-static CFStringRef ah_set_describe(const void *v) {
+static CFStringRef ah_set_describe(const void *v) CF_RETURNS_RETAINED {
transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(static_cast<SecTransformAttributeRef>(const_cast<void*>(v)));
return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@=%@ (conn: %@)"), ta->transform->GetName(), ta->name, ta->value ? ta->value : CFSTR("NULL"), ta->connections ? static_cast<CFTypeRef>(ta->connections) : static_cast<CFTypeRef>(CFSTR("NONE")));
-static CFStringRef AttributeHandleFormat(CFTypeRef ah, CFDictionaryRef dict) {
+static CFStringRef AttributeHandleFormat(CFTypeRef ah, CFDictionaryRef dict) CF_RETURNS_RETAINED {
transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@"), ta->transform->GetName(), ta->name);
-static CFStringRef AttributeHandleDebugFormat(CFTypeRef ah) {
+static CFStringRef AttributeHandleDebugFormat(CFTypeRef ah) CF_RETURNS_RETAINED {
transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@ (%p)"), ta->transform->GetName(), ta->name, ta);
if (ta->value)
- CFRelease(ta->value);
+ CFReleaseNull(ta->value);
// ta->q already released
if (ta->connections)
- CFRelease(ta->connections);
+ CFReleaseNull(ta->connections);
if (ta->semaphore)
static pthread_key_t ah_search_key_slot;
static void destroy_ah_search_key(void *ah) {
- CFRelease(ah);
+ CFReleaseNull(ah);
pthread_setspecific(ah_search_key_slot, NULL);
CFSetAddValue(mAttributes, ah);
if (CFSetGetCount(mAttributes) != cnt+1)
- CFRelease(ta->name);
+ CFReleaseNull(ta->name);
return NULL;
CFStringGetBytes(qname, CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(qname)), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?', FALSE, qnbuf, sz, &used);
qnbuf[used] = '\0';
ta->q = dispatch_queue_create((char*)qnbuf, NULL);
- CFRelease(qname);
+ CFReleaseNull(qname);
ta->semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(kMaxPendingTransactions);
ta->ignore_while_externalizing = 1;
CFStringRef attributeName = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, name, 0, kCFAllocatorMalloc);
SetAttributeNoCallback(kSecTransformTransformName, attributeName);
- CFRelease(attributeName);
+ CFReleaseNull(attributeName);
set_dispatch_finalizer(ta->q, ^{
// NOTE: not done until all pending use of the attribute queue has ended AND retain count is zero
ta->transform = NULL;
- CFRelease(ah);
+ CFReleaseSafe(ah);
// If there is a pending pushback the attribute queue will be suspended, and needs a kick before it can be destructed.
if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&ta->pushback_state, transform_attribute::pb_value, transform_attribute::pb_discard)) {
- CFRelease(mAttributes);
+ CFReleaseNull(mAttributes);
if (mAbortError) {
- CFRelease(mAbortError);
+ CFReleaseNull(mAbortError);
mAbortError = NULL;
// See if we can catch anything using us after our death
mDispatchQueue = (dispatch_queue_t)0xdeadbeef;
- CFRelease(mTypeName);
+ CFReleaseNull(mTypeName);
if (NULL != mPushedback)
- CFRelease(mPushedback);
+ CFReleaseNull(mPushedback);
-CFStringRef Transform::GetName() {
+CFStringRef Transform::GetName() CF_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED {
return (CFStringRef)GetAttribute(kSecTransformTransformName);
CFStringRef domain = CFErrorGetDomain(sourceError);
CFDictionaryRef oldUserInfo = CFErrorCopyUserInfo(sourceError);
CFMutableDictionaryRef userInfo = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, oldUserInfo);
- CFRelease(oldUserInfo);
+ CFReleaseNull(oldUserInfo);
// add the new key and value to the dictionary
CFDictionaryAddValue(userInfo, kSecTransformAbortOriginatorKey, GetCFObject());
// make a new CFError
CFErrorRef newError = CFErrorCreate(NULL, domain, code, userInfo);
- CFRelease(userInfo);
+ CFReleaseNull(userInfo);
return newError;
// by the dispatch queue finalizer so we don't need a retain/release of
// abortErr for the abortAction block, but we do need to retain it
// here to match with the release by the destructor.
