- * Copyright (c) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include <AssertMacros.h>
-#include <Security/SecCmsDecoder.h>
+#include <security_asn1/secasn1.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsBase.h>
#include <Security/SecCmsMessage.h>
-#include <Security/SecCmsContentInfo.h>
#include <Security/SecCmsSignedData.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsContentInfo.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsSignerInfo.h>
#include <Security/SecCertificate.h>
#include <Security/SecCertificatePriv.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsDecoder.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsEncoder.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsDigestContext.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsEnvelopedData.h>
+#include <Security/SecCmsRecipientInfo.h>
+#include <utilities/SecCFRelease.h>
+#include <secitem.h>
+#include <cmslocal.h>
+#include "cmstpriv.h"
+#include "cmspriv.h"
#include <SecCMS.h>
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSSignDigest = CFSTR("kSecCMSSignDigest");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSSignDetached = CFSTR("kSecCMSSignDetached");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSCertChainMode = CFSTR("kSecCMSCertChainMode");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSAdditionalCerts = CFSTR("kSecCMSAdditionalCerts");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSSignedAttributes = CFSTR("kSecCMSSignedAttributes");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSSignDate = CFSTR("kSecCMSSignDate");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSAllCerts = CFSTR("kSecCMSAllCerts");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSBulkEncryptionAlgorithm = CFSTR("kSecCMSBulkEncryptionAlgorithm");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmDESCBC = CFSTR("kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmDESCBC");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmAESCBC = CFSTR("kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmAESCBC");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSSignHashAlgorithm = CFSTR("kSecCMSSignHashAlgorithm");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA1 = CFSTR("kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA1");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA256 = CFSTR("kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA256");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA384 = CFSTR("kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA384");
+CFTypeRef kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA512 = CFSTR("kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA512");
+static SecCmsAttribute *
+make_attr(PLArenaPool *poolp, SecAsn1Item *type, SecAsn1Item *value, bool encoded)
+ SecAsn1Item * copiedvalue;
+ SecCmsAttribute *attr = (SecCmsAttribute *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(SecCmsAttribute));
+ if (attr == NULL)
+ goto loser;
+ if (SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, &(attr->type), type) != SECSuccess)
+ goto loser;
+ if (value != NULL) {
+ if ((copiedvalue = SECITEM_AllocItem(poolp, NULL, value->Length)) == NULL)
+ goto loser;
+ if (SECITEM_CopyItem(poolp, copiedvalue, value) != SECSuccess)
+ goto loser;
+ if (SecCmsArrayAdd(poolp, (void ***)&(attr->values), (void *)copiedvalue) != SECSuccess)
+ goto loser;
+ }
+ attr->encoded = encoded;
+ return attr;
+static void
+signerinfo_add_auth_attr(SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo, /*SECOidTag oidtag*/
+ SecAsn1Item *oid, SecAsn1Item *value, bool encoded)
+ PLArenaPool *poolp = signerinfo->cmsg->poolp;
+ PORT_Assert (poolp != NULL);
+ void *mark = PORT_ArenaMark (poolp);
+ SecCmsAttribute *attr = make_attr(poolp, oid, value, encoded);
+ if (!attr || SecCmsAttributeArrayAddAttr(poolp, &(signerinfo->authAttr), attr) != SECSuccess)
+ goto loser;
+ PORT_ArenaUnmark (poolp, mark);
