* (5) is not yet eligible for +load.
* Image mapping is NOT CURRENTLY THREAD-SAFE with respect to just about
- * * * anything. Image mapping IS RE-ENTRANT in several places: superclass
+ * anything. Image mapping IS RE-ENTRANT in several places: superclass
* lookup may cause ZeroLink to load another image, and +load calls may
* cause dyld to load another image.
* Read all classes in all new images.
* Add them all to unconnected_class_hash.
* Note any +load implementations before categories are attached.
- * Fix up any pended classrefs referring to them.
* Attach any pending categories.
* Read all categories in all new images.
* Attach categories whose parent class exists (connected or not),
* If the superclass is connected:
* connect the class
* mark the class eligible for +load, if implemented
+ * fix up any pended classrefs referring to the class
* connect any pended subclasses of the class
* Resolve selector refs and class refs in all new images.
* Class refs whose classes still do not exist are pended.
* are attached. Otherwise, if a category implements +load and its class
* has no class methods, the class's +load scan would find the category's
* +load method, which would then be called twice.
+ *
+ * Correctness: pended class refs are not fixed up until the class is
+ * connected. Classes with missing weak superclasses remain unconnected.
+ * Class refs to classes with missing weak superclasses must be NULL.
+ * Therefore class refs to unconnected classes must remain un-fixed.
#if !__OBJC2__
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <mach-o/ldsyms.h>
-#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#define OLD 1
-#import "objc-private.h"
-#import "objc-loadmethod.h"
-#import "hashtable2.h"
-#import "maptable.h"
+#include "objc-private.h"
+#include "objc-runtime-old.h"
+#include "objc-loadmethod.h"
/* NXHashTable SPI */
extern unsigned _NXHashCapacity(NXHashTable *table);
static void resolve_subclasses_of_class(struct old_class *cls);
static void really_connect_class(struct old_class *cls, struct old_class *supercls);
static BOOL connect_class(struct old_class *cls);
-static inline BOOL map_selrefs(SEL *src, SEL *dst, size_t size, BOOL copy);
static void map_method_descs (struct objc_method_description_list * methods, BOOL copy);
static void _objcTweakMethodListPointerForClass(struct old_class *cls);
static inline void _objc_add_category(struct old_class *cls, struct old_category *category, int version);
// Function called when a class is loaded from an image
-__private_extern__ void (*callbackFunction)(Class, const char *) = 0;
-// Lock for class and protocol hashtables
-// classLock > cacheUpdateLock
-__private_extern__ OBJC_DECLARE_LOCK (classLock);
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void (*callbackFunction)(Class, Category) = 0;
// Hash table of classes
-__private_extern__ NXHashTable * class_hash NOBSS = 0;
+PRIVATE_EXTERN NXHashTable * class_hash = 0;
static NXHashTablePrototype classHashPrototype =
(uintptr_t (*) (const void *, const void *)) classHash,
// Hash table of unconnected classes
-static NXHashTable *unconnected_class_hash NOBSS = NULL;
+static NXHashTable *unconnected_class_hash = NULL;
// Exported copy of class_hash variable (hook for debugging tools)
NXHashTable *_objc_debug_class_hash = NULL;
static BOOL (*_objc_classLoader)(const char *) = NULL;
-* inform_duplicate. Complain about duplicate class implementations.
-static void inform_duplicate(struct old_class *oldCls, struct old_class *cls)
- const header_info *oldHeader = _headerForClass((Class)oldCls);
- const header_info *newHeader = _headerForClass((Class)cls);
- const char *oldName = _nameForHeader(oldHeader->mhdr);
- const char *newName = _nameForHeader(newHeader->mhdr);
- _objc_inform ("Class %s is implemented in both %s and %s. "
- "Using implementation from %s.",
- oldCls->name, oldName, newName, newName);
* objc_dump_class_hash. Log names of all known classes.
-__private_extern__ void objc_dump_class_hash(void)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void objc_dump_class_hash(void)
NXHashTable *table;
unsigned count;
* _objc_init_class_hash. Return the class lookup table, create it if
* necessary.
-__private_extern__ void _objc_init_class_hash(void)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void _objc_init_class_hash(void)
// Do nothing if class hash table already exists
if (class_hash)
int objc_getClassList(Class *buffer, int bufferLen)
NXHashState state;
- Class class;
+ Class cls;
int cnt, num;
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ if (!class_hash) {
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return 0;
+ }
num = NXCountHashTable(class_hash);
if (NULL == buffer) {
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
return num;
cnt = 0;
state = NXInitHashState(class_hash);
while (cnt < bufferLen &&
- NXNextHashState(class_hash, &state, (void **)&class))
+ NXNextHashState(class_hash, &state, (void **)&cls))
- buffer[cnt++] = class;
+ buffer[cnt++] = cls;
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
return num;
+* objc_copyClassList
+* Returns pointers to all classes.
+* This requires all classes be realized, which is regretfully non-lazy.
+* outCount may be NULL. *outCount is the number of classes returned.
+* If the returned array is not NULL, it is NULL-terminated and must be
+* freed with free().
+* Locking: acquires classLock
+Class *
+objc_copyClassList(unsigned int *outCount)
+ Class *result;
+ unsigned int count;
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ result = NULL;
+ count = class_hash ? NXCountHashTable(class_hash) : 0;
+ if (count > 0) {
+ Class cls;
+ NXHashState state = NXInitHashState(class_hash);
+ result = malloc((1+count) * sizeof(Class));
+ count = 0;
+ while (NXNextHashState(class_hash, &state, (void **)&cls)) {
+ result[count++] = cls;
+ }
+ result[count] = NULL;
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ if (outCount) *outCount = count;
+ return result;
* objc_copyProtocolList
* Returns pointers to all protocols.
* Locking: acquires classLock
-Protocol **
+Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *
objc_copyProtocolList(unsigned int *outCount)
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
int count, i;
Protocol *proto;
const char *name;
NXMapState state;
Protocol **result;
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
count = NXCountMapTable(protocol_map);
if (count == 0) {
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
if (outCount) *outCount = 0;
return NULL;
result[i++] = NULL;
assert(i == count+1);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
if (outCount) *outCount = count;
return result;
static int classIsEqual(void *info, Class name, Class cls)
// Standard string comparison
- // Our local inlined version is significantly shorter on PPC and avoids the
- // mflr/mtlr and dyld_stub overhead when calling strcmp.
- return _objc_strcmp(_class_getName(name), _class_getName(cls)) == 0;
+ return strcmp(_class_getName(name), _class_getName(cls)) == 0;
* Assumes the named class doesn't exist yet.
