+static int
+create_control_socket(const char *control_name)
+ struct sockaddr_ctl sc;
+ struct ctl_info ctl;
+ int fd;
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ perror("socket(PF_SYSTEM)");
+ return fd;
+ }
+ /* Get the control ID for statistics */
+ bzero(&ctl, sizeof(ctl));
+ strlcpy(ctl.ctl_name, control_name, sizeof(ctl.ctl_name));
+ if (ioctl(fd, CTLIOCGINFO, &ctl) == -1)
+ {
+ perror("ioctl(CTLIOCGINFO)");
+ close(fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Connect to the statistics control */
+ bzero(&sc, sizeof(sc));
+ sc.sc_len = sizeof(sc);
+ sc.sc_family = AF_SYSTEM;
+ sc.ss_sysaddr = SYSPROTO_CONTROL;
+ sc.sc_id = ctl.ctl_id;
+ sc.sc_unit = 0;
+ if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sc, sc.sc_len) != 0)
+ {
+ perror("connect(SYSPROTO_CONTROL)");
+ close(fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Set socket to non-blocking operation */
+ if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
+ perror("fcnt(F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK)");
+ close(fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return fd;
+static int
+add_nstat_src(int fd, const nstat_ifnet_add_param *ifparam,
+ nstat_src_ref_t *outsrc)
+ nstat_msg_add_src_req *addreq;
+ nstat_msg_src_added *addedmsg;
+ nstat_ifnet_add_param *param;
+ char buffer[sizeof(*addreq) + sizeof(*param)];
+ ssize_t result;
+ const u_int32_t addreqsize =
+ offsetof(struct nstat_msg_add_src, param) + sizeof(*param);
+ /* Setup the add source request */
+ addreq = (nstat_msg_add_src_req *)buffer;
+ param = (nstat_ifnet_add_param*)addreq->param;
+ bzero(addreq, addreqsize);
+ addreq->hdr.context = (uintptr_t)&buffer;
+ addreq->hdr.type = NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_ADD_SRC;
+ addreq->provider = NSTAT_PROVIDER_IFNET;
+ bzero(param, sizeof(*param));
+ param->ifindex = ifparam->ifindex;
+ param->threshold = ifparam->threshold;
+ /* Send the add source request */
+ result = send(fd, addreq, addreqsize, 0);
+ if (result != addreqsize)
+ {
+ if (result == -1)
+ perror("send(NSTAT_ADD_SRC_REQ)");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: could only sent %ld out of %d\n",
+ __func__, result, addreqsize);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Receive the response */
+ addedmsg = (nstat_msg_src_added *)buffer;
+ result = recv(fd, addedmsg, sizeof(buffer), 0);
+ if (result < sizeof(*addedmsg))
+ {
+ if (result == -1)
+ perror("recv(NSTAT_ADD_SRC_RSP)");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: recv too small, received %ld, "
+ "expected %lu\n", __func__, result,
+ sizeof(*addedmsg));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (addedmsg->hdr.type != NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_ADDED)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: received wrong message type, received %u "
+ "expected %u\n", __func__, addedmsg->hdr.type,
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (addedmsg->hdr.context != (uintptr_t)&buffer)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: received wrong context, received %llu "
+ "expected %lu\n", __func__, addedmsg->hdr.context,
+ (uintptr_t)&buffer);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *outsrc = addedmsg->srcref;
+ return 0;
+static int
+rem_nstat_src(int fd, nstat_src_ref_t sref)
+ nstat_msg_rem_src_req *remreq;
+ nstat_msg_src_removed *remrsp;
+ char buffer[sizeof(*remreq)];
+ ssize_t result;
+ /* Setup the add source request */
+ remreq = (nstat_msg_rem_src_req *)buffer;
+ bzero(remreq, sizeof(*remreq));
+ remreq->hdr.type = NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_REM_SRC;
+ remreq->srcref = sref;
+ /* Send the remove source request */
