use strict;
use File::Basename;
+use Config;
+my $supportsParallelBuilds = $Config{useithreads};
+if ($supportsParallelBuilds) {
+ require threads;
+ import threads;
+ require Thread::Queue;
+ import Thread::Queue;
# We use encode_json() to write BATS plist files.
# JSON::PP does not exist on iOS devices, but we need not write plists there.
# So we simply load JSON:PP if it exists.
+# iOS also doesn't have Text::Glob. We don't need it there.
+my $has_match_glob = 0;
+if (eval { require Text::Glob; 1; }) {
+ Text::Glob->import();
+ $has_match_glob = 1;
chdir dirname $0;
chomp (my $DIR = `pwd`);
OS=<sdk name>[sdk version][-<deployment target>[-<run target>]]
+ HOST=<test device hostname>
+ DEVICE=<simulator test device name>
CC=<compiler name>
BATS=0|1 (build for and/or run in BATS?)
BUILD_SHARED_CACHE=0|1 (build a dyld shared cache with the root and test against that)
DYLD=2|3 (test in dyld 2 or dyld 3 mode)
+ PARALLELBUILDS=N (number of parallel builds to run simultaneously)
+ SHAREDCACHEDIR=/path/to/custom/shared/cache/directory
my $HOST;
my $PORT;
+my $DEVICE;
my @TESTLIBNAMES = ("libobjc.A.dylib", "libobjc-trampolines.dylib");
my $TESTLIBDIR = "/usr/lib";
# Run some newline-separated commands like `make` would, stopping if any fail
# run("cmd1 \n cmd2 \n cmd3")
sub make {
+ my ($cmdstr, $cwd) = @_;
my $output = "";
- my @cmds = split("\n", $_[0]);
+ my @cmds = split("\n", $cmdstr);
die if scalar(@cmds) == 0;
$? = 0;
foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
chomp $cmd;
next if $cmd =~ /^\s*$/;
$cmd .= " 2>&1";
- print "$cmd\n" if $VERBOSE;
- eval {
- local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
- # Timeout after 600 seconds so a deadlocked test doesn't wedge the
- # entire test suite. Increase to an hour for B&I builds.
- if (exists $ENV{"RC_XBS"}) {
- alarm 3600;
- } else {
- alarm 600;
- }
- $output .= `$cmd`;
- alarm 0;
- };
- if ($@) {
- die unless $@ eq "alarm\n";
- $output .= "\nTIMED OUT";
+ if (defined $cwd) {
+ $cmd = "cd $cwd; $cmd";
+ print "$cmd\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ $output .= `$cmd`;
last if $?;
print "$output\n" if $VERBOSE;
sub rm_rf_verbose {
my $dir = shift || die;
- print "mkdir -p $dir\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print "rm -rf $dir\n" if $VERBOSE;
`rm -rf '$dir'`;
die "couldn't rm -rf $dir" if $?;
# TEST_BUILD build instructions
# TEST_BUILD_OUTPUT expected build stdout/stderr
# TEST_RUN_OUTPUT expected run stdout/stderr
+ # TEST_ENTITLEMENTS path to entitlements file
open(my $in, "< $file") || die;
my $contents = join "", <$in>;
my ($conditionstring) = ($contents =~ /\bTEST_CONFIG\b(.*)$/m);
my ($envstring) = ($contents =~ /\bTEST_ENV\b(.*)$/m);
my ($cflags) = ($contents =~ /\bTEST_CFLAGS\b(.*)$/m);
+ my ($entitlements) = ($contents =~ /\bTEST_ENTITLEMENTS\b(.*)$/m);
+ $entitlements =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my ($buildcmd) = extract_multiline("TEST_BUILD", $contents, $name);
my ($builderror) = extract_multiple_multiline("TEST_BUILD_OUTPUT", $contents, $name);
my ($runerror) = extract_multiple_multiline("TEST_RUN_OUTPUT", $contents, $name);
- return 0 if !$test_h && !$disabled && !$crashes && !defined($conditionstring) && !defined($envstring) && !defined($cflags) && !defined($buildcmd) && !defined($builderror) && !defined($runerror);
+ return 0 if !$test_h && !$disabled && !$crashes && !defined($conditionstring)
+ && !defined($envstring) && !defined($cflags) && !defined($buildcmd)
+ && !defined($builderror) && !defined($runerror) && !defined($entitlements);
if ($disabled) {
colorprint $yellow, "SKIP: $name (disabled by $disabled)";
TEST_RUN => $run,
+ ENTITLEMENTS => $entitlements,
return 1;
my $name = shift;
my %T = %{$C{"TEST_$name"}};
- mkdir_verbose $T{DSTDIR};
- chdir_verbose $T{DSTDIR};
+ my $dstdir = $T{DSTDIR};
+ if (-e "$dstdir/build-succeeded") {
+ # We delete the whole test directory before building (if it existed),
+ # so if this file exists now, that means another configuration already
+ # did an equivalent build.
