]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/libsecurity_codesigning.git/blob - lib/SecCode.h
[apple/libsecurity_codesigning.git] / lib / SecCode.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 /*!
25 @header SecCode
26 SecCode represents separately indentified running code in the system.
27 In addition to UNIX processes, this can also include (with suitable support)
28 scripts, applets, widgets, etc.
29 */
30 #ifndef _H_SECCODE
31 #define _H_SECCODE
33 #include <Security/CSCommon.h>
35 #ifdef __cplusplus
36 extern "C" {
37 #endif
40 /*!
41 @function SecCodeGetTypeID
42 Returns the type identifier of all SecCode instances.
43 */
44 CFTypeID SecCodeGetTypeID(void);
47 /*!
48 @function SecCodeCopySelf
49 Obtains a SecCode object for the code making the call.
50 The calling code is determined in a way that is subject to modification over
51 time, but obeys the following rules. If it is a UNIX process, its process id (pid)
52 is always used. If it is an active code host that has a dedicated guest, such a guest
53 is always preferred. If it is a host that has called SecHostSelectGuest, such selection
54 is considered until revoked.
56 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
57 @param self Upon successful return, contains a SecCodeRef representing the caller.
59 @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
60 CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
61 */
62 OSStatus SecCodeCopySelf(SecCSFlags flags, SecCodeRef *self);
65 /*!
66 @function SecCodeCopyStaticCode
67 Given a SecCode object, locate its origin in the file system and return
68 a SecStaticCode object representing it.
70 The link established by this call is generally reliable but is NOT guaranteed
71 to be secure.
73 Many API functions taking SecStaticCodeRef arguments will also directly
74 accept a SecCodeRef and apply this translation implicitly, operating on
75 its result or returning its error code if any. Each of these functions
76 calls out that behavior in its documentation.
78 If the code was obtained from a universal (aka "fat") program file,
79 the resulting SecStaticCodeRef will refer only to the architecture actually
80 being used. This means that multiple running codes started from the same file
81 may conceivably result in different static code references if they ended up
82 using different execution architectures. (This is unusual but possible.)
84 @param code A valid SecCode object reference representing code running
85 on the system.
86 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
87 @param staticCode On successful return, a SecStaticCode object reference representing
88 the file system origin of the given SecCode. On error, unchanged.
89 @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
90 CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
91 */
92 OSStatus SecCodeCopyStaticCode(SecCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags, SecStaticCodeRef *staticCode);
95 /*!
96 @function SecCodeCopyHost
97 Given a SecCode object, identify the (different) SecCode object that acts
98 as its host. A SecCode's host acts as a supervisor and controller,
99 and is the ultimate authority on the its dynamic validity and status.
100 The host relationship is securely established (absent reported errors).
102 @param code A valid SecCode object reference representing code running
103 on the system.
104 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
105 @param host On successful return, a SecCode object reference identifying
106 the code's host.
107 @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
108 CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
109 */
110 OSStatus SecCodeCopyHost(SecCodeRef guest, SecCSFlags flags, SecCodeRef *host);
113 /*!
114 @function SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes
115 This is the omnibus API function for obtaining dynamic code references.
116 In general, it asks a particular code acting as a code host to locate
117 and return a guest with given attributes. Different hosts support
118 different combinations of attributes and values for guest selection.
120 Asking the NULL host invokes system default procedures for obtaining
121 any running code in the system with the attributes given. The returned
122 code may be anywhere in the system.
124 The methods a host uses to identify, separate, and control its guests
125 are specific to each type of host. This call provides a generic abstraction layer
126 that allows uniform interrogation of all hosts. A SecCode that does not
127 act as a host will always return errSecCSNoSuchCode. A SecCode that does
128 support hosting may return itself to signify that the attribute refers to
129 itself rather than one of its hosts.
131 @param host A valid SecCode object reference representing code running
132 on the system that acts as a Code Signing host. As a special case, passing
133 NULL indicates that the Code Signing root of trust should be used as a starting
134 point. Currently, that is the system kernel.
135 @param attributes A CFDictionary containing zero or more attribute selector
136 values. Each selector has a CFString key and associated CFTypeRef value.
137 The key name identifies the attribute being specified; the associated value,
138 whose type depends on the the key name, selects a particular value or other
139 constraint on that attribute. Each host only supports particular combinations
140 of keys and values, and errors will be returned if any unsupported set is requested.
