#include "objc-private.h"
#include "objc-abi.h"
-#include "objc-auto.h"
#include <objc/message.h>
-/* overriding the default object allocation and error handling routines */
-OBJC_EXPORT id (*_alloc)(Class, size_t);
-OBJC_EXPORT id (*_copy)(id, size_t);
-OBJC_EXPORT id (*_realloc)(id, size_t);
-OBJC_EXPORT id (*_dealloc)(id);
-OBJC_EXPORT id (*_zoneAlloc)(Class, size_t, void *);
-OBJC_EXPORT id (*_zoneRealloc)(id, size_t, void *);
-OBJC_EXPORT id (*_zoneCopy)(id, size_t, void *);
+#include <os/linker_set.h>
* Information about multi-thread support:
Class object_setClass(id obj, Class cls)
- if (obj) return obj->changeIsa(cls);
- else return Nil;
+ if (!obj) return nil;
+ // Prevent a deadlock between the weak reference machinery
+ // and the +initialize machinery by ensuring that no
+ // weakly-referenced object has an un-+initialized isa.
+ // Unresolved future classes are not so protected.
+ if (!cls->isFuture() && !cls->isInitialized()) {
+ // use lookUpImpOrNilTryCache to indirectly provoke +initialize
+ // to avoid duplicating the code to actually send +initialize
+ lookUpImpOrNilTryCache(nil, @selector(initialize), cls, LOOKUP_INITIALIZE);
+ }
+ return obj->changeIsa(cls);
-Ivar object_setInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void *value)
+static bool isScanned(ptrdiff_t ivar_offset, const uint8_t *layout)
- Ivar ivar = nil;
- if (obj && name && !obj->isTaggedPointer()) {
- if ((ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(obj->ISA(), name))) {
- object_setIvar(obj, ivar, (id)value);
- }
- }
- return ivar;
+ if (!layout) return NO;
-Ivar object_getInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void **value)
- if (obj && name && !obj->isTaggedPointer()) {
- Ivar ivar;
- if ((ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(obj->ISA(), name))) {
- if (value) *value = (void *)object_getIvar(obj, ivar);
- return ivar;
- }
- }
- if (value) *value = nil;
- return nil;
-static BOOL is_scanned_offset(ptrdiff_t ivar_offset, const uint8_t *layout) {
ptrdiff_t index = 0, ivar_index = ivar_offset / sizeof(void*);
uint8_t byte;
while ((byte = *layout++)) {
unsigned skips = (byte >> 4);
unsigned scans = (byte & 0x0F);
index += skips;
- while (scans--) {
- if (index == ivar_index) return YES;
- if (index > ivar_index) return NO;
- ++index;
- }
+ if (index > ivar_index) return NO;
+ index += scans;
+ if (index > ivar_index) return YES;
return NO;
-// FIXME: this could be optimized.
-static Class _ivar_getClass(Class cls, Ivar ivar) {
- Class ivar_class = nil;
- const char *ivar_name = ivar_getName(ivar);
- Ivar named_ivar = _class_getVariable(cls, ivar_name, &ivar_class);
- if (named_ivar) {
- // the same ivar name can appear multiple times along the superclass chain.
- while (named_ivar != ivar && ivar_class != nil) {
- ivar_class = ivar_class->superclass;
- named_ivar = _class_getVariable(cls, ivar_getName(ivar), &ivar_class);
+* _class_lookUpIvar
+* Given an object and an ivar in it, look up some data about that ivar:
+* - its offset
+* - its memory management behavior
+* The ivar is assumed to be word-aligned and of of object type.
+static void
+_class_lookUpIvar(Class cls, Ivar ivar, ptrdiff_t& ivarOffset,
+ objc_ivar_memory_management_t& memoryManagement)
+ ivarOffset = ivar_getOffset(ivar);
+ // Look for ARC variables and ARC-style weak.
+ // Preflight the hasAutomaticIvars check
+ // because _class_getClassForIvar() may need to take locks.
