#if __OBJC2__
#include "objc-private.h"
-#include "objc-cache.h"
-static const objc_selopt_t *builtins = NULL;
-#error sorry
-static size_t SelrefCount = 0;
-static NXMapTable *namedSelectors;
+#include "DenseMapExtras.h"
+static objc::ExplicitInitDenseSet<const char *> namedSelectors;
static SEL search_builtins(const char *key);
* sel_init
* Initialize selector tables and register selectors used internally.
-void sel_init(BOOL wantsGC, size_t selrefCount)
+void sel_init(size_t selrefCount)
- // save this value for later
- SelrefCount = selrefCount;
- builtins = preoptimizedSelectors();
- if (PrintPreopt && builtins) {
- uint32_t occupied = builtins->occupied;
- uint32_t capacity = builtins->capacity;
- _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: using selopt at %p", builtins);
- _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %u selectors", occupied);
- _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: %u/%u (%u%%) hash table occupancy",
- occupied, capacity,
- (unsigned)(occupied/(double)capacity*100));
- }
+ if (PrintPreopt) {
+ _objc_inform("PREOPTIMIZATION: using dyld selector opt");
+ }
+ namedSelectors.init((unsigned)selrefCount);
// Register selectors used by libobjc
- if (wantsGC) {
- // Registering retain/release/autorelease requires GC decision first.
- // sel_init doesn't actually need the wantsGC parameter, it just
- // helps enforce the initialization order.
- }
+ mutex_locker_t lock(selLock);
-#define s(x) SEL_##x = sel_registerNameNoLock(#x, NO)
-#define t(x,y) SEL_##y = sel_registerNameNoLock(#x, NO)
- sel_lock();
- s(load);
- s(initialize);
- t(resolveInstanceMethod:, resolveInstanceMethod);
- t(resolveClassMethod:, resolveClassMethod);
- t(.cxx_construct, cxx_construct);
- t(.cxx_destruct, cxx_destruct);
- s(retain);
- s(release);
- s(autorelease);
- s(retainCount);
- s(alloc);
- t(allocWithZone:, allocWithZone);
- s(dealloc);
- s(copy);
- s(new);
- s(finalize);
- t(forwardInvocation:, forwardInvocation);
- t(_tryRetain, tryRetain);
- t(_isDeallocating, isDeallocating);
- s(retainWeakReference);
- s(allowsWeakReference);
- sel_unlock();
-#undef s
-#undef t
+ SEL_cxx_construct = sel_registerNameNoLock(".cxx_construct", NO);
+ SEL_cxx_destruct = sel_registerNameNoLock(".cxx_destruct", NO);
static SEL sel_alloc(const char *name, bool copy)
- rwlock_assert_writing(&selLock);
- return (SEL)(copy ? _strdup_internal(name) : name);
+ selLock.assertLocked();
+ return (SEL)(copy ? strdupIfMutable(name) : name);
+unsigned long sel_hash(SEL sel)
+ unsigned long selAddr = (unsigned long)sel;
+ selAddr ^= (selAddr >> 7);
+ return selAddr;
BOOL sel_isMapped(SEL sel)
if (!sel) return NO;
if (sel == search_builtins(name)) return YES;
- bool result = false;
- rwlock_read(&selLock);
- if (namedSelectors) result = (sel == (SEL)NXMapGet(namedSelectors, name));
- rwlock_unlock_read(&selLock);
- return result;
+ mutex_locker_t lock(selLock);
+ auto it = namedSelectors.get().find(name);
+ return it != namedSelectors.get().end() && (SEL)*it == sel;
static SEL search_builtins(const char *name)
- if (builtins) return (SEL)builtins->get(name);
+ if (SEL result = (SEL)_dyld_get_objc_selector(name))
+ return result;
return nil;
-static SEL __sel_registerName(const char *name, int lock, int copy)
+static SEL __sel_registerName(const char *name, bool shouldLock, bool copy)
SEL result = 0;
- if (lock) rwlock_assert_unlocked(&selLock);
- else rwlock_assert_writing(&selLock);
+ if (shouldLock) selLock.assertUnlocked();
+ else selLock.assertLocked();
if (!name) return (SEL)0;
result = search_builtins(name);
if (result) return result;
- if (lock) rwlock_read(&selLock);
- if (namedSelectors) {
- result = (SEL)NXMapGet(namedSelectors, name);
- }
- if (lock) rwlock_unlock_read(&selLock);
- if (result) return result;
- // No match. Insert.
- if (lock) rwlock_write(&selLock);
- if (!namedSelectors) {
- namedSelectors = NXCreateMapTable(NXStrValueMapPrototype,
- (unsigned)SelrefCount);
- }
- if (lock) {
- // Rescan in case it was added while we dropped the lock
- result = (SEL)NXMapGet(namedSelectors, name);
- }
- if (!result) {
- result = sel_alloc(name, copy);
- // fixme choose a better container (hash not map for starters)
- NXMapInsert(namedSelectors, sel_getName(result), result);
- }
- if (lock) rwlock_unlock_write(&selLock);
- return result;
+ conditional_mutex_locker_t lock(selLock, shouldLock);
+ auto it = namedSelectors.get().insert(name);
+ if (it.second) {
+ // No match. Insert.
+ *it.first = (const char *)sel_alloc(name, copy);
+ }
+ return (SEL)*it.first;
return __sel_registerName(name, 1, 1); // YES lock, YES copy
-SEL sel_registerNameNoLock(const char *name, BOOL copy) {
+SEL sel_registerNameNoLock(const char *name, bool copy) {
return __sel_registerName(name, 0, copy); // NO lock, maybe copy
-void sel_lock(void)
- rwlock_write(&selLock);
-void sel_unlock(void)
- rwlock_unlock_write(&selLock);
// 2001/1/24
// the majority of uses of this function (which used to return NULL if not found)
BOOL sel_isEqual(SEL lhs, SEL rhs)
- return (lhs == rhs) ? YES : NO;
-* sel_preoptimizationValid
-* Return YES if this image's selector fixups are valid courtesy
-* of the dyld shared cache.
-BOOL sel_preoptimizationValid(const header_info *hi)
- return NO;
- // preoptimization disabled for some reason
- if (!isPreoptimized()) return NO;
- // image not from shared cache, or not fixed inside shared cache
- if (!_objcHeaderOptimizedByDyld(hi)) return NO;
- return YES;
+ return bool(lhs == rhs);