141 As a special case, NULL is taken to mean an empty attribute set.
142 Note that some hosts that support hosting chains (guests being hosts)
143 may return sub-guests in this call. In other words, do not assume that
144 a SecCodeRef returned by this call is a direct guest of the queried host
145 (though it will be a proximate guest, i.e. a guest's guest some way down).
146 Asking the NULL host for NULL attributes returns a code reference for the system root
147 of trust (at present, the running Darwin kernel).
148 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
149 @param guest On successful return, a SecCode object reference identifying
150 the particular guest of the host that owns the attribute value(s) specified.
151 This argument will not be changed if the call fails (does not return noErr).
152 @result Upon success, noErr. Upon error, an OSStatus value documented in
153 CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers. In particular:
154 @error errSecCSUnsupportedGuestAttributes The host does not support the attribute
155 type given by attributeType.
156 @error errSecCSInvalidAttributeValues The type of value given for a guest
157 attribute is not supported by the host.
158 @error errSecCSNoSuchCode The host has no guest with the attribute value given
159 by attributeValue, even though the value is of a supported type. This may also
160 be returned if the host code does not currently act as a Code Signing host.
161 @error errSecCSNotAHost The specified host cannot, in fact, act as a code
162 host. (It is missing the kSecCodeSignatureHost option flag in its code
163 signature.)
164 @error errSecCSMultipleGuests The attributes specified do not uniquely identify
165 a guest (the specification is ambiguous).
166 */
167 extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeCanonical;
168 extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeHash;
169 extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeMachPort;
170 extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributePid;
171 extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeArchitecture;
172 extern const CFStringRef kSecGuestAttributeSubarchitecture;
174 OSStatus SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(SecCodeRef host,
175 CFDictionaryRef attributes, SecCSFlags flags, SecCodeRef *guest);
178 /*!
179 @function SecCodeCheckValidity
180 Performs dynamic validation of the given SecCode object. The call obtains and
181 verifies the signature on the code object. It checks the validity of only those
182 sealed components required to establish identity. It checks the SecCode's
183 dynamic validity status as reported by its host. It ensures that the SecCode's
184 host is in turn valid. Finally, it validates the code against a SecRequirement
185 if one is given. The call succeeds if all these conditions are satisfactory.
186 It fails otherwise.
188 This call is secure against attempts to modify the file system source of the
189 SecCode.
191 @param code The code object to be validated.
192 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
193 @param requirement An optional code requirement specifying additional conditions
194 the code object must satisfy to be considered valid. If NULL, no additional
195 requirements are imposed.
196 @param errors An optional pointer to a CFErrorRef variable. If the call fails
197 (and something other than noErr is returned), and this argument is non-NULL,
198 a CFErrorRef is stored there further describing the nature and circumstances
199 of the failure. The caller must CFRelease() this error object when done with it.
200 @result If validation passes, noErr. If validation fails, an OSStatus value
201 documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
202 */
203 OSStatus SecCodeCheckValidity(SecCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags,
204 SecRequirementRef requirement);
206 OSStatus SecCodeCheckValidityWithErrors(SecCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags,
207 SecRequirementRef requirement, CFErrorRef *errors);
210 /*!
211 @function SecCodeCopyPath
212 For a given Code or StaticCode object, returns a URL to a location on disk where the
213 code object can be found. For single files, the URL points to that file.
214 For bundles, it points to the directory containing the entire bundle.
216 This returns the same URL as the kSecCodeInfoMainExecutable key returned
217 by SecCodeCopySigningInformation.
219 @param code The Code or StaticCode object to be located. For a Code
220 argument, its StaticCode is processed as per SecCodeCopyStaticCode.
221 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
222 @param path On successful return, contains a CFURL identifying the location
223 on disk of the staticCode object.
224 @result On success, noErr. On error, an OSStatus value
225 documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
226 */
227 OSStatus SecCodeCopyPath(SecStaticCodeRef staticCode, SecCSFlags flags,
228 CFURLRef *path);
231 /*!
232 @function SecCodeCopyDesignatedRequirement
233 For a given Code or StaticCode object, determines its Designated Code Requirement.
234 The Designated Requirement is the SecRequirement that the code believes
235 should be used to properly identify it in the future.
237 If the SecCode contains an explicit Designated Requirement, a copy of that
238 is returned. If it does not, a SecRequirement is implicitly constructed from
239 its signing authority and its embedded unique identifier. No Designated
240 Requirement can be obtained from code that is unsigned. Code that is modified
241 after signature, improperly signed, or has become invalid, may or may not yield
242 a Designated Requirement. This call does not validate the SecStaticCode argument.
