2 * Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
24 #import "RateLimiter.h"
25 #import <utilities/debugging.h>
26 #import "sec_action.h"
27 #import <CoreFoundation/CFPreferences.h> // For clarity. Also included in debugging.h
30 #import <WirelessDiagnostics/WirelessDiagnostics.h>
31 #import "keychain/analytics/awd/AWDMetricIds_Keychain.h"
32 #import "keychain/analytics/awd/AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterOverload.h"
33 #import "keychain/analytics/awd/AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterTopWriters.h"
34 #import "keychain/analytics/awd/AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterAggregatedScores.h"
37 @interface RateLimiter()
38 @property (readwrite, nonatomic, nonnull) NSDictionary *config;
39 @property (nonatomic) NSArray<NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, NSDate *> *> *groups;
40 @property (nonatomic) NSDate *lastJudgment;
41 @property (nonatomic) NSDate *overloadUntil;
42 @property (nonatomic) NSString *assetType;
44 @property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *badnessData;
45 @property (nonatomic) AWDServerConnection *awdConnection;
49 @implementation RateLimiter
51 - (instancetype)initWithConfig:(NSDictionary *)config {
57 [self setUpAwdMetrics];
62 - (instancetype)initWithPlistFromURL:(NSURL *)url {
65 _config = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:url];
67 secerror("RateLimiter[?]: could not read config from %@", url);
72 [self setUpAwdMetrics];
77 // TODO implement MobileAsset loading
78 - (instancetype)initWithAssetType:(NSString *)type {
82 - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder {
88 _groups = [coder decodeObjectOfClasses:[NSSet setWithObjects: [NSArray class],
89 [NSMutableDictionary class],
94 _overloadUntil = [coder decodeObjectOfClass:[NSDate class] forKey:@"RLoverLoadedUntil"];
95 _lastJudgment = [coder decodeObjectOfClass:[NSDate class] forKey:@"RLlastJudgment"];
96 _assetType = [coder decodeObjectOfClass:[NSString class] forKey:@"RLassetType"];
98 _badnessData = [coder decodeObjectOfClasses:[NSSet setWithObjects: [NSArray class],
101 forKey:@"RLbadnessData"];
104 // This list of types might be wrong. Be careful.
105 _config = [coder decodeObjectOfClasses:[NSSet setWithObjects: [NSMutableArray class],
106 [NSDictionary class],
113 [self setUpAwdMetrics];
118 - (NSInteger)judge:(id _Nonnull)obj at:(NSDate * _Nonnull)time limitTime:(NSDate * _Nullable __autoreleasing * _Nonnull)limitTime {
120 //sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security DisableKeychainRateLimiting -bool YES
121 NSNumber *disabled = CFBridgingRelease(CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFSTR("DisableKeychainRateLimiting"),
122 CFSTR("com.apple.security"),
123 kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost));
124 if ([disabled isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] && [disabled boolValue] == YES) {
125 static dispatch_once_t token;
126 static sec_action_t action;
127 dispatch_once(&token, ^{
128 action = sec_action_create("ratelimiterdisabledlogevent", 60);
129 sec_action_set_handler(action, ^{
130 secnotice("ratelimit", "Rate limiting disabled, returning automatic all-clear");
133 sec_action_perform(action);
136 return RateLimiterBadnessClear;
139 RateLimiterBadness badness = RateLimiterBadnessClear;
141 if (self.overloadUntil) {
142 if ([time timeIntervalSinceDate:self.overloadUntil] >= 0) {
145 if (self.overloadUntil) {
146 *limitTime = self.overloadUntil;
147 badness = RateLimiterBadnessOverloaded;
151 if (badness == RateLimiterBadnessClear &&
152 ((self.lastJudgment && [time timeIntervalSinceDate:self.lastJudgment] > [self.config[@"general"][@"maxItemAge"] intValue]) ||
153 [self stateSize] > [self.config[@"general"][@"maxStateSize"] unsignedIntegerValue])) {
155 if (self.overloadUntil) {
156 *limitTime = self.overloadUntil;
157 badness = RateLimiterBadnessOverloaded;
161 if (badness != RateLimiterBadnessClear) {
163 self.badnessData[badness] = @(self.badnessData[badness].intValue + 1);
168 NSDate *resultTime = [NSDate distantPast];
169 for (unsigned long idx = 0; idx < self.groups.count; ++idx) {
170 NSDictionary *groupConfig = self.config[@"groups"][idx];
173 name = groupConfig[@"property"]; // global bucket, does not correspond to object property
175 name = [self getPropertyValue:groupConfig[@"property"] object:obj];
177 // Pretend this property doesn't exist. Should be returning an error instead but currently it's only used with
178 // approved properties 'accessGroup' and 'uuid' and if the item doesn't have either it's sad times anyway.
