* is preferred.
+#include <Availability.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <Availability.h>
int32_t OSAtomicAdd32Barrier( int32_t __theAmount, volatile int32_t *__theValue );
/*! @abstract Atomically increments a 32-bit value.
@result Returns the new value.
volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
/*! @abstract Atomically increments a 64-bit value.
@result Returns the new value.
This function performs the bitwise OR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicOr32Orig}
except that it also introduces a barrier.
@result Returns the original value referenced by <code>__theValue</code>.
int32_t OSAtomicXor32OrigBarrier( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
/*! @group Compare and swap
* Functions in this group return true if the swap occured. There are several versions,
match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
that memory location atomically.
- This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32} on 32-bit architectures,
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32} on 32-bit architectures,
or {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64} on 64-bit architectures.
@result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLong}
except that it also introduces a barrier.
- This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32} on 32-bit architectures,
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32} on 32-bit architectures,
or {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64} on 64-bit architectures.
@result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
For example, if <code>__theAddress</code> points to a 64-bit value,
to compare the value of the most significant bit, you would specify
<code>56</code> for <code>__n</code>.
Returns the original value of the bit being tested.
This function tests a bit in the value referenced by <code>__theAddress</code>
and if it is not cleared, clears it.
The bit is chosen by the value of <code>__n</code> such that the
operation will be performed on bit <code>(0x80 >> (__n & 7))</code>
of byte <code>((char *)__theAddress + (n >> 3))</code>.
For example, if <code>__theAddress</code> points to a 64-bit value,
to compare the value of the most significant bit, you would specify
<code>56</code> for <code>__n</code>.
This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicTestAndSet}
except that it also introduces a barrier.
bool OSAtomicTestAndClearBarrier( uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress );
/*! @group Memory barriers */
#if __has_attribute(always_inline)
-#define OSATOMIC_INLINE static __inline
#define OSATOMIC_INLINE static __inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
+#define OSATOMIC_INLINE static __inline
+/*! @group Lockless atomic fifo enqueue and dequeue
+ * These routines manipulate singly-linked FIFO lists.
+ *
+ * This API is deprecated and no longer recommended
+ */
+/*! @abstract The data structure for a fifo queue head.
+ @discussion
+ You should always initialize a fifo queue head structure with the
+ initialization vector {@link OS_ATOMIC_FIFO_QUEUE_INIT} before use.
+ */
+#if defined(__LP64__)
+typedef volatile struct {
+ void *opaque1;
+ void *opaque2;
+ int opaque3;
+} __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) OSFifoQueueHead;
+typedef volatile struct {
+ void *opaque1;
+ void *opaque2;
+ int opaque3;
+} OSFifoQueueHead;
+/*! @abstract The initialization vector for a fifo queue head. */
+/*! @abstract Enqueue an element onto a list.
+ @discussion
+ Memory barriers are incorporated as needed to permit thread-safe access
+ to the queue element.
+ @param __list
+ The list on which you want to enqueue the element.
+ @param __new
+ The element to add.
+ @param __offset
+ The "offset" parameter is the offset (in bytes) of the link field
+ from the beginning of the data structure being queued (<code>__new</code>).
+ The link field should be a pointer type.
+ The <code>__offset</code> value needs to be same for all enqueuing and
+ dequeuing operations on the same list, even if different structure types
+ are enqueued on that list. The use of <code>offsetset()</code>, defined in
+ <code>stddef.h</code> is the common way to specify the <code>__offset</code>
+ value.
+ @note
+ This API is deprecated and no longer recommended
+ */
+__API_DEPRECATED("No longer supported", macos(10.7, 10.16))
+void OSAtomicFifoEnqueue( OSFifoQueueHead *__list, void *__new, size_t __offset);
+/*! @abstract Dequeue an element from a list.
+ @discussion
+ Memory barriers are incorporated as needed to permit thread-safe access
+ to the queue element.
+ @param __list
+ The list from which you want to dequeue an element.
+ @param __offset
+ The "offset" parameter is the offset (in bytes) of the link field
+ from the beginning of the data structure being dequeued (<code>__new</code>).
+ The link field should be a pointer type.
+ The <code>__offset</code> value needs to be same for all enqueuing and
+ dequeuing operations on the same list, even if different structure types
+ are enqueued on that list. The use of <code>offsetset()</code>, defined in
+ <code>stddef.h</code> is the common way to specify the <code>__offset</code>
+ value.
+ @result
+ Returns the oldest enqueued element, or <code>NULL</code> if the
+ list is empty.
+ @note
+ This API is deprecated and no longer recommended
+ */
+__API_DEPRECATED("No longer supported", macos(10.7, 10.16))
+void* OSAtomicFifoDequeue( OSFifoQueueHead *__list, size_t __offset);