244 @param code The Code or StaticCode object to be interrogated. For a Code
245 argument, its StaticCode is processed as per SecCodeCopyStaticCode.
246 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
247 @param requirement On successful return, contains a copy of a SecRequirement
248 object representing the code's Designated Requirement. On error, unchanged.
249 @result On success, noErr. On error, an OSStatus value
250 documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
251 */
252 OSStatus SecCodeCopyDesignatedRequirement(SecStaticCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags,
253 SecRequirementRef *requirement);
256 /*
257 @function SecCodeCopySigningInformation
258 For a given Code or StaticCode object, extract various pieces of information
259 from its code signature and return them in the form of a CFDictionary. The amount
260 and detail level of the data is controlled by the flags passed to the call.
262 If the code exists but is not signed at all, this call will succeed and return
263 a dictionary that does NOT contain the kSecCodeInfoIdentifier key. This is the
264 recommended way to check quickly whether a code is signed.
266 If the signing data for the code is corrupt or invalid, this call may fail or it
267 may return partial data. To ensure that only valid data is returned (and errors
268 are raised for invalid data), you must successfully call one of the CheckValidity
269 functions on the code before calling CopySigningInformation.
271 @param code The Code or StaticCode object to be interrogated. For a Code
272 argument, its StaticCode is processed as per SecCodeCopyStaticCode.
273 Note that dynamic information (kSecCSDynamicInformation) cannot be obtained
274 for a StaticCode argument.
275 @param flags Optional flags. Use any or all of the kSecCS*Information flags
276 to select what information to return. A generic set of entries is returned
277 regardless; you may specify kSecCSDefaultFlags for just those.
278 @param information A CFDictionary containing information about the code is stored
279 here on successful completion. The contents of the dictionary depend on
280 the flags passed. Regardless of flags, the kSecCodeInfoIdentifier key is
281 always present if the code is signed, and always absent if the code is
282 unsigned.
283 Note that some of the objects returned are (retained) "live" API objects
284 used by the code signing infrastructure. Making changes to these objects
285 is unsupported and may cause subsequent code signing operations on the
286 affected code to behave in undefined ways.
287 @result On success, noErr. On error, an OSStatus value
288 documented in CSCommon.h or certain other Security framework headers.
290 Flags:
292 @constant kSecCSSigningInformation Return cryptographic signing information,
293 including the certificate chain and CMS data (if any). For ad-hoc signed
294 code, there are no certificates and the CMS data is empty.
295 @constant kSecCSRequirementInformation Return information about internal code
296 requirements embedded in the code. This includes the Designated Requirement.
297 @constant kSecCSInternalInformation Return internal code signing information.
298 This information is for use by Apple, and is subject to change without notice.
299 It will not be further documented here.
300 @constant kSecCSDynamicInformation Return dynamic validity information about
301 the Code. The subject code must be a SecCodeRef (not a SecStaticCodeRef).
302 @constant kSecCSContentInformation Return more information about the file system
303 contents making up the signed code on disk. It is not generally advisable to
304 make use of this information, but some utilities (such as software-update
305 tools) may find it useful.
307 Dictionary keys:
309 @constant kSecCodeInfoCertificates A CFArray of SecCertificates identifying the
310 certificate chain of the signing certificate as seen by the system. Absent
311 for ad-hoc signed code. May be partial or absent in error cases.
312 @constant kSecCodeInfoChangedFiles A CFArray of CFURLs identifying all files in
313 the code that may have been modified by the process of signing it. (In other
314 words, files not in this list will not have been touched by the signing operation.)
315 @constant kSecCodeInfoCMS A CFData containing the CMS cryptographic object that
316 secures the code signature. Empty for ad-hoc signed code.
317 @constant kSecCodeInfoDesignatedRequirement A SecRequirement describing the
318 actual Designated Requirement of the code.
319 @constant kSecCodeInfoEntitlements A CFData containing the embedded entitlement
320 blob of the code, if any.
321 @constant kSecCodeInfoFormat A CFString characterizing the type and format of
322 the code. Suitable for display to a (knowledeable) user.
323 @constant kSecCodeInfoDigestAlgorithm A CFNumber indicating the kind of cryptographic
324 hash function used within the signature to seal its pieces together.
325 @constant kSecCodeInfoIdentifier A CFString with the actual signing identifier
326 sealed into the signature. Absent for unsigned code.
