Change History (most recent first):
$Log: mDNSMacOSX.c,v $
+Revision 1.536 2008/03/25 01:27:30 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5810718> Status sometimes wrong when link goes down
+Revision 1.535 2008/03/14 22:52:51 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5321824> write status to the DS
+Ignore duplicate queries, which don't get established (since they're duplicates)
+Revision 1.534 2008/03/12 22:58:15 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5321824> write status to the DS
+Revision 1.533 2008/03/07 00:48:54 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5321824> write status to the DS
+cleanup strings
+Revision 1.532 2008/03/06 23:44:39 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5321824> write status to the DS
+cleanup function names & log messages
+add external port numbers to dictionary
+add defensive code in case CF*Create fails
+don't output NAT statuses if zero
+Revision 1.531 2008/03/06 21:27:47 cheshire
+<rdar://problem/5500969> BTMM: Need ability to identify version of mDNSResponder client
+To save network bandwidth, removed unnecessary redundant information from HINFO record
+Revision 1.530 2008/03/06 03:15:48 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5321824> write status to the DS
+use mStatus_* instead of kDNSServiceErr_*
+Revision 1.529 2008/03/06 02:48:35 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5321824> write status to the DS
+Revision 1.528 2008/02/29 01:33:57 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5611801> BTMM: Services stay registered after previously successful NAT Port mapping fails
+Revision 1.527 2008/02/28 03:25:26 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5535772> config cleanup on shutdown/reboot
+Revision 1.526 2008/02/26 21:43:54 cheshire
+Renamed 'clockdivisor' to 'mDNSPlatformClockDivisor' (LogTimeStamps code needs to be able to access it)
+Revision 1.525 2008/02/20 00:53:20 cheshire
+<rdar://problem/5492035> getifaddrs is returning invalid netmask family for fw0 and vmnet
+Removed overly alarming syslog message
+Revision 1.524 2008/01/31 22:25:10 jgraessley
+<rdar://problem/5715434> using default Macintosh-0016CBF62EFD.local
+Use sysctlbyname to get hardware type for the default name.
+Revision 1.523 2008/01/15 01:32:56 jgraessley
+Bug #: 5595309
+Reviewed by: Stuart Cheshire
+Additional change to print warning message up to 1000 times to make it more visible
+Revision 1.522 2008/01/15 01:14:02 mcguire
+<rdar://problem/5674390> mDNSPlatformSendUDP should allow unicast queries on specific interfaces
+removed check and log message, as they are no longer relevant
Revision 1.521 2007/12/14 00:58:28 cheshire
<rdar://problem/5526800> BTMM: Need to deregister records and services on shutdown/sleep
Additional fixes: When going to sleep, mDNSResponder needs to postpone sleep
#pragma mark - Globals
-static mDNSu32 clockdivisor = 0;
mDNSexport int KQueueFD;
int s = -1, err;
mStatus result = mStatus_NoError;
- // Sanity check: Make sure that if we're sending a query via unicast, we're sending it using our
- // anonymous socket created for this purpose, so that we'll receive the response.
- // If we use one of the many multicast sockets bound to port 5353 then we may not receive responses reliably.