+ bool hasAutomaticIvars = NO;
+ for (Class c = cls; c; c = c->getSuperclass()) {
+ if (c->hasAutomaticIvars()) {
+ hasAutomaticIvars = YES;
+ break;
- return ivar_class;
-void object_setIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar, id value)
- if (obj && ivar && !obj->isTaggedPointer()) {
- Class cls = _ivar_getClass(obj->ISA(), ivar);
- ptrdiff_t ivar_offset = ivar_getOffset(ivar);
- id *location = (id *)((char *)obj + ivar_offset);
- // if this ivar is a member of an ARR compiled class, then issue the correct barrier according to the layout.
- if (_class_usesAutomaticRetainRelease(cls)) {
- // for ARR, layout strings are relative to the instance start.
- uint32_t instanceStart = _class_getInstanceStart(cls);
- const uint8_t *weak_layout = class_getWeakIvarLayout(cls);
- if (weak_layout && is_scanned_offset(ivar_offset - instanceStart, weak_layout)) {
- // use the weak system to write to this variable.
- objc_storeWeak(location, value);
+ if (hasAutomaticIvars) {
+ Class ivarCls = _class_getClassForIvar(cls, ivar);
+ if (ivarCls->hasAutomaticIvars()) {
+ // ARC layout bitmaps encode the class's own ivars only.
+ // Use alignedInstanceStart() because unaligned bytes at the start
+ // of this class's ivars are not represented in the layout bitmap.
+ ptrdiff_t localOffset =
+ ivarOffset - ivarCls->alignedInstanceStart();
+ if (isScanned(localOffset, class_getIvarLayout(ivarCls))) {
+ memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryStrong;
- const uint8_t *strong_layout = class_getIvarLayout(cls);
- if (strong_layout && is_scanned_offset(ivar_offset - instanceStart, strong_layout)) {
- objc_storeStrong(location, value);
+ if (isScanned(localOffset, class_getWeakIvarLayout(ivarCls))) {
+ memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryWeak;
- }
- if (UseGC) {
- // for GC, check for weak references.
- const uint8_t *weak_layout = class_getWeakIvarLayout(cls);
- if (weak_layout && is_scanned_offset(ivar_offset, weak_layout)) {
- objc_assign_weak(value, location);
+ // Unretained is only for true ARC classes.
+ if (ivarCls->isARC()) {
+ memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryUnretained;
+ return;
- objc_assign_ivar(value, obj, ivar_offset);
- *location = value;
+ }
+ memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryUnknown;
+* _class_getIvarMemoryManagement
+* SPI for KVO and others to decide what memory management to use
+* when setting instance variables directly.
+_class_getIvarMemoryManagement(Class cls, Ivar ivar)
+ ptrdiff_t offset;
+ objc_ivar_memory_management_t memoryManagement;
+ _class_lookUpIvar(cls, ivar, offset, memoryManagement);
+ return memoryManagement;
+void _object_setIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar, id value, bool assumeStrong)
+ if (!ivar || obj->isTaggedPointerOrNil()) return;
+ ptrdiff_t offset;
+ objc_ivar_memory_management_t memoryManagement;
+ _class_lookUpIvar(obj->ISA(), ivar, offset, memoryManagement);
+ if (memoryManagement == objc_ivar_memoryUnknown) {
+ if (assumeStrong) memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryStrong;
+ else memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryUnretained;
+ }
+ id *location = (id *)((char *)obj + offset);
+ switch (memoryManagement) {
+ case objc_ivar_memoryWeak: objc_storeWeak(location, value); break;
+ case objc_ivar_memoryStrong: objc_storeStrong(location, value); break;
+ case objc_ivar_memoryUnretained: *location = value; break;
+ case objc_ivar_memoryUnknown: _objc_fatal("impossible");
+void object_setIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar, id value)
+ return _object_setIvar(obj, ivar, value, false /*not strong default*/);
+void object_setIvarWithStrongDefault(id obj, Ivar ivar, id value)
+ return _object_setIvar(obj, ivar, value, true /*strong default*/);
id object_getIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar)
- if (obj && ivar && !obj->isTaggedPointer()) {
- Class cls = obj->ISA();
- ptrdiff_t ivar_offset = ivar_getOffset(ivar);
- if (_class_usesAutomaticRetainRelease(cls)) {
- // for ARR, layout strings are relative to the instance start.