- CFRetain(abortErr);
+ CFRetainSafe(abortErr);
dispatch_block_t abortAction = ^{
// This actually makes the abort happen, it needs to run on the transform's queue while the
if (CFGetTypeID(err) != CFErrorGetTypeID())
- replacementErr = err = CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidType, "ABORT set to a %@ (%@) not a %@", CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(err)), err, CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFErrorGetTypeID()));
+ CFStringRef thisErrorTypeDescription = CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(err));
+ CFStringRef regularErrorTypeDescription = CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFErrorGetTypeID());
+ replacementErr = err = CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidType, "ABORT set to a %@ (%@) not a %@", thisErrorTypeDescription, err, regularErrorTypeDescription);
+ CFReleaseNull(thisErrorTypeDescription);
+ CFReleaseNull(regularErrorTypeDescription);
error = RefactorErrorToIncludeAbortingTransform((CFErrorRef)err);
if (replacementErr)
- CFRelease(replacementErr);
+ CFReleaseNull(replacementErr);
GroupTransform *root = GetRootGroup();
dispatch_group_notify(all_aborted, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^(void) {
- CFRelease(error);
+ CFReleaseSafe(error);
if (ta->value != value) {
if (value && !doNotRetain) {
- CFRetain(value);
+ CFRetainSafe(value);
if (ta->value) {
- CFRelease(ta->value);
+ CFReleaseNull(ta->value);
if (mAbortError)
- return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorAborted, "ABORT has been sent to the transform (%@)", mAbortError);
+ CFErrorRef result = CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorAborted, "ABORT has been sent to the transform (%@)", mAbortError);
+ CFAutorelease(result);
+ return result;
// queue up the setting of the key and value
ah = getAH(static_cast<CFStringRef>(key));
if (!ah)
- return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorUnsupportedAttribute, "Can't set attribute %@ in transform %@", key, GetName());
+ CFErrorRef result = CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorUnsupportedAttribute, "Can't set attribute %@ in transform %@", key, GetName());
+ CFAutorelease(result);
+ return result;
- return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidType, "Transform::SetAttribute called with %@, requires a string or an AttributeHandle", key);
+ CFErrorRef result = CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidType, "Transform::SetAttribute called with %@, requires a string or an AttributeHandle", key);
+ CFAutorelease(result);
+ return result;
// Do this after the error check above so we don't leak
- if (value != NULL)
- {
- CFRetain(value); // if we use dispatch_async we need to own the value (the matching release is in the set block)
- }
+ CFRetainSafe(value); // if we use dispatch_async we need to own the value (the matching release is in the set block)
transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
dispatch_block_t set = ^{
Do(ah, value);
- if (value != NULL)
- {
- CFRelease(value);
- }
+ CFReleaseSafe(value);
if (value)
- CFRetain(value);
+ CFRetainSafe(value);
ta->pushback_value = value;
Do(ah, v);
if (v)
- CFRelease(v);
+ CFReleaseNull(v);
if (ta->pushback_state == transform_attribute::pb_repush) {
ta->pushback_state = transform_attribute::pb_empty;
- CFRelease(pb);
+ CFReleaseNull(pb);
if (succeeded && CFArrayGetCount(mPushedback)) {
// some attribute changed while we proceeded the last batch of pushbacks, so any "new" pushbacks are eligible to run again.
CFURLRef p = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, CFSTR("/dev/stderr"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, FALSE);
StdErrWriteStream = CFWriteStreamCreateWithFile(NULL, p);
- CFRelease(p);
+ CFReleaseNull(p);
out = StdErrWriteStream;
CFStringRef fmt = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, cfmt, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithFormatAndArguments(NULL, NULL, fmt, ap);
- CFRelease(fmt);
+ CFReleaseNull(fmt);
- CFRelease(str);
+ CFReleaseNull(str);
if (isFinal)
dispatch_async(this->mDispatchQueue, ^{
- CFRelease(g);
+ CFReleaseSafe(g);
if (!deliveryBlock)
- CFRelease(g);
+ CFReleaseNull(g);
return ret;
// Do a retain on our parent since we are using it
GroupTransform *rootGroup = GetRootGroup();
- CFRetain(rootGroup->GetCFObject());
+ CFRetainSafe(rootGroup->GetCFObject());
CFTypeRef result = NULL;
// It is safe to keep the monitors attached, because it is invalid to try to execute again, BUT
// we do need to release the reference to the group that the monitor would normally release
// when it processes the final message.
