-static char profiling = -1; /* tas (test and set) location for NeXT */
-static char init = 0; /* set while moninit() is being serviced */
-static unsigned long order = 0; /* call order */
-typedef struct {
- /* the address range and size this mon struct refers to */
- char *lowpc;
- char *highpc;
- unsigned long textsize;
- /* the data structures to support the arc's and their counts */
- unsigned short *froms; /* froms is unsigned shorts indexing into tos */
- tostruct_t *tos;
- long tolimit;
- /* the pc-sample buffer, it's size and scale */
- char *sbuf;
- long ssiz; /* includes the gmonhdr_t */
- long scale;
-} mon_t;
-static mon_t *mon = NULL;
-static unsigned long nmon = 0;