- p1a(ip6s_toosmall, "\t%llu with size smaller than minimum\n");
- p1a(ip6s_tooshort, "\t%llu with data size < data length\n");
- p1a(ip6s_badoptions, "\t%llu with bad options\n");
- p1a(ip6s_badvers, "\t%llu with incorrect version number\n");
- p(ip6s_fragments, "\t%llu fragment%s received\n");
- p(ip6s_fragdropped, "\t%llu fragment%s dropped (dup or out of space)\n");
- p(ip6s_fragtimeout, "\t%llu fragment%s dropped after timeout\n");
- p(ip6s_fragoverflow, "\t%llu fragment%s that exceeded limit\n");
- p(ip6s_reassembled, "\t%llu packet%s reassembled ok\n");
- p(ip6s_delivered, "\t%llu packet%s for this host\n");
- p(ip6s_forward, "\t%llu packet%s forwarded\n");
- p(ip6s_cantforward, "\t%llu packet%s not forwardable\n");
- p(ip6s_redirectsent, "\t%llu redirect%s sent\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_toosmall, "\t\t%llu with size smaller than minimum\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_tooshort, "\t\t%llu with data size < data length\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_adj, "\t\t%llu with data size > data length\n");
+ p(ip6s_adj_hwcsum_clr,
+ "\t\t\t%llu packet%s forced to software checksum\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_badoptions, "\t\t%llu with bad options\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_badvers, "\t\t%llu with incorrect version number\n");
+ p(ip6s_fragments, "\t\t%llu fragment%s received\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_fragdropped,
+ "\t\t\t%llu dropped (dup or out of space)\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_fragtimeout, "\t\t\t%llu dropped after timeout\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_fragoverflow, "\t\t\t%llu exceeded limit\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_reassembled, "\t\t\t%llu reassembled ok\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_atmfrag_rcvd, "\t\t\t%llu atomic fragments received\n");
+ p(ip6s_delivered, "\t\t%llu packet%s for this host\n");
+ p(ip6s_forward, "\t\t%llu packet%s forwarded\n");
+ p(ip6s_cantforward, "\t\t%llu packet%s not forwardable\n");
+ p(ip6s_redirectsent, "\t\t%llu redirect%s sent\n");
+ p(ip6s_notmember, "\t\t%llu multicast packet%s which we don't join\n");
+ p(ip6s_exthdrtoolong,
+ "\t\t%llu packet%s whose headers are not continuous\n");
+ p(ip6s_nogif, "\t\t%llu tunneling packet%s that can't find gif\n");
+ p(ip6s_toomanyhdr,
+ "\t\t%llu packet%s discarded due to too may headers\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_forward_cachehit, "\t\t%llu forward cache hit\n");
+ p1a(ip6s_forward_cachemiss, "\t\t%llu forward cache miss\n");
+ p(ip6s_pktdropcntrl,
+ "\t\t%llu packet%s dropped due to no bufs for control data\n");
+#define INPERFDIFF(f) (in_net_perf.f - pin_net_perf.f)
+ if (INPERFDIFF(np_total_pkts) > 0 && in_net_perf.np_total_usecs > 0) {
+ printf("\tInput Performance Stats:\n");
+ printf("\t\t%llu total packets measured\n", INPERFDIFF(np_total_pkts));
+ printf("\t\t%llu total usec elapsed\n", INPERFDIFF(np_total_usecs));
+ printf("\t\t%f usec per packet\n",
+ (double)in_net_perf.np_total_usecs/(double)in_net_perf.np_total_pkts);
+ printf("\t\tPerformance Histogram:\n");
+ printf("\t\t\t x <= %u: %llu\n", in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[0],
+ INPERFDIFF(np_hist1));
+ printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n",
+ in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[0], in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[1],
+ INPERFDIFF(np_hist2));
+ printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n",
+ in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[1], in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[2],
+ INPERFDIFF(np_hist3));
+ printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n",
+ in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[2], in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[3],
+ INPERFDIFF(np_hist4));
+ printf("\t\t\t %u < x: %llu\n",
+ in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[3], INPERFDIFF(np_hist5));
+ }