* Not thread safe.
-__private_extern__ Class _objc_allocateFutureClass(const char *name)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN Class _objc_allocateFutureClass(const char *name)
struct old_class *cls;
- cls = _calloc_internal(sizeof(*cls), 1);
+ cls = (struct old_class *)_calloc_class(sizeof(*cls));
makeFutureClass(cls, name);
return (Class)cls;
struct old_class *oldcls;
struct old_class *newcls = (struct old_class *)cls; // Not a real class!
- if ((oldcls = _class_asOld(look_up_class(name, NO/*unconnected*/, NO/*classhandler*/)))) {
+ if ((oldcls = oldcls((Class)look_up_class(name, NO/*unconnected*/, NO/*classhandler*/)))) {
setOriginalClassForFutureClass(newcls, oldcls);
// fixme hack
memcpy(newcls, oldcls, sizeof(struct objc_class));
newcls->info &= ~CLS_EXT;
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
NXHashRemove(class_hash, oldcls);
+ objc_removeRegisteredClass((Class)oldcls);
change_class_references(newcls, oldcls, nil, YES);
NXHashInsert(class_hash, newcls);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ objc_addRegisteredClass((Class)newcls);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
} else {
makeFutureClass(newcls, name);
Protocol *result;
if (!protocol_map) return NULL;
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
result = (Protocol *)NXMapGet(protocol_map, name);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
return result;
* 3. classLoader callback
* 4. classHandler callback (optional)
-__private_extern__ id look_up_class(const char *aClassName, BOOL includeUnconnected, BOOL includeClassHandler)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN id look_up_class(const char *aClassName, BOOL includeUnconnected, BOOL includeClassHandler)
BOOL includeClassLoader = YES; // class loader cannot be skipped
id result = nil;
if (!result && class_hash) {
// Check ordinary classes
- OBJC_LOCK (&classLock);
+ mutex_lock (&classLock);
result = (id)NXHashGet(class_hash, &query);
- OBJC_UNLOCK (&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock (&classLock);
if (!result && includeUnconnected && unconnected_class_hash) {
// Check not-yet-connected classes
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
result = (id)NXHashGet(unconnected_class_hash, &query);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
if (!result && includeClassLoader && _objc_classLoader) {
static BOOL class_is_connected(struct old_class *cls)
BOOL result;
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
result = NXHashMember(class_hash, cls);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
return result;
* Returns TRUE if class cls is ready for its +load method to be called.
* A class is ready for +load if it is connected.
-__private_extern__ BOOL _class_isLoadable(Class cls)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN BOOL _class_isLoadable(Class cls)
- return class_is_connected(_class_asOld(cls));
+ return class_is_connected(oldcls(cls));
pending->next = oldList;
// (Re)place entry list in the table
- (void) NXMapKeyCopyingInsert (table, superName, pending);
+ NXMapKeyCopyingInsert (table, superName, pending);
pending->next = NXMapGet (table, className);
// (Re)place entry list in the table
- (void) NXMapKeyCopyingInsert (table, className, pending);
+ NXMapKeyCopyingInsert (table, className, pending);
if (PrintConnecting) {
_objc_inform("CONNECT: pended reference to class '%s%s' at %p",
struct old_class *oldCls;
// Connect superclass pointers.
- set_superclass(cls, supercls);
+ set_superclass(cls, supercls, YES);
+ // Update GC layouts
+ // For paranoia, this is a conservative update:
+ // only non-strong -> strong and weak -> strong are corrected.
+ if (UseGC && supercls &&
+ (cls->info & CLS_EXT) && (supercls->info & CLS_EXT))
+ {
+ BOOL layoutChanged;
+ layout_bitmap ivarBitmap =
+ layout_bitmap_create(cls->ivar_layout,
+ cls->instance_size,
+ cls->instance_size, NO);
+ layout_bitmap superBitmap =
+ layout_bitmap_create(supercls->ivar_layout,
+ supercls->instance_size,
+ supercls->instance_size, NO);
+ // non-strong -> strong: bits set in super should be set in sub
+ layoutChanged = layout_bitmap_or(ivarBitmap, superBitmap, cls->name);
+ layout_bitmap_free(superBitmap);
+ if (layoutChanged) {
+ layout_bitmap weakBitmap = {0};
+ BOOL weakLayoutChanged = NO;
+ if (cls->ext && cls->ext->weak_ivar_layout) {
+ // weak -> strong: strong bits should be cleared in weak layout
+ // This is a subset of non-strong -> strong
+ weakBitmap =
+ layout_bitmap_create(cls->ext->weak_ivar_layout,
+ cls->instance_size,
+ cls->instance_size, YES);
+ weakLayoutChanged =
+ layout_bitmap_clear(weakBitmap, ivarBitmap, cls->name);
+ } else {
+ // no existing weak ivars, so no weak -> strong changes
+ }
+ // Rebuild layout strings.
+ if (PrintIvars) {
+ _objc_inform("IVARS: gc layout changed "
+ "for class %s (super %s)",
+ cls->name, supercls->name);
+ if (weakLayoutChanged) {
+ _objc_inform("IVARS: gc weak layout changed "
+ "for class %s (super %s)",
+ cls->name, supercls->name);
+ }
+ }
+ cls->ivar_layout = layout_string_create(ivarBitmap);
+ if (weakLayoutChanged) {
+ cls->ext->weak_ivar_layout = layout_string_create(weakBitmap);
+ }
+ layout_bitmap_free(weakBitmap);
+ }
+ layout_bitmap_free(ivarBitmap);
+ }
+ // Done!
cls->info |= CLS_CONNECTED;
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
// Update hash tables.
NXHashRemove(unconnected_class_hash, cls);
oldCls = NXHashInsert(class_hash, cls);
+ objc_addRegisteredClass((Class)cls);
// Delete unconnected_class_hash if it is now empty.
if (NXCountHashTable(unconnected_class_hash) == 0) {
unconnected_class_hash = NULL;
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ // No duplicate classes allowed.
+ // Duplicates should have been rejected by _objc_read_classes_from_image.
+ assert(!oldCls);
- // Warn if the new class has the same name as a previously-installed class.
- // The new class is kept and the old class is discarded.
- if (oldCls) {
- inform_duplicate(oldCls, cls);
- }
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ // Fix up pended class refs to this class, if any
+ resolve_references_to_class(cls);
// Connect newly-connectable subclasses
struct old_class *supercls;
// YES unconnected, YES class handler
- if (NULL == (supercls = _class_asOld(look_up_class(supercls_name, YES, YES)))) {
+ if (NULL == (supercls = oldcls((Class)look_up_class(supercls_name, YES, YES)))) {
// Superclass does not exist yet.