- if (InterfaceID && !mDNSAddrIsDNSMulticast(dst))
- if ((((DNSMessage *)msg)->h.flags.b[0] & kDNSFlag0_QR_Mask) == kDNSFlag0_QR_Query)
- LogMsg("mDNSPlatformSendUDP: ERROR: Sending query OP from mDNS port to non-mDNS destination %#a:%d", dst, mDNSVal16(dstPort));
if (dst->type == mDNSAddrType_IPv4)
struct sockaddr_in *sin_to = (struct sockaddr_in*)&to;
static int displayed = 0;
- if (!displayed)
+ if (displayed < 1000)
- displayed = 1;
+ displayed++;
LogOperation("IP_FORCE_OUT_IFP Socket option not defined -- cannot specify interface for unicast packets");
static mDNSBool AnonymousRacoonConfig = mDNSfalse;
+static CFMutableDictionaryRef domainStatusDict = NULL;
+// MUST be called with lock held
+mDNSlocal void RemoveAutoTunnelDomainStatus(const DomainAuthInfo *const info)
+ {
+ char buffer[1024];
+ CFStringRef domain;
+ LogOperation("RemoveAutoTunnelDomainStatus: %##s", info->domain.c);
+ if (!domainStatusDict) { LogMsg("RemoveAutoTunnelDomainStatus: No domainStatusDict"); return; }
+ buffer[mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%##s", info->domain.c) - 1] = 0;
+ domain = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, buffer, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ if (!domain) { LogMsg("RemoveAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFString domain"); return; }
+ if (CFDictionaryContainsKey(domainStatusDict, domain))
+ {
+ CFDictionaryRemoveValue(domainStatusDict, domain);
+ mDNSDynamicStoreSetConfig(kmDNSBackToMyMacConfig, domainStatusDict);
+ }
+ CFRelease(domain);
+ }
+// MUST be called with lock held
+mDNSlocal void UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus(const mDNS *const m, const DomainAuthInfo *const info)
+ {
+ (void)m;
+ (void)info;
+ const NATTraversalInfo *const llq = m->LLQNAT.clientContext ? &m->LLQNAT : mDNSNULL;
+ const NATTraversalInfo *const tun = info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientContext ? &info->AutoTunnelNAT : mDNSNULL;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ CFStringRef domain = NULL;
+ CFStringRef tmp = NULL;
+ CFNumberRef num = NULL;
+ mStatus status = mStatus_NoError;
+ if (!domainStatusDict)
+ {
+ domainStatusDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ if (!domainStatusDict) { LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFDictionary domainStatusDict"); return; }
+ }
+ if (!dict) { LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFDictionary dict"); return; }
+ buffer[mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%##s", info->domain.c) - 1] = 0;
+ domain = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, buffer, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ if (!domain) { LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFString domain"); return; }
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%#a", &m->Router);
+ tmp = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, buffer, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ if (!tmp)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFString RouterAddress");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("RouterAddress"), tmp);
+ CFRelease(tmp);
+ }
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4a", &m->ExternalAddress);
+ tmp = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, buffer, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ if (!tmp)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFString ExternalAddress");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("ExternalAddress"), tmp);
+ CFRelease(tmp);
+ }
+ if (llq)
+ {
+ mDNSu32 port = mDNSVal16(llq->ExternalPort);
+ num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &port);
+ if (!num)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFNumber LLQExternalPort");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("LLQExternalPort"), num);
+ CFRelease(num);
+ }
+ if (llq->Result)
+ {
+ num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &llq->Result);
+ if (!num)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFNumber LLQNPMStatus");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("LLQNPMStatus"), num);
+ CFRelease(num);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tun)
+ {
+ mDNSu32 port = mDNSVal16(tun->ExternalPort);
+ num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &port);
