Commit | Line | Data |
79b9da22 A |
1 | /* |
2 | * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. | |
3 | * | |
5 | * | |
6 | * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code | |
7 | * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License | |
8 | * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in | |
9 | * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at | |
10 | * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this | |
11 | * file. | |
12 | * | |
13 | * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are | |
14 | * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER | |
18 | * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and | |
19 | * limitations under the License. | |
20 | * | |
22 | */ | |
23 | ||
24 | /* | |
25 | * SecKeyProxy.m - Remote access to SecKey instance | |
26 | */ | |
27 | ||
28 | #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> | |
29 | #import <Foundation/NSXPCConnection_Private.h> | |
30 | ||
31 | #include <Security/SecBasePriv.h> | |
32 | #include <Security/SecKeyInternal.h> | |
33 | #include <Security/SecIdentityPriv.h> | |
34 | #include <utilities/debugging.h> | |
35 | #include <utilities/SecCFError.h> | |
36 | ||
37 | #include <Security/SecKeyProxy.h> | |
38 | ||
39 | // MARK: XPC-level protocol for communication between server and client. | |
40 | @protocol SecKeyProxyProtocol | |
41 | - (void)initializeWithReply:(void (^)(NSData * _Nullable certificate))reply; | |
42 | - (void)getBlockSizeWithReply:(void (^)(size_t blockSize))reply; | |
43 | - (void)getAttributesWithReply:(void (^)(NSDictionary *attributes))reply; | |
44 | - (void)getExternalRepresentationWithReply:(void (^)(NSData *data, NSError *error))reply; | |
45 | - (void)getDescriptionWithReply:(void (^)(NSString *description))reply; | |
46 | - (void)getAlgorithmIDWithReply:(void (^)(NSInteger algorithmID))reply; | |
47 | - (void)getPublicKey:(void (^)(NSXPCListenerEndpoint *endpoint))reply; | |
48 | - (void)performOperation:(SecKeyOperationType)operation algorithm:(NSString *)algorithm parameters:(NSArray *)parameters reply:(void (^)(NSArray *result, NSError *error))reply; | |
49 | @end | |
50 | ||
51 | // MARK: XPC target object for SecKeyProxy side | |
52 | // Logically could be embedded in SecKeyProxy, but that would cause ownership cycles, since target object is always owned by its associated XPC connection. | |
53 | @interface SecKeyProxyTarget : NSObject<SecKeyProxyProtocol> { | |
54 | id _key; | |
55 | NSData *_certificate; | |
56 | SecKeyProxy *_publicKeyProxy; | |
57 | } | |
58 | - (instancetype)initWithKey:(id)key certificate:(nullable NSData *)certificate; | |
59 | @property (readonly, nonatomic) SecKeyRef key; | |
60 | @end | |
61 | ||
62 | @implementation SecKeyProxyTarget | |
63 | - (instancetype)initWithKey:(id)key certificate:(nullable NSData *)certificate { | |
64 | if (self = [super init]) { | |
65 | _key = key; | |
66 | _certificate = certificate; | |
67 | } | |
68 | return self; | |
69 | } | |
70 | ||
71 | - (SecKeyRef)key { | |
72 | return (__bridge SecKeyRef)_key; | |
73 | } | |
74 | ||
75 | - (void)initializeWithReply:(void (^)(NSData *_Nullable))reply { | |
76 | return reply(_certificate); | |
77 | } | |
78 | ||
79 | - (void)getBlockSizeWithReply:(void (^)(size_t))reply { | |
80 | return reply(SecKeyGetBlockSize(self.key)); | |
81 | } | |
82 | ||
83 | - (void)getAttributesWithReply:(void (^)(NSDictionary *))reply { | |
84 | return reply(CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyAttributes(self.key))); | |
85 | } | |
86 | ||
87 | - (void)getExternalRepresentationWithReply:(void (^)(NSData *, NSError *))reply { | |
88 | NSError *error; | |
89 | NSData *data = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(self.key, (void *)&error)); | |
90 | return reply(data, error); | |
91 | } | |
92 | ||
93 | - (void)getDescriptionWithReply:(void (^)(NSString *))reply { | |
94 | NSString *description = CFBridgingRelease(CFCopyDescription(self.key)); | |
95 | ||
96 | // Strip wrapping "<SecKeyRef " and ">" if present. | |
97 | if ([description hasPrefix:@"<SecKeyRef "] && [description hasSuffix:@">"]) { | |