+ return;
+ PORT_Assert (mark != NULL);
+ PORT_ArenaRelease (poolp, mark);
+ return;
+static void sign_all_attributes(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
+ SecAsn1Item oid = { CFDataGetLength(key), (uint8_t*)CFDataGetBytePtr(key) },
+ oid_value = { CFDataGetLength(value), (uint8_t*)CFDataGetBytePtr(value) };
+ signerinfo_add_auth_attr((SecCmsSignerInfoRef)context, &oid, &oid_value, true);
+static OSStatus SecCMSSignDataOrDigestAndAttributes(SecIdentityRef identity,
+ CFDataRef data, bool detached, bool data_is_digest, SECOidTag sign_algorithm,
+ CFMutableDataRef signed_data, CFDictionaryRef signed_attributes, SecCmsCertChainMode chainMode, CFArrayRef additional_certs)
+ SecCmsMessageRef cmsg = NULL;
+ SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo;
+ SecCmsSignedDataRef sigd = NULL;
+ SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo;
+ OSStatus status = errSecParam;
+ PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
+ require(!data_is_digest || detached /* if digest, must be detached */, out);
+ require(cmsg = SecCmsMessageCreate(NULL), out);
+ require(sigd = SecCmsSignedDataCreate(cmsg), out);
+ require(cinfo = SecCmsMessageGetContentInfo(cmsg), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsContentInfoSetContentSignedData(cmsg, cinfo, sigd), out);
+ require(cinfo = SecCmsSignedDataGetContentInfo(sigd), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsContentInfoSetContentData(cmsg, cinfo, NULL, detached), out);
+ require(signerinfo = SecCmsSignerInfoCreate(cmsg, identity, sign_algorithm), out);
+ if (additional_certs)
+ require_noerr(SecCmsSignedDataAddCertList(sigd, additional_certs), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsSignerInfoIncludeCerts(signerinfo, chainMode, certUsageAnyCA), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsSignerInfoAddSigningTime(signerinfo, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()), out);
+ if (signed_attributes)
+ CFDictionaryApplyFunction(signed_attributes, sign_all_attributes, signerinfo);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsSignedDataAddSignerInfo(sigd, signerinfo), out);
+ SecAsn1Item input = {};
+ if (data) {
+ input.Length = CFDataGetLength(data);
+ input.Data = (uint8_t*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
+ }
+ CSSM_DATA cssm_signed_data = {0, NULL};
+ // make an encoder context
+ if ((arena = PORT_NewArena(1024)) == NULL) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (data_is_digest) {
+ require_noerr(SecCmsSignedDataSetDigestValue(sigd, sign_algorithm, &input), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsMessageEncode(cmsg, NULL, (SecArenaPoolRef)arena, &cssm_signed_data), out);
+ }
+ else
+ require_noerr(SecCmsMessageEncode(cmsg,(data && input.Length) ? &input : NULL,
+ (SecArenaPoolRef)arena, &cssm_signed_data), out);
+ if (signed_data && cssm_signed_data.Data) {
+ CFDataAppendBytes(signed_data, cssm_signed_data.Data, cssm_signed_data.Length);
+ }
+ status = errSecSuccess;
+ if (arena) PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
+ if (cmsg) SecCmsMessageDestroy(cmsg);
+ return status;
+OSStatus SecCMSCreateSignedData(SecIdentityRef identity, CFDataRef data,
+ CFDictionaryRef parameters, CFDictionaryRef signed_attributes,
+ CFMutableDataRef signed_data)
+ bool is_digest = false, is_detached = false;
+ CFStringRef algorithm_name = NULL;
+ SecCmsCertChainMode chain_mode = SecCmsCMCertChain;
+ CFArrayRef additional_certs = NULL;
+ if (parameters) {
+ is_digest = CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(parameters,
+ kSecCMSSignDigest, NULL);
+ is_detached = CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(parameters,
+ kSecCMSSignDetached, NULL);
+ algorithm_name = CFDictionaryGetValue(parameters,
+ kSecCMSSignHashAlgorithm);
+ CFTypeRef chain_mode_param = CFDictionaryGetValue(parameters, kSecCMSCertChainMode);
+ if (chain_mode_param && (CFGetTypeID(chain_mode_param) == CFStringGetTypeID()))