+ if (!num)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFNumber AutoTunnelExternalPort");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("AutoTunnelExternalPort"), num);
+ CFRelease(num);
+ }
+ if (tun->Result)
+ {
+ num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &tun->Result);
+ if (!num)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFNumber AutoTunnelNPMStatus");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("AutoTunnelNPMStatus"), num);
+ CFRelease(num);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!llq && !tun)
+ {
+ status = mStatus_NotInitializedErr;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Neither LLQ nor AutoTunnel NAT port mapping is currently active");
+ }
+ else if ((llq && llq->Result == mStatus_DoubleNAT) || (tun && tun->Result == mStatus_DoubleNAT))
+ {
+ status = mStatus_DoubleNAT;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Double NAT: Router is reporting an external address");
+ }
+ else if ((llq && llq->Result) || (tun && tun->Result))
+ {
+ status = mStatus_NATTraversal;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Error obtaining NAT port mapping from router");
+ }
+ else if (m->Router.type == mDNSAddrType_None)
+ {
+ status = mStatus_NoRouter;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "No network connection - none");
+ }
+ else if (m->Router.type == mDNSAddrType_IPv4 && mDNSIPv4AddressIsZero(m->Router.ip.v4))
+ {
+ status = mStatus_NoRouter;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "No network connection - v4 zero");
+ }
+ else if ((llq && mDNSIPPortIsZero(llq->ExternalPort)) || (tun && mDNSIPPortIsZero(tun->ExternalPort)))
+ {
+ status = mStatus_NATTraversal;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Unable to obtain NAT port mapping from router");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DNSQuestion* q;
+ for (q = m->Questions; q; q=q->next)
+ if (q->LongLived && q->AuthInfo == info && q->state == LLQ_Poll)
+ {
+ status = mStatus_PollingMode;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Query polling %##s", q->qname.c);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (status == mStatus_NoError)
+ for (q = m->Questions; q; q=q->next)
+ if (q->LongLived && q->AuthInfo == info && q->state != LLQ_Established && !q->DuplicateOf)
+ {
+ status = mStatus_TransientErr;
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Query not yet established %##s", q->qname.c);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (status == mStatus_NoError) mDNS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Success");
+ }
+ num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &status);
+ if (!num)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFNumber StatusCode");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("StatusCode"), num);
+ CFRelease(num);
+ }
+ tmp = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, buffer, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ if (!tmp)
+ LogMsg("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: Could not create CFString StatusMessage");
+ else
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("StatusMessage"), tmp);
+ CFRelease(tmp);
+ }
+ if (!CFDictionaryContainsKey(domainStatusDict, domain) ||
+ !CFEqual(dict, (CFMutableDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(domainStatusDict, domain)))
+ {
+ CFDictionarySetValue(domainStatusDict, domain, dict);
+ mDNSDynamicStoreSetConfig(kmDNSBackToMyMacConfig, domainStatusDict);
+ }
+ CFRelease(domain);
+ CFRelease(dict);
+ LogOperation("UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus: %s", buffer);
+ }
+// MUST be called with lock held
+mDNSexport void UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatuses(const mDNS *const m)
+ {
+ (void)m;
+ DomainAuthInfo* info;
+ for (info = m->AuthInfoList; info; info = info->next)
+ if (info->AutoTunnel && !info->deltime)
+ UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus(m, info);
+ }
// MUST be called with lock held
mDNSlocal mDNSBool TunnelServers(mDNS *const m)
if (result == mStatus_MemFree)
LogOperation("AutoTunnelRecordCallback MemFree %s", ARDisplayString(m, rr));
+ // Reset the host record namestorage to force high-level PTR/SRV/TXT to deregister
+ if (rr == &info->AutoTunnelHostRecord)
+ {
+ rr->namestorage.c[0] = 0;
+ m->NextSRVUpdate = NonZeroTime(m->timenow);
+ }
// Create or revert configuration file, and start (or SIGHUP) Racoon
(void)mDNSConfigureServer(AnonymousRacoonConfig ? kmDNSUp : kmDNSDown, info ? info->b64keydata : "");
+ UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus(m, (DomainAuthInfo *)n->clientContext);
mDNSlocal void AbortDeregistration(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *rr)
#pragma mark - Power State & Configuration Change Management
+mDNSlocal void GenerateDefaultName(const mDNSEthAddr PrimaryMAC, char *buffer, mDNSu32 length)
+ char hwName[32];
+ size_t hwNameLen = sizeof(hwName);
+ hwName[0] = 0;
+ if (sysctlbyname("hw.model", &hwName, &hwNameLen, NULL, 0) == 0)
+ {
+ // hw.model contains a number like iMac6,1. We want the "iMac" part.
+ hwName[sizeof(hwName) - 1] = 0;
+ char *ptr;
+ for (ptr = hwName; *ptr != 0; ptr++)
+ {
+ if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') *ptr = 0;
+ if (*ptr == ',') break;
+ }
+ // Prototype model names do not contain commas, do not use prototype names
+ if (*ptr != ',') hwName[0] = 0;
+ }
+ if (hwName[0] == 0) strlcpy(hwName, "Device", sizeof(hwName));
+ mDNS_snprintf(buffer, length, "%s-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", hwName,
+ PrimaryMAC.b[0], PrimaryMAC.b[1], PrimaryMAC.b[2], PrimaryMAC.b[3], PrimaryMAC.b[4], PrimaryMAC.b[5]);
mDNSlocal mStatus UpdateInterfaceList(mDNS *const m, mDNSs32 utc)
mDNSBool foundav4 = mDNSfalse;
struct ifaddrs *v4Loopback = NULL;
struct ifaddrs *v6Loopback = NULL;
mDNSEthAddr PrimaryMAC = zeroEthAddr;
- char defaultname[32];
+ char defaultname[64];
#ifndef NO_IPV6
int InfoSocket = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (InfoSocket < 3 && errno != EAFNOSUPPORT) LogMsg("UpdateInterfaceList: InfoSocket error %d errno %d (%s)", InfoSocket, errno, strerror(errno));
LogMsg("getifaddrs: ifa_netmask is NULL for %5s(%d) Flags %04X Family %2d %#a",
ifa->ifa_name, if_nametoindex(ifa->ifa_name), ifa->ifa_flags, ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family, &ip);
- else if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != ifa->ifa_netmask->sa_family)
+ // Apparently it's normal for the sa_family of an ifa_netmask to sometimes be zero, so we don't complain about that
+ // <rdar://problem/5492035> getifaddrs is returning invalid netmask family for fw0 and vmnet
+ else if (ifa->ifa_netmask->sa_family != ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family && ifa->ifa_netmask->sa_family != 0)
mDNSAddr ip;
SetupAddr(&ip, ifa->ifa_addr);
+ // Make sure ifa_netmask->sa_family is set correctly
+ // <rdar://problem/5492035> getifaddrs is returning invalid netmask family for fw0 and vmnet
+ ifa->ifa_netmask->sa_family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family;
int ifru_flags6 = 0;
#ifndef NO_IPV6
struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr;
m->AutoTunnelHostAddr.b[0xC], m->AutoTunnelHostAddr.b[0xD], m->AutoTunnelHostAddr.b[0xE], m->AutoTunnelHostAddr.b[0xF]);
LogOperation("m->AutoTunnelLabel %#s", m->AutoTunnelLabel.c);
- #ifndef kDefaultLocalHostNamePrefix
- #define kDefaultLocalHostNamePrefix "Macintosh"
- #endif
- mDNS_snprintf(defaultname, sizeof(defaultname), kDefaultLocalHostNamePrefix "-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
- PrimaryMAC.b[0], PrimaryMAC.b[1], PrimaryMAC.b[2], PrimaryMAC.b[3], PrimaryMAC.b[4], PrimaryMAC.b[5]);
+ GenerateDefaultName(PrimaryMAC, defaultname, sizeof(defaultname));
// Set up the nice label
domainlabel nicelabel;
ifa->ifa_netmask &&
!(ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) &&
!SetupAddr(&a, ifa->ifa_addr) &&
- !SetupAddr(&n, ifa->ifa_netmask) &&
!mDNSv4AddressIsLinkLocal(&a.ip.v4) )
+ // Apparently it's normal for the sa_family of an ifa_netmask to sometimes be incorrect, so we explicitly fix it here before calling SetupAddr
+ // <rdar://problem/5492035> getifaddrs is returning invalid netmask family for fw0 and vmnet
+ ifa->ifa_netmask->sa_family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family; // Make sure ifa_netmask->sa_family is set correctly
+ SetupAddr(&n, ifa->ifa_netmask);
// Note: This is reverse order compared to a normal dotted-decimal IP address, so we can't use our customary "%.4a" format code
mDNS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "", a.ip.v4.b[3] & n.ip.v4.b[3],
a.ip.v4.b[2] & n.ip.v4.b[2],
LogOperation("SetDomainSecrets: secret changed for %##s", &domain);
(void)mDNSConfigureServer(kmDNSUp, stringbuf);
+ if (ptr->AutoTunnel) UpdateAutoTunnelDomainStatus(m, ptr);
#endif APPLE_OSX_mDNSResponder