// pendClassInstallation will handle duplicate pends of this class
pendClassInstallation(cls, supercls_name);
unsigned int index;
unsigned int midx;
Module mods;
- int isBundle = (hi->mhdr->filetype == MH_BUNDLE);
+ int isBundle = headerIsBundle(hi);
if (_objcHeaderIsReplacement(hi)) {
// Ignore any classes in this image
// If other Objective-C libraries are found, immediately resize
// class_hash, assuming that Foundation and AppKit are about
// to add lots of classes.
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
- if (hi->mhdr != (headerType *)&_mh_dylib_header && _NXHashCapacity(class_hash) < 1024) {
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ if (hi->mhdr != libobjc_header && _NXHashCapacity(class_hash) < 1024) {
_NXHashRehashToCapacity(class_hash, 1024);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
// Major loop - process all modules in the image
mods = hi->mod_ptr;
for (index = 0; index < mods[midx].symtab->cls_def_cnt; index += 1)
struct old_class *newCls, *oldCls;
+ BOOL rejected;
// Locate the class description pointer
newCls = mods[midx].symtab->defs[index];
// Install into unconnected_class_hash.
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
if (future_class_hash) {
struct old_class *futureCls =
NULL, _objc_internal_zone());
- oldCls = NXHashInsert(unconnected_class_hash, newCls);
- if (oldCls) {
- // Duplicate classes loaded.
- // newCls has been inserted over oldCls,
- // same as really_connect_class
- inform_duplicate(oldCls, newCls);
+ if ((oldCls = NXHashGet(class_hash, newCls)) ||
+ (oldCls = NXHashGet(unconnected_class_hash, newCls)))
+ {
+ // Another class with this name exists. Complain and reject.
+ inform_duplicate(newCls->name, (Class)oldCls, (Class)newCls);
+ rejected = YES;
+ }
+ else {
+ NXHashInsert(unconnected_class_hash, newCls);
+ rejected = NO;
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
- // Fix up pended class refs to this class, if any
- resolve_references_to_class(newCls);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
- // Attach pended categories for this class, if any
- resolve_categories_for_class(newCls);
+ if (!rejected) {
+ // Attach pended categories for this class, if any
+ resolve_categories_for_class(newCls);
+ }
// field for [super ...] use, but otherwise perform
// fixups on the new class struct only.
const char *super_name = (const char *) cls->super_class;
- if (super_name) cls->super_class = _class_asOld(objc_getClass(super_name));
+ if (super_name) cls->super_class = oldcls((Class)objc_getClass(super_name));
cls = futureCls;
connected = connect_class(cls);
// And metaclass's super_class (#5351107)
const char *super_name = (const char *) cls->super_class;
if (super_name) {
- cls->super_class = _class_asOld(objc_getClass(super_name));
+ cls->super_class = oldcls((Class)objc_getClass(super_name));
// metaclass's superclass is superclass's metaclass
cls->isa->super_class = cls->super_class->isa;
} else {
struct old_class *cls;
// Get pointer to class of this name
- // YES unconnected, YES class loader
- cls = _class_asOld(look_up_class(name, YES, YES));
+ // NO unconnected, YES class loader
+ // (real class with weak-missing superclass is unconnected now)
+ cls = oldcls((Class)look_up_class(name, NO, YES));
if (cls) {
// Referenced class exists. Fix up the reference.
*ref = isMeta ? cls->isa : cls;
} else {
- // Referenced class does not exist yet. Insert a placeholder
- // class and fix up the reference later.
+ // Referenced class does not exist yet. Insert NULL for now
+ // (weak-linking) and fix up the reference if the class arrives later.
pendClassReference (ref, name, isMeta);
- *ref = (struct old_class *)_class_getNonexistentObjectClass();
+ *ref = NULL;
for (index = 0; index < count; index += 1) {
// Ref is initially class name char*
const char *name = (const char *) cls_refs[index];
- if (name == NULL) {
- // rdar://5453039 is the entire page zero, or just this pointer
- uintptr_t *p = (uintptr_t *)(((uintptr_t)&cls_refs[index]) & ~0xfff);
- uintptr_t *end = (uintptr_t *)(((uintptr_t)p)+0x1000);
- int clear = 1;
- for ( ; p < end; p++) {
- if (*p != 0) {
- clear = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- _objc_inform_on_crash("rdar://5453039 page around %p IS%s clear",
- &cls_refs[index], clear ? "" : " NOT");
- // crash in the usual spot so CrashTracer coalesces it
- }
+ if (!name) continue;
fix_class_ref(&cls_refs[index], name, NO /*never meta*/);
if (!pendingClassRefsMap) return;
// Search the pending class ref table for class refs in this range.
- // The class refs may have already been stomped with nonexistentClass,
+ // The class refs may have already been stomped with NULL,
// so there's no way to recover the original class name.
- const char *key;
- PendingClassRef *pending;
- NXMapState state = NXInitMapState(pendingClassRefsMap);
- while(NXNextMapState(pendingClassRefsMap, &state,
- (const void **)&key, (const void **)&pending))
- {
- for ( ; pending != NULL; pending = pending->next) {
- if (pending->ref >= refs && pending->ref < end) {
- pending->ref = NULL;
+ {
+ const char *key;
+ PendingClassRef *pending;
+ NXMapState state = NXInitMapState(pendingClassRefsMap);
+ while(NXNextMapState(pendingClassRefsMap, &state,
+ (const void **)&key, (const void **)&pending))
+ {
+ for ( ; pending != NULL; pending = pending->next) {
+ if (pending->ref >= refs && pending->ref < end) {
+ pending->ref = NULL;
+ }
* can still be used after the bundle's data segment is unmapped.
* Returns YES if dst was written to, NO if it was unchanged.
-static inline BOOL map_selrefs(SEL *src, SEL *dst, size_t size, BOOL copy)
+static inline void map_selrefs(SEL *sels, size_t count, BOOL copy)
- BOOL result = NO;
- size_t cnt = size / sizeof(SEL);
size_t index;
- sel_lock();
- // Process each selector
- for (index = 0; index < cnt; index += 1)
- {
- SEL sel;
- // Lookup pointer to uniqued string
- sel = sel_registerNameNoLock((const char *) src[index], copy);
- // Replace this selector with uniqued one (avoid
- // modifying the VM page if this would be a NOP)
- if (dst[index] != sel) {
- dst[index] = sel;
- result = YES;
- }
- }
- sel_unlock();
- return result;
-* map_message_refs. For each message ref in the specified array,
-* replace the name pointer with a uniqued selector.