98 | description = [description substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(11, description.length - 12)]; | |
99 | } else if ([description hasPrefix:@"<SecKeyRef: "] && [description hasSuffix:@">"]) { | |
100 | description = [description substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(12, description.length - 13)]; | |
101 | } | |
102 | ||
103 | return reply(description); | |
104 | } | |
105 | ||
106 | - (void)getAlgorithmIDWithReply:(void (^)(NSInteger))reply { | |
107 | return reply(SecKeyGetAlgorithmId(self.key)); | |
108 | } | |
109 | ||
110 | - (void)getPublicKey:(void (^)(NSXPCListenerEndpoint *endpoint))reply { | |
111 | if (_publicKeyProxy == nil) { | |
112 | id publicKey = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCopyPublicKey(self.key)); | |
113 | if (publicKey == nil) { | |
114 | return reply(nil); | |
115 | } | |
116 | _publicKeyProxy = [[SecKeyProxy alloc] initWithKey:(__bridge SecKeyRef)publicKey]; | |
117 | } | |
118 | return reply(_publicKeyProxy.endpoint); | |
119 | } | |
120 | ||
121 | - (void)performOperation:(SecKeyOperationType)operation algorithm:(NSString *)algorithm parameters:(NSArray *)parameters reply:(void (^)(NSArray *, NSError *))reply { | |
122 | NSMutableArray *algorithms = @[algorithm].mutableCopy; | |
123 | CFTypeRef in1 = (__bridge CFTypeRef)(parameters.count > 0 ? parameters[0] : nil); | |
124 | CFTypeRef in2 = (__bridge CFTypeRef)(parameters.count > 1 ? parameters[1] : nil); | |
125 | NSError *error; | |
126 | SecKeyOperationContext context = { self.key, operation, (__bridge CFMutableArrayRef)algorithms }; | |
127 | id result = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyRunAlgorithmAndCopyResult(&context, in1, in2, (void *)&error)); | |
128 | return reply(result ? @[result] : @[], error); | |
129 | } | |
130 | @end | |
131 | ||
132 | // MARK: SecKeyProxy implementation | |
133 | @interface SecKeyProxy() <NSXPCListenerDelegate> | |
134 | @end | |
135 | ||
136 | @implementation SecKeyProxy | |
137 | - (instancetype)initWithKey:(SecKeyRef)key certificate:(nullable NSData *)certificate { | |
138 | if (self = [super init]) { | |
d64be36e A |
139 | if (key != nil) { |
140 | _key = CFBridgingRelease(CFRetainSafe(key)); | |
141 | } else { | |
142 | _key = nil; | |
143 | } | |
79b9da22 A |
144 | _certificate = certificate; |
145 | _listener = [NSXPCListener anonymousListener]; | |
146 | _listener.delegate = self; | |
147 | ||
148 | // All connections created to this proxy instance are serialized to this single queue. | |
149 | [_listener _setQueue: dispatch_queue_create("SecKeyProxy", NULL)]; | |
150 | [_listener resume]; | |
151 | } | |
152 | ||
153 | return self; | |
154 | } | |
155 | ||
156 | - (instancetype)initWithKey:(SecKeyRef)key { | |
157 | return [self initWithKey:key certificate:nil]; | |
158 | } | |
159 | ||
160 | - (instancetype)initWithIdentity:(SecIdentityRef)identity { | |
161 | id key; | |
162 | id certificate; | |
163 | SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey(identity, (void *)&key); | |
164 | SecIdentityCopyCertificate(identity, (void *)&certificate); | |
165 | if (key == nil && certificate == nil) { | |
166 | return nil; | |
167 | } | |
168 | ||
169 | // Extract data from the certificate. | |
170 | NSData *certificateData = CFBridgingRelease(SecCertificateCopyData((SecCertificateRef)certificate)); | |
171 | if (certificateData == nil) { | |
172 | return nil; | |
173 | } | |
174 | ||
175 | return [self initWithKey:(__bridge SecKeyRef)key certificate:certificateData]; | |
176 | } | |
177 | ||
178 | - (BOOL)listener:(NSXPCListener *)listener shouldAcceptNewConnection:(NSXPCConnection *)newConnection { | |
179 | newConnection.exportedInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(SecKeyProxyProtocol)]; | |
180 | newConnection.exportedObject = [[SecKeyProxyTarget alloc] initWithKey:_key certificate:_certificate]; | |
181 | [newConnection _setQueue:[_listener _queue]]; | |
182 | [newConnection resume]; | |
183 | return YES; | |
184 | } | |
185 | ||
186 | - (void)invalidate { | |