+ print "note: $name is already built at $dstdir, skipping the build\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ mkdir_verbose $dstdir;
# we don't mkdir $T{OBJDIR} because most tests don't use it
my $ext = $ALL_TESTS{$name};
my $file = "$DIR/$name.$ext";
- `echo '$crashcatch' > crashcatch.c`;
- make("$C{COMPILE_C} -dynamiclib -o libcrashcatch.dylib -x c crashcatch.c");
- die "$?" if $?;
+ `echo '$crashcatch' > $dstdir/crashcatch.c`;
+ my $output = make("$C{COMPILE_C} -dynamiclib -o libcrashcatch.dylib -x c crashcatch.c", $dstdir);
+ if ($?) {
+ colorprint $red, "FAIL: building crashcatch.c";
+ colorprefix $red, $output;
+ return 0;
+ }
my $cmd = $T{TEST_BUILD} ? eval "return \"$T{TEST_BUILD}\"" : "$C{COMPILE} $T{TEST_CFLAGS} $file -o $name.exe";
- my $output = make($cmd);
+ my $output = make($cmd, $dstdir);
# ignore out-of-date text-based stubs (caused by ditto into SDK)
$output =~ s/ld: warning: text-based stub file.*\n//g;
$output =~ s/^warning: callee: [^\n]+\n//g;
# rdar://38710948
$output =~ s/ld: warning: ignoring file [^\n]*libclang_rt\.bridgeos\.a[^\n]*\n//g;
+ $output =~ s/ld: warning: building for iOS Simulator, but[^\n]*\n//g;
# ignore compiler logging of CCC_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS effects
$output =~ s/### (CCC_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS:|Adding argument|Deleting argument|Replacing) [^\n]*\n//g;
if ($ok) {
- foreach my $file (glob("*.exe *.dylib *.bundle")) {
+ foreach my $file (glob("$dstdir/*.exe $dstdir/*.dylib $dstdir/*.bundle")) {
if (!$BATS) {
# not for BATS to save space and build time
# fixme use SYMROOT?
- make("xcrun dsymutil $file");
+ make("xcrun dsymutil $file", $dstdir);
if ($C{OS} eq "macosx" || $C{OS} =~ /simulator/) {
# setting any entitlements disables dyld environment variables
} else {
# get-task-allow entitlement is required
# to enable dyld environment variables
- make("xcrun codesign -s - --entitlements $DIR/get_task_allow_entitlement.plist $file");
- die "$?" if $?;
+ if (!$T{ENTITLEMENTS}) {
+ $T{ENTITLEMENTS} = "get_task_allow_entitlement.plist";
+ }
+ my $output = make("xcrun codesign -s - --entitlements $DIR/$T{ENTITLEMENTS} $file", $dstdir);
+ if ($?) {
+ colorprint $red, "FAIL: codesign $file";
+ colorprefix $red, $output;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Mark the build as successful so other configs with the same build
+ # requirements can skip buildiing.
+ if ($ok) {
+ make("touch build-succeeded", $dstdir);
+ }
return $ok;
die "unknown DYLD setting $C{DYLD}";
+ }
my $output;
if ($C{ARCH} =~ /^arm/ && `uname -p` !~ /^arm/) {
$env .= " DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=$remotedir/libcrashcatch.dylib";
- my $cmd = "ssh -p $PORT $HOST 'cd $remotedir && env $env ./$name.exe'";
+ my $cmd = "ssh $PORT $HOST 'cd $remotedir && env $env ./$name.exe'";
$output = make("$cmd");
elsif ($C{OS} =~ /simulator/) {
# run locally in a simulator
- # fixme selection of simulated OS version
- my $simdevice;
- if ($C{OS} =~ /iphonesimulator/) {
- $simdevice = 'iPhone X';
- } elsif ($C{OS} =~ /watchsimulator/) {
- $simdevice = 'Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm';
- } elsif ($C{OS} =~ /tvsimulator/) {
- $simdevice = 'Apple TV 1080p';
- } else {
- die "unknown simulator $C{OS}\n";
- }
- my $sim = "xcrun -sdk iphonesimulator simctl spawn '$simdevice'";
+ my $sim = "xcrun -sdk iphonesimulator simctl spawn '$DEVICE'";