- uint32_t instanceStart = _class_getInstanceStart(cls);
- const uint8_t *weak_layout = class_getWeakIvarLayout(cls);
- if (weak_layout && is_scanned_offset(ivar_offset - instanceStart, weak_layout)) {
- // use the weak system to read this variable.
- id *location = (id *)((char *)obj + ivar_offset);
- return objc_loadWeak(location);
- }
+ if (!ivar || obj->isTaggedPointerOrNil()) return nil;
+ ptrdiff_t offset;
+ objc_ivar_memory_management_t memoryManagement;
+ _class_lookUpIvar(obj->ISA(), ivar, offset, memoryManagement);
+ id *location = (id *)((char *)obj + offset);
+ if (memoryManagement == objc_ivar_memoryWeak) {
+ return objc_loadWeak(location);
+ } else {
+ return *location;
+ }
+Ivar _object_setInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void *value,
+ bool assumeStrong)
+ Ivar ivar = nil;
+ if (name && !obj->isTaggedPointerOrNil()) {
+ if ((ivar = _class_getVariable(obj->ISA(), name))) {
+ _object_setIvar(obj, ivar, (id)value, assumeStrong);
- id *idx = (id *)((char *)obj + ivar_offset);
- if (UseGC) {
- const uint8_t *weak_layout = class_getWeakIvarLayout(cls);
- if (weak_layout && is_scanned_offset(ivar_offset, weak_layout)) {
- return objc_read_weak(idx);
- }
+ }
+ return ivar;
+Ivar object_setInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void *value)
+ return _object_setInstanceVariable(obj, name, value, false);
+Ivar object_setInstanceVariableWithStrongDefault(id obj, const char *name,
+ void *value)
+ return _object_setInstanceVariable(obj, name, value, true);
+Ivar object_getInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void **value)
+ if (name && !obj->isTaggedPointerOrNil()) {
+ Ivar ivar;
+ if ((ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(obj->ISA(), name))) {
+ if (value) *value = (void *)object_getIvar(obj, ivar);
+ return ivar;
- return *idx;
+ if (value) *value = nil;
return nil;
// Call cls's dtor first, then superclasses's dtors.
- for ( ; cls; cls = cls->superclass) {
+ for ( ; cls; cls = cls->getSuperclass()) {
if (!cls->hasCxxDtor()) return;
dtor = (void(*)(id))
lookupMethodInClassAndLoadCache(cls, SEL_cxx_destruct);
void object_cxxDestruct(id obj)
- if (!obj) return;
- if (obj->isTaggedPointer()) return;
+ if (obj->isTaggedPointerOrNil()) return;
object_cxxDestructFromClass(obj, obj->ISA());
* return nil: construction failed because a C++ constructor threw an exception
-object_cxxConstructFromClass(id obj, Class cls)
+object_cxxConstructFromClass(id obj, Class cls, int flags)
- assert(cls->hasCxxCtor()); // required for performance, not correctness
+ ASSERT(cls->hasCxxCtor()); // required for performance, not correctness
id (*ctor)(id);
Class supercls;
- supercls = cls->superclass;
+ supercls = cls->getSuperclass();
// Call superclasses' ctors first, if any.
if (supercls && supercls->hasCxxCtor()) {
- bool ok = object_cxxConstructFromClass(obj, supercls);
- if (!ok) return nil; // some superclass's ctor failed - give up
+ bool ok = object_cxxConstructFromClass(obj, supercls, flags);
+ if (slowpath(!ok)) return nil; // some superclass's ctor failed - give up
// Find this class's ctor, if any.
_objc_inform("CXX: calling C++ constructors for class %s",
- if ((*ctor)(obj)) return obj; // ctor called and succeeded - ok
+ if (fastpath((*ctor)(obj))) return obj; // ctor called and succeeded - ok
+ supercls = cls->getSuperclass(); // this reload avoids a spill on the stack
- // This class's ctor was called and failed.
+ // This class's ctor was called and failed.
