# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-# $Log: makefile,v $
-# Revision 1.9 2006/08/14 23:26:04 cheshire
-# Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Revision 1.8 2006/07/05 20:57:22 cheshire
-# <rdar://problem/3839132> Java needs to implement DNSServiceRegisterRecord equivalent
-# Revision 1.7 2005/10/19 17:19:56 herscher
-# Change JDK to use JAVA_HOME environment variable
-# Revision 1.6 2005/02/10 22:35:36 cheshire
-# <rdar://problem/3727944> Update name
-# Revision 1.5 2005/02/08 23:47:51 shersche
-# Build into proper directories for installer
-# Revision 1.4 2004/12/16 22:38:00 shersche
-# Compile DNSSDException.java first to avoid build errors, copy output to appropriate "buildroot" folder
-# Revision 1.3 2004/11/23 08:13:07 shersche
-# Link to the iphlpapi.lib for GetAdaptersInfo
-# Revision 1.2 2004/06/26 20:07:06 rpantos
-# Update to use WinVersRes.h
-# Revision 1.1 2004/06/18 04:12:05 rpantos
-# Move up one level. Integration changes for Scott.
-# Revision 1.2 2004/05/01 00:31:41 rpantos
-# Change line endings for CVS.
-# Revision 1.1 2004/04/30 16:32:34 rpantos
-# First checked in.
# This Makefile builds a .jar file and accompanying JNI support library
# containing the DNSSD implementation for Java and support classes.
OBJDIR = objects\debug
BUILDDIR = build\debug
INSTALLDIR = root\"Program Files"\Bonjour
-LIBDIR = ..\DLL\Debug
+LIBDIR = ..\DLL\Win32\Debug
OBJDIR = objects\prod
BUILDDIR = build\prod
INSTALLDIR = root\"Program Files"\Bonjour
-LIBDIR = ..\DLL\Release
+LIBDIR = ..\DLL\Win32\Release
@if not exist $(BUILDDIR) mkdir $(BUILDDIR)
- @if not exist root mkdir root
+ @if not "%RC_XBS%"=="YES" GOTO CONT
+ @if not exist "$(DSTROOT)\WINDOWS\system32\Win32" mkdir "$(DSTROOT)\WINDOWS\system32\Win32"
+ @if not exist "$(DSTROOT)\Program Files\Bonjour\Win32" mkdir "$(DSTROOT)\Program Files\Bonjour\Win32"
+ @copy $(BUILDDIR)\jdns_sd.dll "$(DSTROOT)\WINDOWS\system32\Win32"
+ @copy $(BUILDDIR)\dns_sd.jar "$(DSTROOT)\Program Files\Bonjour\Win32"
+ @:CONT
+ @if not exist root mkdir root
@if not exist root\"Program Files" mkdir root\"Program Files"
@if not exist $(INSTALLDIR) mkdir $(INSTALLDIR)
copy $(BUILDDIR)\dns_sd.jar $(INSTALLDIR)
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSRecord.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\TXTRecord.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSDRegistration.class \
+ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSDRecordRegistrar.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\BaseListener.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\BrowseListener.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\ResolveListener.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\RegisterListener.class \
+ $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\RegisterRecordListener.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\QueryListener.class \
$(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DomainListener.class \
- $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\DNSSDRecordRegistrar.class \
- $(OBJDIR)\com\apple\dnssd\RegisterRecordListener.class \
$(BUILDDIR)\dns_sd.jar: $(JARCONTENTS)
$(BUILDDIR)\jdns_sd.dll: $(JAVASRC)\JNISupport.c $(OBJDIR)\DNSSD.java.h $(OBJDIR)\jdns_sd.RES
$(CC) -Fe$@ $(JAVASRC)\JNISupport.c $(CFLAGS) -I$(OBJDIR) \
- $(LIBDIR)\DNSSD.lib $(JDK)\lib\jvm.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib $(OBJDIR)\jdns_sd.RES
+ $(LIBDIR)\DNSSD.lib $(JDK)\lib\jvm.lib ws2_32.lib iphlpapi.lib $(OBJDIR)\jdns_sd.RES /link /NXCOMPAT /DYNAMICBASE /SAFESEH
.SUFFIXES : .java