+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// uint32_t OSAtomicAnd32Orig( uint32_t mask, uint32_t *value);
+ movq $(_COMM_PAGE_COMPARE_AND_SWAP32), %rcx
+ movl %edi, %r11d // save mask
+ movl (%rsi), %eax // get value
+ movq %rsi, %rdx // put ptr where compare-and-swap expects it
+ movl %r11d, %esi // original mask
+ movl %eax, %edi // old value
+ andl %eax, %esi // new value
+ call *%rcx // %edi=old value, %esi=new value. %rdx=ptr
+ jnz 1b
+ movl %edi, %eax
+ ret
+// uint32_t OSAtomicOr32Orig( uint32_t mask, uint32_t *value);
+ movq $(_COMM_PAGE_COMPARE_AND_SWAP32), %rcx
+ movl %edi, %r11d // save mask
+ movl (%rsi), %eax // get value
+ movq %rsi, %rdx // put ptr where compare-and-swap expects it
+ movl %r11d, %esi // original mask
+ movl %eax, %edi // old value
+ orl %eax, %esi // new value
+ call *%rcx // %edi=old value, %esi=new value. %rdx=ptr
+ jnz 1b
+ movl %edi, %eax
+ ret
+// uint32_t OSAtomicXor32Orig( uint32_t mask, uint32_t *value);
+ movq $(_COMM_PAGE_COMPARE_AND_SWAP32), %rcx
+ movl %edi, %r11d // save mask
+ movl (%rsi), %eax // get value
+ movq %rsi, %rdx // put ptr where compare-and-swap expects it
+ movl %r11d, %esi // original mask
+ movl %eax, %edi // old value
+ xorl %eax, %esi // new value
+ call *%rcx // %edi=old value, %esi=new value. %rdx=ptr
+ jnz 1b
+ movl %edi, %eax
+ ret
// bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32( int32_t old, int32_t new, int32_t *value);
call *%rcx // %edi=old value, %esi=new value. %rdx=ptr
sete %al
+ movzbl %al,%eax // widen in case caller assumes we return an int
// bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64( int64_t old, int64_t new, int64_t *value);
call *%rcx // %rdi=old value, %rsi=new value. %rdx=ptr
sete %al
+ movzbl %al,%eax // widen in case caller assumes we return an int
xorl $7, %edi // bit position is numbered big endian
call *%rax
setc %al
+ movzbl %al,%eax // widen in case caller assumes we return an int
xorl $7, %edi // bit position is numbered big endian
call *%rax
setc %al
+ movzbl %al,%eax // widen in case caller assumes we return an int
// bool OSSpinLockTry( OSSpinLock *lock );
.align 2, 0x90
.globl _OSSpinLockTry
+ .globl __spin_lock_try
jmp *%rax
// void OSSpinLockLock( OSSpinLock *lock );
.align 2, 0x90
.globl _OSSpinLockLock
+ .globl _spin_lock
+ .globl __spin_lock
jmp *%rax
// void OSSpinLockUnlock( OSSpinLock *lock );
.align 2, 0x90
.globl _OSSpinLockUnlock
+ .globl _spin_unlock
+ .globl __spin_unlock
movl $0, (%rdi)
.align 2, 0x90
.globl _OSMemoryBarrier
+ jmp *%rax
+ * typedef volatile struct {
+ * void *opaque1; <-- ptr to 1st queue element or null
+ * long opaque2; <-- generation count
+ * } OSQueueHead;
+ *
+ * void OSAtomicEnqueue( OSQueueHead *list, void *new, size_t offset);
+ */
+ .align 2
+ .globl _OSAtomicEnqueue
+_OSAtomicEnqueue: // %rdi == list head, %rsi == new, %rdx == offset
+ pushq %rbx
+ movq %rsi,%rbx // %rbx == new
+ movq %rdx,%rsi // %rsi == offset
+ movq (%rdi),%rax // %rax == ptr to 1st element in Q
+ movq 8(%rdi),%rdx // %rdx == current generation count
+ movq %rax,(%rbx,%rsi)// link to old list head from new element
+ movq %rdx,%rcx
+ incq %rcx // increment generation count
+ lock // always lock for now...
+ cmpxchg16b (%rdi) // ...push on new element
+ jnz 1b
+ popq %rbx
+/* void* OSAtomicDequeue( OSQueueHead *list, size_t offset); */
+ .align 2
+ .globl _OSAtomicDequeue
+_OSAtomicDequeue: // %rdi == list head, %rsi == offset
+ pushq %rbx
+ movq (%rdi),%rax // %rax == ptr to 1st element in Q
+ movq 8(%rdi),%rdx // %rdx == current generation count
+ testq %rax,%rax // list empty?
+ jz 2f // yes
+ movq (%rax,%rsi),%rbx // point to 2nd in Q
+ movq %rdx,%rcx
+ incq %rcx // increment generation count
+ lock // always lock for now...
+ cmpxchg16b (%rdi) // ...pop off 1st element
+ jnz 1b
+ popq %rbx
+ ret // ptr to 1st element in Q still in %rax