-* If copy is TRUE, all selector data is always copied. This is used
-* for registering selectors from unloadable bundles, so the selector
-* can still be used after the bundle's data segment is unmapped.
-* Returns YES if dst was written to, NO if it was unchanged.
-static inline BOOL map_message_refs(message_ref *src, message_ref *dst, size_t size, BOOL copy)
- BOOL result = NO;
- size_t cnt = size / sizeof(message_ref);
- size_t index;
+ if (!sels) return;
// Process each selector
- for (index = 0; index < cnt; index += 1)
+ for (index = 0; index < count; index += 1)
SEL sel;
// Lookup pointer to uniqued string
- sel = sel_registerNameNoLock((const char *) src[index].sel, copy);
+ sel = sel_registerNameNoLock((const char *) sels[index], copy);
// Replace this selector with uniqued one (avoid
// modifying the VM page if this would be a NOP)
- if (dst[index].sel != sel) {
- dst[index].sel = sel;
- result = YES;
+ if (sels[index] != sel) {
+ sels[index] = sel;
- return result;
static void map_method_descs (struct objc_method_description_list * methods, BOOL copy)
- unsigned int index;
+ int index;
if (!methods) return;
* Recursively search for a selector in a protocol
* (and all incorporated protocols)
-__private_extern__ struct objc_method_description *
+PRIVATE_EXTERN struct objc_method_description *
lookup_protocol_method(struct old_protocol *proto, SEL aSel,
BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod)
protocol_getMethodDescription(Protocol *p, SEL aSel,
BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod)
+ struct objc_method_description empty = {NULL, NULL};
struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(p);
- if (!proto) return (struct objc_method_description){NULL, NULL};
+ struct objc_method_description *desc;
+ if (!proto) return empty;
- struct objc_method_description *desc =
- lookup_protocol_method(proto, aSel,
- isRequiredMethod, isInstanceMethod);
+ desc = lookup_protocol_method(proto, aSel,
+ isRequiredMethod, isInstanceMethod);
if (desc) return *desc;
- else return (struct objc_method_description){NULL, NULL};
+ else return empty;
struct objc_method_description_list *mlist = NULL;
struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(p);
struct old_protocol_ext *ext;
+ unsigned int i, count;
+ struct objc_method_description *result;
if (!proto) {
if (outCount) *outCount = 0;
return NULL;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned int count = mlist->count;
- struct objc_method_description *result =
+ count = mlist->count;
+ result =
calloc(count + 1, sizeof(struct objc_method_description));
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result[i] = mlist->list[i];
-Property protocol_getProperty(Protocol *p, const char *name,
+objc_property_t protocol_getProperty(Protocol *p, const char *name,
BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(p);
+ struct old_protocol_ext *ext;
+ struct old_protocol_list *plist;
if (!proto || !name) return NULL;
return NULL;
- struct old_protocol_ext *ext;
if ((ext = ext_for_protocol(proto))) {
- struct objc_property_list *plist;
+ struct old_property_list *plist;
if ((plist = ext->instance_properties)) {
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < plist->count; i++) {
- Property prop = property_list_nth(plist, i);
+ struct old_property *prop = property_list_nth(plist, i);
if (0 == strcmp(name, prop->name)) {
- return prop;
+ return (objc_property_t)prop;
- struct old_protocol_list *plist;
if ((plist = proto->protocol_list)) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < plist->count; i++) {
- Property prop =
+ objc_property_t prop =
protocol_getProperty((Protocol *)plist->list[i], name,
isRequiredProperty, isInstanceProperty);
if (prop) return prop;
-Property *protocol_copyPropertyList(Protocol *p, unsigned int *outCount)
+objc_property_t *protocol_copyPropertyList(Protocol *p, unsigned int *outCount)
- Property *result = NULL;
+ struct old_property **result = NULL;
struct old_protocol_ext *ext;
+ struct old_property_list *plist;
struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(p);
if (! (ext = ext_for_protocol(proto))) {
return NULL;
- struct objc_property_list *plist = ext->instance_properties;
+ plist = ext->instance_properties;
result = copyPropertyList(plist, outCount);
- return result;
+ return (objc_property_t *)result;
* Copies this protocol's incorporated protocols.
* Does not copy those protocol's incorporated protocols in turn.
-Protocol **protocol_copyProtocolList(Protocol *p, unsigned int *outCount)
+Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *
+protocol_copyProtocolList(Protocol *p, unsigned int *outCount)
unsigned int count = 0;
Protocol **result = NULL;
count = (unsigned int)proto->protocol_list->count;
if (count > 0) {
+ unsigned int i;
result = malloc((count+1) * sizeof(Protocol *));
- unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result[i] = (Protocol *)proto->protocol_list->list[i];
+* objc_allocateProtocol
+* Creates a new protocol. The protocol may not be used until
+* objc_registerProtocol() is called.
+* Returns NULL if a protocol with the same name already exists.
+* Locking: acquires classLock
+Protocol *
+objc_allocateProtocol(const char *name)
+ Class cls = (Class)objc_getClass("__IncompleteProtocol");
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ if (NXMapGet(protocol_map, name)) {
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct old_protocol *result = (struct old_protocol *)
+ _calloc_internal(1, sizeof(struct old_protocol)
+ + sizeof(struct old_protocol_ext));
+ struct old_protocol_ext *ext = (struct old_protocol_ext *)(result+1);
+ result->isa = cls;
+ result->protocol_name = _strdup_internal(name);
+ ext->size = sizeof(*ext);
+ // fixme reserve name without installing
+ NXMapInsert(protocol_ext_map, result, result+1);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return (Protocol *)result;
+* objc_registerProtocol
+* Registers a newly-constructed protocol. The protocol is now
+* ready for use and immutable.
+* Locking: acquires classLock
+void objc_registerProtocol(Protocol *proto_gen)
+ struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(proto_gen);
+ Class oldcls = (Class)objc_getClass("__IncompleteProtocol");
+ Class cls = (Class)objc_getClass("Protocol");
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ if (proto->isa == cls) {
+ _objc_inform("objc_registerProtocol: protocol '%s' was already "
+ "registered!", proto->protocol_name);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (proto->isa != oldcls) {
+ _objc_inform("objc_registerProtocol: protocol '%s' was not allocated "
+ "with objc_allocateProtocol!", proto->protocol_name);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return;
+ }
+ proto->isa = cls;
+ NXMapKeyCopyingInsert(protocol_map, proto->protocol_name, proto);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+* protocol_addProtocol
+* Adds an incorporated protocol to another protocol.
