* The shim is responsible for two main things:
* - converting string parameters between C string format and native DNS format,
* - and for allocating and freeing memory.
- Change History (most recent first):
-$Log: dnssd_clientshim.c,v $
-Revision 1.15 2007/07/27 19:30:41 cheshire
-Changed mDNSQuestionCallback parameter from mDNSBool to QC_result,
-to properly reflect tri-state nature of the possible responses
-Revision 1.14 2007/07/17 19:15:26 cheshire
-<rdar://problem/5297410> Crash in DNSServiceRegister() in dnssd_clientshim.c
-Revision 1.13 2007/01/04 20:57:49 cheshire
-Rename ReturnCNAME to ReturnIntermed (for ReturnIntermediates)
-Revision 1.12 2006/12/19 22:43:55 cheshire
-Fix compiler warnings
-Revision 1.11 2006/10/27 01:30:23 cheshire
-Need explicitly to set ReturnIntermed = mDNSfalse
-Revision 1.10 2006/08/14 23:24:56 cheshire
-Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0
-Revision 1.9 2006/07/24 23:45:55 cheshire
-<rdar://problem/4605276> DNSServiceReconfirmRecord() should return error code
-Revision 1.8 2004/12/16 20:47:34 cheshire
-<rdar://problem/3324626> Cache memory management improvements
-Revision 1.7 2004/12/10 04:08:43 cheshire
-Added comments about autoname and autorename
-Revision 1.6 2004/10/19 21:33:22 cheshire
-<rdar://problem/3844991> Cannot resolve non-local registrations using the mach API
-Added flag 'kDNSServiceFlagsForceMulticast'. Passing through an interface id for a unicast name
-doesn't force multicast unless you set this flag to indicate explicitly that this is what you want
-Revision 1.5 2004/09/21 23:29:51 cheshire
-<rdar://problem/3680045> DNSServiceResolve should delay sending packets
-Revision 1.4 2004/09/17 01:08:55 cheshire
-Renamed mDNSClientAPI.h to mDNSEmbeddedAPI.h
- The name "mDNSClientAPI.h" is misleading to new developers looking at this code. The interfaces
- declared in that file are ONLY appropriate to single-address-space embedded applications.
- For clients on general-purpose computers, the interfaces defined in dns_sd.h should be used.
-Revision 1.3 2004/05/27 06:26:31 cheshire
-Add shim for DNSServiceQueryRecord()
-Revision 1.2 2004/05/20 18:41:24 cheshire
-Fix build broken by removal of 'kDNSServiceFlagsRemove' from dns_sd.h
-Revision 1.1 2004/03/12 21:30:29 cheshire
-Build a System-Context Shared Library from mDNSCore, for the benefit of developers
-like Muse Research who want to be able to use mDNS/DNS-SD from GPL-licensed code.
#include "dns_sd.h" // Defines the interface to the client layer above
x->qTXT.ExpectUnique = mDNStrue;
x->qTXT.ForceMCast = mDNSfalse;
x->qTXT.ReturnIntermed = mDNSfalse;
+ x->qTXT.SuppressUnusable = mDNSfalse;
x->qTXT.QuestionCallback = FoundServiceInfo;
x->qTXT.QuestionContext = x;
x->q.ExpectUnique = mDNSfalse;
x->q.ForceMCast = (flags & kDNSServiceFlagsForceMulticast) != 0;
x->q.ReturnIntermed = (flags & kDNSServiceFlagsReturnIntermediates) != 0;
+ x->q.SuppressUnsable = (flags & kDNSServiceFlagsSuppressUnusable) != 0;
x->q.QuestionCallback = DNSServiceQueryRecordResponse;
x->q.QuestionContext = x;
*sdRef = (DNSServiceRef)x;
- err = mStatus_BadParamErr;
LogMsg("DNSServiceQueryRecord(\"%s\", %d, %d) failed: %s (%ld)", fullname, rrtype, rrclass, errormsg, err);
+// DNSServiceGetAddrInfo
+static void DNSServiceGetAddrInfoDispose(mDNS_DirectOP *op)
+ {
+ mDNS_DirectOP_GetAddrInfo *x = (mDNS_DirectOP_GetAddrInfo*)op;
+ if (x->aQuery) DNSServiceRefDeallocate(x->aQuery);
+ mDNSPlatformMemFree(x);
+ }
+static void DNSSD_API DNSServiceGetAddrInfoResponse(
+ DNSServiceRef inRef,
+ DNSServiceFlags inFlags,
+ uint32_t inInterfaceIndex,
+ DNSServiceErrorType inErrorCode,
+ const char * inFullName,
+ uint16_t inRRType,
+ uint16_t inRRClass,
+ uint16_t inRDLen,
+ const void * inRData,
+ uint32_t inTTL,
+ void * inContext )
+ {
+ mDNS_DirectOP_GetAddrInfo * x = (mDNS_DirectOP_GetAddrInfo*)inContext;
+ struct sockaddr_in sa4;
+ mDNSPlatformMemZero(&sa4, sizeof(sa4));
+ if (inErrorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError && inRRType == kDNSServiceType_A)
+ {
+ sa4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ mDNSPlatformMemCopy(&sa4.sin_addr.s_addr, inRData, 4);
+ }
+ x->callback((DNSServiceRef)x, inFlags, inInterfaceIndex, inErrorCode, inFullName,
+ (const struct sockaddr *) &sa4, inTTL, x->context);
+ }
+DNSServiceErrorType DNSSD_API DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(
+ DNSServiceRef * outRef,
+ DNSServiceFlags inFlags,
+ uint32_t inInterfaceIndex,
+ DNSServiceProtocol inProtocol,
+ const char * inHostName,
+ DNSServiceGetAddrInfoReply inCallback,
+ void * inContext )
+ {
+ const char * errormsg = "Unknown";
+ DNSServiceErrorType err;
+ mDNS_DirectOP_GetAddrInfo * x;
+ // Allocate memory, and handle failure
+ x = (mDNS_DirectOP_GetAddrInfo *)mDNSPlatformMemAllocate(sizeof(*x));
+ if (!x) { err = mStatus_NoMemoryErr; errormsg = "No memory"; goto fail; }
+ // Set up object
+ x->disposefn = DNSServiceGetAddrInfoDispose;
+ x->callback = inCallback;
+ x->context = inContext;
+ x->aQuery = mDNSNULL;
+ // Start the query.
+ // (It would probably be more efficient to code this using mDNS_StartQuery directly,
+ // instead of wrapping DNSServiceQueryRecord, which then unnecessarily allocates
+ // more memory and then just calls through to mDNS_StartQuery. -- SC June 2010)
+ err = DNSServiceQueryRecord(&x->aQuery, inFlags, inInterfaceIndex, inHostName, kDNSServiceType_A,
+ kDNSServiceClass_IN, DNSServiceGetAddrInfoResponse, x);
+ if (err) { DNSServiceGetAddrInfoDispose((mDNS_DirectOP*)x); errormsg = "DNSServiceQueryRecord"; goto fail; }
+ *outRef = (DNSServiceRef)x;
+ return(mStatus_NoError);
+ LogMsg("DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(\"%s\", %d) failed: %s (%ld)", inHostName, inProtocol, errormsg, err);
+ return(err);
+ }
// DNSServiceReconfirmRecord