-DIRTY_LDFLAGS[sdk=macos*] =
-DYLIB_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-alias_list,$(SRCROOT)/xcodescripts/pthread.aliases -Wl,-umbrella,System -L$(SDK_INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/lib/system -lsystem_kernel -lsystem_platform -ldyld -lcompiler_rt
+LEGACY_ALIAS_LDFLAGS[sdk=macos*][arch=i386*] = -Wl,-alias_list,$(SRCROOT)/xcodescripts/pthread-i386.aliases
+ALIAS_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-alias_list,$(SRCROOT)/xcodescripts/pthread.aliases $(LEGACY_ALIAS_LDFLAGS)
+// rdar://problem/46882983&54282933
+// On macOS, to support the i386 watchOS Simulator, we will continue building
+// libpthread with an i386 slice for the foreseeable future, even though the
+// rest of the OS has dropped i386. (This also applies to libplatform and
+// libsyscall). Normally, dylibs with any dependency on another dylib need
+// to link libdyld for lazy stub binding. libdyld has many dependencies, so
+// that would create a dependency cycle that leads to the whole libSystem
+// umbrella keeping an i386 slice. Instead, ld64 has changed so that the
+// i386 simulator_support slice of libpthread doesn't use lazy binding and so
+// doesn't need -ldyld.
+// So, to break the dependency cycle, macOS libpthread will not link libdyld.
+// All other platforms (including DriverKit on macOS) will continue to link
+// libdyld.
+DYLIB_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-umbrella,System -L$(SDK_INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/lib/system -lsystem_kernel -lsystem_platform $(MACOS_NO_LIBDYLD_LDFLAGS) // Don't add compiler_rt or libdyld