+* No method enforcement is performed.
+* `proto` must be under construction. `addition` must not.
+* Locking: acquires classLock
+protocol_addProtocol(Protocol *proto_gen, Protocol *addition_gen)
+ struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(proto_gen);
+ struct old_protocol *addition = oldprotocol(addition_gen);
+ Class cls = (Class)objc_getClass("__IncompleteProtocol");
+ if (!proto_gen) return;
+ if (!addition_gen) return;
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ if (proto->isa != cls) {
+ _objc_inform("protocol_addProtocol: modified protocol '%s' is not "
+ "under construction!", proto->protocol_name);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (addition->isa == cls) {
+ _objc_inform("protocol_addProtocol: added protocol '%s' is still "
+ "under construction!", addition->protocol_name);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct old_protocol_list *protolist = proto->protocol_list;
+ if (protolist) {
+ size_t size = sizeof(*protolist)
+ + protolist->count * sizeof(protolist->list[0]);
+ protolist = (struct old_protocol_list *)
+ _realloc_internal(protolist, size);
+ } else {
+ protolist = (struct old_protocol_list *)
+ _calloc_internal(1, sizeof(struct old_protocol_list));
+ }
+ protolist->list[protolist->count++] = addition;
+ proto->protocol_list = protolist;
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+* protocol_addMethodDescription
+* Adds a method to a protocol. The protocol must be under construction.
+* Locking: acquires classLock
+static void
+_protocol_addMethod(struct objc_method_description_list **list, SEL name, const char *types)
+ if (!*list) {
+ *list = (struct objc_method_description_list *)
+ _calloc_internal(sizeof(struct objc_method_description_list), 1);
+ } else {
+ size_t size = sizeof(struct objc_method_description_list)
+ + (*list)->count * sizeof(struct objc_method_description);
+ *list = (struct objc_method_description_list *)
+ _realloc_internal(*list, size);
+ }
+ struct objc_method_description *desc = &(*list)->list[(*list)->count++];
+ desc->name = name;
+ desc->types = _strdup_internal(types ?: "");
+protocol_addMethodDescription(Protocol *proto_gen, SEL name, const char *types,
+ BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod)
+ struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(proto_gen);
+ Class cls = (Class)objc_getClass("__IncompleteProtocol");
+ if (!proto_gen) return;
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ if (proto->isa != cls) {
+ _objc_inform("protocol_addMethodDescription: protocol '%s' is not "
+ "under construction!", proto->protocol_name);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isRequiredMethod && isInstanceMethod) {
+ _protocol_addMethod(&proto->instance_methods, name, types);
+ } else if (isRequiredMethod && !isInstanceMethod) {
+ _protocol_addMethod(&proto->class_methods, name, types);
+ } else if (!isRequiredMethod && isInstanceMethod) {
+ struct old_protocol_ext *ext = (struct old_protocol_ext *)(proto+1);
+ _protocol_addMethod(&ext->optional_instance_methods, name, types);
+ } else /* !isRequiredMethod && !isInstanceMethod) */ {
+ struct old_protocol_ext *ext = (struct old_protocol_ext *)(proto+1);
+ _protocol_addMethod(&ext->optional_class_methods, name, types);
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+* protocol_addProperty
+* Adds a property to a protocol. The protocol must be under construction.
+* Locking: acquires classLock
+static void
+_protocol_addProperty(struct old_property_list **plist, const char *name,
+ const objc_property_attribute_t *attrs,
+ unsigned int count)
+ if (!*plist) {
+ *plist = (struct old_property_list *)
+ _calloc_internal(sizeof(struct old_property_list), 1);
+ (*plist)->entsize = sizeof(struct old_property);
+ } else {
+ *plist = (struct old_property_list *)
+ _realloc_internal(*plist, sizeof(struct old_property_list)
+ + (*plist)->count * (*plist)->entsize);
+ }
+ struct old_property *prop = property_list_nth(*plist, (*plist)->count++);
+ prop->name = _strdup_internal(name);
+ prop->attributes = copyPropertyAttributeString(attrs, count);
+protocol_addProperty(Protocol *proto_gen, const char *name,
+ const objc_property_attribute_t *attrs,
+ unsigned int count,
+ BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
+ struct old_protocol *proto = oldprotocol(proto_gen);
+ Class cls = (Class)objc_getClass("__IncompleteProtocol");
+ if (!proto) return;
+ if (!name) return;
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
+ if (proto->isa != cls) {
+ _objc_inform("protocol_addProperty: protocol '%s' is not "
+ "under construction!", proto->protocol_name);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return;
+ }
+ struct old_protocol_ext *ext = ext_for_protocol(proto);
+ if (isRequiredProperty && isInstanceProperty) {
+ _protocol_addProperty(&ext->instance_properties, name, attrs, count);
+ }
+ //else if (isRequiredProperty && !isInstanceProperty) {
+ // _protocol_addProperty(&ext->class_properties, name, attrs, count);
+ //} else if (!isRequiredProperty && isInstanceProperty) {
+ // _protocol_addProperty(&ext->optional_instance_properties, name, attrs, count);
+ //} else /* !isRequiredProperty && !isInstanceProperty) */ {
+ // _protocol_addProperty(&ext->optional_class_properties, name, attrs, count);
+ //}
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
* _objc_fixup_protocol_objects_for_image. For each protocol in the
* specified image, selectorize the method names and add to the protocol hash.
static void fix_protocol(struct old_protocol *proto, Class protocolClass,
BOOL isBundle, const char *names, size_t names_size)
-#warning GrP fixme hack
+ uintptr_t version;
if (!proto) return;
- uintptr_t version = (uintptr_t)proto->isa;
+ version = (uintptr_t)proto->isa;
// Set the protocol's isa
proto->isa = protocolClass;
static void _objc_fixup_protocol_objects_for_image (header_info * hi)
- Class protocolClass = objc_getClass("Protocol");
+ Class protocolClass = (Class)objc_getClass("Protocol");
size_t count, i;
- struct old_protocol *protos;
- int isBundle = hi->mhdr->filetype == MH_BUNDLE;
+ struct old_protocol **protos;
+ int isBundle = headerIsBundle(hi);
const char *names;
size_t names_size;
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
// Allocate the protocol registry if necessary.