179 // <rdar://problem/33434425> Improve rate limiter error handling
181 secerror("RateLimiter[%@]: Got nil instead of property named %@", self.config[@"general"][@"name"], groupConfig[@"property"]);
184 NSDate *singleTokenTime = [self consumeTokenFromBucket:self.groups[idx]
188 if (singleTokenTime) {
189 resultTime = [resultTime laterDate:singleTokenTime];
190 badness = MAX([groupConfig[@"badness"] intValue], badness);
195 self.badnessData[badness] = @(self.badnessData[badness].intValue + 1);
197 *limitTime = badness == RateLimiterBadnessClear ? nil : resultTime;
198 self.lastJudgment = time;
202 - (NSDate *)consumeTokenFromBucket:(NSMutableDictionary *)group
203 config:(NSDictionary *)config
204 name:(NSString *)name
206 NSDate *threshold = [time dateByAddingTimeInterval:-([config[@"capacity"] intValue] * [config[@"rate"] intValue])];
207 NSDate *bucket = group[name];
209 if (!bucket || [bucket timeIntervalSinceDate:threshold] < 0) {
213 // Implicitly track the number of tokens in the bucket.
214 // "Would the token I need have been generated in the past or in the future?"
215 bucket = [bucket dateByAddingTimeInterval:[config[@"rate"] intValue]];
216 group[name] = bucket;
217 return ([bucket timeIntervalSinceDate:time] <= 0) ? nil : bucket;
220 - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
221 if (![object isKindOfClass:[RateLimiter class]]) {
224 RateLimiter *other = (RateLimiter *)object;
225 return ([self.config isEqual:other.config] &&
226 [self.groups isEqual:other.groups] &&
227 [self.lastJudgment isEqual:other.lastJudgment] &&
228 ((self.overloadUntil == nil && other.overloadUntil == nil) || [self.overloadUntil isEqual:other.overloadUntil]) &&
229 ((self.assetType == nil && other.assetType == nil) || [self.assetType isEqualToString:other.assetType]));
233 NSMutableArray *newgroups = [NSMutableArray new];
234 for (unsigned long idx = 0; idx < [self.config[@"groups"] count]; ++idx) {
235 [newgroups addObject:[NSMutableDictionary new]];
237 self.groups = newgroups;
238 self.lastJudgment = [NSDate distantPast]; // will cause extraneous trim on first judgment but on empty groups
239 self.overloadUntil = nil;
241 // Corresponds to the number of RateLimiterBadness enum values
242 self.badnessData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, nil];
246 - (void)trim:(NSDate *)time {
247 int threshold = [self.config[@"general"][@"maxItemAge"] intValue];
248 for (NSMutableDictionary *group in self.groups) {
249 NSSet *toRemove = [group keysOfEntriesPassingTest:^BOOL(NSString *key, NSDate *obj, BOOL *stop) {
250 return [time timeIntervalSinceDate:obj] > threshold;
252 [group removeObjectsForKeys:[toRemove allObjects]];
255 if ([self stateSize] > [self.config[@"general"][@"maxStateSize"] unsignedIntegerValue]) {
256 // Trimming did not reduce size (enough), we need to take measures
257 self.overloadUntil = [time dateByAddingTimeInterval:[self.config[@"general"][@"overloadDuration"] intValue]];
258 secerror("RateLimiter[%@] state size %lu exceeds max %lu, overloaded until %@",
259 self.config[@"general"][@"name"],
260 (unsigned long)[self stateSize],
261 [self.config[@"general"][@"maxStateSize"] unsignedLongValue],
264 AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterOverload *metric = [AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterOverload new];
265 metric.ratelimitertype = self.config[@"general"][@"name"];
266 AWDPostMetric(AWDComponentId_Keychain, metric);