// Call superclasses's dtors to clean up.
if (supercls) object_cxxDestructFromClass(obj, supercls);
- return nil;
-* _class_resolveClassMethod
-* Call +resolveClassMethod, looking for a method to be added to class cls.
-* cls should be a metaclass.
-* Does not check if the method already exists.
-static void _class_resolveClassMethod(Class cls, SEL sel, id inst)
- assert(cls->isMetaClass());
- if (! lookUpImpOrNil(cls, SEL_resolveClassMethod, inst,
- NO/*initialize*/, YES/*cache*/, NO/*resolver*/))
- {
- // Resolver not implemented.
- return;
- }
- BOOL (*msg)(Class, SEL, SEL) = (typeof(msg))objc_msgSend;
- BOOL resolved = msg(_class_getNonMetaClass(cls, inst),
- SEL_resolveClassMethod, sel);
- // Cache the result (good or bad) so the resolver doesn't fire next time.
- // +resolveClassMethod adds to self->ISA() a.k.a. cls
- IMP imp = lookUpImpOrNil(cls, sel, inst,
- NO/*initialize*/, YES/*cache*/, NO/*resolver*/);
- if (resolved && PrintResolving) {
- if (imp) {
- _objc_inform("RESOLVE: method %c[%s %s] "
- "dynamically resolved to %p",
- cls->isMetaClass() ? '+' : '-',
- cls->nameForLogging(), sel_getName(sel), imp);
- }
- else {
- // Method resolver didn't add anything?
- _objc_inform("RESOLVE: +[%s resolveClassMethod:%s] returned YES"
- ", but no new implementation of %c[%s %s] was found",
- cls->nameForLogging(), sel_getName(sel),
- cls->isMetaClass() ? '+' : '-',
- cls->nameForLogging(), sel_getName(sel));
- }
+ if (flags & OBJECT_CONSTRUCT_FREE_ONFAILURE) free(obj);
+ return _objc_callBadAllocHandler(cls);
+ return nil;
-* _class_resolveInstanceMethod
-* Call +resolveInstanceMethod, looking for a method to be added to class cls.
-* cls may be a metaclass or a non-meta class.
-* Does not check if the method already exists.
+* fixupCopiedIvars
+* Fix up ARC strong and ARC-style weak variables
+* after oldObject was memcpy'd to newObject.
-static void _class_resolveInstanceMethod(Class cls, SEL sel, id inst)
+void fixupCopiedIvars(id newObject, id oldObject)
- if (! lookUpImpOrNil(cls->ISA(), SEL_resolveInstanceMethod, cls,
- NO/*initialize*/, YES/*cache*/, NO/*resolver*/))
- {
- // Resolver not implemented.
- return;
- }
- BOOL (*msg)(Class, SEL, SEL) = (typeof(msg))objc_msgSend;
- BOOL resolved = msg(cls, SEL_resolveInstanceMethod, sel);
- // Cache the result (good or bad) so the resolver doesn't fire next time.
- // +resolveInstanceMethod adds to self a.k.a. cls
- IMP imp = lookUpImpOrNil(cls, sel, inst,
- NO/*initialize*/, YES/*cache*/, NO/*resolver*/);
+ for (Class cls = oldObject->ISA(); cls; cls = cls->getSuperclass()) {
+ if (cls->hasAutomaticIvars()) {
+ // Use alignedInstanceStart() because unaligned bytes at the start
+ // of this class's ivars are not represented in the layout bitmap.
+ size_t instanceStart = cls->alignedInstanceStart();
+ const uint8_t *strongLayout = class_getIvarLayout(cls);
+ if (strongLayout) {
+ id *newPtr = (id *)((char*)newObject + instanceStart);
+ unsigned char byte;
+ while ((byte = *strongLayout++)) {
+ unsigned skips = (byte >> 4);
+ unsigned scans = (byte & 0x0F);
+ newPtr += skips;
+ while (scans--) {
+ // ensure strong references are properly retained.
+ id value = *newPtr++;
+ if (value) objc_retain(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (resolved && PrintResolving) {
- if (imp) {
- _objc_inform("RESOLVE: method %c[%s %s] "
- "dynamically resolved to %p",
- cls->isMetaClass() ? '+' : '-',
- cls->nameForLogging(), sel_getName(sel), imp);
- }
- else {
- // Method resolver didn't add anything?
