+SynTest(u_int32_t sourceAddress, u_int16_t sourcePort,
+ u_int32_t targetAddress, u_int16_t targetPort, int mss, int syn_reply)
+ int rawSocket, flag;
+ struct IPPacket *synPacket = NULL, *ackPacket = NULL;
+ char *read_packet;
+ struct pcap_pkthdr pi;
+ int synAckReceived = 0;
+ int numRetransmits = 0;
+ double timeoutTime;
+ int tcpoptlen = 4; /* For negotiating MSS */
+ u_int8_t *opt = NULL;
+ struct IPPacket *p = NULL;
+ arc4random_stir();
+ session.src = sourceAddress;
+ session.sport = sourcePort;
+ session.dst = targetAddress;
+ session.dport = targetPort;
+ session.rcv_wnd = 5*mss;
+ session.snd_nxt = arc4random();
+ session.iss = session.snd_nxt;
+ session.rcv_nxt = 0;
+ session.irs = 0;
+ session.mss = mss;
+ session.maxseqseen = 0;
+ session.epochTime = GetTime();
+ session.maxpkts = 1000;
+ if ((session.dataRcvd = (u_int8_t *)calloc(sizeof(u_int8_t),
+ mss * session.maxpkts)) == NULL) {
+ printf("no memory to store data, error: %d \n", ERR_MEM_ALLOC);
+ }
+ if ((rawSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) {
+ perror("ERROR: couldn't open socket:");
+ }
+ flag = 1;
+ if (setsockopt(rawSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL,
+ (char *)&flag, sizeof(flag)) < 0) {
+ perror("ERROR: couldn't set raw socket options:");
+ }
+ session.socket = rawSocket;
+ /* allocate the syn packet -- Changed for new IPPacket structure */
+ synPacket = AllocateIPPacket(0, tcpoptlen, 0, "ECN (SYN)");
+ opt = (((u_int8_t *)synPacket->tcp) + sizeof(struct TcpHeader));
+ opt[0] = (u_int8_t)TCPOPT_MAXSEG;
+ opt[1] = (u_int8_t)TCPOLEN_MAXSEG;
+ *((u_int16_t *)((u_int8_t *)opt + 2)) = htons(session.mss);
+ SendSessionPacket(synPacket,
+ sizeof(struct IpHeader) + sizeof(struct TcpHeader) + tcpoptlen,
+ TCPFLAGS_SYN , 0, tcpoptlen, 0);
+ timeoutTime = GetTime() + 1;
+ /*
+ * Wait for SYN/ACK and retransmit SYN if appropriate
+ * not great, but it gets the job done
+ */
+ while(!synAckReceived && numRetransmits < 3) {
+ while(GetTime() < timeoutTime) {
+ /* Have we captured any packets? */
+ if ((read_packet = (char *)CaptureGetPacket(&pi)) != NULL) {
+ p = (struct IPPacket *)FindHeaderBoundaries(read_packet);
+ /* Received a packet from us to them */
+ if (INSESSION(p, session.src, session.sport,
+ session.dst, session.dport)) {
+ /* Is it a SYN/ACK? */
+ if (p->tcp->tcp_flags & TCPFLAGS_SYN) {
+ if (session.debug >= SESSION_DEBUG_LOW) {
+ PrintTcpPacket(p);
+ }
+ StorePacket(p);
+ session.totSeenSent++ ;
+ } else {
+ processBadPacket(p);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Received a packet from them to us */
+ if (INSESSION(p, session.dst, session.dport, session.src,
+ session.sport)) {
+ /* Is it a SYN/ACK? */
+ if ((p->tcp->tcp_flags & TCPFLAGS_SYN) &&
+ (p->tcp->tcp_flags & TCPFLAGS_ACK)) {
+ timeoutTime = GetTime(); /* force exit */
+ synAckReceived++;
+ if (session.debug >= SESSION_DEBUG_LOW) {
+ PrintTcpPacket(p);
+ }
+ StorePacket(p);
+ /*
+ * Save ttl for,admittedly poor,indications of reverse
+ * route change
+ */
+ session.ttl = p->ip->ip_ttl;
+ session.snd_wnd = ntohl(p->tcp->tcp_win);
+ session.totRcvd ++;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if ((p->tcp->tcp_flags)& (TCPFLAGS_RST)) {
+ printf ("ERROR: EARLY_RST\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!synAckReceived) {
+ if (session.debug >= SESSION_DEBUG_LOW) {
+ printf("SYN timeout. Retransmitting\n");
+ }
+ SendSessionPacket(synPacket,
+ sizeof(struct IpHeader) + sizeof(struct TcpHeader) + tcpoptlen,
+ TCPFLAGS_SYN , 0, tcpoptlen, 0);
+ timeoutTime = GetTime() + 1;
+ numRetransmits++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (numRetransmits >= 3) {
+ printf("ERROR: No connection after 3 retries...\nRETURN CODE: %d\n",
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (session.debug >= SESSION_DEBUG_LOW)
+ printf("Received SYN-ACK\n");
+ if (syn_reply != 0) {
+ /* Update session variables */
+ session.irs = ntohl(p->tcp->tcp_seq);
+ session.dataRcvd[0] = 1 ;
+ session.rcv_nxt = session.irs + 1; /* SYN/ACK takes up a byte of seq space */
+ session.snd_nxt = session.iss + 1; /* SYN takes up a byte of seq space */
+ session.snd_una = session.iss + 1;
+ session.maxseqseen = ntohl(p->tcp->tcp_seq);
+ session.initSession = 1;
+ if (session.debug >= SESSION_DEBUG_LOW) {
+ printf("try to send the %s\n", syn_reply == TCPFLAGS_ACK ? "third Ack" : "RST");
+ printf("src = %s:%d (%u)\n", InetAddress(session.src),
+ session.sport, session.iss);
+ printf("dst = %s:%d (%u)\n",InetAddress(session.dst),
+ session.dport, session.irs);
+ }
+ /* allocate the syn packet -- Changed for new IPPacket structure */
+ ackPacket = AllocateIPPacket(0, 0, 0, "SYN reply");
+ /* send an ACK */
+ SendSessionPacket(ackPacket,
+ sizeof(struct IpHeader) + sizeof(struct TcpHeader),
+ syn_reply, 0, 0, 0);
+ FreeIPPacket(&ackPacket);
+ }
+ FreeIPPacket(&synPacket);