269 self.overloadUntil = nil;
273 - (NSUInteger)stateSize {
275 for (NSMutableDictionary *group in self.groups) {
276 size += [group count];
281 - (NSString *)diagnostics {
282 return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"RateLimiter[%@]\nconfig:%@\ngroups:%@\noverloaded:%@\nlastJudgment:%@",
283 self.config[@"general"][@"name"],
290 //This could probably be improved, rdar://problem/33416163
291 - (NSString *)getPropertyValue:(NSString *)selectorString object:(id)obj {
292 if ([selectorString isEqualToString:@"accessGroup"] ||
293 [selectorString isEqualToString:@"uuid"]) {
295 SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorString);
296 IMP imp = [obj methodForSelector:selector];
297 NSString *(*func)(id, SEL) = (void *)imp;
298 return func(obj, selector);
300 seccritical("RateLimter[%@]: \"%@\" is not an approved selector string", self.config[@"general"][@"name"], selectorString);
305 - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder {
306 [coder encodeObject:_groups forKey:@"RLgroups"];
307 [coder encodeObject:_overloadUntil forKey:@"RLoverloadedUntil"];
308 [coder encodeObject:_lastJudgment forKey:@"RLlastJudgment"];
309 [coder encodeObject:_assetType forKey:@"RLassetType"];
311 [coder encodeObject:_config forKey:@"RLconfig"];
314 [coder encodeObject:_badnessData forKey:@"RLbadnessData"];
318 + (BOOL)supportsSecureCoding {
322 - (NSArray *)topOffenders:(int)num {
323 NSInteger idx = [self.config[@"general"][@"topOffendersPropertyIndex"] integerValue];
324 NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
325 NSSet *contenderkeys = [self.groups[idx] keysOfEntriesPassingTest:^BOOL(NSString *key, NSDate *obj, BOOL *stop) {
326 return [now timeIntervalSinceDate:obj] > 0 ? YES : NO;
328 if ([contenderkeys count] == 0) {
329 return [NSArray new];
331 NSDictionary *contenders = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[self.groups[idx] objectsForKeys:[contenderkeys allObjects]
332 notFoundMarker:[NSDate date]]
333 forKeys:[contenderkeys allObjects]];
334 return [[[contenders keysSortedByValueUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)] reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];
337 - (void)setUpAwdMetrics {
339 self.awdConnection = [[AWDServerConnection alloc] initWithComponentId:AWDComponentId_Keychain];
341 [self.awdConnection registerQueriableMetric:AWDMetricId_Keychain_CKKSRateLimiterTopWriters callback:^(UInt32 metricId) {
342 AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterTopWriters *metric = [AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterTopWriters new];
343 NSArray *offenders = [self topOffenders:3];
344 for (NSString *offender in offenders) {
345 [metric addWriter:offender];
347 metric.ratelimitertype = self.config[@"general"][@"name"];
348 AWDPostMetric(metricId, metric);
351 [self.awdConnection registerQueriableMetric:AWDMetricId_Keychain_CKKSRateLimiterAggregatedScores callback:^(UInt32 metricId) {
352 AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterAggregatedScores *metric = [AWDKeychainCKKSRateLimiterAggregatedScores new];
353 for (NSNumber *num in self.badnessData) {
354 [metric addData:[num unsignedIntValue]];
356 metric.ratelimitertype = self.config[@"general"][@"name"];
357 AWDPostMetric(metricId, metric);
358 // Corresponds to the number of RateLimiterBadness enum values
359 self.badnessData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, nil];