- _objc_inform("RESOLVE: +[%s resolveInstanceMethod:%s] returned YES"
- ", but no new implementation of %c[%s %s] was found",
- cls->nameForLogging(), sel_getName(sel),
- cls->isMetaClass() ? '+' : '-',
- cls->nameForLogging(), sel_getName(sel));
+ const uint8_t *weakLayout = class_getWeakIvarLayout(cls);
+ // fix up weak references if any.
+ if (weakLayout) {
+ id *newPtr = (id *)((char*)newObject + instanceStart), *oldPtr = (id *)((char*)oldObject + instanceStart);
+ unsigned char byte;
+ while ((byte = *weakLayout++)) {
+ unsigned skips = (byte >> 4);
+ unsigned weaks = (byte & 0x0F);
+ newPtr += skips, oldPtr += skips;
+ while (weaks--) {
+ objc_copyWeak(newPtr, oldPtr);
+ ++newPtr, ++oldPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-* _class_resolveMethod
-* Call +resolveClassMethod or +resolveInstanceMethod.
-* Returns nothing; any result would be potentially out-of-date already.
-* Does not check if the method already exists.
-void _class_resolveMethod(Class cls, SEL sel, id inst)
- if (! cls->isMetaClass()) {
- // try [cls resolveInstanceMethod:sel]
- _class_resolveInstanceMethod(cls, sel, inst);
- }
- else {
- // try [nonMetaClass resolveClassMethod:sel]
- // and [cls resolveInstanceMethod:sel]
- _class_resolveClassMethod(cls, sel, inst);
- if (!lookUpImpOrNil(cls, sel, inst,
- NO/*initialize*/, YES/*cache*/, NO/*resolver*/))
- {
- _class_resolveInstanceMethod(cls, sel, inst);
- }
- }
* class_getClassMethod. Return the class method for the specified
if (!cls || !name) return nil;
- return _class_getVariable(cls, name, nil);
+ return _class_getVariable(cls, name);
BOOL class_respondsToSelector(Class cls, SEL sel)
- return class_respondsToSelector_inst(cls, sel, nil);
+ return class_respondsToSelector_inst(nil, sel, cls);
// inst is an instance of cls or a subclass thereof, or nil if none is known.
// Non-nil inst is faster in some cases. See lookUpImpOrForward() for details.
-BOOL class_respondsToSelector_inst(Class cls, SEL sel, id inst)
+NEVER_INLINE __attribute__((flatten)) BOOL
+class_respondsToSelector_inst(id inst, SEL sel, Class cls)
- IMP imp;
- if (!sel || !cls) return NO;
// Avoids +initialize because it historically did so.
// We're not returning a callable IMP anyway.
- imp = lookUpImpOrNil(cls, sel, inst,
- NO/*initialize*/, YES/*cache*/, YES/*resolver*/);
- return imp ? YES : NO;
+ return sel && cls && lookUpImpOrNilTryCache(inst, sel, cls, LOOKUP_RESOLVER);
return class_getMethodImplementation(cls, sel);
IMP class_getMethodImplementation(Class cls, SEL sel)
IMP imp;
if (!cls || !sel) return nil;
- imp = lookUpImpOrNil(cls, sel, nil,
- YES/*initialize*/, YES/*cache*/, YES/*resolver*/);
+ lockdebug_assert_no_locks_locked_except({ &loadMethodLock });
+ imp = lookUpImpOrNilTryCache(nil, sel, cls, LOOKUP_INITIALIZE | LOOKUP_RESOLVER);
// Translate forwarding function to C-callable external version
if (!imp) {
* instrumentObjcMessageSends
+// Define this everywhere even if it isn't used to simplify fork() safety code.
+spinlock_t objcMsgLogLock;
void instrumentObjcMessageSends(BOOL flag)
- static spinlock_t lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
- spinlock_lock(&lock);
+ objcMsgLogLock.lock();
write (objcMsgLogFD, buf, strlen(buf));
- spinlock_unlock(&lock);
+ objcMsgLogLock.unlock();
// Tell caller to not cache the method
return false;
-* _malloc_internal
-* _calloc_internal
-* _realloc_internal
-* _strdup_internal
-* _strdupcat_internal
-* _memdup_internal
-* _free_internal
-* Convenience functions for the internal malloc zone.