+ chain_mode = CFStringGetIntValue(chain_mode_param);
+ CFTypeRef additional_certs_param = CFDictionaryGetValue(parameters, kSecCMSAdditionalCerts);
+ if (additional_certs_param && (CFGetTypeID(additional_certs_param) == CFArrayGetTypeID()))
+ additional_certs = (CFArrayRef)additional_certs_param;
+ }
+ SECOidTag algorithm = SEC_OID_SHA1;
+ if (algorithm_name) {
+ if (CFEqual(kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA1, algorithm_name)) {
+ algorithm = SEC_OID_SHA1;
+ } else if (CFEqual(kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA256, algorithm_name)) {
+ algorithm = SEC_OID_SHA256;
+ } else if (CFEqual(kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA384, algorithm_name)) {
+ algorithm = SEC_OID_SHA384;
+ } else if (CFEqual(kSecCMSHashingAlgorithmSHA512, algorithm_name)) {
+ algorithm = SEC_OID_SHA512;
+ } else {
+ // signing with MD5 is no longer allowed
+ algorithm = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ return SecCMSSignDataOrDigestAndAttributes(identity, data,
+ is_detached, is_digest, algorithm,
+ signed_data, signed_attributes, chain_mode, additional_certs);
+static OSStatus
+SecCmsSignedDataSetDigestContext(SecCmsSignedDataRef sigd,
+ SecCmsDigestContextRef digestContext)
+ SecAsn1Item * *digests;
+ PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
+ if ((arena = PORT_NewArena(1024)) == NULL)
+ goto loser;
+ if (SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple(digestContext, (SecArenaPoolRef)arena, &digests) != SECSuccess)
+ goto loser;
+ SECAlgorithmID **digestAlgorithms = SecCmsSignedDataGetDigestAlgs(sigd);
+ if(digestAlgorithms == NULL) {
+ goto loser;
+ }
+ if (SecCmsSignedDataSetDigests(sigd, digestAlgorithms, digests) != SECSuccess)
+ goto loser;
+ if (arena) {
+ PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ if (arena)
+ PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
+ return PORT_GetError();
+static CFMutableArrayRef copy_signed_attribute_values(SecCmsAttribute *attr)
+ CFMutableArrayRef array = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ SecAsn1Item **item = attr->values;
+ if (item) while (*item) {
+ CFDataRef asn1data = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (*item)->Data, (*item)->Length);
+ if (asn1data) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(array, asn1data);
+ CFRelease(asn1data);
+ }
+ item++;
+ }
+ return array;
+static OSStatus SecCMSVerifySignedData_internal(CFDataRef message, CFDataRef detached_contents,
+ CFTypeRef policy, SecTrustRef *trustref, CFArrayRef additional_certs,
+ CFDataRef *attached_contents, CFDictionaryRef *signed_attributes)
+ SecCmsMessageRef cmsg = NULL;
+ SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo;
+ SecCmsSignedDataRef sigd = NULL;
+ OSStatus status = errSecParam;
+ require(message, out);
+ SecAsn1Item encoded_message = { CFDataGetLength(message), (uint8_t*)CFDataGetBytePtr(message) };
+ require_noerr_action_quiet(SecCmsMessageDecode(&encoded_message, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cmsg),
+ out, status = errSecDecode);
+ /* expected to be a signed data message at the top level */
+ require_quiet(cinfo = SecCmsMessageContentLevel(cmsg, 0), out);
+ require_quiet(SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeTag(cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA, out);
+ require_quiet(sigd = (SecCmsSignedDataRef)SecCmsContentInfoGetContent(cinfo), out);
+ if (detached_contents)
+ {
+ require_quiet(!SecCmsSignedDataHasDigests(sigd), out);
+ SECAlgorithmID **digestalgs = SecCmsSignedDataGetDigestAlgs(sigd);
+ SecCmsDigestContextRef digcx = SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple(digestalgs);
+ SecCmsDigestContextUpdate(digcx, CFDataGetBytePtr(detached_contents), CFDataGetLength(detached_contents));
+ SecCmsSignedDataSetDigestContext(sigd, digcx);
+ }
+ if (additional_certs)