187 | [_listener invalidate]; | |
188 | } | |
189 | ||
190 | - (void)dealloc { | |
191 | [self invalidate]; | |
192 | } | |
193 | ||
194 | - (NSXPCListenerEndpoint *)endpoint { | |
195 | return _listener.endpoint; | |
196 | } | |
197 | ||
198 | // MARK: Client side: remote-connected SecKey instance. | |
199 | static OSStatus SecRemoteKeyInit(SecKeyRef key, const uint8_t *keyData, CFIndex keyDataLength, SecKeyEncoding encoding) { | |
200 | // keyData and key->key are both actually type-punned NSXPCConnection owning pointers. | |
201 | key->key = (void *)keyData; | |
202 | return errSecSuccess; | |
203 | } | |
204 | ||
205 | static void SecRemoteKeyDestroy(SecKeyRef key) { | |
206 | NSXPCConnection *conn = CFBridgingRelease(key->key); | |
207 | [conn invalidate]; | |
208 | } | |
209 | ||
210 | + (id<SecKeyProxyProtocol>)targetForKey:(SecKeyRef)key error:(CFErrorRef *)error { | |
211 | NSXPCConnection *connection = (__bridge NSXPCConnection *)key->key; | |
212 | id<SecKeyProxyProtocol> result = [connection synchronousRemoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:^(NSError * _Nonnull _error) { | |
213 | if (error != NULL) { | |
214 | *error = (__bridge_retained CFErrorRef)_error; | |
215 | } | |
216 | }]; | |
217 | return result; | |
218 | } | |
219 | ||
220 | static size_t SecRemoteKeyBlockSize(SecKeyRef key) { | |
221 | __block size_t localBlockSize = 0; | |
222 | [[SecKeyProxy targetForKey:key error:NULL] getBlockSizeWithReply:^(size_t blockSize) { | |
223 | localBlockSize = blockSize; | |
224 | }]; | |
225 | return localBlockSize; | |
226 | } | |
227 | ||
228 | static CFDictionaryRef SecRemoteKeyCopyAttributeDictionary(SecKeyRef key) { | |
229 | __block NSDictionary *localAttributes; | |
230 | [[SecKeyProxy targetForKey:key error:NULL] getAttributesWithReply:^(NSDictionary *attributes) { | |
231 | localAttributes = attributes; | |
232 | }]; | |
233 | return CFBridgingRetain(localAttributes); | |
234 | } | |
235 | ||
236 | static CFDataRef SecRemoteKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(SecKeyRef key, CFErrorRef *error) { | |
237 | __block NSData *localData; | |
238 | __block NSError *localError; | |
239 | [[SecKeyProxy targetForKey:key error:error] getExternalRepresentationWithReply:^(NSData *data, NSError *error) { | |
240 | localData = data; | |
241 | localError = error; | |
242 | }]; | |
243 | if (localData == nil && error != NULL) { | |
244 | *error = (__bridge_retained CFErrorRef)localError; | |
245 | } | |
246 | return CFBridgingRetain(localData); | |
247 | } | |
248 | ||
249 | static CFStringRef SecRemoteKeyCopyDescription(SecKeyRef key) { | |
250 | __block NSString *localDescription; | |
251 | [[SecKeyProxy targetForKey:key error:NULL] getDescriptionWithReply:^(NSString *description) { | |
252 | localDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<SecKeyRef remoteKey: %@>", description]; | |
253 | }]; | |
254 | return CFBridgingRetain(localDescription); | |
255 | } | |
256 | ||
257 | static CFIndex SecRemoteKeyGetAlgorithmID(SecKeyRef key) { | |
258 | __block CFIndex localAlgorithmID = kSecNullAlgorithmID; | |
259 | [[SecKeyProxy targetForKey:key error:NULL] getAlgorithmIDWithReply:^(NSInteger algorithmID) { | |
260 | localAlgorithmID = algorithmID; | |
261 | }]; | |
262 | return localAlgorithmID; | |
263 | } | |
264 | ||
265 | static SecKeyRef SecRemoteKeyCopyPublicKey(SecKeyRef key) { | |
266 | __block id publicKey; | |
267 | [[SecKeyProxy targetForKey:key error:NULL] getPublicKey:^(NSXPCListenerEndpoint *endpoint) { | |
268 | if (endpoint != nil) { | |
269 | publicKey = CFBridgingRelease([SecKeyProxy createKeyFromEndpoint:endpoint error:nil]); | |
270 | } | |
271 | }]; | |
272 | return (__bridge_retained SecKeyRef)publicKey; | |
273 | } | |
274 | ||
275 | static CFTypeRef SecRemoteKeyCopyOperationResult(SecKeyRef key, SecKeyOperationType operation, SecKeyAlgorithm algorithm, CFArrayRef algorithms, SecKeyOperationMode mode, CFTypeRef in1, CFTypeRef in2, CFErrorRef *error) { | |
276 | NSMutableArray *parameters = @[].mutableCopy; | |
277 | if (in1 != NULL) { | |
278 | [parameters addObject:(__bridge id)in1]; | |
