-// CircleJoinRequested.m
-// CircleJoinRequested
-// Created by J Osborne on 3/5/13.
-// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
#import <Accounts/Accounts.h>
#import <Accounts/ACAccountStore_Private.h>
#import <Accounts/ACAccountType_Private.h>
#import "CoreCDP/CDPFollowUpController.h"
#import "CoreCDP/CDPFollowUpContext.h"
+#import <CoreCDP/CDPAccount.h>
// As long as we are logging the failure use exit code of zero to make launchd happy
#define EXIT_LOGGED_FAILURE(code) xpc_transaction_end(); exit(0)
bool _isLocked = true;
bool processApplicantsAfterUnlock = false;
bool _unlockedSinceBoot = false;
+bool _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError = false;
+bool _isAccountICDP = false;
-NSString *castleKeychainUrl = @"prefs:root=CASTLE&path=Keychain/ADVANCED";
-NSString *rejoinICDPUrl = @"prefs:root=CASTLE&aaaction=CDP&command=rejoin";
+NSString *castleKeychainUrl = @"prefs:root=APPLE_ACCOUNT&path=ICLOUD_SERVICE/com.apple.Dataclass.KeychainSync/ADVANCED";
+NSString *rejoinICDPUrl = @"prefs:root=APPLE_ACCOUNT&aaaction=CDP&command=rejoin";
BOOL processRequests(CFErrorRef *error);
+static void PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP(void)
+ ACAccountStore *accountStore = [[ACAccountStore alloc] init];
+ ACAccount *account = [accountStore aa_primaryAppleAccount];
+ NSString *dsid = account.accountProperties[@"personID"];
+ BOOL isICDPEnabled = NO;
+ if (dsid) {
+ isICDPEnabled = [CDPAccount isICDPEnabledForDSID:dsid];
+ NSLog(@"iCDP: PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP returning %@", isICDPEnabled ? @"TRUE" : @"FALSE");
+ } else {
+ NSLog(@"iCDP: no primary account");
+ }
+ _isAccountICDP = isICDPEnabled;
+ secnotice("cjr", "account is icdp: %d", _isAccountICDP);
static void keybagDidLock()
processApplicantsAfterUnlock = false;
+ SOSCCStatus circleStatus = SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle(&error);
+ if(_isAccountICDP && (circleStatus == kSOSCCError || circleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent || circleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle) && _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError == false){
+ NSError *localError = nil;
+ CDPFollowUpContext *context = [CDPFollowUpContext contextForStateRepair];
+ CDPFollowUpController *cdpd = [[CDPFollowUpController alloc] init];
+ [cdpd postFollowUpWithContext:context error:&localError ];
+ secnotice("cjr", "account is icdp");
+ if(localError){
+ secnotice("cjr", "request to CoreCDP to follow up failed: %@", localError);
+ }
+ else{
+ secnotice("cjr", "CoreCDP handling follow up");
+ _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(_isAccountICDP && circleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle){
+ _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError = false;
+ }
+ else{
+ secnotice("cjr", "account not icdp");
+ }
static bool updateIsLocked ()
static void passwordFailurePrompt()
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
NSString *pwIncorrect = [NSString stringWithFormat:(NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_PASSWORD_INCORRECT)), appleIDAccountName()];
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
NSString *tryAgain = CFBridgingRelease(SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_TRY_AGAIN));
NSDictionary *noteAttributes = @{
(id) kCFUserNotificationAlertHeaderKey : pwIncorrect,
if(!applicantToAskAbout || !applicantToAskAbout.name || !applicantToAskAbout.deviceType)
return NULL;
- NSString *header = [NSString stringWithFormat: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_TITLE_IOS), applicantToAskAbout.name];
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
+ NSString *header = [NSString stringWithFormat: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVAL_TITLE), applicantToAskAbout.name];
NSString *body = [NSString stringWithFormat: getLocalizedApprovalBody(applicantToAskAbout.deviceType), appleIDAccountName()];
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
return @{
(id) kCFUserNotificationAlertHeaderKey : header,
(id) kCFUserNotificationAlertMessageKey : body,
- (id) kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey : (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_ALLOW),
- (id) kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_DONT_ALLOW),
+ (id) kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey : (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_APPROVE),
+ (id) kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_DECLINE),
(id) kCFUserNotificationTextFieldTitlesKey : (__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_ICLOUD_PASSWORD),
(id) kCFUserNotificationAlertTopMostKey : @YES, // get us onto the lock screen
(__bridge_transfer id) SBUserNotificationDontDismissOnUnlock: @YES,
if (responseFlags == kCFUserNotificationDefaultResponse) {
// We need to let things unwind to main for the new state to get saved
- ACAccountStore *store = [ACAccountStore new];
- ACAccount *primary = [store aa_primaryAppleAccount];
- NSString *dsid = [primary aa_personID];
- bool localICDP = false;
- if (dsid) {
- NSDictionary *options = @{ (__bridge id) kPCSSetupDSID : dsid, };
- PCSIdentitySetRef identity = PCSIdentitySetCreate((__bridge CFDictionaryRef) options, NULL, NULL);
- if (identity) {
- localICDP = PCSIdentitySetIsICDP(identity, NULL);
- CFRelease(identity);
- }
- }
- NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: localICDP ? rejoinICDPUrl : castleKeychainUrl];
+ NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: _isAccountICDP ? rejoinICDPUrl : castleKeychainUrl];