+ require_noerr_quiet(SecCmsSignedDataAddCertList(sigd, additional_certs), out);
+ if (policy) { /* if no policy is given skip verification */
+ /* find out about signers */
+ int nsigners = SecCmsSignedDataSignerInfoCount(sigd);
+ require_quiet(nsigners == 1, out);
+ require_noerr_action_quiet(SecCmsSignedDataVerifySignerInfo(sigd, 0, NULL, policy, trustref),
+ out, status = errSecAuthFailed);
+ }
+ status = errSecSuccess;
+ if (attached_contents) {
+ const SecAsn1Item *content = SecCmsMessageGetContent(cmsg);
+ if (content)
+ *attached_contents = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, content->Data, content->Length);
+ else
+ *attached_contents = NULL;
+ }
+ if (signed_attributes) {
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ require_quiet(attrs, out);
+ SecCmsAttribute **signed_attrs = sigd->signerInfos[0]->authAttr;
+ if (signed_attrs) while (*signed_attrs) {
+ CFDataRef type = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (*signed_attrs)->type.Data, (*signed_attrs)->type.Length);
+ if (type) {
+ CFMutableArrayRef attr = copy_signed_attribute_values(*signed_attrs);
+ if (attr) {
+ CFMutableArrayRef existing_attrs = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs, type);
+ if (existing_attrs) {
+ CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(attr);
+ if (count)
+ CFArrayAppendArray(existing_attrs, attr, CFRangeMake(0, count));
+ } else
+ CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, type, attr);
+ CFRelease(attr);
+ }
+ CFRelease(type);
+ }
+ signed_attrs++;
+ }
+ CFMutableArrayRef certs = NULL;
+ SecAsn1Item **cert_datas = SecCmsSignedDataGetCertificateList(sigd);
+ certs = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ SecAsn1Item *cert_data;
+ if (cert_datas) while ((cert_data = *cert_datas) != NULL) {
+ SecCertificateRef cert = SecCertificateCreateWithBytes(NULL, cert_data->Data, cert_data->Length);
+ if (cert) {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(certs, cert);
+ CFRelease(cert);
+ }
+ cert_datas++;
+ }
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(attrs, kSecCMSAllCerts, certs);
+ /* Add "cooked" values separately */
+ CFAbsoluteTime signing_time;
+ if (errSecSuccess == SecCmsSignerInfoGetSigningTime(sigd->signerInfos[0], &signing_time)) {
+ CFDateRef signing_date = CFDateCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, signing_time);
+ if (signing_date){
+ CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kSecCMSSignDate, signing_date);
+ if (signing_date) CFRelease(signing_date);
+ }
+ }
+ *signed_attributes = attrs;
+ if (certs) CFRelease(certs);
+ }
+ if (cmsg) SecCmsMessageDestroy(cmsg);
+ return status;
+OSStatus SecCMSVerifyCopyDataAndAttributes(CFDataRef message, CFDataRef detached_contents,
+ CFTypeRef policy, SecTrustRef *trustref,
+ CFDataRef *attached_contents, CFDictionaryRef *signed_attributes)
+ OSStatus status = SecCMSVerifySignedData_internal(message, detached_contents, policy, trustref, NULL, attached_contents, signed_attributes);
+ return status;
+OSStatus SecCMSVerifySignedData(CFDataRef message, CFDataRef detached_contents,
+ CFTypeRef policy, SecTrustRef *trustref, CFArrayRef additional_certificates,
+ CFDataRef *attached_contents, CFDictionaryRef *message_attributes)
+ CFDictionaryRef signed_attributes = NULL;
+ OSStatus status = SecCMSVerifySignedData_internal(message, detached_contents, policy, trustref, additional_certificates, attached_contents, &signed_attributes);
+ if (!status && signed_attributes && message_attributes) {
+ *message_attributes = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, &kSecCMSSignedAttributes, (const void **)&signed_attributes, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ }
+ if (signed_attributes) CFRelease(signed_attributes);
+ return status;
+OSStatus SecCMSVerify(CFDataRef message, CFDataRef detached_contents,
+ CFTypeRef policy, SecTrustRef *trustref,
+ CFDataRef *attached_contents) {
