mach_port_t subport;
CALL(host, findGuest, guestRef(), attrPtr, attrLength,
&guestPath, &guestPathLength, &subport);
- secdebug("genericcode", "%p found guest chain length=%d",
- this, guestPathLength);
+ CODESIGN_GUEST_LOCATE_GENERIC(this, guestPath, guestPathLength, subport);
SecPointer<SecCode> code = this;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < guestPathLength; n++)
code = new GenericCode(code, guestPath[n]);
-// Map a guest to its StaticCode.
+// Identify a guest by returning its StaticCode and running CodeDirectory hash.
// This uses cshosting RPCs to ask the host (or its proxy).
-SecStaticCode *GenericCode::mapGuestToStatic(SecCode *guest)
+SecStaticCode *GenericCode::identifyGuest(SecCode *guest, CFDataRef *cdhashOut)
+ if (GenericCode *iguest = dynamic_cast<GenericCode *>(guest)) {
+ FilePathOut path;
+ CFRef<CFDataRef> cdhash;
+ CFDictionary attributes(errSecCSHostProtocolInvalidAttribute);
+ identifyGuest(iguest->guestRef(), path, cdhash.aref(), attributes.aref());
+ DiskRep::Context ctx;
+ if (CFNumberRef architecture = attributes.get<CFNumberRef>(kSecGuestAttributeArchitecture)) {
+ cpu_type_t cpu = cfNumber<cpu_type_t>(architecture);
+ if (CFNumberRef subarchitecture = attributes.get<CFNumberRef>(kSecGuestAttributeSubarchitecture))
+ ctx.arch = Architecture(cpu, cfNumber<cpu_subtype_t>(subarchitecture));
+ else
+ ctx.arch = Architecture(cpu);
+ }
+ SecPointer<GenericStaticCode> code = new GenericStaticCode(DiskRep::bestGuess(path, &ctx));
+ CODESIGN_GUEST_IDENTIFY_GENERIC(iguest, iguest->guestRef(), code);
+ if (cdhash) {
+ CODESIGN_GUEST_CDHASH_GENERIC(iguest, (void *)CFDataGetBytePtr(cdhash), CFDataGetLength(cdhash));
+ *cdhashOut = cdhash.yield();
+ }
+ return code.yield();
+ } else
+ MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSNotAHost);
+// helper to drive the identifyGuest hosting IPC and return results as CF objects
+void GenericCode::identifyGuest(SecGuestRef guest, char *path, CFDataRef &cdhash, CFDictionaryRef &attributes)
if (Port host = hostingPort()) {
- char path[MAXPATHLEN];
- CALL(host, guestPath, safe_cast<GenericCode *>(guest)->guestRef(), path);
- return (new GenericStaticCode(DiskRep::bestGuess(path)))->retain();
+ HashDataOut hash;
+ uint32_t hashLength;
+ XMLBlobOut attr;
+ uint32_t attrLength;
+ CALL(host, identifyGuest, guest, path, hash, &hashLength, &attr, &attrLength);
+ if (hashLength)
+ cdhash = makeCFData(hash, hashLength);
+ if (attrLength) {
+ CFRef<CFDataRef> attrData = makeCFData(attr, attrLength);
+ attributes = makeCFDictionaryFrom(attrData);
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef hattr = makeCFMutableDictionary(attributes);
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(hattr, kSecGuestAttributeArchitecture, CFTempNumber(CPU_TYPE_POWERPC));
+ CFRelease(attributes);
+ attributes = hattr;
+ }
} else
// Get the Code Signing Status Word for a Code.
// This uses cshosting RPCs to ask the host (or its proxy).
-uint32_t GenericCode::getGuestStatus(SecCode *guest)
+SecCodeStatus GenericCode::getGuestStatus(SecCode *guest)
if (Port host = hostingPort()) {
uint32_t status;
+// Status changes are transmitted through the cshosting RPCs.
+void GenericCode::changeGuestStatus(SecCode *iguest, SecCodeStatusOperation operation, CFDictionaryRef arguments)
+ if (/* GenericCode *guest = */dynamic_cast<GenericCode *>(iguest))
+ switch (operation) {
+ case kSecCodeOperationNull:
+ break;
+ case kSecCodeOperationInvalidate:
+ case kSecCodeOperationSetHard:
+ case kSecCodeOperationSetKill:
+ MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSUnimplemented);
+ break;
+ default:
+ MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSUnimplemented);
+ }
+ else
+ MacOSError::throwMe(errSecCSNoSuchCode);
// Return the Hosting Port for this Code.
// May return MACH_PORT_NULL if the code is not a code host.
Port GenericCode::hostingPort()
if (!mHostingPort) {
- if (staticCode()->codeDirectory()->flags & kSecCodeSignatureHost)
+ if (staticCode()->codeDirectory()->flags & kSecCodeSignatureHost) {
mHostingPort = getHostingPort();
+ }
return mHostingPort;