if (!protocol_map) {
protos = _getObjcProtocols(hi, &count);
names = _getObjcClassNames(hi, &names_size);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- fix_protocol(&protos[i], protocolClass, isBundle, names, names_size);
+ fix_protocol(protos[i], protocolClass, isBundle, names, names_size);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
size_t count;
SEL *sels;
- // Fix up selector refs
+ if (PrintPreopt) {
+ if (sel_preoptimizationValid(hi)) {
+ _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: honoring preoptimized selectors in %s",
+ _nameForHeader(hi->mhdr));
+ }
+ else if (_objcHeaderOptimizedByDyld(hi)) {
+ _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: IGNORING preoptimized selectors in %s",
+ _nameForHeader(hi->mhdr));
+ }
+ }
+ if (sel_preoptimizationValid(hi)) return;
sels = _getObjcSelectorRefs (hi, &count);
- if (sels) {
- map_selrefs(sels, sels, count * sizeof(SEL),
- hi->mhdr->filetype == MH_BUNDLE);
+ map_selrefs(sels, count, headerIsBundle(hi));
+static inline BOOL _is_threaded() {
+ return YES;
+ return pthread_is_threaded_np() != 0;
+* unmap_image
+* Process the given image which is about to be unmapped by dyld.
+* mh is mach_header instead of headerType because that's what
+* dyld_priv.h says even for 64-bit.
+unmap_image(const struct mach_header *mh, intptr_t vmaddr_slide)
+ recursive_mutex_lock(&loadMethodLock);
+ unmap_image_nolock(mh);
+ recursive_mutex_unlock(&loadMethodLock);
+* map_images
+* Process the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
+* Calls ABI-agnostic code after taking ABI-specific locks.
+PRIVATE_EXTERN const char *
+map_images(enum dyld_image_states state, uint32_t infoCount,
+ const struct dyld_image_info infoList[])
+ const char *err;
+ recursive_mutex_lock(&loadMethodLock);
+ err = map_images_nolock(state, infoCount, infoList);
+ recursive_mutex_unlock(&loadMethodLock);
+ return err;
+* load_images
+* Process +load in the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
+* Calls ABI-agnostic code after taking ABI-specific locks.
+* Locking: acquires classLock and loadMethodLock
+PRIVATE_EXTERN const char *
+load_images(enum dyld_image_states state, uint32_t infoCount,
+ const struct dyld_image_info infoList[])
+ BOOL found;
+ recursive_mutex_lock(&loadMethodLock);
+ // Discover +load methods
+ found = load_images_nolock(state, infoCount, infoList);
+ // Call +load methods (without classLock - re-entrant)
+ if (found) {
+ call_load_methods();
+ recursive_mutex_unlock(&loadMethodLock);
+ return NULL;
* _read_images
* Perform metadata processing for hCount images starting with firstNewHeader
-__private_extern__ void _read_images(header_info **hList, uint32_t hCount)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void _read_images(header_info **hList, uint32_t hCount)
uint32_t i;
+ BOOL categoriesLoaded = NO;
if (!class_hash) _objc_init_class_hash();
// Read categories from all images.
- BOOL needFlush = NO;
- for (i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
- needFlush |= _objc_read_categories_from_image(hList[i]);
+ // But not if any other threads are running - they might
+ // call a category method before the fixups below are complete.
+ if (!_is_threaded()) {
+ BOOL needFlush = NO;
+ for (i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
+ needFlush |= _objc_read_categories_from_image(hList[i]);
+ }
+ if (needFlush) flush_marked_caches();
+ categoriesLoaded = YES;
- if (needFlush) flush_marked_caches();
// Connect classes from all images.
for (i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
+ // Read categories from all images.
+ // But not if this is the only thread - it's more
+ // efficient to attach categories earlier if safe.
+ if (!categoriesLoaded) {
+ BOOL needFlush = NO;
+ for (i = 0; i < hCount; i++) {
+ needFlush |= _objc_read_categories_from_image(hList[i]);
+ }
+ if (needFlush) flush_marked_caches();
+ }
+ // Multi-threaded category load MUST BE LAST to avoid a race.
cls->info |= CLS_LOADED;
-__private_extern__ void prepare_load_methods(header_info *hi)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void prepare_load_methods(header_info *hi)
Module mods;
unsigned int midx;
// NOTE: The module and category lists are traversed backwards
// to preserve the pre-10.4 processing order. Changing the order
// would have a small chance of introducing binary compatibility bugs.
- midx = hi->mod_count;
+ midx = (unsigned int)hi->mod_count;
while (midx-- > 0) {
unsigned int index;
unsigned int total;
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void unload_class(struct old_class *cls)
* _objc_remove_classes_in_image
* Remove all classes in the given image from the runtime, because
if ((uintptr_t)(refs[i]) >= start && (uintptr_t)(refs[i]) < end) {
pendClassReference(&refs[i], refs[i]->name,
(refs[i]->info & CLS_META) ? YES : NO);
- refs[i] = (struct old_class *)_class_getNonexistentObjectClass();
+ refs[i] = NULL;
-static void try_free(const void *p)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void try_free(const void *p)
if (p && malloc_size(p)) free((void *)p);
static void unload_mlist(struct old_method_list *mlist)
int i;
- if (mlist->obsolete == _OBJC_FIXED_UP) {
- for (i = 0; i < mlist->method_count; i++) {
- try_free(mlist->method_list[i].method_types);
- }
- try_free(mlist);
+ for (i = 0; i < mlist->method_count; i++) {
+ try_free(mlist->method_list[i].method_types);
+ try_free(mlist);
+static void unload_property_list(struct old_property_list *proplist)
+ uint32_t i;
+ if (!proplist) return;
+ for (i = 0; i < proplist->count; i++) {
+ struct old_property *prop = property_list_nth(proplist, i);
+ try_free(prop->name);
+ try_free(prop->attributes);
+ }
+ try_free(proplist);
// Deallocate all memory in a class.
-__private_extern__ void unload_class(struct old_class *cls)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void unload_class(struct old_class *cls)
+ // Free method cache
+ // This dereferences the cache contents; do this before freeing methods
+ if (cls->cache && cls->cache != &_objc_empty_cache) {
+ _cache_free(cls->cache);
+ }
// Free ivar lists
if (cls->ivars) {
int i;
- // Free method cache
- if (cls->cache && cls->cache != &_objc_empty_cache) {
- _cache_free(cls->cache);
- }
if ((cls->info & CLS_EXT)) {
if (cls->ext) {
// Free property lists and property list array
// more than zero property lists
if (cls->info & CLS_NO_PROPERTY_ARRAY) {
// one property list
- try_free(cls->ext->propertyLists);
+ struct old_property_list *proplist =
+ (struct old_property_list *)cls->ext->propertyLists;
+ unload_property_list(proplist);
} else {
// more than one property list
- struct objc_property_list **plistp;
+ struct old_property_list **plistp;
for (plistp = cls->ext->propertyLists;
*plistp != NULL;
- try_free(*plistp);
+ unload_property_list(*plistp);
unsigned int midx;
Module mods;
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
// Major loop - process all modules in the image
mods = hi->mod_ptr;
// Remove from class_hash
NXHashRemove(class_hash, cls);
+ objc_removeRegisteredClass((Class)cls);
// Free heap memory pointed to by the class
// Un-fix and re-pend any such class refs.