-void *_malloc_internal(size_t size)
- return malloc_zone_malloc(_objc_internal_zone(), size);
-void *_calloc_internal(size_t count, size_t size)
- return malloc_zone_calloc(_objc_internal_zone(), count, size);
-void *_realloc_internal(void *ptr, size_t size)
- return malloc_zone_realloc(_objc_internal_zone(), ptr, size);
-char *_strdup_internal(const char *str)
- size_t len;
- char *dup;
- if (!str) return nil;
- len = strlen(str);
- dup = (char *)malloc_zone_malloc(_objc_internal_zone(), len + 1);
- memcpy(dup, str, len + 1);
- return dup;
-uint8_t *_ustrdup_internal(const uint8_t *str)
- return (uint8_t *)_strdup_internal((char *)str);
-// allocate a new string that concatenates s1+s2.
-char *_strdupcat_internal(const char *s1, const char *s2)
- size_t len1 = strlen(s1);
- size_t len2 = strlen(s2);
- char *dup = (char *)
- malloc_zone_malloc(_objc_internal_zone(), len1 + len2 + 1);
- memcpy(dup, s1, len1);
- memcpy(dup + len1, s2, len2 + 1);
- return dup;
-void *_memdup_internal(const void *mem, size_t len)
- void *dup = malloc_zone_malloc(_objc_internal_zone(), len);
- memcpy(dup, mem, len);
- return dup;
-void _free_internal(void *ptr)
- malloc_zone_free(_objc_internal_zone(), ptr);
-size_t _malloc_size_internal(void *ptr)
- malloc_zone_t *zone = _objc_internal_zone();
- return zone->size(zone, ptr);
Class _calloc_class(size_t size)
- if (UseGC) return (Class) malloc_zone_calloc(gc_zone, 1, size);
- return (Class) _calloc_internal(1, size);
+ return (Class) calloc(1, size);
Class class_getSuperclass(Class cls)
if (!cls) return nil;
- return cls->superclass;
+ return cls->getSuperclass();
BOOL class_isMetaClass(Class cls)
return encoding_copyArgumentType(method_getTypeEncoding(m), index);
-* _objc_constructOrFree
-* Call C++ constructors, and free() if they fail.
-* bytes->isa must already be set.
-* cls must have cxx constructors.
-* Returns the object, or nil.
-_objc_constructOrFree(id bytes, Class cls)
- assert(cls->hasCxxCtor()); // for performance, not correctness
- id obj = object_cxxConstructFromClass(bytes, cls);
- if (!obj) {
- if (UseGC) {
- auto_zone_retain(gc_zone, bytes); // gc free expects rc==1
- }
- free(bytes);
- }
- return obj;
* _class_createInstancesFromZone
* Batch-allocating version of _class_createInstanceFromZone.
size_t size = cls->instanceSize(extraBytes);
- if (UseGC) {
- num_allocated =
- auto_zone_batch_allocate(gc_zone, size, AUTO_OBJECT_SCANNED, 0, 1,
- (void**)results, num_requested);
- } else
- {
- unsigned i;
- num_allocated =
- malloc_zone_batch_malloc((malloc_zone_t *)(zone ? zone : malloc_default_zone()),
- size, (void**)results, num_requested);
- for (i = 0; i < num_allocated; i++) {
- bzero(results[i], size);
- }
+ num_allocated =
+ malloc_zone_batch_malloc((malloc_zone_t *)(zone ? zone : malloc_default_zone()),
+ size, (void**)results, num_requested);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_allocated; i++) {
+ bzero(results[i], size);
// Construct each object, and delete any that fail construction.
unsigned shift = 0;
- unsigned i;
bool ctor = cls->hasCxxCtor();
- for (i = 0; i < num_allocated; i++) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_allocated; i++) {
id obj = results[i];
- obj->initIsa(cls); // fixme allow indexed
- if (ctor) obj = _objc_constructOrFree(obj, cls);
+ obj->initIsa(cls); // fixme allow nonpointer
+ if (ctor) {
+ obj = object_cxxConstructFromClass(obj, cls,
+ }
if (obj) {
results[i-shift] = obj;
} else {
* inform_duplicate. Complain about duplicate class implementations.