+ result = send(fd, remreq, sizeof(*remreq), 0);
+ if (result != sizeof(*remreq)) {
+ if (result == -1)
+ perror("send(NSTAT_REM_SRC_REQ)");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: could only sent %ld out of %lu\n",
+ __func__, result, sizeof(*remreq));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Receive the response */
+ remrsp = (nstat_msg_src_removed *)buffer;
+ result = recv(fd, remrsp, sizeof(buffer), 0);
+ if (result < sizeof(*remrsp)) {
+ if (result == -1)
+ perror("recv(NSTAT_REM_SRC_RSP)");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: recv too small, received %ld, "
+ "expected %lu\n", __func__, result,
+ sizeof(*remrsp));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (remrsp->hdr.type != NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_REMOVED) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: received wrong message type, received %u "
+ "expected %u\n", __func__, remrsp->hdr.type,
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (remrsp->srcref != sref) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: received invalid srcref, received %llu "
+ "expected %llu\n", __func__, remrsp->srcref, sref);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+get_src_decsription(int fd, nstat_src_ref_t srcref,
+ struct nstat_ifnet_descriptor *ifdesc)
+ nstat_msg_get_src_description *dreq;
+ nstat_msg_src_description *drsp;
+ char buffer[sizeof(*drsp) + sizeof(*ifdesc)];
+ ssize_t result;
+ const u_int32_t descsize =
+ offsetof(struct nstat_msg_src_description, data) +
+ sizeof(nstat_ifnet_descriptor);
+ dreq = (nstat_msg_get_src_description *)buffer;
+ bzero(dreq, sizeof(*dreq));
+ dreq->hdr.type = NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_GET_SRC_DESC;
+ dreq->srcref = srcref;
+ result = send(fd, dreq, sizeof(*dreq), 0);
+ if (result != sizeof(*dreq))
+ {
+ if (result == -1)
+ perror("send(NSTAT_GET_SRC_DESC_REQ)");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: sent %ld out of %lu\n",
+ __func__, result, sizeof(*dreq));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Receive the source description response */
+ drsp = (nstat_msg_src_description *)buffer;
+ result = recv(fd, drsp, sizeof(buffer), 0);
+ if (result < descsize)
+ {
+ if (result == -1)
+ perror("recv(NSTAT_GET_SRC_DESC_RSP");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: recv too small, received %ld, "
+ "expected %u\n", __func__, result, descsize);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (drsp->hdr.type != NSTAT_MSG_TYPE_SRC_DESC)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: received wrong message type, received %u "
+ "expected %u\n", __func__, drsp->hdr.type,
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (drsp->srcref != srcref)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: received message for wrong source, "
+ "received 0x%llx expected 0x%llx\n",
+ __func__, drsp->srcref, srcref);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bcopy(drsp->data, ifdesc, sizeof(*ifdesc));
+ return 0;
+static void
+print_wifi_status(nstat_ifnet_desc_wifi_status *status)
+ int tmp;
+#define val(x, f) \
+ ((status->valid_bitmask & NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_ ## f ## _VALID) ?\
+ status->x : -1)
+#define parg(n, un) #n, val(n, un)
+#define pretxtl(n, un) \
+ (((tmp = val(n, un)) == -1) ? "(not valid)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_NONE) ? "(none)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_LOW) ? "(low)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_MEDIUM) ? "(medium)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_WIFI_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_HIGH) ? "(high)" : \
+ "(?)")))))