+ return SecCMSVerifySignedData_internal(message, detached_contents, policy, trustref, NULL, attached_contents, NULL);
/* Designed to match the sec submodule implementation available for iOS */
CFArrayRef SecCMSCertificatesOnlyMessageCopyCertificates(CFDataRef message) {
SecCmsMessageRef cmsg = NULL;
+extern const SecAsn1Template SecCmsMessageTemplate[];
+CFDataRef SecCMSCreateCertificatesOnlyMessage(CFTypeRef cert_or_array_thereof) {
+ OSStatus status = errSecParam;
+ SecCmsMessageRef cmsg = NULL;
+ SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo;
+ SecCmsSignedDataRef sigd = NULL;
+ CFMutableDataRef cert_only_signed_data = NULL;
+ CFArrayRef cert_array = NULL;
+ CFIndex cert_array_count = 0;
+ SecCertificateRef cert = NULL;
+ require(cert_or_array_thereof, out);
+ require(cmsg = SecCmsMessageCreate(NULL), out);
+ require(sigd = SecCmsSignedDataCreate(cmsg), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsContentInfoSetContentData(cmsg, &(sigd->contentInfo), NULL, PR_TRUE), out);
+ require(cinfo = SecCmsMessageGetContentInfo(cmsg), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsContentInfoSetContentSignedData(cmsg, cinfo, sigd), out);
+ require(SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(cmsg->poolp, &(sigd->version), version), out);
+ if (CFGetTypeID(cert_or_array_thereof) == SecCertificateGetTypeID()) {
+ cert_array = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, &cert_or_array_thereof, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ } else if (CFGetTypeID(cert_or_array_thereof) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
+ cert_array = CFArrayCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFArrayRef)cert_or_array_thereof);
+ }
+ require(cert_array, out);
+ cert_array_count = CFArrayGetCount(cert_array);
+ require(cert_array_count > 0, out);
+ sigd->rawCerts = (SecAsn1Item * *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(cmsg->poolp, (cert_array_count + 1) * sizeof(SecAsn1Item *));
+ require(sigd->rawCerts, out);
+ CFIndex ix;
+ for (ix = 0; ix < cert_array_count; ix++) {
+ cert = (SecCertificateRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cert_array, ix);
+ require(cert, out);
+ sigd->rawCerts[ix] = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(cmsg->poolp, sizeof(SecAsn1Item));
+ SecAsn1Item cert_data = { SecCertificateGetLength(cert),
+ (uint8_t *)SecCertificateGetBytePtr(cert) };
+ *(sigd->rawCerts[ix]) = cert_data;
+ }
+ sigd->rawCerts[ix] = NULL;
+ /* this is a SET OF, so we need to sort them guys - we have the DER already, though */
+ if (cert_array_count > 1)
+ SecCmsArraySort((void **)sigd->rawCerts, SecCmsUtilDERCompare, NULL, NULL);
+ cert_only_signed_data = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
+ SecAsn1Item cert_only_signed_data_item = {};
+ require_quiet(SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(cmsg->poolp, &cert_only_signed_data_item,
+ cmsg, SecCmsMessageTemplate), out);
+ CFDataAppendBytes(cert_only_signed_data, cert_only_signed_data_item.Data,
+ cert_only_signed_data_item.Length);
+ status = errSecSuccess;
+ if (cert_array) { CFRelease(cert_array); }
+ if (status && cert_only_signed_data) { CFRelease(cert_only_signed_data); }
+ if (cmsg) SecCmsMessageDestroy(cmsg);
+ return cert_only_signed_data;
CFDataRef SecCMSCreateCertificatesOnlyMessageIAP(SecCertificateRef cert)
static const uint8_t header[] = {
return message;
+OSStatus SecCMSCreateEnvelopedData(CFTypeRef recipient_or_cfarray_thereof,
+ CFDictionaryRef params, CFDataRef data, CFMutableDataRef enveloped_data)
+ SecCmsMessageRef cmsg = NULL;
+ SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo;
+ SecCmsEnvelopedDataRef envd = NULL;
+ SECOidTag algorithmTag = SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC;
+ int keySize = 192;
+ OSStatus status = errSecParam;
+ PLArenaPool *arena = NULL;
+ if (params) {
+ CFStringRef algorithm_name = CFDictionaryGetValue(params, kSecCMSBulkEncryptionAlgorithm);