ConvertDomainNameToCString(&domain, stringbuf);
DomainAuthInfo *info = m->AuthInfoList;
while (info)
- if (info->AutoTunnel && info->deltime && info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientContext)
+ if (info->AutoTunnel && info->deltime)
- // stop the NAT operation
- mDNS_StopNATOperation_internal(m, &info->AutoTunnelNAT);
- if (info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientCallback)
+ if (info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientContext)
- // Reset port and let the AutoTunnelNATCallback handle cleanup
- info->AutoTunnelNAT.ExternalAddress = m->ExternalAddress;
- info->AutoTunnelNAT.ExternalPort = zeroIPPort;
- info->AutoTunnelNAT.Lifetime = 0;
- info->AutoTunnelNAT.Result = mStatus_NoError;
- mDNS_DropLockBeforeCallback(); // Allow client to legally make mDNS API calls from the callback
- info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientCallback(m, &info->AutoTunnelNAT);
- mDNS_ReclaimLockAfterCallback(); // Decrement mDNS_reentrancy to block mDNS API calls again
+ // stop the NAT operation
+ mDNS_StopNATOperation_internal(m, &info->AutoTunnelNAT);
+ if (info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientCallback)
+ {
+ // Reset port and let the AutoTunnelNATCallback handle cleanup
+ info->AutoTunnelNAT.ExternalAddress = m->ExternalAddress;
+ info->AutoTunnelNAT.ExternalPort = zeroIPPort;
+ info->AutoTunnelNAT.Lifetime = 0;
+ info->AutoTunnelNAT.Result = mStatus_NoError;
+ mDNS_DropLockBeforeCallback(); // Allow client to legally make mDNS API calls from the callback
+ info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientCallback(m, &info->AutoTunnelNAT);
+ mDNS_ReclaimLockAfterCallback(); // Decrement mDNS_reentrancy to block mDNS API calls again
+ }
+ info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientContext = mDNSNULL;
- info->AutoTunnelNAT.clientContext = mDNSNULL;
+ RemoveAutoTunnelDomainStatus(info);
info = info->next;
if (!major) { major=8; LogMsg("Note: No Major Build Version number found; assuming 8"); }
- if (HINFO_SWstring) mDNS_snprintf(HINFO_SWstring, 256, "%s %s (%s), %s", prodname, prodvers, buildver, mDNSResponderVersionString);
+ if (HINFO_SWstring) mDNS_snprintf(HINFO_SWstring, 256, "%s %s (%s), %s", prodname, prodvers, buildver, STRINGIFY(mDNSResponderVersion));
#if APPLE_OSX_mDNSResponder
+ // clean up tunnels
+ while (m->TunnelClients)
+ {
+ ClientTunnel *cur = m->TunnelClients;
+ LogOperation("mDNSPlatformClose: removing client tunnel %p %##s from list", cur, cur->dstname.c);
+ if (cur->q.ThisQInterval >= 0) mDNS_StopQuery(m, &cur->q);
+ AutoTunnelSetKeys(cur, mDNSfalse);
+ m->TunnelClients = cur->next;
+ freeL("ClientTunnel", cur);
+ }
+ if (AnonymousRacoonConfig)
+ {
+ AnonymousRacoonConfig = mDNSfalse;
+ LogOperation("mDNSPlatformClose: Deconfiguring autotunnel");
+ (void)mDNSConfigureServer(kmDNSDown, "");
+ }
if (m->AutoTunnelHostAddrActive && m->AutoTunnelHostAddr.b[0])
m->AutoTunnelHostAddrActive = mDNSfalse;
- LogMsg("Removing AutoTunnel address %.16a", &m->AutoTunnelHostAddr);
+ LogOperation("mDNSPlatformClose: Removing AutoTunnel address %.16a", &m->AutoTunnelHostAddr);
(void)mDNSAutoTunnelInterfaceUpDown(kmDNSDown, m->AutoTunnelHostAddr.b);
#endif // APPLE_OSX_mDNSResponder
mDNSexport mDNSs32 mDNSPlatformOneSecond = 1000;
+mDNSexport mDNSu32 mDNSPlatformClockDivisor = 0;
mDNSexport mStatus mDNSPlatformTimeInit(void)
// When we ship Macs with clock frequencies above 1000GHz, we may have to update this code.
struct mach_timebase_info tbi;
kern_return_t result = mach_timebase_info(&tbi);
- if (result == KERN_SUCCESS) clockdivisor = ((uint64_t)tbi.denom * 1000000) / tbi.numer;
+ if (result == KERN_SUCCESS) mDNSPlatformClockDivisor = ((uint64_t)tbi.denom * 1000000) / tbi.numer;
mDNSexport mDNSs32 mDNSPlatformRawTime(void)
- if (clockdivisor == 0) { LogMsg("mDNSPlatformRawTime called before mDNSPlatformTimeInit"); return(0); }
+ if (mDNSPlatformClockDivisor == 0) { LogMsg("mDNSPlatformRawTime called before mDNSPlatformTimeInit"); return(0); }
static uint64_t last_mach_absolute_time = 0;
//static uint64_t last_mach_absolute_time = 0x8000000000000000LL; // Use this value for testing the alert display
last_mach_absolute_time = this_mach_absolute_time;
- return((mDNSs32)(this_mach_absolute_time / clockdivisor));
+ return((mDNSs32)(this_mach_absolute_time / mDNSPlatformClockDivisor));
mDNSexport mDNSs32 mDNSPlatformUTC(void)