# Add test dir and libobjc's dir to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.
# Insert libcrashcatch.dylib if necessary.
$env .= " DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$testdir";
# set the config name now, after massaging the language and OS versions,
# but before adding other settings
- my $configname = config_name(%C);
- die if ($configname =~ /'/);
- die if ($configname =~ / /);
- ($C{NAME} = $configname) =~ s/~/ /g;
- (my $configdir = $configname) =~ s#/##g;
+ my $configdirname = config_dir_name(%C);
+ die if ($configdirname =~ /'/);
+ die if ($configdirname =~ / /);
+ ($C{NAME} = $configdirname) =~ s/~/ /g;
+ (my $configdir = $configdirname) =~ s#/##g;
$C{DSTDIR} = "$DSTROOT$BUILDDIR/$configdir";
$C{OBJDIR} = "$OBJROOT$BUILDDIR/$configdir";
$C{XCRUN} = "env LANG=C /usr/bin/xcrun -toolchain '$C{TOOLCHAIN}'";
$C{COMPILE_C} = "$C{XCRUN} '$C{CC}' $cflags -x c -std=gnu99";
- $C{COMPILE_CXX} = "$C{XCRUN} '$C{CXX}' $cflags -x c++";
+ $C{COMPILE_CXX} = "$C{XCRUN} '$C{CXX}' $cflags -x c++ -std=gnu++17";
$C{COMPILE_M} = "$C{XCRUN} '$C{CC}' $cflags $objcflags -x objective-c -std=gnu99";
- $C{COMPILE_MM} = "$C{XCRUN} '$C{CXX}' $cflags $objcflags -x objective-c++";
+ $C{COMPILE_MM} = "$C{XCRUN} '$C{CXX}' $cflags $objcflags -x objective-c++ -std=gnu++17";
$C{COMPILE_SWIFT} = "$C{XCRUN} '$C{SWIFT}' $swiftflags";
return @newresults;
-sub config_name {
+sub config_dir_name {
my %config = @_;
my $name = "";
for my $key (sort keys %config) {
+ # Exclude settings that only influence the run, not the build.
+ next if $key eq "DYLD" || $key eq "GUARDMALLOC";
$name .= '~' if $name ne "";
$name .= "$key=$config{$key}";
sub rsync_ios {
my ($src, $timeout) = @_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
- make("$DIR/ $timeout rsync -e 'ssh -p $PORT' -av $src $HOST:/$REMOTEBASE/");
+ make("$DIR/ $timeout rsync -e 'ssh $PORT' -av $src $HOST:/$REMOTEBASE/");
return if $? == 0;
colorprint $yellow, "WARN: RETRY\n" if $VERBOSE;
if ($ALL_TESTS{$test}) {
gather_simple(\%C, $test) || next; # not pass, not fail
push @gathertests, $test;
- } else {
- die "No test named '$test'\n";
+ } elsif ($has_match_glob) {
+ my @matched = Text::Glob::match_glob($test, (keys %ALL_TESTS));
+ if (not @matched) {
+ die "No test matched '$test'\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $match (@matched) {
+ gather_simple(\%C, $match) || next; # not pass, not fail
+ push @gathertests, $match;
+ }
if (!$BUILD) {
@builttests = @gathertests;
$testcount = scalar(@gathertests);
+ } elsif ($PARALLELBUILDS > 1 && $supportsParallelBuilds) {
+ my $workQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+ my $resultsQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+ my @threads = map {
+ threads->create(sub {
+ while (defined(my $test = $workQueue->dequeue())) {
+ local *STDOUT;
+ local *STDERR;
+ my $output;
+ open STDOUT, '>>', \$output;
+ open STDERR, '>>', \$output;
+ my $success = build_simple(\%C, $test);
+ $resultsQueue->enqueue({ test => $test, success => $success, output => $output });
+ }
+ });
+ foreach my $test (@gathertests) {
+ if ($VERBOSE) {
+ print "\nBUILD $test\n";
+ }
+ if ($ALL_TESTS{$test}) {
+ $testcount++;
+ $workQueue->enqueue($test);
+ } else {
+ die "No test named '$test'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $workQueue->end();
+ foreach (@gathertests) {
+ my $result = $resultsQueue->dequeue();
+ my $test = $result->{test};
+ my $success = $result->{success};
+ my $output = $result->{output};
+ print $output;
+ if ($success) {
+ push @builttests, $test;
+ } else {
+ $failcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $thread (@threads) {
+ $thread->join();
+ }
} else {
+ if ($PARALLELBUILDS > 1) {
+ print "WARNING: requested parallel builds, but this perl interpreter does not support threads. Falling back to sequential builds.\n";
+ }
foreach my $test (@gathertests) {
if ($VERBOSE) {
print "\nBUILD $test\n";
# nothing to do
else {
- if ($C{ARCH} =~ /^arm/ && `uname -p` !~ /^arm/) {
+ if ($HOST && $C{ARCH} =~ /^arm/ && `uname -p` !~ /^arm/) {
# upload timeout - longer for slow watch devices
my $timeout = ($C{OS} =~ /watch/) ? 120 : 20;
$args{CC} = getargs("CC", "clang");
-$HOST = getarg("HOST", "iphone");
-$PORT = getarg("PORT", "10022");
+$HOST = getarg("HOST", 0);
+$PORT = getarg("PORT", "");
+if ($PORT) {
+ $PORT = "-p $PORT";
+$DEVICE = getarg("DEVICE", "booted");
+$PARALLELBUILDS = getarg("PARALLELBUILDS", `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`);
my $guardmalloc = getargs("GUARDMALLOC", 0);
+make("find $DSTROOT$BUILDDIR -name build-succeeded -delete", "/");
print "note: -----\n";
my $color = ($failconfigs ? $red : "");
colorprint $color, "note: $testconfigs configurations, " .