279 | if (in2 != NULL) { | |
280 | [parameters addObject:(__bridge id)in2]; | |
281 | } | |
282 | } | |
283 | __block id localResult; | |
284 | [[SecKeyProxy targetForKey:key error:error] performOperation:operation algorithm:(__bridge NSString *)algorithm parameters:parameters reply:^(NSArray *result, NSError *_error) { | |
285 | if (result.count > 0) { | |
286 | localResult = result[0]; | |
287 | } | |
288 | else if (error != NULL) { | |
289 | *error = (__bridge_retained CFErrorRef)_error; | |
290 | } | |
291 | }]; | |
292 | return CFBridgingRetain(localResult); | |
293 | } | |
294 | ||
295 | static const SecKeyDescriptor SecRemoteKeyDescriptor = { | |
296 | .version = kSecKeyDescriptorVersion, | |
297 | .name = "RemoteKey", | |
298 | .init = SecRemoteKeyInit, | |
299 | .destroy = SecRemoteKeyDestroy, | |
300 | .blockSize = SecRemoteKeyBlockSize, | |
301 | .copyDictionary = SecRemoteKeyCopyAttributeDictionary, | |
302 | .copyExternalRepresentation = SecRemoteKeyCopyExternalRepresentation, | |
303 | .describe = SecRemoteKeyCopyDescription, | |
304 | .getAlgorithmID = SecRemoteKeyGetAlgorithmID, | |
305 | .copyPublicKey = SecRemoteKeyCopyPublicKey, | |
306 | .copyOperationResult = SecRemoteKeyCopyOperationResult, | |
307 | }; | |
308 | ||
309 | + (SecKeyRef)createItemFromEndpoint:(NSXPCListenerEndpoint *)endpoint certificate:(NSData **)certificate error:(NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)error { | |
310 | // Connect to the server proxy object. | |
311 | NSXPCConnection *connection = [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithListenerEndpoint:endpoint]; | |
312 | connection.remoteObjectInterface = [NSXPCInterface interfaceWithProtocol:@protocol(SecKeyProxyProtocol)]; | |
313 | [connection resume]; | |
314 | ||
315 | // Initialize remote object. | |
316 | __block NSError *localError; | |
317 | __block NSData *localCertificate; | |
318 | [[connection synchronousRemoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) { | |
319 | localError = [NSError errorWithDomain:(__bridge NSString *)kSecErrorDomain code:errSecItemNotFound userInfo:@{NSUnderlyingErrorKey: error}]; | |
320 | }] initializeWithReply:^(NSData *_Nullable _certificate){ | |
321 | localCertificate = _certificate; | |
322 | }]; | |
323 | if (localError == nil) { | |
324 | if (certificate != nil) { | |
325 | *certificate = localCertificate; | |
326 | } | |
327 | } else { | |
328 | [connection invalidate]; | |
329 | if (error != NULL) { | |
330 | *error = localError; | |
331 | } | |
332 | return NULL; | |
333 | } | |
334 | ||
335 | // Wrap returned connection in SecKeyRef instance. | |
336 | return SecKeyCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, &SecRemoteKeyDescriptor, CFBridgingRetain(connection), 0, kSecKeyEncodingRaw); | |
337 | } | |
338 | ||
339 | + (SecKeyRef)createKeyFromEndpoint:(NSXPCListenerEndpoint *)endpoint error:(NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)error { | |
340 | return [self createItemFromEndpoint:endpoint certificate:nil error:error]; | |
341 | } | |
342 | ||
343 | + (SecIdentityRef)createIdentityFromEndpoint:(NSXPCListenerEndpoint *)endpoint error:(NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)error { | |
344 | NSData *certificateData; | |
345 | id key = CFBridgingRelease([self createItemFromEndpoint:endpoint certificate:&certificateData error:error]); | |
346 | if (key == nil) { | |
347 | return NULL; | |
348 | } | |
349 | if (certificateData == nil) { | |
350 | if (error != NULL) { | |
351 | *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:(NSString *)kSecErrorDomain code:errSecParam userInfo:@{(id)NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"Attempt to create remote identity from key-only proxy"}]; | |
352 | } | |
353 | return NULL; | |
354 | } | |
355 | ||
356 | id certificate = CFBridgingRelease(SecCertificateCreateWithData(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFDataRef)certificateData)); | |
357 | return SecIdentityCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge SecCertificateRef)certificate, (__bridge SecKeyRef)key); | |
358 | } | |
359 | @end |