; -*- Mode: Scheme; tab-width: 4 -*-
-; Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
; Mach communications
; These are needed for things like getpwnam, hostname changes, & keychain
(allow mach-lookup
+ (global-name "com.apple.analyticsd")
(global-name "com.apple.awdd")
(global-name "com.apple.bsd.dirhelper")
(global-name "com.apple.CoreServices.coreservicesd")
(global-name "com.apple.usymptomsd")
(global-name "com.apple.webcontentfilter.dns")
(global-name "com.apple.server.bluetooth")
+ (global-name "com.apple.server.bluetooth.le.att.xpc")
(global-name "com.apple.awacs")
(global-name "com.apple.networkd")
(global-name "com.apple.securityd")
(global-name "com.apple.wifi.manager")
+ ; "com.apple.blued" is the name used in pre Lobo builds,
+ ; leave it in place while still running roots on pre Lobo targets
(global-name "com.apple.blued")
+ (global-name "com.apple.bluetoothd")
(global-name "com.apple.mobilegestalt.xpc")
- (global-name "com.apple.snhelper")
- (global-name "com.apple.nehelper")
- (global-name "com.apple.networkserviceproxy"))
+ (global-name "com.apple.ReportCrash.SimulateCrash")
+ (global-name "com.apple.snhelper"))
(allow mach-register
(global-name "com.apple.d2d.ipc"))
; Our socket
(allow file-read* file-write* (literal "/private/var/run/mDNSResponder"))
+; BPF control for sleep proxy server
+(allow file-ioctl (prefix "/dev/bpf"))
+; Used by CoreCrypto AES routines.
+(allow file-read* file-write-data file-ioctl
+ (literal "/dev/aes_0"))
; System version, settings, and other miscellaneous necessary file system accesses
(allow file-read-data
; Needed for CFCopyVersionDictionary()
(literal "/private/var/preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist")
(subpath "/System/Library/Preferences/Logging")
(subpath "/AppleInternal/Library/Preferences/Logging")
+ (subpath "/private/var/preferences/Logging")
+ (subpath "/private/var/db/timezone")
(subpath "/Library/Preferences/Logging"))
(iokit-user-client-class "wlDNSOffloadUserClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "RootDomainUserClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient"))))
+; Internal builds only
+(with-filter (system-attribute apple-internal)
+ (allow sysctl-read sysctl-write
+ (sysctl-name "vm.footprint_suspend"))) ; dyld performance reporting