+ if (algorithm_name) {
+ if (CFEqual(kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmDESCBC, algorithm_name)) {
+ algorithmTag = SEC_OID_DES_CBC;
+ keySize = 64;
+ } else if (CFEqual(kSecCMSEncryptionAlgorithmAESCBC, algorithm_name)) {
+ algorithmTag = SEC_OID_AES_128_CBC;
+ keySize = 128;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ require(cmsg = SecCmsMessageCreate(NULL), out);
+ require(envd = SecCmsEnvelopedDataCreate(cmsg, algorithmTag, keySize), out);
+ require(cinfo = SecCmsMessageGetContentInfo(cmsg), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsContentInfoSetContentEnvelopedData(cmsg, cinfo, envd), out);
+ require(cinfo = SecCmsEnvelopedDataGetContentInfo(envd), out);
+ require_noerr(SecCmsContentInfoSetContentData(cmsg, cinfo, NULL, false), out);
+ // == wrapper of: require(SECSuccess == SecCmsContentInfoSetContent(cinfo, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, NULL), out);
+ if (CFGetTypeID(recipient_or_cfarray_thereof) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
+ CFIndex dex, numCerts = CFArrayGetCount(recipient_or_cfarray_thereof);
+ for(dex=0; dex<numCerts; dex++) {
+ SecCertificateRef recip =
+ (SecCertificateRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(recipient_or_cfarray_thereof, dex);
+ SecCmsRecipientInfoRef rinfo;
+ require(rinfo = SecCmsRecipientInfoCreate(cmsg, recip), out);
+ }
+ } else if (CFGetTypeID(recipient_or_cfarray_thereof) == SecCertificateGetTypeID()) {
+ require(SecCmsRecipientInfoCreate(cmsg, (SecCertificateRef)recipient_or_cfarray_thereof), out);
+ } else
+ goto out;
+ SecAsn1Item input = {};
+ if (data) {
+ input.Length = CFDataGetLength(data);
+ input.Data = (uint8_t*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
+ }
+ CSSM_DATA cssm_enveloped_data = {0, NULL};
+ // make an encoder context
+ if ((arena = PORT_NewArena(1024)) == NULL) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ require_noerr(SecCmsMessageEncode(cmsg, (data && input.Length) ? &input : NULL, (SecArenaPoolRef)arena, &cssm_enveloped_data), out);
+ if (enveloped_data && cssm_enveloped_data.Data) {
+ CFDataAppendBytes(enveloped_data, cssm_enveloped_data.Data, cssm_enveloped_data.Length);
+ }
+ status = errSecSuccess;
+ if (arena) PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
+ if (cmsg) SecCmsMessageDestroy(cmsg);
+ return status;
+OSStatus SecCMSDecryptEnvelopedData(CFDataRef message,
+ CFMutableDataRef data, SecCertificateRef *recipient)
+ SecCmsMessageRef cmsg = NULL;
+ SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo;
+ SecCmsEnvelopedDataRef envd = NULL;
+ SecCertificateRef used_recipient = NULL;
+ OSStatus status = errSecParam;
+ SecAsn1Item encoded_message = { CFDataGetLength(message), (uint8_t*)CFDataGetBytePtr(message) };
+ require_noerr_action_quiet(SecCmsMessageDecode(&encoded_message, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cmsg),
+ out, status = errSecDecode);
+ require_quiet(cinfo = SecCmsMessageContentLevel(cmsg, 0), out);
+ require_quiet(SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeTag(cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA, out);
+ require_quiet(envd = (SecCmsEnvelopedDataRef)SecCmsContentInfoGetContent(cinfo), out);
+ SecCmsRecipientInfoRef *rinfo = envd->recipientInfos;
+ while (!used_recipient && *rinfo) {
+ used_recipient = (*rinfo)->cert;
+ rinfo++;
+ }
+ require_quiet(2 == SecCmsMessageContentLevelCount(cmsg), out);
+ require_quiet(cinfo = SecCmsMessageContentLevel(cmsg, 1), out);
+ require_quiet(SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeTag(cinfo) == SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, out);
+ const SecAsn1Item *content = SecCmsMessageGetContent(cmsg);
+ if (content)
+ CFDataAppendBytes(data, content->Data, content->Length);
+ if (recipient) {
+ CFRetainSafe(used_recipient);
+ *recipient = used_recipient;
+ }
+ status = errSecSuccess;
+ if (cmsg) SecCmsMessageDestroy(cmsg);
+ return status;