327 @constant kSecCodeInfoImplicitDesignatedRequirement A SecRequirement describing
328 the designated requirement that the system did generate, or would have generated,
329 for the code. If the Designated Requirement was implicitly generated, this is
330 the same object as kSecCodeInfoDesignatedRequirement; this can be used to test
331 for an explicit Designated Requirement.
332 @constant kSecCodeInfoMainExecutable A CFURL identifying the main executable file
333 of the code. For single files, that is the file itself. For bundles, it is the
334 main executable as identified by its Info.plist.
335 @constant kSecCodeInfoPList A retained CFDictionary referring to the secured Info.plist
336 as seen by code signing. Absent if no Info.plist is known to the code signing
337 subsystem. Note that this is not the same dictionary as the one CFBundle would
338 give you (CFBundle is free to add entries to the on-disk plist).
339 @constant kSecCodeInfoRequirements A CFString describing the internal requirements
340 of the code in canonical syntax.
341 @constant kSecCodeInfoRequirementsData A CFData containing the internal requirements
342 of the code as a binary blob.
343 @constant kSecCodeInfoSource A CFString describing the source of the code signature
344 used for the code object. The values are meant to be shown in informational
345 displays; do not rely on the precise value returned.
346 @constant kSecCodeInfoStatus A CFNumber containing the dynamic status word of the
347 (running) code. This is a snapshot at the time the API is executed and may be
348 out of date by the time you examine it. Do note however that most of the bits
349 are sticky and thus some values are permanently reliable. Be careful.
350 @constant kSecCodeInfoTime A CFDate describing the signing date (securely) embedded
351 in the code signature. Note that a signer is able to omit this date or pre-date
352 it. Nobody certifies that this was really the date the code was signed; however,
353 you do know that this is the date the signer wanted you to see.
354 Ad-hoc signatures have no CMS and thus never have secured signing dates.
355 @constant kSecCodeInfoTrust The (retained) SecTrust object the system uses to
356 evaluate the validity of the code's signature. You may use the SecTrust API
357 to extract detailed information, particularly for reasons why certificate
358 validation may have failed. This object may continue to be used for further
359 evaluations of this code; if you make any changes to it, behavior is undefined.
360 @constant kSecCodeInfoUnique A CFData binary identifier that uniquely identifies
361 the static code in question. It can be used to recognize this particular code
362 (and none other) now or in the future. Compare to kSecCodeInfoIdentifier, which
363 remains stable across (developer-approved) updates.
364 This is currently the SHA-1 hash of the code's CodeDirectory. However, future
365 versions of the system may use a different algorithm for newly signed code.
366 Already-signed code not change the reported value in this case.
367 */
368 enum {
369 kSecCSInternalInformation = 1 << 0,
370 kSecCSSigningInformation = 1 << 1,
371 kSecCSRequirementInformation = 1 << 2,
372 kSecCSDynamicInformation = 1 << 3,
373 kSecCSContentInformation = 1 << 4
374 };
376 /* flag required to get this value */
377 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoCertificates; /* Signing */
378 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoChangedFiles; /* Content */
379 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoCMS; /* Signing */
380 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoDesignatedRequirement; /* Requirement */
381 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoEntitlements; /* Requirement */
382 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoFormat; /* generic */
383 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoDigestAlgorithm; /* generic */
384 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoIdentifier; /* generic */
385 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoImplicitDesignatedRequirement; /* Requirement */
386 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoMainExecutable; /* generic */
387 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoPList; /* generic */
388 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoRequirements; /* Requirement */
389 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoRequirementData; /* Requirement */
390 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoSource; /* generic */
391 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoStatus; /* Dynamic */
392 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoTime; /* Signing */
393 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoTrust; /* Signing */
394 extern const CFStringRef kSecCodeInfoUnique; /* generic */
396 OSStatus SecCodeCopySigningInformation(SecStaticCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags,
397 CFDictionaryRef *information);
400 /*
401 @function SecCodeMapMemory
402 For a given Code or StaticCode object, ask the kernel to accept the signing information
403 currently attached to it in the caller and use it to validate memory page-ins against it,
404 updating dynamic validity state accordingly. This change affects all processes that have
405 the main executable of this code mapped.
407 @param code A Code or StaticCode object representing the signed code whose main executable
408 should be subject to page-in validation.
409 @param flags Optional flags. Pass kSecCSDefaultFlags for standard behavior.
410 */
411 OSStatus SecCodeMapMemory(SecStaticCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags);
414 #ifdef __cplusplus
415 }
416 #endif
418 #endif //_H_SECCODE