BOOL ok = [[LSApplicationWorkspace defaultWorkspace] openSensitiveURL:url withOptions:nil];
+ secnotice("cjr","kickOutChoice account is iCDP: %d", _isAccountICDP);
secnotice("cjr", "ok=%d opening %@", ok, url);
else if (responseFlags == kCFUserNotificationAlternateResponse) {
// We need to let things unwind to main for the new state to get saved
- CDPFollowUpController *cdpd = [[CDPFollowUpController alloc] init];
- ACAccountStore *store = [ACAccountStore new];
- ACAccount *primary = [store aa_primaryAppleAccount];
- NSString *dsid = [primary aa_personID];
- bool localICDP = false;
- if (dsid) {
- NSDictionary *options = @{ (__bridge id) kPCSSetupDSID : dsid, };
- PCSIdentitySetRef identity = PCSIdentitySetCreate((__bridge CFDictionaryRef) options, NULL, NULL);
- if (identity) {
- localICDP = PCSIdentitySetIsICDP(identity, NULL);
- CFRelease(identity);
- }
- }
- if(localICDP){
+ if(_isAccountICDP){
+ CDPFollowUpController *cdpd = [[CDPFollowUpController alloc] init];
NSError *localError = nil;
CDPFollowUpContext *context = [CDPFollowUpContext contextForStateRepair];
[cdpd postFollowUpWithContext:context error:&localError ];
secnotice("cjr", "request to CoreCDP to follow up failed: %@", localError);
- else
+ else{
secnotice("cjr", "CoreCDP handling follow up");
+ _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError = true;
+ }
"unknown reason"
int idx = (kSOSDepartureReasonError <= reason && reason <= kSOSLostPrivateKey) ? reason : (kSOSLostPrivateKey + 1);
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral"
NSString *reason_str = [NSString stringWithFormat:(__bridge_transfer NSString *) SecCopyCKString(SEC_CK_CR_REASON_INTERNAL),
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
message = [message stringByAppendingString: reason_str];
- if(circleStatus == kSOSCCError && state.lastCircleStatus != kSOSCCError && (departureReason == kSOSNeverLeftCircle)) {
- secnotice("cjr", "error from SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle: %@", error);
+ PSKeychainSyncIsUsingICDP();
+ if(_isAccountICDP){
+ if((circleStatus == kSOSCCError || circleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent || circleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle) && _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError == false) {
+ secnotice("cjr", "error from SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle: %@", error);
+ secnotice("cjr", "iCDP: We need to get back into the circle");
+ doOnceInMain(^{
+ if(_isAccountICDP){
+ NSError *localError = nil;
+ CDPFollowUpController *cdpd = [[CDPFollowUpController alloc] init];
+ CDPFollowUpContext *context = [CDPFollowUpContext contextForStateRepair];
+ [cdpd postFollowUpWithContext:context error:&localError ];
+ if(localError){
+ secnotice("cjr", "request to CoreCDP to follow up failed: %@", localError);
+ }
+ else{
+ secnotice("cjr", "CoreCDP handling follow up");
+ _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ postKickedOutAlert(kSOSPasswordChanged);
+ state.lastCircleStatus = kSOSCCError;
+ [state writeToStorage];
+ }
+ });
+ state.lastCircleStatus = circleStatus;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(circleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle){
+ secnotice("cjr", "follow up should be resolved");
+ _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError = false;
+ }
+ else{
+ secnotice("cjr", "followup not resolved");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(circleStatus == kSOSCCError && state.lastCircleStatus != kSOSCCError && (departureReason == kSOSNeverLeftCircle)
+ && !_isAccountICDP) {
+ secnotice("cjr", "SA: error from SOSCCThisDeviceIsInCircle: %@", error);
CFIndex errorCode = CFErrorGetCode(error);
if(errorCode == kSOSErrorPublicKeyAbsent){
- secnotice("cjr", "We need the password to re-validate ourselves - it's changed on another device");
+ secnotice("cjr", "SA: We need the password to re-validate ourselves - it's changed on another device");
state.lastCircleStatus = kSOSCCError;
[state writeToStorage];
return true;
// No longer in circle?
if ((state.lastCircleStatus == kSOSCCInCircle && (circleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle || circleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent)) ||
(state.lastCircleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent && circleStatus == kSOSCCNotInCircle && state.absentCircleWithNoReason) ||
if (departureReason != kSOSDepartureReasonError) {
state.absentCircleWithNoReason = (circleStatus == kSOSCCCircleAbsent && departureReason == kSOSNeverLeftCircle);
secnotice("cjr", "Depature reason %d", departureReason);
- postKickedOutAlert(departureReason);
+ if(!_isAccountICDP){
+ secnotice("cjr", "posting revocation notification!");
+ postKickedOutAlert(departureReason);
+ }
+ else if(_isAccountICDP && _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError == false){
+ NSError *localError = nil;
+ CDPFollowUpController *cdpd = [[CDPFollowUpController alloc] init];
+ CDPFollowUpContext *context = [CDPFollowUpContext contextForStateRepair];
+ [cdpd postFollowUpWithContext:context error:&localError ];
+ if(localError){
+ secnotice("cjr", "request to CoreCDP to follow up failed: %@", localError);
+ }
+ else{
+ secnotice("cjr", "CoreCDP handling follow up");
+ _hasPostedFollowupAndStillInError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ secnotice("cjr", "still waiting for followup to resolve");
+ }
secnotice("cjr", "pKOA returned (cS %d lCS %d)", circleStatus, state.lastCircleStatus);
} else {
secnotice("cjr", "Couldn't get last departure reason: %@", departError);