@enum Security Error Codes
@abstract Represents the result codes.
-@constant errSecNotAvailable No trust results are available.
+@constant errSecNotAvailable No keychain is available.
@constant errSecReadOnly Read only error.
@constant errSecAuthFailed Authorization/Authentication failed.
@constant errSecNoSuchKeychain The keychain does not exist.
@constant errSecInvalidKeychain The keychain is not valid.
@constant errSecDuplicateKeychain A keychain with the same name already exists.
-@constant errSecDuplicateCallback More than one callback of the same name exists.
-@constant errSecInvalidCallback The callback is not valid.
+@constant errSecDuplicateCallback The specified callback is already installed.
+@constant errSecInvalidCallback The specified callback is not valid.
@constant errSecDuplicateItem The item already exists.
@constant errSecItemNotFound The item cannot be found.
@constant errSecBufferTooSmall The buffer is too small.
@constant errSecPolicyNotFound The policy specified cannot be found.
@constant errSecInvalidTrustSetting The trust setting is invalid.
@constant errSecNoAccessForItem The specified item has no access control.
+@constant errSecInvalidOwnerEdit Invalid attempt to change the owner of this item.
+@constant errSecTrustNotAvailable No trust results are available.
@discussion The assigned error space is discontinuous: -25240..-25279, -25290..25329.
+ Note: the comments that appear after these errors are used to create SecErrorMessages.strings.
+ The comments must not be multi-line, and should be in a form meaningful to an end user. If
+ a different or additional comment is needed, it can be put in the header doc format, or on a
+ line that does not start with errZZZ.
- errSecNotAvailable = -25291,
- errSecReadOnly = -25292,
- errSecAuthFailed = -25293,
- errSecNoSuchKeychain = -25294,
- errSecInvalidKeychain = -25295,
- errSecDuplicateKeychain = -25296,
- errSecDuplicateCallback = -25297,
- errSecInvalidCallback = -25298,
- errSecDuplicateItem = -25299,
- errSecItemNotFound = -25300,
- errSecBufferTooSmall = -25301,
- errSecDataTooLarge = -25302,
- errSecNoSuchAttr = -25303,
- errSecInvalidItemRef = -25304,
- errSecInvalidSearchRef = -25305,
- errSecNoSuchClass = -25306,
- errSecNoDefaultKeychain = -25307,
- errSecInteractionNotAllowed = -25308,
- errSecReadOnlyAttr = -25309,
- errSecWrongSecVersion = -25310,
- errSecKeySizeNotAllowed = -25311,
- errSecNoStorageModule = -25312,
- errSecNoCertificateModule = -25313,
- errSecNoPolicyModule = -25314,
- errSecInteractionRequired = -25315,
- errSecDataNotAvailable = -25316,
- errSecDataNotModifiable = -25317,
- errSecCreateChainFailed = -25318,
+ errSecNotAvailable = -25291, /* No keychain is available. You may need to restart your computer. */
+ errSecReadOnly = -25292, /* This keychain cannot be modified. */
+ errSecAuthFailed = -25293, /* The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct. */
+ errSecNoSuchKeychain = -25294, /* The specified keychain could not be found. */
+ errSecInvalidKeychain = -25295, /* The specified keychain is not a valid keychain file. */
+ errSecDuplicateKeychain = -25296, /* A keychain with the same name already exists. */
+ errSecDuplicateCallback = -25297, /* The specified callback function is already installed. */
+ errSecInvalidCallback = -25298, /* The specified callback function is not valid. */
+ errSecDuplicateItem = -25299, /* The specified item already exists in the keychain. */
+ errSecItemNotFound = -25300, /* The specified item could not be found in the keychain. */
+ errSecBufferTooSmall = -25301, /* There is not enough memory available to use the specified item. */
+ errSecDataTooLarge = -25302, /* This item contains information which is too large or in a format that cannot be displayed. */
+ errSecNoSuchAttr = -25303, /* The specified attribute does not exist. */
+ errSecInvalidItemRef = -25304, /* The specified item is no longer valid. It may have been deleted from the keychain. */
+ errSecInvalidSearchRef = -25305, /* Unable to search the current keychain. */
+ errSecNoSuchClass = -25306, /* The specified item does not appear to be a valid keychain item. */
+ errSecNoDefaultKeychain = -25307, /* A default keychain could not be found. */
+ errSecInteractionNotAllowed = -25308, /* User interaction is not allowed. */
+ errSecReadOnlyAttr = -25309, /* The specified attribute could not be modified. */
+ errSecWrongSecVersion = -25310, /* This keychain was created by a different version of the system software and cannot be opened. */
+ errSecKeySizeNotAllowed = -25311, /* This item specifies a key size which is too large. */
+ errSecNoStorageModule = -25312, /* A required component (data storage module) could not be loaded. You may need to restart your computer. */
+ errSecNoCertificateModule = -25313, /* A required component (certificate module) could not be loaded. You may need to restart your computer. */
+ errSecNoPolicyModule = -25314, /* A required component (policy module) could not be loaded. You may need to restart your computer. */
+ errSecInteractionRequired = -25315, /* User interaction is required, but is currently not allowed. */
+ errSecDataNotAvailable = -25316, /* The contents of this item cannot be retrieved. */
+ errSecDataNotModifiable = -25317, /* The contents of this item cannot be modified. */
+ errSecCreateChainFailed = -25318, /* One or more certificates required to validate this certificate cannot be found. */
+ errSecInvalidPrefsDomain = -25319, /* The specified preferences domain is not valid. */
- errSecACLNotSimple = -25240,
- errSecPolicyNotFound = -25241,
- errSecInvalidTrustSetting = -25242,
- errSecNoAccessForItem = -25243,
- errSecInvalidOwnerEdit = -25244
+ errSecACLNotSimple = -25240, /* The specified access control list is not in standard (simple) form. */
+ errSecPolicyNotFound = -25241, /* The specified policy cannot be found. */
+ errSecInvalidTrustSetting = -25242, /* The specified trust setting is invalid. */
+ errSecNoAccessForItem = -25243, /* The specified item has no access control. */
+ errSecInvalidOwnerEdit = -25244, /* Invalid attempt to change the owner of this item. */
+ errSecTrustNotAvailable = -25245 /* No trust results are available. */
#if defined(__cplusplus)