// Get the location of the dying image's __OBJC segment
- uintptr_t seg = hi->objcSegmentHeader->vmaddr + hi->image_slide;
- size_t seg_size = hi->objcSegmentHeader->filesize;
+ uintptr_t seg;
+ unsigned long seg_size;
+ seg = (uintptr_t)getsegmentdata(hi->mhdr, "__OBJC", &seg_size);
header_info *other_hi;
- for (other_hi = _objc_headerStart();
- other_hi != NULL;
- other_hi = other_hi->next)
- {
+ for (other_hi = FirstHeader; other_hi != NULL; other_hi = other_hi->next) {
struct old_class **other_refs;
size_t count;
if (other_hi == hi) continue; // skip the image being unloaded
rependClassReferences(other_refs, count, seg, seg+seg_size);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
static void unload_paranoia(header_info *hi)
// Get the location of the dying image's __OBJC segment
- uintptr_t seg = hi->objcSegmentHeader->vmaddr + hi->image_slide;
- size_t seg_size = hi->objcSegmentHeader->filesize;
+ uintptr_t seg;
+ unsigned long seg_size;
+ seg = (uintptr_t)getsegmentdata(hi->mhdr, "__OBJC", &seg_size);
_objc_inform("UNLOAD DEBUG: unloading image '%s' [%p..%p]",
_nameForHeader(hi->mhdr), (void *)seg, (void*)(seg+seg_size));
- OBJC_LOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_lock(&classLock);
// Make sure the image contains no categories on surviving classes.
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
* _unload_image
* Only handles MH_BUNDLE for now.
+* Locking: loadMethodLock acquired by unmap_image
-__private_extern__ void _unload_image(header_info *hi)
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void _unload_image(header_info *hi)
+ recursive_mutex_assert_locked(&loadMethodLock);
// Cleanup:
// Remove image's classes from the class list and free auxiliary data.
// Remove image's unresolved or loadable categories and free auxiliary data
if (DebugUnload) unload_paranoia(hi);
* objc_addClass. Add the specified class to the table of known classes,
void objc_addClass (Class cls_gen)
- struct old_class *cls = _class_asOld(cls_gen);
+ struct old_class *cls = oldcls(cls_gen);
// Synchronize access to hash table
- OBJC_LOCK (&classLock);
+ mutex_lock (&classLock);
// Make sure both the class and the metaclass have caches!
// Clear all bits of the info fields except CLS_CLASS and CLS_META.
// Add the class to the table
(void) NXHashInsert (class_hash, cls);
+ objc_addRegisteredClass((Class)cls);
// Superclass is no longer a leaf for cache flushing
if (cls->super_class && (cls->super_class->info & CLS_LEAF)) {
// Desynchronize
- OBJC_UNLOCK (&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock (&classLock);
* Does not take any locks.
* If the class is already in use, use class_addMethods() instead.
-__private_extern__ void _objc_insertMethods(struct old_class *cls,
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void _objc_insertMethods(struct old_class *cls,
struct old_method_list *mlist,
struct old_category *cat)
IMP oldImp;
if ((oldImp = findIMPInClass(cls, sel))) {
- _objc_inform("REPLACED: %c[%s %s] %s%s (IMP was %p, now %p)",
- ISMETA(cls) ? '+' : '-',
- cls->name, sel_getName(sel),
- cat ? "by category " : "",
- cat ? cat->category_name : "",
- oldImp, newImp);
+ logReplacedMethod(cls->name, sel, ISMETA(cls),
+ cat ? cat->category_name : NULL,
+ oldImp, newImp);
// Right shift existing entries by one
- bcopy (*list, (*list) + 1, ((void *) ptr) - ((void *) *list));
+ bcopy (*list, (*list) + 1, (uint8_t *)ptr - (uint8_t *)*list);
// Insert at method list at beginning of array
**list = mlist;
* Does not flush any method caches.
* If the class is currently in use, use class_removeMethods() instead.
-__private_extern__ void _objc_removeMethods(struct old_class *cls,
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void _objc_removeMethods(struct old_class *cls,
struct old_method_list *mlist)
struct old_method_list ***list;
BOOL needFlush = NO;
// Install the category's methods into its intended class
- OBJC_LOCK(&methodListLock);
+ mutex_lock(&methodListLock);
_objc_add_category (cls, category, version);
- OBJC_UNLOCK(&methodListLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&methodListLock);
// Queue for cache flushing so category's methods can get called
if (category->instance_methods) {
static _objc_unresolved_category *reverse_cat(_objc_unresolved_category *cat)
+ _objc_unresolved_category *prev;
+ _objc_unresolved_category *cur;
+ _objc_unresolved_category *ahead;
if (!cat) return NULL;
- _objc_unresolved_category *prev = NULL;
- _objc_unresolved_category *cur = cat;
- _objc_unresolved_category *ahead = cat->next;
+ prev = NULL;
+ cur = cat;
+ ahead = cat->next;
while (cur) {
ahead = cur->next;
void _objc_resolve_categories_for_class(Class cls_gen)
- struct old_class *cls = _class_asOld(cls_gen);
+ struct old_class *cls = oldcls(cls_gen);
// If cls is a metaclass, get the class.
// resolve_categories_for_class() requires a real class to work correctly.
if (strncmp(cls->name, "_%", 2) == 0) {
// Posee's meta's name is smashed and isn't in the class_hash,
// so objc_getClass doesn't work.
- char *baseName = strchr(cls->name, '%'); // get posee's real name
- cls = _class_asOld(objc_getClass(baseName));
+ const char *baseName = strchr(cls->name, '%'); // get posee's real name
+ cls = oldcls((Class)objc_getClass(baseName));
} else {
- cls = _class_asOld(objc_getClass(cls->name));
+ cls = oldcls((Class)objc_getClass(cls->name));
struct old_class *theClass;
// If the category's class exists, attach the category.
- if ((theClass = _class_asOld(objc_lookUpClass(cat->class_name)))) {
+ if ((theClass = oldcls((Class)objc_lookUpClass(cat->class_name)))) {
return _objc_add_category_flush_caches(theClass, cat, version);
// then attach the category to the class but don't bother
// flushing any method caches (because they must be empty).
