Commit | Line | Data |
bac41a7b | 1 | LICENSE.txt\r-----------\rSSLRef 3.0 Final -- 11/19/96\rCopyright (c)1996 by Netscape Communications Corp.\r\rBy retrieving this software you are bound by the licensing terms\rdisclosed in the file "LICENSE.txt". Please read it, and if you\rdon't accept the terms, delete this software.\r\rSSLRef 3.0 was codeveloped by Netscape Communications Corp. of\rMountain View, California <http://home.netscape.com/> and Consensus\rDevelopment Corporation of Berkeley, California\r<http://www.consensus.com/>.\r\r\rSSL Reference Implemenation License Agreement for Non-Commercial Use\r--------------------------------------------------------------------\rNetscape Communications Corporation ("Netscape") hereby grants you a\rnon-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Secure Sockets\rLayer Reference Implementation 3.0 (the "Software") subject to the\rfollowing terms:\r\r1. You may modify the Software and/or incorporate it, in whole or\rin part, into other software programs (a "Derivative Work").\r\r2. You may not use the Software or Derivative Works for\rrevenue-generating purposes. You may not:\r\r(a) license or distribute the Software or any Derivative Work in\rany manner that generates license fees, royalties, maintenance fees,\rupgrade fees or any other form of income.\r\r(b) use the Software or a Derivative Work to provide services to\rothers for which you are compensated in any manner.\r\r(c) distribute the Software or a Derivative Work without written\ragreement from the end user to abide by the terms of this Section 2.\r\r3. You may reproduce and use the Software and Derivative Works\rfree of charge for internal use. Such internal use may be at the\rpremises of an establishment which is engaged in revenue-generating\ractivities, provided that the Software and Derivative Works are not\rused as specified in Section 2.\r\r4. Any modification of the Software must prominently state in the\rmodified product or associated documentation that it has been\rmodified and the date the modifications were made. Any copy of the\rSoftware or Derivative Work shall include a copy of this Agreement,\rNetscape's copyright notices and the disclaimer of warranty and\rlimitation of liability.\r\r5. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and\rto the Software shall remain in Netscape and/or its suppliers.\rYou may use the Software only as provided in this Agreement.\rNetscape shall have no obligation to provide maintenance, support,\rupgrades or new releases to you or any person to whom you distribute\rthe Software or a Derivative Work.\r\r6. Netscape may use Licensee's name in publicity materials as a\rlicensee of the Software.\r\r7. Disclaimer of Warranty. THE SOFTWARE IS LICENSED "AS IS"\rWITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,\rPERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR\rPURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE\rSOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE,\rYOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR\rCORRECTION.\r\r8. Limitation of Liability. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO\rLEGAL THEORY SHALL NETSCAPE OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY\rOTHER PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\rDAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY COMMERCIAL\rDAMAGES OR LOSSES , EVEN IF NETSCAPE HAS BEEN INFORMED OF THE\rPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.\r\r9. You may not download or otherwise export or reexport the\rSoftware or any underlying information or technology except in full\rcompliance with all United States and other applicable laws and\rregulations. EXCEPT FOR EXPORT TO CANADA FOR USE IN CANADA BY\rCANADIAN CITIZENS, THE SOFTWARE AND ANY UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGY MAY\rNOT BE EXPORTED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES OR TO ANY FOREIGN ENTITY\rOR "FOREIGN PERSON" AS DEFINED BY U.S. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS,\rINCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANYONE WHO IS NOT A CITIZEN, NATIONAL\rOR LAWFUL PERMANENT RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. BY DOWNLOADING\rOR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE FOREGOING AND YOU ARE\rWARRANTING THAT YOU ARE NOT A "FOREIGN PERSON" OR UNDER THE CONTROL\rOF A FOREIGN PERSON.\r\r10. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately in the\revent of default by the other party. You may also terminate this\rAgreement at any time by destroying the Software and all copies\rthereof. Termination of your license will not terminate any\rsublicenses previously granted by you so long as the sublicensee\rcomplies with this Agreement.\r\r11. Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States Government\ris subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through\r(d) of the Commercial Computer-Restricted Rights clause at FAR\r52.227-19 when applicable, or in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the\rRights in Technical Data and Computer Program clause at DFARS\r252.227-7013, and in similar clauses in the NASA FAR Supplement.\rContractor/manufacturer is Netscape Communications Corporation, 501\rEast Middlefield Road, Mountain View, CA 94043.\r\r12. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under\rCalifornia law as such law applies to agreements between California\rresidents entered into and to be performed entirely within\rCalifornia, except as governed by Federal law.\r |