// RequirementSet => set of labeled requirements (Requirements *)
// The grammar can "autosense" - i.e. recognize which one it's fed and
// return appropriate semantic data.
// The semantic data compiled is a malloc'ed BlobCore * - a Requirement
// object or a SuperBlob containing multiple Requirements.
+// Errors are indicated to the caller by accumulating error message strings
+// in the errors member variable. Any non-empty error value indicates failure.
+// Presence of semantic data is not a reliable indication of success.
header "post_include_hpp" {
#include "requirement.h"
using namespace CodeSigning;
#include "csutilities.h"
#include <security_utilities/cfutilities.h>
#include <security_utilities/hashing.h>
+#include <security_cdsa_utilities/cssmdata.h> // OID coding
using namespace CodeSigning;
typedef Requirement::Maker Maker;
- // Collect error messages
+ // Collect error messages.
+ // Note that the immediate caller takes the absence of collected error messages
+ // to indicate compilation success.
void RequirementParser::reportError(const antlr::RecognitionException &ex)
throw antlr::SemanticException("invalid hash length");
memcpy(hash, hexString(s).data(), SHA1::digestLength);
+ void RequirementParser::certMatchOperation(Maker &maker, int slot, string key)
+ {
+ if (!key.compare(0, 8, "subject.", 0, 8)) {
+ maker.put(opCertField);
+ maker.put(slot);
+ maker.put(key);
+ } else if (!key.compare(0, 6, "field.", 0, 6)) {
+ maker.put(opCertGeneric);
+ maker.put(slot);
+ CssmAutoData oid(Allocator::standard()); oid.fromOid(key.c_str() + 6);
+ maker.putData(oid.data(), oid.length());
+ } else {
+ throw antlr::SemanticException(key + ": unrecognized certificate field");
+ }
+ }
class RequirementParser extends Parser;
options {
static string hexString(const string &s);
static void hashString(const string &s, SHA1::Digest hash);
+ void certMatchOperation(Maker &maker, int slot, string key);
{ maker.put(opFalse); }
| certspec[maker]
| infospec[maker]
+ | entitlementspec[maker]
| "identifier" { string code; } eql code=identifierString
{ maker.ident(code); }
- | "cdhash" { SHA1::Digest digest; } hash[digest]
+ | "cdhash" { SHA1::Digest digest; } eql hash[digest]
{ maker.cdhash(digest); }
// Certificate specifications restrict certificates in the signing chain
certspec[Maker &maker]
- : "anchor" "apple"
- { maker.put(opAppleAnchor); }
+ : "anchor" "apple" appleanchor[maker]
+ | "anchor" "generic" "apple" // alternate form
+ { maker.put(opAppleGenericAnchor); }
| ( "certificate" | "cert" | "anchor" ) "trusted"
{ maker.trustedAnchor(); }
| ( "certificate" | "cert" ) { int slot; } slot=certSlot
| "anchor" certslotspec[maker, Requirement::anchorCert]
+appleanchor[Maker &maker]
+ : empty
+ { maker.put(opAppleAnchor); }
+ | "generic"
+ { maker.put(opAppleGenericAnchor); }
+ ;
certslotspec[Maker &maker, int slot] { string key; }
: eql { SHA1::Digest digest; } certificateDigest[digest]
{ maker.anchor(slot, digest); }
| key=bracketKey
- { maker.put(opCertField); maker.put(slot); maker.put(key); }
+ { certMatchOperation(maker, slot, key); }
+// Entitlement specifications place conditions on embedded entitlement entries
+entitlementspec[Maker &maker] { string key; }
+ : "entitlement" key=bracketKey
+ { maker.put(opEntitlementField); maker.put(key); }
+ match_suffix[maker]
+ ;
+// Common match operations, written as a syntactic suffix (the operand precedes this)
match_suffix[Maker &maker]
- : empty
+ : empty ( "exists" ) ?
{ maker.put(matchExists); }
- | EQL { string value; } value=datavalue
- { maker.put(matchEqual); maker.put(value); }
+ | ( EQL | EQQL )
+ { MatchOperation mop = matchEqual; string value; }
+ ( STAR { mop = matchEndsWith; } ) ?
+ value=datavalue
+ ( STAR { mop = (mop == matchEndsWith) ? matchContains : matchBeginsWith; } ) ?
+ { maker.put(mop); maker.put(value); }
| SUBS { string value; } value=datavalue
{ maker.put(matchContains); maker.put(value); }
+ | LESS { string value; } value=datavalue
+ { maker.put(matchLessThan); maker.put(value); }
+ | GT { string value; } value=datavalue
+ { maker.put(matchGreaterThan); maker.put(value); }
+ | LE { string value; } value=datavalue
+ { maker.put(matchLessEqual); maker.put(value); }
+ | GE { string value; } value=datavalue
+ { maker.put(matchGreaterEqual); maker.put(value); }
bracketKey returns [string key]
{ slot = Requirement::anchorCert; }
-certSlotAnchor returns [int slot]
- : slot=certSlot
- | empty // defaults to anchor ( == 0)
- { slot = Requirement::anchorCert; }
- ;
// an arbitrary digest value
hash[SHA1::Digest digest]
+ | EQQL
| empty
// The lexer for the Requirement language.
// Really straightforward and conventional.
-// A subset of strings don't need to be quoted (DOTKEYs), though the disassembler
-// will always quote them anyway.
-// There's a syntax H"abcd" to denote hash values (in hex).
+// A subset of strings don't need to be quoted (DOTKEYs). Neither do some simple
+// pathnames starting with "/".
+// Hash values have a special syntax H"abcd" (abcd in straight hex).
+// Hex constants of the form 0xabcd can have any length; they are carried
+// around as strings (which are in turn stored as data in the language binary).
class RequirementLexer extends Lexer;
DOTKEY options { testLiterals=true; }
- : IDENT ( "." IDENT )*
+ : IDENT ( "." ( IDENT | INTEGER ) )*
RPAREN : ')' ;
LBRACK : '[' ;
RBRACK : ']' ;
+LESS : '<' ;
+GT : '>' ;
+LE : "<=" ;
+GE : ">=" ;
COMMA : ',' ;
EQL : '=' ;
+EQQL : "==" ;
SUBS : '~' ;
NEG : '-' ;
NOT : '!' ;
+STAR : '*' ;