// YES unconnected, NO class_handler
- if ((theClass = _class_asOld(look_up_class(cat->class_name, YES, NO)))) {
+ if ((theClass = oldcls((Class)look_up_class(cat->class_name, YES, NO)))) {
_objc_add_category(theClass, cat, version);
return NO;
-__private_extern__ const char **
+PRIVATE_EXTERN const char **
_objc_copyClassNamesForImage(header_info *hi, unsigned int *outCount)
Module mods;
- int m;
+ unsigned int m;
const char **list;
int count;
int allocated;
if (class_is_connected(cls)) {
if (count == allocated) {
allocated = allocated*2 + 16;
- list = realloc(list, allocated * sizeof(char *));
+ list = (const char **)
+ realloc((void *)list, allocated * sizeof(char *));
list[count++] = cls->name;
// NULL-terminate non-empty list
if (count == allocated) {
allocated = allocated+1;
- list = realloc(list, allocated * sizeof(char *));
+ list = (const char **)
+ realloc((void *)list, allocated * sizeof(char *));
list[count] = NULL;
return list;
+Class gdb_class_getClass(Class cls)
+ const char *className = cls->name;
+ if(!className || !strlen(className)) return Nil;
+ Class rCls = look_up_class(className, NO, NO);
+ return rCls;
+Class gdb_object_getClass(id obj)
+ Class cls = _object_getClass(obj);
+ return gdb_class_getClass(cls);
+BOOL gdb_objc_isRuntimeLocked()
+ if (mutex_try_lock(&methodListLock)) {
+ mutex_unlock(&methodListLock);
+ } else
+ return YES;
+ if (mutex_try_lock(&classLock)) {
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ } else
+ return YES;
+ if (mutex_try_lock(&cacheUpdateLock)) {
+ mutex_unlock(&cacheUpdateLock);
+ } else
+ return YES;
+ return NO;
+* Lock management
+* Every lock used anywhere must be managed here.
+* Locks not managed here may cause gdb deadlocks.
+PRIVATE_EXTERN rwlock_t selLock = {0};
+static int debugger_selLock;
+static int debugger_loadMethodLock;
+#define RDONLY 1
+#define RDWR 2
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void lock_init(void)
+ rwlock_init(&selLock);
+ recursive_mutex_init(&loadMethodLock);
+* startDebuggerMode
+* Attempt to acquire some locks for debugger mode.
+* Returns 0 if debugger mode failed because too many locks are unavailable.
+* Locks successfully acquired are held until endDebuggerMode().
+* Locks not acquired are off-limits until endDebuggerMode(); any
+* attempt to manipulate them will cause a trap.
+* Locks not handled here may cause deadlocks in gdb.
+PRIVATE_EXTERN int startDebuggerMode(void)
+ int result = DEBUGGER_FULL;
+ // classLock is required
+ // methodListLock is required
+ // cacheUpdateLock is required
+ // fixme might be able to allow all-or-none
+ if (! mutex_try_lock(&classLock)) {
+ return DEBUGGER_OFF;
+ }
+ if (! mutex_try_lock(&methodListLock)) {
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return DEBUGGER_OFF;
+ }
+ if (! mutex_try_lock(&cacheUpdateLock)) {
+ mutex_unlock(&methodListLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return DEBUGGER_OFF;
+ }
+ // side table locks are not optional because we're being conservative
+ if (!noSideTableLocksHeld()) {
+ mutex_unlock(&cacheUpdateLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&methodListLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ return DEBUGGER_OFF;
+ }
+ // selLock is optional
+ if (rwlock_try_write(&selLock)) {
+ debugger_selLock = RDWR;
+ } else if (rwlock_try_read(&selLock)) {
+ debugger_selLock = RDONLY;
+ } else {
+ debugger_selLock = 0;
+ }
+ // loadMethodLock is optional
+ if (recursive_mutex_try_lock(&loadMethodLock)) {
+ debugger_loadMethodLock = RDWR;
+ } else {
+ debugger_loadMethodLock = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+* endDebuggerMode
+* Relinquish locks acquired in startDebuggerMode().
+PRIVATE_EXTERN void endDebuggerMode(void)
+ if (debugger_loadMethodLock) {
+ recursive_mutex_unlock(&loadMethodLock);
+ debugger_loadMethodLock = 0;
+ }
+ rwlock_unlock(&selLock, debugger_selLock);
+ debugger_selLock = 0;
+ mutex_unlock(&classLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&methodListLock);
+ mutex_unlock(&cacheUpdateLock);
+* isManagedDuringDebugger
+* Returns YES if the given lock is handled specially during debugger
+* mode (i.e. debugger mode tries to acquire it).
+PRIVATE_EXTERN BOOL isManagedDuringDebugger(void *lock)
+ if (lock == &selLock) return YES;
+ if (lock == &classLock) return YES;
+ if (lock == &methodListLock) return YES;
+ if (lock == &cacheUpdateLock) return YES;
+ if (lock == &loadMethodLock) return YES;
+ return NO;
+* isLockedDuringDebugger
+* Returns YES if the given mutex was acquired by debugger mode.
+* Locking a managed mutex during debugger mode causes a trap unless
+* this returns YES.
+PRIVATE_EXTERN BOOL isLockedDuringDebugger(void *lock)
+ assert(DebuggerMode);
+ if (lock == &classLock) return YES;
+ if (lock == &methodListLock) return YES;
+ if (lock == &cacheUpdateLock) return YES;
+ if (lock == (mutex_t *)&loadMethodLock) return YES;
+ return NO;
+* isReadingDuringDebugger
+* Returns YES if the given rwlock was read-locked by debugger mode.
+* Read-locking a managed rwlock during debugger mode causes a trap unless
+* this returns YES.
+PRIVATE_EXTERN BOOL isReadingDuringDebugger(rwlock_t *lock)
+ assert(DebuggerMode);
+ // read-lock is allowed even if debugger mode actually write-locked it
+ if (debugger_selLock && lock == &selLock) return YES;
+ return NO;
+* isWritingDuringDebugger
+* Returns YES if the given rwlock was write-locked by debugger mode.
+* Write-locking a managed rwlock during debugger mode causes a trap unless
+* this returns YES.
+PRIVATE_EXTERN BOOL isWritingDuringDebugger(rwlock_t *lock)
+ assert(DebuggerMode);
+ if (debugger_selLock == RDWR && lock == &selLock) return YES;
+ return NO;