.globl $0
.align 2, 0x90
+ .cfi_startproc
.private_extern $0
.align 4, 0x90
+ .cfi_startproc
.macro END_ENTRY
+ .cfi_endproc
// loop
- cmpl $$1, (%eax)
- je 3f // if (bucket->sel == 1) cache wrap
- jb LCacheMiss_f // if (bucket->sel == 0) cache miss
+ cmpl $$0, (%eax)
+ je LCacheMiss_f // if (bucket->sel == 0) cache miss
+ cmpl 8(%edx), %eax
+ je 3f // if (bucket = cache->buckets) wrap
- addl $$8, %eax // bucket++
+ subl $$8, %eax // bucket--
cmpl (%eax), %ecx // if (bucket->sel != sel)
jne 1b // scan more
// wrap
- // eax is last bucket, bucket->imp is first bucket
- movl 4(%eax), %eax
- jmp 2b
+ movzwl 12(%edx), %eax // eax = mask
+ shll $$3, %eax // eax = offset = mask * 8
+ addl 8(%edx), %eax // eax = bucket = cache->buckets+offset
+ jmp 2f
+ // clone scanning loop to crash instead of hang when cache is corrupt
+ // loop
+ cmpl $$0, (%eax)
+ je LCacheMiss_f // if (bucket->sel == 0) cache miss
+ cmpl 8(%edx), %eax
+ je 3f // if (bucket = cache->buckets) wrap
+ subl $$8, %eax // bucket--
+ cmpl (%eax), %ecx // if (bucket->sel != sel)
+ jne 1b // scan more
+ // The `jne` above sets flags for CacheHit
+ CacheHit $0 // call or return imp
+ // double wrap - busted
+ pushl %ebp
+ movl %esp, %ebp
+ pushl $$0
+ pushl $$0
+ pushl $$0 // stack alignment
+ pushl %edx // isa
+ pushl %ecx // SEL
+.if $0 == STRET || $0 == SUPER_STRET
+ movl self_stret+4(%ebp), %ecx
+.elseif $0 == GETIMP
+ movl $$0, %ecx
+ movl self+4(%ebp), %ecx
+ pushl %ecx // receiver
+.if $0 == GETIMP
+ call _cache_getImp_corrupt_cache_error
+ call _objc_msgSend_corrupt_cache_error
.macro MethodTableLookup
pushl %ebp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
+ .cfi_offset ebp, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register ebp
sub $$12, %esp // align stack
pushl %edx // class
// imp in eax
+ .cfi_def_cfa esp, 4
+ .cfi_same_value ebp
.if $0 == SUPER
// replace "super" arg with "receiver"
.elseif $0 == STRET
- ret $4
+ ret $$4
.elseif $0 == NORMAL
// eax is already zero
xorl %edx, %edx
* If not found, returns NULL.
- .private_extern _cache_getImp
- ENTRY _cache_getImp
+ STATIC_ENTRY _cache_getImp
// load the class and selector
movl selector(%esp), %ecx
END_ENTRY __objc_msgSend_stret_uncached
- *
- * id _objc_msgForward(id self, SEL _cmd,...);
- *
- ********************************************************************/
-// _FwdSel is @selector(forward::), set up in map_images().
-// ALWAYS dereference _FwdSel to get to "forward::" !!
- .data
- .align 2
- .private_extern _FwdSel
-_FwdSel: .long 0
- .cstring
- .align 2
-LUnkSelStr: .ascii "Does not recognize selector %s\0"
- .data
- .align 2
- .private_extern __objc_forward_handler
-__objc_forward_handler: .long 0
+* id _objc_msgForward(id self, SEL _cmd,...);
+* _objc_msgForward and _objc_msgForward_stret are the externally-callable
+* functions returned by things like method_getImplementation().
+* _objc_msgForward_impcache is the function pointer actually stored in
+* method caches.
