// Generate a certificate key from the issuer and serialnumber, then look it up in the database.
// Return the cert if found. "issuerAndSN" is the issuer and serial number to look for
SecCertificateRef CERT_FindCertByIssuerAndSN (CFTypeRef keychainOrArray,
- CSSM_DATA_PTR *rawCerts, PRArenaPool *pl, const SecCmsIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN);
+ CSSM_DATA_PTR *rawCerts, CFArrayRef certList,
+ PRArenaPool *pl, const SecCmsIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN);
SecCertificateRef CERT_FindCertBySubjectKeyID (CFTypeRef keychainOrArray,
- CSSM_DATA_PTR *rawCerts, const SECItem *subjKeyID);
+ CSSM_DATA_PTR *rawCerts, CFArrayRef certList, const SECItem *subjKeyID);
SecIdentityRef CERT_FindIdentityByIssuerAndSN (CFTypeRef keychainOrArray, const SecCmsIssuerAndSN *issuerAndSN);