#include "SecBridge.h"
#include "StorageManager.h"
#include "KCCursor.h"
+#include <os/activity.h>
-/* I'm not sure we need this */
-#if 0
-CFTypeID SecKeychainItemExtendedAttributesGetTypeID(void);
-static CFTypeID SecKeychainItemExtendedAttributesGetTypeID(void)
- return gTypes().ExtendedAttribute.typeID;
- END_SECAPI1(_kCFRuntimeNotATypeID)
+#include "LegacyAPICounts.h"
extern "C" Boolean SecKeyIsCDSAKey(SecKeyRef ref);
//%%% This needs to detect SecCertificateRef items, and when it does, SecKeychainItemDelete must be updated
+ os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecKeychainItemSetExtendedAttribute", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_IF_NONE_PRESENT);
+ os_activity_scope(activity);
+ os_release(activity);
if((itemRef == NULL) || (attrName == NULL)) {
return errSecParam;
//%%% This needs to detect SecCertificateRef items
+ os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecKeychainItemCopyExtendedAttribute", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_IF_NONE_PRESENT);
+ os_activity_scope(activity);
+ os_release(activity);
if((itemRef == NULL) || (attrName == NULL) || (attrValue == NULL)) {
return errSecParam;
//%%% This needs to detect SecCertificateRef items, and when it does, SecKeychainItemDelete must be updated
+ os_activity_t activity = os_activity_create("SecKeychainItemCopyAllExtendedAttributes", OS_ACTIVITY_CURRENT, OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_IF_NONE_PRESENT);
+ os_activity_scope(activity);
+ os_release(activity);
if((itemRef == NULL) || (attrNames == NULL)) {
return errSecParam;