- CFRelease(rootGroup->GetCFObject());
- CFRelease(monitorRef);
+ CFReleaseSafe(rootGroup->GetCFObject());
+ CFReleaseNull(monitorRef);
return NULL;
dispatch_group_notify(activated, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// once we have been activated (but not before!), the monitor belongs to the group, and we can drop our claim
- CFRelease(monitorRef);
+ CFReleaseSafe(monitorRef);
if (still_need) {
CFStringRef elist = CFStringCreateByCombiningStrings(NULL, still_need, CFSTR(", "));
CFErrorRef err = CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorMissingParameter, "Can not execute %@, missing required attributes: %@", GetName(), elist);
- CFRelease(elist);
- CFRelease(still_need);
+ CFReleaseNull(elist);
+ CFReleaseNull(still_need);
return err;
static const void *CFTypeOrNULLRetain(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value) {
- if (value != NULL) {
- return CFRetain(value);
- } else {
- return value;
- }
+ return CFRetainSafe(value);
static void CFTypeOrNULLRelease(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value) {
- if (value != NULL) {
- CFRelease(value);
- }
+ CFReleaseNull(value);
static CFStringRef CFTypeOrNULLCopyDescription (const void *value) {
for(i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
- CFRelease(keys[i]);
+ CFReleaseNull(keys[i]);
return ret;
transform_attribute *ta = attrs[i];
if (!ta->ignore_while_externalizing)
- CFRelease(values[j++]);
+ CFReleaseNull(values[j++]);
CFErrorRef result = SendMetaAttribute(ah, (SecTransformMetaAttributeType)t, meta_values[j]);
- if (result)
- {
- CFRelease(result); // see <rdar://problem/8741628> Transform::RestoreState is ignoring error returns
- }
+ CFReleaseNull(result); // see <rdar://problem/8741628> Transform::RestoreState is ignoring error returns
CFErrorRef result = SendMetaAttribute(ah, kSecTransformMetaAttributeExternalize, kCFBooleanTrue);
- if (result)
- {
- CFRelease(result); // see <rdar://problem/8741628> Transform::RestoreState is ignoring error returns
- }
+ CFReleaseNull(result); // see <rdar://problem/8741628> Transform::RestoreState is ignoring error returns
// Really? This just seems like a bad idea
if (NULL != error)
+ CFRetainSafe(err);
*error = err;
return NULL;
CFDictionaryAddValue(output, EXTERN_TRANSFORM_CONNECTION_ARRAY, connections);
// clean up
- CFRelease(connections);
- CFRelease(transforms);
+ CFReleaseNull(connections);
+ CFReleaseNull(transforms);
return output;
CFTypeRef type = CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, mTypeName);
CFDictionaryAddValue(node, EXTERN_TRANSFORM_TYPE, type);
- CFRelease(type);
+ CFReleaseNull(type);
if (state != NULL)
CFDictionaryAddValue(node, EXTERN_TRANSFORM_STATE, state);
- CFRelease(state);
+ CFReleaseNull(state);
CFDictionaryRef customItems = GetCustomExternalData();
if (NULL != customItems)
- CFRelease(customItems);
+ CFReleaseNull(customItems);
// append the resulting dictionary to the node list
CFArrayAppendValue(transforms, node);
- CFRelease(node);
+ CFReleaseNull(node);
// now walk the attribute list
CFIndex numAttributes = CFSetGetCount(mAttributes);
CFDictionaryAddValue(connection, EXTERN_TRANSFORM_TO_ATTRIBUTE, ta->name);
CFArrayAppendValue(connections, connection);
- CFRelease(connection);
+ CFReleaseNull(connection);