesn't realize DB connections get invalidated when network home directory users logout
and their home gets unmounted. Exit secd, start fresh when user logs back in.
int sessionstatechanged_tok;
notify_register_dispatch(kSA_SessionStateChangedNotification, &sessionstatechanged_tok, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(int token __unused) {
// we could be a process running as root.
+#define SECD_PROFILE_NAME "com.apple.secd"
+ const char *homedir = homedirPath();
+ if (homedir == NULL)
+ errx(1, "failed to get home directory for secd");
+ char *errorbuf = NULL;
+ const char *sandbox_params[] = {
+ "_HOME", homedir,
+ };
+ int32_t rc;
+ rc = sandbox_init_with_parameters(SECD_PROFILE_NAME, SANDBOX_NAMED, sandbox_params, &errorbuf);
+ if (rc)
+ err(1, "Failed to process in a sandbox: %d %s", rc, errorbuf);
+#endif /* TARGET_OS_OSX */
const char *serviceName = kSecuritydXPCServiceName;
- serviceName = kTrustdXPCServiceName;
- if (argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "--agent"))) {
- serviceName = kTrustdAgentXPCServiceName;
- }
/* setup SQDLite before some other component have a chance to create a database connection */
- _SecServerDatabaseSetup();
+ _SecDbServerSetup();
- trustd_init_server();
// <rdar://problem/22425706> 13B104+Roots:Device never moved past spinner after using approval to ENABLE icdp