+ printf("\nwifi status:\n");
+ printf(
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d%s\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n",
+ parg(link_quality_metric, LINK_QUALITY_METRIC),
+ parg(ul_effective_bandwidth, UL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(ul_max_bandwidth, UL_MAX_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(ul_min_latency, UL_MIN_LATENCY),
+ parg(ul_effective_latency, UL_EFFECTIVE_LATENCY),
+ parg(ul_max_latency, UL_MAX_LATENCY),
+ parg(ul_retxt_level, UL_RETXT_LEVEL),
+ pretxtl(ul_retxt_level, UL_RETXT_LEVEL),
+ parg(ul_bytes_lost, UL_BYTES_LOST),
+ parg(ul_error_rate, UL_ERROR_RATE),
+ parg(dl_effective_bandwidth, DL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(dl_max_bandwidth, DL_MAX_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(dl_min_latency, DL_MIN_LATENCY),
+ parg(dl_effective_latency, DL_EFFECTIVE_LATENCY),
+ parg(dl_max_latency, DL_MAX_LATENCY),
+ parg(dl_error_rate, DL_ERROR_RATE),
+ parg(config_frequency, CONFIG_FREQUENCY),
+ parg(config_multicast_rate, CONFIG_MULTICAST_RATE),
+ parg(scan_count, CONFIG_SCAN_COUNT),
+ parg(scan_duration, CONFIG_SCAN_DURATION)
+ );
+#undef pretxtl
+#undef parg
+#undef val
+static void
+print_cellular_status(nstat_ifnet_desc_cellular_status *status)
+ int tmp, tmp_mss;
+#define val(x, f) \
+ ((status->valid_bitmask & NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_ ## f ## _VALID) ?\
+ status->x : -1)
+#define parg(n, un) #n, val(n, un)
+#define pretxtl(n, un) \
+ (((tmp = val(n, un)) == -1) ? "(not valid)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_NONE) ? "(none)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_LOW) ? "(low)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_MEDIUM) ? "(medium)" : \
+ ((tmp == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_CELL_UL_RETXT_LEVEL_HIGH) ? "(high)" : \
+ "(?)")))))
+#define pretxtm(n, un) \
+ (((tmp_mss = val(n,un)) == -1) ? "(not valid)" : \
+ ((tmp_mss == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_MSS_RECOMMENDED_NONE) ? "(none)" : \
+ ((tmp_mss == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_MSS_RECOMMENDED_MEDIUM) ? "(medium)" : \
+ ((tmp_mss == NSTAT_IFNET_DESC_MSS_RECOMMENDED_LOW) ? "(low)" : \
+ "(?)"))))
+ printf("\ncellular status:\n");
+ printf(
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d%s\n"
+ "\t%s:\t\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d\n"
+ "\t%s:\t%d %s\n",
+ parg(link_quality_metric, LINK_QUALITY_METRIC),
+ parg(ul_effective_bandwidth, UL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(ul_max_bandwidth, UL_MAX_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(ul_min_latency, UL_MIN_LATENCY),
+ parg(ul_effective_latency, UL_EFFECTIVE_LATENCY),
+ parg(ul_max_latency, UL_MAX_LATENCY),
+ parg(ul_retxt_level, UL_RETXT_LEVEL),
+ pretxtl(ul_retxt_level, UL_RETXT_LEVEL),
+ parg(ul_bytes_lost, UL_BYTES_LOST),
+ parg(ul_min_queue_size, UL_MIN_QUEUE_SIZE),
+ parg(ul_avg_queue_size, UL_AVG_QUEUE_SIZE),
+ parg(ul_max_queue_size, UL_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE),
+ parg(dl_effective_bandwidth, DL_EFFECTIVE_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(dl_max_bandwidth, DL_MAX_BANDWIDTH),
+ parg(config_inactivity_time, CONFIG_INACTIVITY_TIME),
+ parg(config_backoff_time, CONFIG_BACKOFF_TIME),
+ parg(mss_recommended, MSS_RECOMMENDED),
+ pretxtm(mss_recommended, MSS_RECOMMENDED)
+ );
+#undef pretxtl
+#undef parg
+#undef val
+static int