- .data
- .align 2
- .private_extern __objc_forward_stret_handler
-__objc_forward_stret_handler: .long 0
+ .non_lazy_symbol_pointer
+ .indirect_symbol __objc_forward_handler
+ .long 0
+ .indirect_symbol __objc_forward_stret_handler
+ .long 0
- ENTRY __objc_msgForward_impcache
- .private_extern __objc_msgForward_impcache
+ STATIC_ENTRY __objc_msgForward_impcache
// Method cache version
ENTRY __objc_msgForward
// Non-struct return version
- // Get PIC base into %edx
- call L__objc_msgForward$pic_base
- popl %edx
- // Call user handler, if any
- movl __objc_forward_handler-L__objc_msgForward$pic_base(%edx),%ecx
- testl %ecx, %ecx // if not NULL
- je 1f // skip to default handler
- jmp *%ecx // call __objc_forward_handler
- // No user handler
- // Push stack frame
- pushl %ebp
- movl %esp, %ebp
- // Die if forwarding "forward::"
- movl (selector+4)(%ebp), %eax
- movl _FwdSel-L__objc_msgForward$pic_base(%edx),%ecx
- cmpl %ecx, %eax
- je LMsgForwardError
- // Call [receiver forward:sel :margs]
- subl $8, %esp // 16-byte align the stack
- leal (self+4)(%ebp), %ecx
- pushl %ecx // &margs
- pushl %eax // sel
- movl _FwdSel-L__objc_msgForward$pic_base(%edx),%ecx
- pushl %ecx // forward::
- pushl (self+4)(%ebp) // receiver
- call _objc_msgSend
- movl %ebp, %esp
- popl %ebp
- ret
- // Call __objc_error(receiver, "unknown selector %s", "forward::")
- subl $12, %esp // 16-byte align the stack
- movl _FwdSel-L__objc_msgForward$pic_base(%edx),%eax
- pushl %eax
- leal LUnkSelStr-L__objc_msgForward$pic_base(%edx),%eax
- pushl %eax
- pushl (self+4)(%ebp)
- call ___objc_error // never returns
+ call 1f
+1: popl %edx
+ movl L_forward_handler-1b(%edx), %edx
+ jmp *(%edx)
END_ENTRY __objc_msgForward
ENTRY __objc_msgForward_stret
// Struct return version
- // Get PIC base into %edx
- call L__objc_msgForwardStret$pic_base
- popl %edx
- // Call user handler, if any
- movl __objc_forward_stret_handler-L__objc_msgForwardStret$pic_base(%edx), %ecx
- testl %ecx, %ecx // if not NULL
- je 1f // skip to default handler
- jmp *%ecx // call __objc_forward_stret_handler
- // No user handler
- // Push stack frame
- pushl %ebp
- movl %esp, %ebp
- // Die if forwarding "forward::"
- movl selector_stret+4(%ebp), %eax
- movl _FwdSel-L__objc_msgForwardStret$pic_base(%edx), %ecx
- cmpl %ecx, %eax
- je LMsgForwardStretError
- // Call [receiver forward:sel :margs]
- subl $8, %esp // 16-byte align the stack
- leal (self_stret+4)(%ebp), %ecx
- pushl %ecx // &margs
- pushl %eax // sel
- movl _FwdSel-L__objc_msgForwardStret$pic_base(%edx),%ecx
- pushl %ecx // forward::
- pushl (self_stret+4)(%ebp) // receiver
- call _objc_msgSend
- movl %ebp, %esp
- popl %ebp
- ret $4 // pop struct return address (#2995932)
- // Call __objc_error(receiver, "unknown selector %s", "forward::")
- subl $12, %esp // 16-byte align the stack
- leal _FwdSel-L__objc_msgForwardStret$pic_base(%edx),%eax
- pushl %eax
- leal LUnkSelStr-L__objc_msgForwardStret$pic_base(%edx),%eax
- pushl %eax
- pushl (self_stret+4)(%ebp)
- call ___objc_error // never returns
+ call 1f
+1: popl %edx
+ movl L_forward_stret_handler-1b(%edx), %edx
+ jmp *(%edx)
END_ENTRY __objc_msgForward_stret