event of a fatal runtime error. The current versions of this
function use printf() to log the reason and call exit(1).
- unsigned createRandomSeed();
- This function obtains a 32-bit number with which FEE's
- pseudo-random number generator is seeded. The implementation
- of this function is highly platform-specific and also depends
- on the amount of security required from the RNG in a
- particular application. Common (and simple) implementations
- involve obtaining a high-precision system clock, process
- ID values. etc.
- Note that this function is called during a call to feeRandAlloc()
- in feeRandom.c. Clients of the FEE library can also avoid this
- mechanism by instantiating the RNG via feeRandAllocWithSeed(),
- passing in an application-specific seed.
The file platform.h contains a definition for the endianness of the
current platform. Either __BIG_ENDIAN__ or __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ must
be #defined at compile time. If your compiler does not implicitly