+get_interface_state(int fd, const char *ifname, struct ifreq *ifr)
+ bzero(ifr, sizeof(*ifr));
+ snprintf(ifr->ifr_name, sizeof(ifr->ifr_name), "%s", ifname);
+ if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINTERFACESTATE, ifr) == -1) {
+ perror("ioctl(CTLIOCGINFO)");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+print_interface_state(struct ifreq *ifr)
+ int lqm, rrc, avail;
+ printf("\ninterface state:\n");
+ if (ifr->ifr_interface_state.valid_bitmask &
+ printf("\tlqm: ");
+ lqm = ifr->ifr_interface_state.lqm_state;
+ printf("\"good\"");
+ else if (lqm == IFNET_LQM_THRESH_POOR)
+ printf("\"poor\"");
+ else if (lqm == IFNET_LQM_THRESH_BAD)
+ printf("\"bad\"");
+ else if (lqm == IFNET_LQM_THRESH_UNKNOWN)
+ printf("\"unknown\"");
+ else if (lqm == IFNET_LQM_THRESH_OFF)
+ printf("\"off\"");
+ else
+ printf("invalid(%d)", lqm);
+ }
+ if (ifr->ifr_interface_state.valid_bitmask &
+ printf("\trrc: ");
+ rrc = ifr->ifr_interface_state.rrc_state;
+ printf("\"connected\"");
+ printf("\"idle\"");
+ else
+ printf("\"invalid(%d)\"", rrc);
+ }
+ if (ifr->ifr_interface_state.valid_bitmask &
+ printf("\tavailability: ");
+ avail = ifr->ifr_interface_state.interface_availability;
+ printf("\"true\"");
+ printf("\"false\"");
+ else
+ printf("\"invalid(%d)\"", avail);
+ }
+print_link_status(const char *ifname)
+ unsigned int ifindex;
+ struct itimerval timer_interval;
+ sigset_t sigset, oldsigset;
+ struct nstat_ifnet_descriptor ifdesc;
+ nstat_ifnet_add_param ifparam;
+ nstat_src_ref_t sref = 0;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ int ctl_fd;
+ ifindex = if_nametoindex(ifname);
+ if (ifindex == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid interface name\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((ctl_fd = create_control_socket(NET_STAT_CONTROL_NAME)) < 0)
+ return;
+ ifparam.ifindex = ifindex;
+ ifparam.threshold = UINT64_MAX;
+ if (add_nstat_src(ctl_fd, &ifparam, &sref))
+ goto done;
+ if (interval > 0) {
+ /* create a timer that fires repeatedly every interval
+ * seconds */
+ timer_interval.it_value.tv_sec = interval;
+ timer_interval.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
+ timer_interval.it_interval.tv_sec = interval;
+ timer_interval.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
+ (void) signal(SIGALRM, catchalarm);
+ signalled = NO;
+ (void) setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timer_interval, NULL);
+ }
+ /* get interface state */
+ if (get_interface_state(ctl_fd, ifname, &ifr))
+ goto done;
+ /* get ntstat interface description */
+ if (get_src_decsription(ctl_fd, sref, &ifdesc))
+ goto done;
+ /* print time */
+ printf("\n%s: ", ifname);
+ print_time();
+ /* print interface state */
+ print_interface_state(&ifr);
+ /* print ntsat interface link status */
+ if (ifdesc.link_status.link_status_type ==
+ print_cellular_status(&ifdesc.link_status.u.cellular);
+ else if (ifdesc.link_status.link_status_type ==
+ print_wifi_status(&ifdesc.link_status.u.wifi);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ if (interval > 0) {
+ sigemptyset(&sigset);
+ sigaddset(&sigset, SIGALRM);
+ (void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, &oldsigset);
+ if (!signalled) {
+ sigemptyset(&sigset);
+ sigsuspend(&sigset);
+ }
+ (void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldsigset, NULL);
+ signalled = NO;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (sref)
+ rem_nstat_src(ctl_fd, sref);
+ close(ctl_fd);