-inform_duplicate(const char *name, Class oldCls, Class cls)
+inform_duplicate(const char *name, Class oldCls, Class newCls)
(DebugDuplicateClasses ? _objc_fatal : _objc_inform)
("Class %s is implemented in two different images.", name);
const header_info *oldHeader = _headerForClass(oldCls);
- const header_info *newHeader = _headerForClass(cls);
- const char *oldName = oldHeader ? oldHeader->fname : "??";
- const char *newName = newHeader ? newHeader->fname : "??";
+ const header_info *newHeader = _headerForClass(newCls);
+ const char *oldName = oldHeader ? oldHeader->fname() : "??";
+ const char *newName = newHeader ? newHeader->fname() : "??";
+ const objc_duplicate_class **_dupi = NULL;
+ LINKER_SET_FOREACH(_dupi, const objc_duplicate_class **, "__objc_dupclass") {
+ const objc_duplicate_class *dupi = *_dupi;
+ if (strcmp(dupi->name, name) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
(DebugDuplicateClasses ? _objc_fatal : _objc_inform)
- ("Class %s is implemented in both %s and %s. "
+ ("Class %s is implemented in both %s (%p) and %s (%p). "
"One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.",
- name, oldName, newName);
+ name, oldName, oldCls, newName, newCls);
unsigned int i;
if (count == 0) return strdup("");
-#ifndef NDEBUG
+#if DEBUG
// debug build: sanitize input
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- assert(attrs[i].name);
- assert(strlen(attrs[i].name) > 0);
- assert(! strchr(attrs[i].name, ','));
- assert(! strchr(attrs[i].name, '"'));
- if (attrs[i].value) assert(! strchr(attrs[i].value, ','));
+ ASSERT(attrs[i].name);
+ ASSERT(strlen(attrs[i].name) > 0);
+ ASSERT(! strchr(attrs[i].name, ','));
+ ASSERT(! strchr(attrs[i].name, '"'));
+ if (attrs[i].value) ASSERT(! strchr(attrs[i].value, ','));
static unsigned int
iteratePropertyAttributes(const char *attrs,
- BOOL (*fn)(unsigned int index,
+ bool (*fn)(unsigned int index,
void *ctx1, void *ctx2,
const char *name, size_t nlen,
const char *value, size_t vlen),
if (!attrs) return 0;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
+#if DEBUG
const char *attrsend = attrs + strlen(attrs);
unsigned int attrcount = 0;
const char *nameStart;
const char *nameEnd;
- assert(start < end);
- assert(*start);
+ ASSERT(start < end);
+ ASSERT(*start);
if (*start != '\"') {
// single-char short name
nameStart = start;
const char *valueStart;
const char *valueEnd;
- assert(start <= end);
+ ASSERT(start <= end);
valueStart = start;
valueEnd = end;
- BOOL more = (*fn)(attrcount, ctx1, ctx2,
+ bool more = (*fn)(attrcount, ctx1, ctx2,
nameStart, nameEnd-nameStart,
valueStart, valueEnd-valueStart);
-static BOOL
+static bool
copyOneAttribute(unsigned int index, void *ctxa, void *ctxs,
const char *name, size_t nlen, const char *value, size_t vlen)
attrcount = iteratePropertyAttributes(attrs, copyOneAttribute, &ra, &rs);
- assert((uint8_t *)(ra+1) <= (uint8_t *)result+size);
- assert((uint8_t *)rs <= (uint8_t *)result+size);
+ ASSERT((uint8_t *)(ra+1) <= (uint8_t *)result+size);
+ ASSERT((uint8_t *)rs <= (uint8_t *)result+size);
if (attrcount == 0) {
-static BOOL
+static bool
findOneAttribute(unsigned int index, void *ctxa, void *ctxs,
const char *name, size_t nlen, const char *value, size_t vlen)